13. Choking Jewels Pt. 1

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Changing in the backseat of a car is hard. Especially with Hans pressing the brakes every five seconds and making rough turns that the car might flip. I might become a soul my-

My head rocks forward.

"Could you stop driving so recklessly!" I shouted from behind the tinted partition window.

Hans continued to drive like a maniac. I know he can't see me but I know he can hear me, the window wasn't soundproof.

I pulled down the edges of my black blazer dress, the sleeves were long enough to cover my injured hand but overall the dress fit. Black stockings covered my legs, all I had left to put on were the black platform heels with small rhinestones attached to the strap. If this was what I was getting out of our deal, pretty clothes and whatnot I had no complaints.

He is taking away my precious time then I will take away his money.

Two knocks pounded on the window, I opened the window.

"Are you almost ready?" Grimm said without looking at me.

My foot slid into the heel, "Yes but you still haven't explained anything. Why do I have to wear these clothes? I thought we were visiting the dead." I said.

"We are visiting the dead. but in order to get the dead, we must give a performance. The soul we are meeting today is the deceased wife of a private jeweler, her name is or was Amelia Pensford. I set up an in-home appointment with her husband which was very hard to get but throw in a couple of thousands and we got ourselves a consultation."

Not an ounce of pity.

"So, what exactly are we supposed to do?" I asked.

Grimm's head leaned back against the headrest, I met his eyes through the rearview mirror.

"We are going to pretend to buy jewelry but you are going to keep your ears open for Mrs. Amelia Pensford and deliver whatever message she has to her husband," His eyes became darker, "Then, I will capture her soul."

I almost forgot who he was, The Capturer of Souls.

I bit the inside of my cheek before speaking, "Where do they go? Where do you take them? I thought once you were dead...that was it." Hans picked up the speed while Grimm stayed quiet, almost hesitant to answer.

He finally spoke, "The dead are very much walking amongst us and as much as they wish to rest, the living isn't letting them. As for your question, some souls reach their peace and others..." He glanced over towards Hans, "Others get an eternity of misery."

I wanted to ask more questions but I knew at some point my questions would become personal. Grimm had met my mother and that thought has not escaped my mind, if anything it fueled my curiosity. Was she at peace? Or was she miserable? I wanted to know. It bothered me that Grimm had a full conversation with her while all I have of her are scraps.

I felt something land on my lap, a blue velvet box. I looked up to the rearview mirror, "Wear them." He said.

I sent him a glare as I said, "Whatever you say, Grimm." As I closed the window I noticed how his eyes widened slightly. I felt another ghost smile pass my lips.

My eyes looked down at the box as I opened it carefully revealing a pair of diamond earrings. They were shaped like raindrops, hanging down with precise cuts and sharpness. They were absolutely radiant and shined at any angle they faced.

The car finally came to a stop, I quickly put them on. Hans opened my door as I slid out and stepped out in front of a white mansion. White pillars held the house together, freshly trimmed bushes, and everything seemed so bright and perfect. A little too perfect.

But everything seemed wrong. Something was not right here.

Grimm came by my side, "You can feel it too." I looked over at him as his eyes roamed.

He stood tall in the perfectly fitted suit with his neatly pushed back hair to his prominent jawline. I looked away until I heard him speak again. When I faced him again, I realized how much more I could see him now because of the heels. I reached past his shoulder and didn't have to twist my neck as much.

"Raven, you look quite..." His lips parted, attempting to give me a compliment but what came out instead was an insult, "terrifying."

I double-checked my face in the mirror, my eyeliner was even and sharp and my lips were blood-stained because Refugio said al mal tiempo, labios rojos, or maybe it was al mal tiempo, buena-(In rough times, red lips or In rough times, put on a brave face.

Grimm spoke again, "Which is good because I love it when a woman could give me a thrill."

Something about invoking that particular feeling for Grimm felt so satisfying yet that feeling left me unsettled.

I didn't know how I should respond to that, I mean what does one say back to the God of Death after what could possibly be a very twisted flirtatious comment.

I was grateful when I heard Mr. Pensford's voice, "Hello! I am glad you could make it today!" He spoke enthusiastically.

But I suppose any person would be enthusiastic with the amount of money Grimm spent to reserve a private appointment with Mr. Pensford, which speaking of was surprisingly not as old as I thought he would be.

He looked between his late forties entering his fifties, a bit young to be a widow. Grimm shook his hand and I got this gross feeling, almost nauseating and I knew it was coming from Mr. Pensford.

I held a poker face as he continued, "But I do have to apologize, I don't know your name. My assistant never caught your name."

"It's Grimm. Mr. Grimm."

Death wore a trickster's smile.


From the moment we stepped into the house, the feeling I had never gone away if anything became stronger and it could not be ignored. Each step I took on the marble floor I could hear the smallest sounds of it cracking.

Floors cracking, walls cracking, and the first streak of window glass cracking.

I didn't have the voices speaking to me directly but maybe this could be their way of speaking to me. Either they were warning me or letting me know of their presence again.

I returned my focus to what was in front of me, trays displaying all kinds of gemstones. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and pearls. Mr. Pensford had them shaped in different designs, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and a couple of watches. The whole room filled with invaluable items and my hands were aching to grab every single one of them to try them on.

"So what exactly are we looking for today?" Mr. Pensford said.

Grimm responded, "A bit of everything."

I lowered my head trying to cover the stunned look on my face. It could be for pretend yet Grimm began to nod his head towards watches, rings, and anything he found appealing. Mr. Pensford quickly pulled all the items out.

Pretending to be interested as well, I picked up a bracelet-

"That one doesn't fit you."

My body froze.

A cold gust of wind blew over my ear, "You are not the bracelet type, maybe a necklace is more suitable."

Without a doubt, I knew Mrs. Amelia Pensford's spirit was standing right next to me. I lifted my head to meet Grimm's eyes but they were moving back and forth, he was aware of Mrs. Amelia's presence.

He gave a quick nod as he turned back to Mr. Pensford, "I heard you have quite the watch collection," Grimm placed his hand on the table exposing his watch, "It's been in my family for generations but I am thinking of selling it. What do you think, Mr. Pensford? Would you like to make me an offer?"

Mr. Pensford was enamored by the watch, "I think we should talk in my office."

Before passing me Grimm stopped his tracks, "Pick whatever you want, darling." He leaned to the side of my ear pressing his cheek against mine giving the imitation of a kiss on my hair but I knew why he got close to me, to be out of earshot of Mr. Pensford.

Grimm whispered, "Do whatever the soul wants."

He pulled back halfway when his eyes looked down, I followed what he was looking at and it was my hand. My hand made its way to Grimm's arm and I wasn't just holding it, I was grasping it.

I moved my hand away turning back to look at the jewelry in front of me and Grimm walked out with Mr. Pensford. I placed my hands on the table and let out a couple of breaths, my cheeks were feeling a lot more warm than usual.

"Oh, sweetheart, it seems like that man will be the end of you." Mrs. Amelia's voice ranged.

The strong coldness washed over my body, "Mrs. Amelia, I am here to help you. Is there anything you want to say to your husband?" I asked.

"Can you not see me?" She brushed my question off.

My head was twisted to the side where I thought Mrs. Amelia was standing, "No but I can hear you. Listen to you. Is there anything you would like to say to your husband?" I repeated again.

"Are you really going to help me?" Mrs. Amelia asked.

I furrowed my brows, "Of course. Whatever you want to say-"

"I don't want to relay a message." She popped to my left ear, "I want you to deliver my vengeance." 

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