Chapter 12

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" I've been here for more than 3 days and didn't have any proper conversation with you.." said Krishna while sitting near her, on the bench in the garden.

"You were too busy with my father, you forgot me. " she pouted.

"How could I forget my daughter!" he looked towards her with a mishchevious smile playing on his lips.

"I know!! " she giggled and side hugged him.

It was a clear night, stars were twinkling, owls hooting ocassionaly, crickets chirping and few fireflies flew near them.

"How's everything going? " asked Krishna and hugged her back.

""Good!! " she paused and asked, " I hope my father behaved properly with you! "

"Unfortunately my answer to this question is a no!! You know how he is but his behaviour doesn't effect me now! "

"I'm sorry from his side Tatshree!! " she broke the hug and looked straight in his eyes, a lone tear escaped her eyes.

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, "Why are you sorry my child, it isn't your fault!!" he continued, "So you know what I have surprise for you guess what it could be... "

"I don't know tatshree, please tell me.. " she said excitedly.

"Your Mata Naganjiti is expecting a child and..and.. I'm gonna take you with me to Dwarika!! "

Her excitement knew no bounds, she always longed to meet her all the matas, but reality dawned upon her, "Pitashree won't allow me to go! "

"I talked to him! " said he while ruffling her hairs.

"Thank you! " she said and hugged him tightly. This very moment, Nakula entered the garden, "Krishna when are we leaving from here??? "

Her heart sank, she came out of her bubble, he'll go away, the smile which adorned her face vanished, she looked at the grass aimlessly, and faintly listening to their conversation.

"Day after tomorrow.. and I didn't know you will miss my Sakhi so soon! " answered Krishna, while standing up and moving towards Nakula.

"It isn't like that Krishna!"

"So you don't miss my Sakhi wait, I'll tell her! "

"No! You aren't gonna do this, she'll definitely kill me! "

"Now I'll do it definitely! " he patted on his back and continued, " Need to go, you both continue! " winked at Nakula, giving him a hint that he knows about what's cooking between them.

Nakula sat near her, he pressed his hands against hers which broke her trail of thoughts,she looked at him, and he gave her his most charming smile and she couldn't hold herself and smiled back but she had many questions, the mere of mention of his wife gave her a sense of jealousy!!

"I wanna know about your family! " she finally managed to ask.

"My family... It's gonna be very long I don't know from where to begin.. " he scratched his neck, but was very pleased to see her interest in his family.

"You can start from wherever you wish. "

"OK. So as you know we are five brothers we all were born in Jungle!! "

"Why Jungle? you are royal blood!! "

"Lemme continue, actually our father killed a sage who was in the form of a deer mating with his wife, so for repentance he went to reside in the jungle! He had two consorts, my biological mother,Madri and my real mom, Kunti, we had a very cute family over there and lived in peace but one unfortunate day, we lost our father and Mata Madri practiced Sati and I became an orphan that day... " as he spoke those words, memories of that horrible day became alive before his eyes, he could see his mother entering the pyre.

Karenumati affectionately kept her hand on his shoulder, breaking his trance, he wiped some tears which were at verge of leaving his eyes, didn't look at her and continued,

"..I wasn't an orphan I had my Mata with me, she loved us a lot, raised us with dignity, taught us what's right and what's wrong, I and Deva never felt that she wasn't our real mother, she just loved us so much, like I just can't describe what she means to us!! She's the best!

And then comes my Jyesth Bhrata Yudishthira, he fulfilled the void of a father in our life, he was like a large banyan tree for us, always gave shade and protected the small plants growing nearby, and alone faced all the problems, he's our pride, he loves us immensely, but never shows, he isn't very expressive but however he is, he is the heartbeat of the Pandavas. "

He stopped, took a deep breath and continued, " bhrata Bheem, if I say I love him the most that won't be wrong our relationship is like a cat and mouse, always fighting, but couldn't even live a second without each other. Bharta Bheem is very valorous, he's tough from outside, but his heart, his heart is a piece of gold you can't find someone like him.

Then comes by bhrata Arjuna, he's a Mr. Perfectionist, skilled warrior yet very notorious, my partner in crime in most of the pranks.

Then my twin Deva- Sahdeva, he's just my twin by name none of our habits match, he's such a bookworm, so boring isn't it? " he looked towards her.

"Bookworms are not always boring! " she answered,

"I see you are one among them! "

"Yes, I'm a bookworm and proud of it! "

"When did I say, you shouldn't be proud of being a bookworm, I just said bookworms are boring! "

"I'm not boring Nacool! " she thundered.

"OK fine! I lost to you, happy? " he smiled after listening to what she has called him, formalities were finally over between them.

"Yes!! " she said with a bit of pride in her voice.

"You know what.. " he continued , "We five are like five fingers and Panchali is like a palm which joins us, it doesn't mean that we weren't connected before when she wasn't in our life, she has just made us more united, she is our pride, our strength, she just can't see any injustice happening, really a very vocal woman and sheer dominating, no one can win from her in arguments and you know what I just love to surrender to her!! Beauty with brains- a rare combination!

And Shatanika he's exact copy of his mother! Just five yet good at words, he just have one habit of mine that is he loves horses a lot! " his eyes glittered as he spoke about Panchali and his son.

Renu felt as if he doesn't deserve her, she wasn't made for him, he deserved better, after all he was the most handsome man of aryavart and his wife the most beautiful woman!! He liked girls which had traits similar to Yagseni, and she was poles apart in that case. Then.. Why would he love me? I am meek, introvert, a human being who hates human interactions, and if we talk about looks I am not even close to him? Then.. Why would he love me? She thought.

Her emotions transformed into water and escaped her eyes, this didn't go unnotice by Nakula, he immediately cupped her face and asked, "What happened are you fine?"

"Yess, I'm fine.. Just something went in my eyes.. " said she while wiping her tears and moved away from him
Nakula again felt weird and this time didn't let her go, he stopped her by holding her wrist.

"What happened, show me.. " he said and inspected her eye, "It looks quite normal, but if you have some problem we could go to vedya! " said he.
She pushed him back, and retorted, "I'm fine!! And I can take care of myself you need not worry about me! "

She paced towards her chamber.
"She's so weird!" he muttered.


Hiya ppl,
Akansha this side,
I hope you liked it, and if u liked the chapter so plz turn the grey star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section.

Early update
*nacho everyone*

How was it??

What do you think about Renu's reaction? Was it right or she overreacted?

How was the description about the pandavas through Nakul's eyes?

Was I able to justify them??

And you know what I'm halfway in writing the next chapter, so you may get and early update!! Bcz Imma too excited to write the next 2 and 3 chapters!!

Happy reading!

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