Chapter 1: Welcome to Earth-145 🌎

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"The Multiverse..."

"A place where an infinite number of earths float all around. Worlds and realities beyond your imagination. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places... where powers older than time lie ravenous... and waiting."

"I am the Spectre, the Spirit of Vengeance, a protector of the Multiverse. I've been watching over all of the Multiverse since my death of the fourth war of Azeroth. I've seen and watched many tales of the people of many heroes and villains. One of these people are survivors, due to the zombie apocalypse that corrupted their world. Lead by a man name Rick Grimes, his lead many to survive through the apocalypse. But in this universe... things will change Rick and his friends' lives... forever."

95nicholasnm ReptileEdge LivingNomad41803
DragonRoarAtDaybreak DonovenMorningstar Kumakingkai40 Imafuckingfurry angel_dust_kin
Song_Wolf_Lover69 BroQuitStalking AddictBook122112 JayceeCardinal

Normal letters is normal talk
Slanted letters are thoughts
Bold letters is either deep voice or vibing
Bold letters slanted is speaking in a different language


The Survivors were now on their knees as Negan taunts them.

"... Don't make it easy on me. I gotta pick somebody. Everybody's at the table waiting for me to order." Negan said as he whistles. "I simply cannot decide."

Rick and his friends were still trembling in fear and shock.

"I got an idea." Negan chuckles. "Eenie... meenie... miney... mo... catch... a his toe. If... he hollers... let him go. My mother... told me... to pick the very best one... and you... are... it."

His bat was pointed at Abraham Ford who had a brave glare on his face.

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that." Negan said with a snicker.

Just as he was about to whack Abraham, the ground began to shake everything. The fires went out as objects and people began to float in the air.

"The hell is going on?!" Negan shouts.

Rick and his Survivors were still confused as everyone else was. Suddenly, a giant portal, a Singularity opened up in the sky, sucking everything and everyone up.

"HOLD ON!!!!!" Rick shouts to everyone.

Rick and the others try to hold on but eventually got sucked up into the Singularity. As they do, they see multiple Earths as they pass through. Rick then wakes up to find himself somewhere completely different. Another universe.

He was speechless to find himself in a place beyond his imagination. He saw some flying monsters passing through as more breaches opened, dropping more monsters in this world. He then sees that Carl, Glenn, and Maggie were with him, but the rest of the group wasn't.

"Rick! Where the hell are we?!" Glenn asked.

Rick doesn't answer as he was in shock to see what had happened. His thoughts were then interrupted by more zombies started to come at them.

"We got Walkers!" Maggie shouts.

Rick then refocused on the situation began to shoot at them when suddenly a monster came out and began ripping and eating the zombies. It finished eating them as a glared at them, looking at them as if it was they were its next meal.

"Run!" Carl shouts.

The three began to run away into the unknown as the monster chased after them. As they run deeper into a dark forest, they suddenly heard weird siren sounds. as the sound echoes in the air, the monster then got afraid and ran the other way. The four stopped in confusion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the siren sounds get louder and closer, the four of them then see a giant humanoid figure, but with three Siren Heads with human teeth.

"RUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!" Maggie screamed as they began to run.

But as the Siren Head gains up on them as it grabbed Carl and brings him close to one of it's mouths.

"CARL!!!" Rick screamed as he watched his son about to be devoured.

Suddenly an arrow shot its arm as it lets him go and as he falls, a figure grabbed him to safety.

They turn around to see an elf shoot more arrows at it as he goes to take it on. The elf's hands and feet glow yellow as he does acrobatic flips on the Siren Head's body with such balance as he shoots more arrows at it. Rick turns to see that the figure that caught his son was a muscular green orc.

"Your son?" The orc asked as he lets Carl go to Rick.

The orc then pulls out his axe as he goes to help the elf. The elf runs to the Orc who then used his arms to throw the elf high up to the Siren Head's face as he shot three arrows straight through its heads. Then a blue energy blast hits the Siren Head in the chest, blowing a hole through it as the monster falls down with a big "THUD". The survivors turn to see it was a blue elf who shot the monster. The blue elf laughs in victory.

"Whoo! That was fun! Not everyday you get to kill a Siren Head." The blue elf said wiping his hands.

He turns to see Rick, Carl, Glenn, and Maggie looking at them with faces that showed, shocked, confused, and fear.

"Oh hey there, you guys okay?" The blue elf asked as they didn't answer due to being shocked.

"What... the hell... was that?" Rick asked in pants.

"Siren Head, one of many dangerous monsters in our world." The Orc said as he wipes the blood off his axe.

"You were all lucky we were in the area." The elf said to them.

"Who... who are you?" Glenn asked.

"Oh! Right, silly me. I'm Barley Lightfoot, an Elf. The other Elf is Legolas Greenleaf, the Elemental Master of Balance. And the Orc is my boyfriend, Boruk Bladefist." Barley said introducing themselves.

"I'm Rick. This is my son, Carl. That's Glenn and Maggie." Rick said introducing themselves.

"Nice to meet ya. So... what the heck are you guys doing in Monster Hilltop?" Barley asked.

"I... umm...?" Rick said confuse a bit.

"Unless..." Barley said as his eyes glowed as he scanned them. "You guys are from a different universe, aren't you?"

"Different universe?" Rick said confused.

"What are you talking about?" Glenn asked.

"Okay, okay." Barley waved his hands. "Has anyone ever heard of the Multiverse? Anyone?"

"You mean where they could be multi-worlds created by each decision we make? Each decision creating a whole new world." Carl guessed.

"Correct!" Barley pointed at him. "We have a winner!"

"How is that possible?" Maggie stepped up not believing a word of what he's saying. "Most people believe that it's just a silly theory."

"And are there people like us on your world?" Goruk said showing off the world.

"Guess that's proof enough." Glenn said accepting the fact.

"You guys must've been brought through one of the breaches that brings monsters. Our world has a supernatural nature that draws in monsters from other worlds. Titans, Dozers, Gundarks, and much more." Legolas said to them.

"So is there a way back?" Carl asked.

"Possibly. But we should get moving. You guys should come with us." Barley said.

"Barley, we cannot trust them. We don't know what kind of people they are." Goruk said to Barley in Orcish.

"We can't just leave them here. They have no idea how to survive or what is safe to eat." Barley replied in Elvish.

"They look like survivors and would do good to help us in the war." Legolas added in Elvish.

"Fine, but I'm keeping my eyes on them." Goruk said in Orcish.

"So we decided to take you along with us." Barley said.

"I guess we have no choice. We can handle Walkers pretty fine but monsters... not really." Rick said.

"Walkers?" Barley said confused.

"The undead?" Rick said points to the killed zombies.

"Oh you mean Zombies. Yeah, that's what most people call them in the Multiverse. Zombies are pretty universal." Barley explained

"Come on then." Legolas said as they began to walk.

"Where are we going?" Maggie asked.

"To Monstroplis. The biggest city of all the other kingdoms. We'll be safe there." Barley said to them.

"Wait! What about the others?" Carl asked.

"Others? You mean there are more of you?" Goruk asked.

"Yeah, we were part of a group. Before the portal dragged us here." Maggie said.

"My little daughter, Judith. She was with me when we were dragged here." Rick explained.

"Then the portal must've scattered you and your friends across our world. So without no knowledge of our world, there's a chance your friends won't survive." Barley said.

"They're alive... I know it." Rick said.

The ground began to shake as the group turns around to see a bright orange energy wave coming at them like a tidal wave.

The Dark Matter Wave washed all over them as it knocks the Survivors away, but for Maggie and Glenn, they absorbed some of the energy. They get up as they recover from the wave as it continues to sweep over the world.

"Everyone okay?" Goruk asked.

"What the hell was that?" Glenn asked as he helps up Maggie.

"A Dark Matter Storm. Dark Matter is the collective term given to subatomic particles which are capable of altering a human's biological structure to turn them into meta-humans and allow them to develop superpowers." Barley explained.

"Wait, are you saying that wave of energy could give us powers?" Glenn said surprised.

"Yep. That energy storm happens randomly. Sometimes it takes a whole month for another one to come by. It's how most of us got our powers. Aside from Elemental Masters." Goruk said as they walked.

"Elemental Masters?" Rick said confused.

"Yeah, like Legolas here. He is the Elemental Master of Balance. It allows the user to completely hold their balance and overcome the effects of gravity that may cause wobbling." Barley explained.

"Are there others?" Carl asked.

"Other what?" Barley asked.

"Other Elemental Masters." Carl said.

"Oh yeah, a dozen or so Elemental Masters out there. Elemental Masters are people who each have the ability to wield one of the many elements of our world. Their powers have been passed down for over a hundred generations, so they could continue to be used to protect the world from all evil forces. An Elemental Master's power is most typically known to be passed down from parent to child. If the parents are both Elemental Masters, the child is either born with one or the other of the parents' powers. When a child inherits their parent's power, the parent loses their element. However, it's currently unknown whether Elemental Masters instantly lose their powers after having children or their powers fade away gradually. Generally, there cannot be two masters of an element at once, the one known exception being the Time Twins, who are twin brothers. In most cases, if twins are born to an Elemental Master, the firstborn will inherit the element. However, Acronix and Krux are a special case because the power of Time is easily divisible, allowing for it to be distributed among the two as different abilities derived from the same power. It is also possible for an Elemental Master to willingly pass their power to someone who is not their descendant. If an Elemental Master dies before they pass on their power, it will usually find a new host." Barley explained.

"Wow... just wow." Glenn said as he and the others were surprised by this information.

"I just hope the others are okay." Maggie said.
Carol, Daryl, Axel, and Michonne were now finding themselves in some warehouse with 5 subterranean levels. No idea where they are.

"Where the hell are we?" Carol asked looking around the building.

Suddenly the place shook as the Dark Matter Wave hits them as Daryl, Axel, Carol got hit with Dark Matter the most. They get up as they groan from getting hit by the Dark Matter.

"What the hell was that?" Axel asked.

"No idea, everyone okay?" Carol asked everyone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Daryl said as Michonne nodded.

The group walked around the building as they saw some food, supplies, weapons, ammunition, and strange looking tech.

"Looks like someone is here." Michonne said looking at the stuff.

"What is this?!"

The four raised their weapons towards the source of the voice to see it was a humanoid tiger.

"What are you doing here?!" The tiger demanded with his hammer in his paw.

"Drop the Hammer!" Michonne shouts.

"I will not! It is you who should lay down your weapons." The tiger growled.

"Oh yeah? You're gonna stop us?" Daryl said.

"Ha! No... he is. Ryan!" Lord Ras shouts.

The group looks confused as a giant rat in a black leather jacket appeared in a puff of smoke as he ninja kicks their guns away as he scares them.

"Ha! What's the matter? Never seen a Squealer?" Ryan laughed.

Michonne goes swing her katana at Ryan only to miss him as he phases in Smoke Form as he kicked her back. He punched and kicked Axel and Daryl back. Carol pulls out her dagger only to get her hand gripped by a Petrosapien. His mask comes down revealing his face.

"I wouldn't do that." The Petrosapien said to her as he broke her dagger.

Suddenly more figures came out of the shadows glaring and aiming their weapons and powers at the four Survivors. Each of them with a glare.

"I suggest you guys surrender." King Shark said to the four as more people show up.

"We can do this two ways; the lame way or the fun way. You decide." Lobo chuckled as he whipped out his chained hook.

"I calculate that you will not survive if you choose the fun way." IG-11 says to them.

The four Survivors had no choice but lower their weapons.

"Now... explain how you found us and where you come from?" Cade Yeager said.

"Look, we're just as confused like you. Us and our friends were sucked through some weird portal and then we ended up here." Axel explained to them.

"A breach? So, you're from a different universe." Logan said as Dogpound sniffs them.

"Oh yeah, they're definitely from a different universe. They smell not of our world." Dogpound said as Krrsantan growls at them.

"Easy Krrsantan, no need to be aggressive." William Lennox said to the Wookiee.

"So what do you mean by different universe?" Carol asked.

"As in the Multiverse. Ever heard of it?" Mick asked.

"As in the thing about there being other alternate worlds?" Daryl said.

"Yep and if you're saying that there was more of you... then the breach must've scattered them across our world." William Taurens aka Man Bull said to them.

"Well... that's interesting." Carol said surprised.

"So who here is in charge?" Daryl asked.

"I am."

The floor shakes a little as big footsteps get closer. The fighters moved out of the way as a troll approached them. He was a large, tall, and muscular troll with obsidian-black stone skin and an almost ape-like physique. Covering his entire body are vein-like carvings which glow a deep blue. He has two huge black horns with point outwards from his head and curve forward. He has a thick, black mane that runs down his neck and back, and two glowing blue eyes above his small troll nose. He wears thick, leathery skirt armor with a golden-lined belt across his waist. He also has a long, alligator-like tail.

"I am King Gunmar the Gallant, Ruler of Trolls, Trollmarket, the Troll Kingdom, and the mighty Trollhunter." King Gunmar introduced himself.

"A troll? An actual troll. Like the ones who live in caves?" Axel asked. 

"Yes. Our world is known for having monsters. Trolls, Werewolves, Vampires, Ghosts, Zombies, Gargoyles, Aliens, and so much more." King Gunmar explained.

"I see... so is there a way for us to get back home?" Michonne asked.

"It's possible. With the right tech or magic." Kihone said.

"And you guys came here at quite the crazy moment, we're at war." Croc said to them.

"War?" Michonne said confused.

"Oh yeah, we're at war with this crazy evil monster." Rocksteady said to them.

Suddenly a purple portal opened with a warthog and man coming out looking alerted.

"Time's up!" Bebop shouts to them.

"Sentinels! They're coming!" Warpath shouts to them.

Hearing that got everyone ready to fight, leaving the four Survivors confused on what the hell was going on.

"What the hell is a Sentinel?" Daryl asked.

"Dangerous robots of our enemy we're at war with." King Gunmar said as he pulls out his Amulet. "For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to Command!"

Silver armor of Daylight appears out of thin air as it covers his body. Krrsantan growls at Kihone who uses her powers to charge him up his energy. His eyes glow red as he roars ready to fight. Logan unleashed his claws as Tetrax covered his face with his armored mask.

"Krrsantan, you and Kihone get out these four to the Battle Raider now. We'll meet up." Gunmar orders the two but Krrsantan growls.

"He's right, we can help." Kihone said to the troll king.

"And you are, by getting them to safety because they don't have powers. They never fought Sentinels before. Now GO!!!" Gunmar said as he pulled his Sword of Daylight.

"This way guys!" Kihone said to them.

The Freedom Fighters stood together as they were ready to fight for their lives. Suddenly the ceiling began to shake as big human-like figures jumped down from drilled holes. They landed on the floor as they glared at the metas and mutants with their mission to eliminate them.

"BURN BITCH!!!!" Heatwave shouts as he blasted a wave of heat at a Sentinel.

Colossus then goes to fight one as Warpath and Vexx the Appoplexian charged at a Sentinel as Bebop breached them above it to take it down. The Sentinel threw them off as Dogpound bit its arm and threw it around like a toy. The four Survivors continued to follow the Wookiee and the goddess as they heard the battle rages on. A Sentinel jumps in front of them as the Survivors were shocked by this. Carol tries to shoot it but it was bulletproof. A portal opened by behind them as Vexx roars as he jumps on it and starts clawing at it savagely.


Sentinel then just grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and cast him aside. Bebop portals Krrsantan, Kihone, and the Survivors ahead of the Sentinel and portals away from the android. Tetrax shows up as Bebop then opened a portal for him as Tetrax began trapping the Sentinel in crystals. King Shark uses his Elemental Water power to keep one of the Sentinel down. Each of the Freedom Fighters were battling against the Sentinels as they started to adapt to their powers, but not magic. Gunmar then slashed a Sentinel in half with his sword. Krrsantan and Kihone managed to get the Survivors outside to the battle mobile as one of the Sentinel shows up. Lobo then jumped in as he hooked the android with his weapon and throws it high in the sky before shooting it apart.

"Ha! Take that fucker! No one can kill the Main Man." Lobo chuckled.

Bane grows bigger than them all and starts breaking them apart like toys. Man Bull head butts a Sentinel as Cade Yeager uses his Chronokinesis to age their parts to rust. Gunmar just slices each one he comes across.

"Let's go! Freedom Fighters! To the Battle Raider!" King Gunmar shouted.

Vexx and Rocksteady attack one Sentinel as it threw them away as was about to stab them both. Bebop jumps in as he portals the Sentinel away from Rocksteady and Vexx. Gunmar jumps in as he sliced its arms off before he ripped its head off as he roars in triumph.

"No Sentinel can kill a troll." Gunmar said as he smashed its head under his foot.

The Freedom Fighters made it to the Battle Raider as they left the building.

"Whooo!!! Now that was fun!" Lobo said driving.

"Everyone okay?" Gunmar asked as everyone nodded.

"You're wondering about what war we're fighting and talking about."

The four Survivors looked to surprised to see the gorilla knowing what they were thinking. 

"Oh yeah, Grodd here is the Elemental Master of the Mind. A telepath and empath. He can read your thoughts and feelings. So there's no hiding your thoughts from us." Bane said with a chuckle.

"Hey, I don't like you being in my head." Daryl said.

"Then don't give me a reason to. I can also control minds as well." Grodd grunted.

"And to answer your question, we're at war for two years now against a dangerous foe." Colossus said to them.

"Who?" Michonne asked.

"We'll explain once we arrive at our home." King Shark said.

"And that's where?" Carol asked.

"Monstroplis. The biggest city and kingdom out of all. To meet up with the rest of Freedom Fighters." King Gunmar said.
Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, and Sasha were now walking near some wrecked storehouse.

"We need to figure out where the hell we are and where to go find shelter." Abe said.

"Well we're definitely not in our world." Eugene said seeing a Scrapadactyl flying by.

"So what the hell are you saying? We're on an alien world?" Rosita said.

Suddenly the Dark Matter Wave hits them as Abe and Eugene gets affected by the energy as it knocks them down. They got up unharmed as they wonder what the hell was.

"What the hell was that?" Sasha said out loud.

"From the looks and feeling, it sorta felt like a wave of unknown energy." Eugene said.

Suddenly a giant figure jumped out of the shadows and attacks them. Sasha and Rosita go to shoot but the figure's left arm turns into a blade and sliced the weapons in half. Abe goes to fight him only to get gripped by the throat and pinned down as the figure goes to stab him. But when he got a good look up at Abraham's face, he looked shock as he backed away and pulled his hood off, revealing that he was an Arcanine.

"Wait! What? No! Impossible... you... you died. You and the rest of the team." Thunder said in shock.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Abe said confused as Sasha helped him up.

"I... this is impossible." Thunder stuttered.

"What are you?" Sasha asked as Thunder backed away.

"I'm an Arcanine. Answer me when I ask, are you Abraham Ford?" Thunder asked.

"Yeah I am. How the hell do you know my name?" Abe asked as he was now really suspicious.

"Because the Abraham Ford of this Earth died a year ago." Thunder said with

"This world? What the fuck are you talking about?" Abe demanded.

"Well... you see." Thunder explained as the four bumped into something.

They turn around to see that it wasn't a something but a someone. A creature taller than them with six eyes and four arms. It wore overralls as it gave them a smile.

"Greetings humans!" The teal troll smiled to them.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Rostia screamed.

"Hello there, fellow humans." The creature said still smiling.

"GAH! What the hell are you?!" Abe said.

"What am I? I am a troll! We are trolls." The troll said to them as they backed away.

"We?" Sasha said confused as they bumped into something.

They look up to see another huge troll with rock-like gray skin, green eyes, and a dark green beard and hair on his shoulders, back and chest. He has four short horns and a large black nose, a small tail, and engravings on his arms, knees, waist and chest. He gave them a big smile with a wave.

"Hello." The Krubera Troll said to them.

"GAAAAHHHHH!!!" Sasha screamed backing away.

"Please calm down! We mean you all no harm. I am Blinkous Galadrigal. My friends call me Blinky for short, and that is my good loyal friend, Aarghaumont or AAARRRGGHH!!! for short." Blinkous Galadrigal said to them.

"Trolls? As in the creatures that live in caves with magic and spells along with only coming out at night?" Eugene said.

"Yes, though we aren't really much like what most people expect from us." Blinky said.

"So you don't eat humans?" Rosita asked.

"Ugh! Yuck! Eat humans? No! We're not savages." Blinky said with a disgust look.

"Humans taste bad." Aarghaumont said with a disgusted look.

"Yes, and we're mostly not savage beasts. We prefer smaller creatures like cats or smelly socks to eat." Blinky explained.

"Mmmm... socks." Aarghaumont said licking his lips hungry.

Suddenly a tentacle grabbed Sasha's leg as it drags her to the nearby lake. Appearing from the water was a giant furry monster with sharp jagged teeth and sharp claws, growling at her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Sasha screamed as she was getting dragged.

"SASHA!!!" Abe screamed as he tries to pull her away as Rosita shoots the creature.

Thunder joins her as he transformed his mechanical arm into a cannon and shoots the beast. Suddenly a big black armored knight with a dark sword showed up as it sliced its tongue off, freeing Sasha. And then cuts through every attack as it jumped and stabbed his sword in its head.

"You okay?" The Black Knight asked.

"Yes, we are now, Black Knight. Thank you." Thunder said.

"Whoa... you're like... the actual Black Knight?" Rosita said surprised.

"Yep. At your service." Black Knight said as he did a little bow.

"Okay, can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on? Because one moment we were about to be killed then this weird, crazy portal opened and drag us to who knows where!" Abe shouts freaking out.

"Has anyone ever heard of the Multiverse?" Blinky asked.

"You mean where they could be multi-worlds out with different realities." Eugene guessed.

"Exactly!" Black Knight pointed at him.

"How is that possible?" Sasha stepped up not believing a word of what they were saying. "The Multiverse isn't even a proven theory yet, let alone people actually hopping universes like teenagers in movie theaters."

"And yet... here we are." Black Knight said waving his arms all around.

"So what do we do now?" Sasha asked.

"Well, this area will soon be overrun by Shadow Banshees, dangerous creatures from the Shadowlands." Black Knight said.

"Okay. So we need to get out of here. But to where?" Sasha asked.

"To Monstroplis the Domed City, it's the biggest city and kingdom out of all the kingdoms. It's safe there. There should be a train station not far from here." Thunder said.

"Sadly, the next train won't be there until tomorrow." Blinkous said.

"So what do we do now?" Abe asked.

"Trollmarket Kingdom." Aarghaumont said.

"Yes! Trollmarket is not far from here. We can go there." Blinky said.

"Guess that's where we go." Sasha said.
Tara and Gabriel were now wandering around a forest looking for their group when the Dark Matter wave hits them too.

"We need to find some shelter." Tara said.

They run faster as they noticed some monsters walking around. They entered a gateway as they ended up in a land full of sugar and treats!

🎶La-la la-la la🎶

🎶Welcome to this land of sugar🎶

🎶Everything is simply grand🎶

🎶Everything is super yummy🎶

🎶In this place called Sugarland🎶

🎶La-la la-la, la-la la-la...🎶

"Whoa... this is... crazy." Tara said looking around the candy world.

They looked around to see Candy and sweet treats all around them. This was a kid's dream.

"All this candy is making me hungry. When's the last time we ate?" Tara said grabbing a gummy bear off a candy tree.

Gabriel couldn't resist as he was hungry as well and takes a piece of candy too. The two then heard crazy laughing as they looked up to see a candy looking princess laughing hysterically.

"Oh crap, a crazy one." Tara said.

"Let me guess, you're gonna eat us." Gabriel said.

"Blah! I don't eat humans! Only sweet treats." The Baroness said.

"Oh thank goodness." Tara said as Gabriel noticed something.

"Tara! What's happening to your hands?!" Gabriel exclaimed as her hands turn into a gummy.

"My hands?! What's happening?!" Tara screamed.

"Ahhh!!!" Gabriel shouts as he turns into candy too.

"Now you're DELICIOUS!!!" The Baroness says wickedly as she reveals her true side.

Both Tara and Dom looked terrified at the hungry evil Baroness laughs wickedly as her castle comes to life.

The two run away as fast as they can as the giant castle continues to chase them. Trying to avoid falling into the mouth with candy corn teeth.

"Keep running!" Tara shouts to Gabriel as they run faster.

Tara and Gabriel managed to get to the exit as the Baroness couldn't follow. The two sigh in relief as their bodies become flesh again.


"Gah!" Tara screamed.

"I can't believe that you two managed to survive the Baroness!"

"Who's there?!" Gabriel shouts as the two pull out their guns.

"Relax! I'm not gonna hurt or eat you. I only eat small creatures like birds. Mmmm... birds."

"Then show yourself." Tara said.

"No problem."

Suddenly slimy spit hits both their eyes as they groaned in disgust. They rub their eyes as they then started to see a small creature standing before them.

"Now you see me because I gave you the Sight, a gift only a hobgoblin like me can give." The hobgoblin said to them.

"What the hell?! Who are you? What are you?" Dominic said in fear.

"I am Hogsqueal! A hobgoblin as I just said. Now come on! This way!" Hogsqueal said as he starts running.

"Hold on! We're not following you." Tara said to him.

"Trust me, we need to get out of here before danger comes." Hogsqueal said.

"You mean she's coming?" Gabriel asked nervously.

"Her? Nah, she's cursed to be trapped there, but we don't want to be here when the giant spiders come." Hogsqueal explained.

"Giant Spiders?" Tara said in fear.

"Yep. But the most scariest of them all is Choo Choo Charles." Hogsqueal explained.

"Choo Choo Charles?" Dominic said confused.

"A spider train that has been terrorizing the lands here for 12 years now." Hogsqueal explained.

"Hard to believe something like that exists." Gabriel said.

"Yep. Well, it does. Look! A battle train." Hogsqueal said pointing to an armored attack train.

The three hop on the train as they drive it.

"This train should be able to take us to Monstroplis." Hogsqueal said.

Suddenly they heard a train whistle blow nearby. The whistle grew louder as it sounded like it was getting closer. Hogsqueal's eyes widened in fear.

"It's Choo Choo Charles!!!!" Hogsqueal shouts in fear.

The two look back on the train as they saw something they thought would only exist in nightmares. A train with a creepy, razor sharp teeth smile, but not only that, it also had spider legs. It follows them with such speed and hunger.

"Shoot it!!!" Hogsqueal shouts.

Tara then goes to gun as Dom and Hogsqueal take over the controls of the train.

"It's getting closer!" Gabriel shouts.

"I know!!!" Tara shouts as she tries to kill the spider train.

Just as Choo Choo Charles was about to bite them, a boulder smashes his face as a big muscular figure jumps and starts attacking the spider train. He then gripped one of its legs and swung Charles far away. He then looks over to them.

"Whoa..." Tara said as she looked at their savior.

The beast was muscular and hairy and wears a loincloth around his waist. He wears his beard in a pony tail, has sidecurls in his hair and a tattoo with the male gender sign on his left shoulder. His chest and forearms are covered in thick mats of hair. On his head he wears a red bandana, knotted in the back. A human muscle structure and a beer belly, but also has hooves and horns.

"You two humans okay?" The beast asked.

"Yeah... what are you? A Minotaur?" Gabriel asked.

"I'm a Manotaur! Half man! Uh... half taur!" The Manotaur said as he pounded the ground, causing a small earthquake. "I am Chutzpar, the Elemental Master of Earth."

"Oh, well... thank you again for saving us." Tara said.

"You're welcome. You're not the only one I saved today." Chutzpar said as he looked behind himself.

Walking out from hiding in the bushes was a girl that Tara and Gabriel recognized. It was Judith!

"Hey guys." Judith said with relief.

"Judith! You're okay!" Tara said hugging her.

"Your kid?" Chutzpar asked.

"No, one of my friends' daughter. Thank you." Tara said to the Manotaur.

"I found her getting chased by Monster snakes." Chutzpar said to them.

"Well, we should get going to the train station to Monstroplis." Hogsqueal said.

"Agreed! Come! Before we lose daylight." Chutzpar said as he puts Judith to hold on to his hairy back. "Best if you hold on, little one."

"Okay." Judith said as they drive the battle train to the train station.

Each group of the Survivors were now involved with something bigger than what they were dealing of their world. They could only hope that they'll survive this world. They faced against zombies and people... now can they fight against superpower monsters? Along with now being involved in a war?! This journey has just begun.

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