Chapter 15. Fire

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Oy hey guys :D

Hope you're enjoying the semi fast updates lol

this book is pretty fun to write >:)

So what did you guys think of the different Title ideas for my book? Comment below!!

Also maybe in the future I'll do a Q&A (question and answer) - where you leave your questions in the comments and I'll answer them in either the next chapter or something. We'll see if this book really manages to take off first then we'll get to all that.

ALSO : This might just be the last "fast" update for a while. I love the pace it's going however, I'd like to give this book a second to breathe and have more readers join in on the whole shpeal. Usually I update like 1 to 2 days but now it might be a week.

I have finals, then it'll son be xmas, maybe I'll make a special Christmas special and have the POV's be with other characters like Moira, Marge or Will? Landon? Brooke? JESS?? Vote in the comments if I should even do a Christmmmmassss Special

Venus's POV***

My palms pressed flat against the ground, and I was on all fours, staring up at them through my mass amounts of hair.

The moment slowed down impeccably and I was now aware of my thrumming heartbeat, and the way my breath escaped me with each anxious pant. Their eyes stayed glued to my all-fours-figure.

"Venus? What are you doing?" Moira was the first to ask me. She dropped to my side and lightly helped me up. As I stood, the room lightly swayed, reminding me of the alcohol I'd consumed in the last hour. I avoided the looks in Reese, Landon Silver and Demetri's eyes as I stood up and looked at the ground.

"I needed to find a bathroom," I lied. Moira let out a long sigh followed by her usual smirk.

"How much did you have to drink?" Demetri asked this time. I narrowed my eyes at him as he stepped towards me. Landon Silver frowned and rubbed his temples.

"As mut . . much as I wan-wanted," I replied, slurring my words. I lightly chuckled at myself.

"I'm taking her home," Demetri announced. I frowned at him. Landon did the same. "Oh, are you now?"

As Demetri was about to shoot another retort, Reese stepped in. "Why don't you let her decide what she wants to do."

Reese, for now, is my favorite. I smiled at him, making him look flustered. "Well . . ."

"We're playing a game now, all who want to join come in the living room!"

We all turned our heads to the door to hear some girl yelling downstairs. A game? A game sounded like fun. I needed fun.

"I want to play that game."

"You're drunk, and need to go home to sleep it off. You probably have work tomorrow anyways, right?" Demetri's condescending tone differed from the one he often used when speaking to me. I felt my agitation grow by the second at being spoken to like I was child - even if I was acting like one.

"I can handle myself!" I snapped, and turned on my heel to leave. I entered the hallway and made a go for the stairs.

"Venus, wait!" Moira called behind me and caught up. A small part of me was disappointed that Demetri wasn't trying to come after me. I blame my "buzz".

"You're not stopping me," I told her, descending down to the first floor. She followed suit. "I wasn't going to." Her words shocked me, and I turned to stare at her. For a moment, she seemed to be contemplating, and I could only wonder what it was she was thinking about. Then she smiled.

"Let's go down then before you kill my buzz," I told her as I grabbed her arm and dragged her down the stairs. She lightly chuckled but followed me still.

Reese's POV***

I watched the two girls descend down the hall before I focused my attention on the two Alphas in the room that could at any second lose control.

"I'm up to here," I held my hand above my head, "with you're quarrels, and so is the council. You both are just asking for trouble, and I'm sick of always helping you two," I told them with anger.

Demetri and Landon stayed composed, finally. Their angry eyes zeroed in on me as I forced myself to stay calm and collected.

"If we're such a nuisance why don't you hand us over to Morgiana?" Landon tested with a growl. I sighed. I had been assigned to Landon and Demetri's pack cases. Should Harry know about all the minor skirmishes I've had to keep under wraps, he'd have my head.

Morgiana was assigned to another couple pack cases a few states over, yet she always found ways to get her nose stuck into my case. Yet I couldn't say I blamed her for having an interest in the two powerful packs; after all the fate of the new world rested in their lands.

"I still feel as though the new laws are as irrelevant as ever. What is Harry hiding?" Demetri asked with a grim stare.

"You know I'm not-"

"Cut the shit Reese. Or do you want a repeat of last time when I had to beat the answers out of you," Demetri growled, straightening his frame as he began to inch towards me. I frowned, my body still remembering the way the platinum baseball slammed against my rib cage.

"I'm not permitted to speak of these things. But what I can say is now that someone apart of Venus's world knows about the prophecy and its many outcomes that means they have the power to disrupt the balance that we have worked so hard to keep neutral. And should this person persuade her to pick a pack before her due time she'll most likely find out everything before the she's supposed to and again that will fuck with the future."

The two stilled before remaining silent. I took a deep breath. I had no other choice but to keep calm during this incredibly stressful situation. If I let my abilities get out of control again, well everything and everyone will disappear in a matter of seconds. I couldn't dare think about that again.

"What's going on down there?" Demetri suddenly asked, staring out the door. I neared him and began to hear the sudden chants and reckless laughter bubbling from the throats of young teenagers. I glanced at Landon who was merely pinching the bridge of his nose.

Before anyone could answer, the Alpha began to rush towards the hallway.

Venus's POV***

I lost count after the 3rd drink that Taylor or Nick had shoved into my arms, and by now I was giggling at everything around me; whether it be funny or not.

"So, who's turn is it now?" Jess asked with a sinister grin. Her dark eyes peered at Jaden who clutched his boyfriend's hand even tighter.

"C'mon Jess, it's a game of Truth or Dare, not Do or Die," Brooke said with a light smile. Jess rolled her eyes but kept quiet.

"Taylor, it's your turn," Jess added before sipping her beer. I looked at Taylor. Her auburn hair was in a curly mess, really showing off her . . . "gingerness". I began to laugh at nothing in particular.

"Fine, bring it on bitchacho!" She howled, pumping her fist in the air. We all laughed in our little circle.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously," She replied with a bored look. Everyone sat there with angst, waiting to see what she'd be dared to do.

"I dare you . . " Jess's eyes traveled to mine and I knew the wheels in her head were turning in some dangerous direction.

"To get a kiss from Demetri Williams."

And just like that I felt my sobriety hit me like a train. I blinked for a second, and looked at the scene around me. Why would she do that? And why was she looking at me like I'd be bothered? Was I bothered? I took a second to gather my feelings and thoughts. Nope, I was definitely not happy about her request, but was that something I was even allowed to feel? Surely Taylor wouldn't-

"Hell yeah, he's fine as fuck," She hollered belligerently. I stared at her, my mouth hanging wide open. Would she really accept that kind of a dare? I pointedly glared at Jess, wondering what it was she thought she knew. She did it to get under my skin. What I don't understand, is the fact that she successfully managed to do just that with one dare.

"20 bucks says she won't," a boy with colored blue hair said with a challenging smile. The girl next to him with glasses covering half her face slapped her hand into his.

"You're on Lyle!" She said and the two began to laugh. I switched my attention to Taylor. Would she really do it? Why did I not want her to?

"Where is he, let me at 'em," She said with a grin, earning the laughs of those around her. Everyone but me it seemed.

"Taylor you don't have to-" Brooke began to also realize how ridiculous this dare was - Thank God. "Don't be a party pooper Brooke. Let her do it if she wants to," Jess chimed with a nod. Everyone else followed with her encouragement and nodded.

Brooke silenced at her friend's taunting words. I balled up my fists. What was her deal anyway? Did she just wake up and decide "Hey, I'm going to be a bitch today?" or was she just born one?

Taylor stood up, her small denim shorts bunching right under her thighs. I watched as she helplessly traveled to the stairs through the hallway.

"You okay?" Jess asked me with a mocking smile. I ignored her, and tried to recollect my buzz. It seemed like it wouldn't return, much to my dismay, and my mind was filled with the endless scenarios that tonight could provide.

What if he liked her? Or was into that sort of . . . young girl type thing? What if he thought she was super pretty? She was I suppose, but, was I? Did he think I was ugly?

You sound like an idiot.

My subconscious expressed her opinions, and I agreed with her.

"Hey, you alright you look mad?" Someone whispered in my ear. I turned to look up and see Moira hovering over me. At her words, I began to feel my blood simmer, and then it began to crackle, and then it was pure fire.

"I'm fucking splendid," I told her in a much more tranquil voice than I'd anticipate. Moira seemed shocked but said nothing as I prepared myself to stand.

I got up from my seat, stomped into the hallway and stopped at the bottom of the stair case. I wasn't sure why I was so mad. I barely knew him, right? I mean, I knew a little but my that wasn't to say that it was fair of me to be dare I say it - jealous. Was that what this was? This unknown feeling? This unmistakable green monster felt like it was looming over my shoulder.

As I stood there, trying to figure myself out, I heard a small stomp.

"What's your problem?" Someone from above snapped. I looked up to see Taylor with her hands in the air while pinning Demetri to the wall. I blinked a few times. In an instant, his eyes found mine and I was caught in a trance.

He recollected himself faster than I could, and shoved her arm from his path. She stood there with her drink in her hand staring at him, but began to talk with the others loitering on the steps. He began to walk down towards me.

My sobriety was coming in waves. In one second I was normal Venus, and wanting to escape this horrid scene. The other second, my drunk self wanted to dance around like a lunatic and laugh the night away.

"Venus, did you bring anything else?" He asked. I looked up, recognizing those intimidating and dark eyes as they held me captive. "What?" I asked, shocked by his question.

He raised an eyebrow, clenched his jaw, and made me squirm by the way his serious facade made me feel inside and downstairs.

I slammed my hand to my mouth, though I didn't say that out loud, I just thought that! My face went hot at the ideas of what he'd say if he knew what I had been thinking about. Although I knew it was impossible, I studied his face to see if he had any idea of what I had just said in my mind. He seemed clueless enough.

"I'm taking you home."

"Why?" I asked. He grabbed my forearms and leveled with me.

"Because, you are drunk, and if you keep drinking you'll be even more wasted than you are now. How many drinks have you had?" He asked, eyeing me up and down. I didn't get the chance to answer before he grabbed my hand and began to drag us up the stairs. I stumbled a few times on our way up, passing other teens who did the same. At the top, he pulled us into that familiar hallway, then into a room.

"You can't just drag me to places like I'm some sort of rag doll!" I hissed as he closed the door behind us and turned on the light. Great, it looked like we were in Brooke's room or something, considering the pink walls, pink princess bed with sprawled out stuffed animals.

"How much did you drink?" He asked again, leaning on the door and hiding his hands behind his back. I wasn't sure what it was, but he looked so attractive right now; so masculine.

"I don't know, but I can drink as much as I want to. You're not my knight in shining . . . shining whatever," I told him with a scowl. He didn't seem the least bit fazed.

"You're right, I'm not any kind of knight. But you like that, don't you?" His words took a surprising turn and made my head spin. I opened my mouth to retaliate, but I couldn't defend nor explain myself. Was he right? My stomach churned in a way that told me my answer was yes.

"You like that I'm different." He pushed himself off of the door and started to walk towards me with ease. I gulped nervously.

"I'll also bet that you liked what I did with my hand."

My eyes fluttered closed and images of the night where my dress was pushed up my thigh and I had leaned my head into the brick walls of the building. I opened my eyes when I felt his presence closer than before. Looking up, he was hovering over me and his eyes were trailing up and down my body. I shivered uncontrollably as he did so with little shame.

"I . . " But there was nothing I could say.

"I won't take advantage of you," he whispered, although he sounded like he very much wanted to. Maybe I wanted him to also. I shook my head. "Why not? Am I not . ." I trailed off, looking down at my fingers. His fingers lightly grasped my chin and he made me look at him again.

"Don't you ever have doubts about yourself. You're incredibly sexy," His eyes did that thing, glancing at my lip, telling me what he wanted. He leaned down, his nose brushing down my forehead and to my mouth. "And smart, and you have a fire in you. It's a turn on; you're a turn on."

His words made my insides feel warm, the good kind of warm. He thought all these things? I knew it was a possibility he was lying, but a part of me - whether or not it was the sober or drunk part - told me he was being sincere.

"I don't know what to say or do or think or anything," I mumbled, being most likely way too honest.

"Me neither," His words ran across my parted lips as he murmured into my mouth.

Right as I began to close my eyes, I felt him back away like he was struck by fire. I watched him breathe heavily and silently as he backed away. Humiliation began to seep in faster than I could fathom. His words were lies. But why say them, and not act on them?

"C'mon," was all he said. I was too tired of objecting and fighting for tonight, so I obliged. I stumbled a little bit, tripping over my own feet. I heard him sigh. I was going to regret this all by tomorrow, I was sure of it. I could already feel the humiliation, was there no end to this?

He sharply turned to grab my hand, and began to drag us into the hall. I wanted to tell him to let go so I could try and prove I was independent and didn't need his help or anything. But the warm tingles emitting from our touch was enough to keep my quiet.

We began down the stairs, passing Taylor who had her arm slung around another guy. I bit my cheek, somewhat satisfied now that she found her own snack to chew on.

In a second, we were out the door. The cold air was brisk and sending sharp waves through my body as my arms formed goosebumps. I absentmindedly began to rub them.

"Where's your car?" I asked him.

"I didn't take one," he said, leading us down the driveway. I turned my head back at the mansion, as if saying good bye before I realized what he had just said.

"What? How did you get here?" I asked. He said nothing and walked on. I glanced down at my hand that was being pulled by him. It was such a small action, but why did I feel like it was so much more? I was being way too paranoid about whatever this was.

I noticed we kept walking down the the street and I was beginning to feel irritated with the sheer coldness of the night. "Why the fuck is it so fucking cold?" I asked to no one in particular. I felt Demetri falter, clearly shocked at my words.

"If you want my jacket, you're not getting it. It's freezing," He said, keeping the pace. I rolled my eyes. He suddenly stopped and in the darkness I was able to make out the lines of a motorcycle.

I can't help but chuckle at the though of him riding a motorcycle while wearing a business suit like it was some random scene from a romance novel.

I forgot his rude comment and focused on the black Harley motorcycle in front of us. "Really? Didn't peg you for a motorcycle kind of guy," I said, tracing the cold metal handlebars with my fingers. I felt his gaze on me but I was able to ignore it.

"There's not a whole bunch you know about me," he admitted from behind. I let out a dry laugh. "Isn't that the truth."

"Hop on," He said, coming to my side. He slung a leg over the bike and sat down on the leather seats. I bit my cheek again. How fast did these things go? What was their annual death rate?

"It's not going to bite you," He remarked with a scowl - one that I returned.

"Doesn't change the fact that I could very much fall off and bust open my skull," I retorted, still eyeing the death machine. I didn't want to admit I was afraid. It felt like Demetri was fearless, and was a brave man. Yet for all I knew, everyone was scared of something.

"I won't let you fall, but if you keep fighting me I'll push you off on purpose," He said with a smirk. I balled up my fists, and walked over to the seat behind his. I studied it briefly, and took a breath. I had to be fearless.

I forced my leg over the bike, pausing for a second. I rested my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance. He lightly tensed but returned to normal - well his version of normal anyways.

I sat down, my butt feeling the cool of the seats. I put one foot after another on the small platforms meant for my feet.

"Okay, I'm on," I told him with a quiet voice.

"Hold on tight," He said. I followed his command, and instinctively wrapped my arms around his rock hard waist.

He sucked in a breath and mumbled something before turning on the bike. It made a loud growling noise and the loud sound rocked my ears. My heart began to spike as the noise continued before coming to a low murmur.

"Here we go," he taunted and immediately I dug my face into his back, and squeezed with all I had in me.

The bike took off with a kick, and the wind began to brush against my face with greater speeds as he sped up as well. I refused to open my eyes or loosen up my arms an inch. We came to a corner, I could feel it as my body swayed to the side, and I thought I was going to die.

I didn't though, rest assured.

Recovering from the curve, a rush of adrenaline overcame everything else I had been feeling. I couldn't help but squint so I could see what was around us. I opened my eyes in full, watching as trees, streets and cars whizzed past us in a blur. My hair whisked behind me, the wind carrying it into a complete mess.

I relaxed my stiff arms from their grip on Demetri, and allowed myself to feel a bit more free. I leaned back, raising one of my arms into the air. It was carried backwards by the forceful speeding winds. I soon wrapped it around him as we hit another corner and chuckled to myself.

The ride continued for a good 10 minutes before I noticed the streets I was once used to. He slowed down a bit, crushing my adrenaline rush. I couldn't fight the disappointment I felt as we were now slow enough to the point where my hair fell back onto my shoulders.

I noticed my all too familiar street and my all too familiar apartment. He stopped the bike against the curb, leaning to the side and turning it off.

He lifted himself off with ease, and I did the same. I wasn't as cold now. In fact I was warm and felt exuberant.

"Thank you for the ride," I muttered, looking up at my gross box of a home. Meanwhile I'd just been to two houses recently who looked like they belonged to celebrities.

"You're welcome."

I nodded at him and turned around to walk to my stairs leading up the apartment.

"Venus," He called. I hesitated, putting my foot on the stair without turning my back.

"Demetri," I regarded. I heard him give out a frustrated sigh, and I too did the same. My aching feet led me up the rest of my small stairs. At the top, I slowly reached out for the handle.

To my complete surprise, there was a hand grabbing mine and I didn't have to guess who's it was. I paused, and so did my breathing. I felt him loom over me like how he always did. His breathing was short and ragged, fanning my neck. I began to feel that heat again, the only one he could diminish.

He abruptly turned me around and had me pressed against my door. His eyes were darker than usual and reminded me of his animosity - something I liked. In one swift motion, his lips slammed onto mine with force but it didn't frighten me. It only did the opposite. I didn't fight him this time.

He delve his tongue into my mouth without my permission and began to show his dominance with his mouth. My hands traveled up into his hair and began to wrap around and tug. He moaned into my mouth as I did so. It was a beautifully painful sound, and I wanted to hear more. I continued to assault him with my hands as he did with his mouth.

His hands reached up and cupped my cheeks as he pulled more of me into him. I did the same. I felt so hungry for his touch, his kiss, his hands, all of him. I wanted all of him right now.

One of his hands stayed on my cheek, while his other traced down my side. I felt my body shake as I began to crave more of his touch, but I wanted it on my bare skin. My subconscious was trying to wave a red flag in the air for danger, but my emotions burned it down without a care in the world.

I leaned back, needing air but it didn't as long as I had hoped it would. He moved down, kissing my cheek, my neck and then a soft spot apparently on my collar bone. I sucked in a sharp breath, squeezing my eyes closed as he nipped and sucked at the skin. How could something like this feel so good? So wrong, yet so right?

His hand reached behind me once more and I heard the click of my handle. I didn't object as the door opened and I led him to the couch while still entangled in him. I gently laid myself down on my back as he hovered over me and still kissed and sucked my neck. I shut my eyes again and let out a loud moan. I flushed with embarrassment but he didn't see so I felt better.

I came to the conclusion that he wasn't diminishing my fire. He was adding it to, and together we would burn until there was nothing left to destroy.

Hey guyyyyys.

So yeah that's a cliff hanger :D

What are your thoughts on this chapter??? It was fun to write xD

Comment and vote!

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