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"Nice to meet you, Mr Braun" My Mom held her hand out for Scooter.

"Ah, nice to meet you too and call me Scooter" He shook her hand and had a big bright smile plastered to his face.

He then looked at me, and nodded.

He walked over and held his hand out for me. "I've been waiting to meet you for a long time, Ash" He winked at me.

"Nice to finally meet you" I smiled.

I was a little nervous, "So, you said Usher wants to meet me, right?" I fist pumped.

"Yep, he's right this way" He opened the door to the studio.

We walked past many rooms filled with all sorts of button until we reached the end room.

Before Scooter opened the door, he turned around and smiled at me.

He opened the door and we walked in, there was Usher.

He looked fresh, he wore some black glasses, his hair was perfectly cut, so was his beard; his beard was faded going up to his hair.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ash" He stood up and walked over.

I was in shock that I finally met Usher, I had liked his music for many years and for him to walk over and say 'it's nice to meet you, Ash' 

I felt like crying, was my dream coming true.

"Wow, I can't believe I-I'm talking to USHER!" I fist pumped.

He chuckled a little.

"I can't believe that I'm talking to the world's next biggest muscian!" He fist pumped back.

He looked over to my Mom, "Nice to meet you, Delia. I've heard all about you" He nodded at her.

"You too, Usher" She smiled brightly.

I looked around Usher's studio, it felt new almost like it had just been built.

"So what happens now?" I asked nicely as possible.

"We want to make sure you don't use heavy auto tune" Scooter smiled.

I don't use auto tune, so I have nothing to worry about.

"Sure, how do we do that?" I questioned him.

"You sing" He pointed at the microphone.

I blinked a few times, "Y-You want me to sing?" I scratched my nose.

"You bet we do" Usher added on.

Usher, a song writer who has won a Grammy award wants me to sing in front of him. Am I dreaming?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, Serena wanted me to take a picture with Usher, so my money was down on that she was reminding me to do it by messing me.

"Oh, can I take a picture with you two? I-If you don't mind?" I smiled at the two.

"Sure" They both said in union.

I pulled out my phone and passed it to my Mom, she backed up as I walked in front of Usher and Scooter.

"Okay on the count down to 3"

"1" Scooter put his hand on my shoulder.

"2" I gave the camera a thumbs up along with a huge smile.

"3" A flash of a camera hit my eyes, causing me to blink right after the photo was taken.


I opened my eyes after telling the Physiologist the story.

"So, where's Usher today then?" He rubbed his chin.

"He's probably sat at home brushing his teeth" I chuckled.

First time I've chuckled in a while, Usher loves his teeth more than his Career, infact probably more than his wife.

"Ah, I like Usher's music" He pointed out.

"Who doesn't?" I scratched my nose, that's also something I hadn't done in a while.

Was this treatment working?

"So, what's Scooter up to?" He asked me.

"Scooter is at home with his family, I still talk to him. I just don't see him as much because I took a break from everything" I rubbed my eye.

He nodded.

"So continue" He wiped his glasses with a tissue.


After I sang the song Usher and Scooter wanted me to sing, they talked with my Mom behind the glass, I watched them talk for about 10 minutes.

I guess I might as well text Serena.

I pulled out my phone again and loaded up the text she sent.

'Ash don't forget to take a pic with Usher!' Serena texted me.

Knew it.

'I did, I'll send it u now' I clicked on the photo icon and sent her the photo.

Instantly after I sent the photo she replied.

'I'm so proud of u, Ash! xx' 

I don't know why she was proud, I was just meeting them. I will try and achieve my dream.

'Thanks, I'll come over when I'm back x' I replied and clicked off Whatsapp.

I hadn't looked at the photo properly, I clicked on photos and loaded up the photo.

If I ever get famous, this is the day it all started.

Someone knocked on the window, I snapped my head up and Usher was motioning for me to come here.

I jumped off the stool and walked over to the glass door, Usher opened it for me.

"Thanks!" I gave him the thumbs up.

"No prob, man" He chuckled.

I walked in and everyone turned their attention to me.

"So we have come to conclusion that...."

My Mom trailed off, they looked kinda sad.

Damn, guess I wasn't good enough.

"You're going to perform at Usher's final concert before he retires!" My Mom surprised me with a huge smile.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Usher will perform his songs and after that he will announce you" Scooter added on.

I was in shock, this happened so fast.

"T-Thanks" I didn't believe what was happening, nothing seemed real.

"You'll have to pick a song you want to do, Ash." Usher put his hand on my shoulder.

"I-I'll d-....I've been working on one, so I'll do that when I-I've finished it" I gulped.

I looked over to my Mom, she was staring at me. She had a look that I had never seen before.

"Make sure to send me the background music, Ash" Scooter asked me.

"N-No, I want to do it with a guitar, if that's okay?" I stuttered again.

"Oh, that's awesome! People will love that" Scooter gave me the thumbs up.

"The concert is on....." Usher stopped in his words for a second, not remembering the date of his concert.

That caused me to laugh a little.

"14th Feb" Scooter reminded him.

"Yeah, that's it" Usher sweatdropped.

Wait...14th Feb is Valentines day, what about Serena?

"So is everything okay then?" Scooter made sure everything is alright.


"Wait, I-I have a girlfriend and that's Valentines day" I played with my thumbs.

My Mom looked at Scooter.

"Who said you can't bring anyone? Infact, you can surprise her on stage" Usher fist pumped.

That was the best idea ever.

"For real?!" I said in excitement.

"You bet" He winked.

Oh man, it's going to be awesome.


"I remember seeing you on stage for the first time, I actually doubt you, but you surprised me." The Physiologist chuckled.

"Yeah, I think I surprised a lot of people." I started at the clock.






I got off the bus, ready for another day at school.

I walked passed many people who were staring at me.

"Why are they all staring at me?" I asked Serena, who was holding my hand.

"Because they all know about the Usher thing" She put her chin on my shoulder.

How do they all know? Did she tell everyone?

"Who told everyone?"


I sighed, he can never keep his mouth shut. Thankfully I didn't tell any of them about the concert.

Anyways, I think it's time I tell Serena about Valentines day.

"Serena, you know the plans we had for Valentines day?" I scratched the bag of my head.

"Yeah?" She said so innocently, she took my hat off my head and placed it on hers, today she wasn't wearing her pink hat.

"Well, we're going to have to cancel them..." I looked at the ground, I had a plan.

I could tell she felt like she got hit by a bus.

"BECAUSE! We're going to a concert!" I winked at her holding up one finger.

She instantly smiled and tacked me into a hug.

"I-I love you, Ash" She kissed my cheeks several times.

"I love you too, now stop" I chuckled.

She stopped after about five minutes, my cheek was covered in saliva.

"Did you have to lick my cheek?" I wiped my cheeks with my shoulder.

She laughed.

She was perfect, I love her so much.

The buzzer went so we decided to head to our first lesson, which was Math.

The way our lessons worked here was.

Maths, English and Science were taught by one teacher, which was our class tutor.

Art, Gym, Spanish or French and History was taught by another teacher.

So we didn't have to move that much.

Me and Serena hand in hand walked to our class, I opened the door and let her go in first.

We both walked to the back, everyone stared at me as if I was famous? I'm no where near famous.

Me and Serena took our usual seats at the back of the classroom.

"Sup, Ashy boy" Gary turned around and winked.

"Hey, man" I smiled at him.

"So, I'm sorry for telling everyone" He sweatdropped, "Well, what else can you do now besides laugh at it?" I chuckled.

"Yeah sure" He nervously laughed.

He rubbed his chin for a second.

"So, it feels like a part is missing from the Usher thing you told us all" He looked at me.

Serena looked at me with a raised eyebrow, she knew the 'part' that was missing.

The whole class listened in.

"I guess there's no better time than now" I adjusted my hat.

He looked confused, but Serena had a small pink tint on her cheeks.

"I'm going to Usher's last concert!" I fist pumped

"SHAYTEEE!" Gary said in shock.

"OH MY GOD CAN I COME?" A girl shouted over to me.

"Urm, sure if you buy a ticket." I sweatdropped.

"Tell the group they're all invited, I'll leave the details in the group chat" I winked at him.

Gary looked at me.

"Ashy boy, you'll be famous in no time and when you are, we're going to party like animals" He leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder and pointed around the classroom as if we were actually having a party.

"Urm, yeah sure" I sweatdropped.

Serena didn't say a thing, so I assume she wasn't bothered by them coming.

After a few minutes of filling Gary in with details, the teacher walked in.

"Morning students!" She smiled.

"Morning" Everyone said back in union.

Serena put her hand on my lap and put her head on my shoulder.

"S-Serena, we're in class?" I chuckled nervously.

"I don't care" She said so carelessly.

She so precious to me.


"Is she still precious to you?" He scratched his cheek.

"Y-Yeah, more precious than anyone to me" I sighed, I miss her.

"I think she might be the key" He pushed his glasses up.

"W-What?" I said confused on by what he meant.

"Just continue with your story" He looked at me.

I looked back at the clock.





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