Chapter 2: Reunion & Training

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95nicholasnm ReptileEdge AddictBook122112 LivingNomad41803 DragonRoarAtDaybreak DonovenMorningstar Kumakingkai40 Imafuckingfurry Song_Wolf_Lover69
angel_dust_kin BroQuitStalking ZeroJaze _Totally_Innocent coffeeaddict_chaos JayceeCardinal
Each group of survivors were now heading to the train station. Rick and his group with Barley, Goruk, and Legolas were now heading to the station. As they journey through the land, Rick and his friends told the Freedom Fighters everything about their world as they saw many monsters. It was still hard to believe that monsters exist.

"So this world has every type of monster some people think are made up?" Rick asked.

"Yep. Trolls, Werewolves, Orcs, Vampires, Ghosts, Ogres, Demons, Unicorns, Centaurs, Zombies, Cyclops, Aliens, Sharklopians, Mermaids, Dragons, Goblins, Manotaurs, Taurens and so much more. Even the monsters in people's nightmares." Barley explains.

"What's that?" Maggie asked pointing to a monster in a grassy field growling at them.

"That's a Dozer. Big strong monsters. Their thick skin is impenetrable to bullets and lazer blasts. And what they eat is mostly zombies. Which is why most people breed them to make sure that Zombies don't overpopulate." Barley explained.

"Really? Wish we had these guys on our Earth." Glenn said as he saw the Dozer eat a handful of Zombies.

"Oh if we're lucky, we can send some to your world." Barley smiled. "We've raised them to eat mostly Zombies."

Suddenly they heard a loud roar as they turn around to see a tall zombie-looking monster walking around the area, looking at them.

"What the hell is that?!" Glenn shouts in fear.

"A Walker!" Legolas said as he began shooting arrows at it.

"Run!!!" Barley shouts.

The group runs away as the Walker runs after them. The Walker looked hungry and determined to feast upon them. It then tripped Maggie as it goes to bite her.

"MAGGIE!!!!!" Glenn screamed as he blasted lightning at it.

Maggie screamed as her eyes glowed green, and she then blasted it away with an Energy Ball. She falls backwards as she was in shock of what she just this. Glenn runs to her to help her.

"What the hell was that?!" Maggie said in shock as she looked at her hands.

"No way! You have Ergokinesis!" Barley shouted in excitement.

"Looks like your boyfriend has Electrokinesis!" Boruk said.

Suddenly a teal color and cream white color streak rolled in as it sprayed a stinky musk at the Walker. It roars in disgust as it tried to back away only to get punched by a muscular figure. It reveals to be two skunks. One skunk is a teal colored fur with a cream white stripes running down his back and front. He has cheek tuffs on the sides of his white fur-covered muzzle, and the white hair on his head is raised, making it resemble a mohawk. For clothing, he wears a pair of yellow gloves and boots that both have red lining and cream white volar surfaces. His eyes are red with yellow scleras. The other skunk is a muscular and tall anthropomorphic skunk with white and light gray fur. His mohawk runs down his back with his white stripes reaching the ends of the stub where his tail once was. He has quite scruffy fur, with his chest and muzzle looking connected. He has a pink nose with a triangular shape and short ears. He bears a "W"-shaped patch in the center of his chest and bears fangs. Around his black eyes with red sclera, he has a purple streak. For attire, he wears two black, spiked bracelets with gold buckles on them and wears black and gray boots also with golden buckles.

"Awww yeah!!!" The Skunk Brothers shouted as they attacked the Walker.

"Who the hell are these two?" Rick asked.

"You lookin' to scrap?" Rough said.

"Then get ready to crumble!" Tumble said.

"Brace yourselves for ROUGH & TUMBLE!" Both shouted in unison as they struck a pose.

The Survivors were surprised by these two as they continued to fight the Walker as a teenager. He has dirty blonde hair fashioned into a mohawk while the rest of his head is shaved. He wears a pair of cargo shorts with steel-toed boots and a green jacket with a gray shirt underneath. His hands are wrapped or bandaged in gauze, as he often smashes and punches things with his bare hands. His eye color is dark green.

"Just step back you guys! I got this!" Dirk Savage growled as his eyes glowed yellow.

Dirk's skin turns purple as his body grows bigger and rips his shirt and jacket. Horns popped on his head as his mohawk grows bigger and spikes popped on his shoulders. He ripped off his torn clothes and roars in pride of his monster form.

"Oh yeah! Dirk Monster is here!!!" Dirk shouts as he jump-slammed the Walker.

He gripped the Walker's leg as he began to whip it around as he threw it backwards.

"Now Chewie!" Tumble shouts as a Wookiee jumped into the action.

"Grrraww!!!" The Wookiee growled as his eyes and hands glowed green.

He slams his hands on the ground as big thick plant vines began to sprout up and trapped the Walker in the vines, suffocating it.

"Whoa! You have powers too?!" Carl said surprised as the Wookiee growled.

"Indeed he does, Chewbacca is the Elemental Master of Plants, and a fellow Elemental Brother." Legolas said patting Chewie's shoulder.

"Hey, this is cool and all, but we should get moving." Dirk said.

"Right! Come on! The train station is not far from here. We can rest in that old temple." Boruk said as he pointed to a ruined temple.

They were now resting with a fire burning in the center of where they were resting.

"So that was a Walker? What's the difference?" Rick asked.

"Walkers are different from Zombies. They're faster, smarter, and stronger than the average Zombie." Boruk explained.

"So... who are you guys?" Maggie asked.

"I'm Rough and Tumble is my brother. We're the Skunk Brothers." Rough said as they flexed their muscles in a pose.

"So what happened to your tail?" Carl asked Tumble looking at his shorter tail.

Everyone looked at him with widened eyes as there was a moment of silence. Tumble then began to cry, sobbing as Rough tries to comfort his bigger brother.

"Was it something I said?" Carl asked.

"Yeah, the subject about his tail is very sensitive." Barley said.

"Long story short, he lost it in a battle." Boruk said.

"Hey it's okay Bro. You still look like a badass with a short tail." Rough said comforting his brother.

"Anyway, who are you guys?" Dirk asked.

"I'm Rick Grimes. This my son, Carl. That's Glenn Rhee and Maggie Greene." Rick said introducing themselves.

"I'm Dirk Savage and the Wookiee is Chewbacca." Dirk Savage said as Chewie growls. "Chewie says hello."

"So... that Dark Matter gave me powers?" Maggie asked as her hands glowed green.

"Yep. The power of energy manipulation. So cool." Barley said.

"And yet I don't really understand how to control it." Maggie said.

"Don't worry. We have a friend of ours who could teach you. He's quite the master and taught every Elemental Master and most Metas." Boruk said.

"Thanks." Maggie said.

"Yeah, you're definitely need help to control it. Especially when the war is still going on." Tumble said.

"What war?" Carl asked.

"Wait? You guys didn't tell them?" Dirk asked his friends looked embarrassed.

"What are you talking about?" Glenn asked.

"Our world has been at war for the last 2 years. All the 17 Kingdoms against one common enemy. Count Dracula." Legolas explained.

"Count Dracula? As in the vampire lord?" Rick said hardly believing what he's hearing.

"Yep. He's dangerous and the most, evil monster in our world. And his general Agramon, is the worst! He's not a vampire like his master, but he is dangerous! That's why people like us are part of the Resistance who fight against him." Barley explained. 

"You guys are fighters, right? So maybe you can help us." Rough said.

"Now hold on. We said nothing about joining a war. All we want is to find the rest of our friends and get back home." Rick said.

"Look, we'll help you guys but be honest... do you guys want to go back there? From what you told us about it, you're better off here than there. We got advance tech, food, drinks, weapons, and monsters! Our world isn't perfect but it's better than yours. Do you really want to live like savages?" Barley said.

"Perhaps we'll discuss this later. Let's get some sleep." Legolas said as they go to sleep.

Rick and the others rested as they were hoping their friends would be okay and hoping they can survive this war. Along with that, they thought about what Barley said. Do they want to go back home?

Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Axel, and the Freedom Fighters continues on in the Battle Raider as they drive off to the kingdom. As they do, they shook hands and introduced themselves to each other. Along with Daryl and the others explain where they came from.

"So, guys all have powers?" Michonne asked.

"Yep. Most of us are Meta-Humans like Killer Croc. Mutants like Dogpound. And some of us are Aliens like Arkillo and me, babe." Lobo said as he smokes.

"So mind telling us who you are at war with?" Carol asked.

"Count Vladislaus Dracula. Born 1422. Murdered 1462. The Vampire Lord of our world. He's existed for centuries and has become our world's greatest threat." King Gunmar said.

"An actual vampire? Seriously?" Daryl said finding it silly.

"He is a dangerous threat. His demon general, his vampires, his hired Meta-assassins and monsters." Lennox said with a serious look. "Lost some good friends to that bloodsucker."

"I'm sorry." Axel said as they all heard a loud screeching roar.

"What the hell is that?" Daryl asked.

"Shadow Banshees! More of Dracula's new pets! Battle stations!" King Gunmar shouts.

The Battle Raider gets bumped as the Survivors turn around to see a bunch of Shadow Banshees on their tail with their claws out.

The team of heroes spring into action as they fight off the Shadow Banshees. The Survivors decide to help as they shoot the Shadow Banshees, but the bullets do nothing.

"Idiots! Guns like those don't work on them!" Vexx roared as he slashed a Shadow Banshee apart.

"Then what do we use?!" Daryl says.

"Take these!" Lobo shouts as he tossed them some techno weapons.

Daryl grabs a techno crossbow and starts shooting at each of the Shadow Banshees. He saw it was way more effective than his old one.

Michonne grabs a high-tech railgun and starts shooting multiple Shadow Banshees.

Axel grabbed another gun and starts shooting each of the Shadow Banshees.

Carol grabbed another gun and starts shooting each of the Shadow Banshees. Daryl quickly dodged its claws in orange energy. He then fires a blast of Heat at the Shadow Banshees.

"Daryl?" Michonne said in shock.

"How the hell did I do that?!" Daryl said in shock as well.

"You have powers! You copy our powers!" Mick said surprised.

"Carol look out!" Michonne shouts.

A Shadow Banshee grabs Carol. She screams as she tries to break free, but as she does, she behind to freeze it in ice. It then shatters like glass.

"Cool! Cryokinesis!" Nanaue said as he blasted a flood of water at the Shadow Banshees.

Michonne continues to blast them as she also slashes them with her katana. One of them knocked Axel's gun and goes to attack him.

"STAY AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE!!!!!" Axel screamed as he shot a Sonic Soundwave from his chest at a Shadow Banshee, destroying it.

"You have powers too!? Awesome!" Rocksteady said as he continued to fight.

Suddenly a red and black streak with red lightning began to slash and cuts through each of the Shadow Banshees.

"Here I come, baby!" Deadpool said as he slashed through the Shadow Banshees.

Another speedster appeared who appears to be a dragon. He sped through every Shadow Banshee.

"We got this!" Dragon Flash said as he lightning blasted the Shadow Banshees.

A blue streak of blue lightning Spin Slashed through a bunch of the Shadow Banshees.

"Aww yeah!!! Way past cool!" Sonic said as he does more Spin Homing Attacks.

All of a sudden, one of the Shadow Banshees grabbed Axel and flew off with him.

"AXEL!!!!" Carol screamed as he was taken away.

"We got to go after him!" Daryl said to the Rebels.

"We can't. It's too late. Your friend will still be alive." Grodd said.

"How the hell do you know that?" Daryl said.

"Because Shadow Banshees kill their targets, not keep them alive. Most likely, they took him to their master, Count Dracula." King Gunmar said.

"Look, we can't make any promises, but we will do whatever we can to get your friend back." Kihone said to them.

The group of Freedom Fighters and the Survivors continued on their way to Monstropolis as the three Survivors hope that Axel will be okay.

Abe, Eugene, Rosita, and Sasha were now walking with Thunder, Blinkous, Aarghaumont, the Black Knight to the Kingdom of Trolls.

"So when you said the Abraham Ford of this world died, what did you mean by that?" Abraham asked as they walked.

"You see, in the Multiverse, we all have doppelgänger versions of ourselves who could be very similar or incredibly different based on an infinite amount of variables. There could be a version of you who is a doctor, a scientist, or maybe even a billionaire." Thunder explains.

"Me? A billionaire? Ha! So... you knew the Abraham here?" Abe asked. 

"Yeah... you act just like him. He was my leader of the team I was part of." Thunder said as he pulled out a picture to show them.

"There were seven of us in our team. You, our Leader. Sora, our Crafter. Boruk, our Muscle. Stealthor, our Marksman. Me, our Scout. Xee, our Psy-op... and Randall, the Infiltrator. We were the Rogue Batch." Thunder explained.

"Damn! Quite the team I was leading." Abe said looking at the picture.

"Heh. Yeah. We were a small mercenary group who took on the most dangerous missions in the war that is still going on. We were hoping to make a change. I thought we were all committed to the cause." Thunder explained. "Here... let me show you. The video of our masks were networked. Let us review the missions. Study each other's perspectives."

"Okay...? No problem." Abe said as he puts on Thunder's mask and plays it off on a hologram like a projector.

The video then shows a bunch of hooded figures chained being dragged to one of Count Dracula's bases. The monster holding the prisoners goes to the guard as he knocked him out. It morphs back into Randall. It turned out to be a trick.

"Ha ha! There are calculators out there with better security." Randall laughed as the team gets ready and pulls out their weapons.

"Heh. Don't get too cocky. Xee? Where are the patrols?" Abraham asked the psychic meta.

"I see... one formation on the far end of the base. Two more inside... Recharging." Xee said using her meta-powers.

"I can feel all the tech around us. Too bad we have to destroy it. Heh." Sora said.

"Perfect. Thunder?" Abraham asked.

"One patrol, 100 meters from the front gate." Thunder reported as they bust in.

"Then blow the door! We'll tear everything down in here!" Abraham shouts as he fire at every zombie, monster, and vampire bat.

"Ha! Now this more like it!" Stealthor shouts as he shoots with his two pistols.

"Fear me beasts!" Boruk roared as he fires his chain gun, taking down multiple enemies.

"Actually, it looks like Count Dracula was expecting us. Tank inbound." Thunder said before blowing it up with his arm cannon. "Nevermind—Hee-Hee!"

The Central Command Tower then exploded as Xee and Sora had succeeded in destroying it.

"Central Command Tower is neutralized!" Xee shouts as she and Sora floats down using her telekinesis.

"I got our exit! Thunder! How are we looking to the South?" Randall asked as he helped his team.

"All clear! Get out of there!" Thunder replied.

"Damn! You guys were badass!" Abe said impressed by

"I'll say! You all worked pretty well together." Sasha said.

"We were a quite the team. Sora, the Elemental Master of Technology, was genius. She designed all of our tech and gear. She even designed my robotic arm." Thunder said rubbing his arm.

"So... what happened?" Sasha asked.

"Randall sold us out to the enemy. Lured us into a trap. Only Boruk and I survived." Thunder said sadly.

"I'm so sorry." Eugene said.

"So what did you mean war?" Abe asked.

"Our world has been at war for the last 2 years now. Against Count Dracula of the Vampires." Blinky explains.

"Count Dracula? Really?" Rosita says surprised.

"Yep. All the 17 Kingdoms of our world is at war with him. He plans on destroying all of us." Thunder said.

Suddenly the ground began to shake as they saw a monster charging at them.

"A TERENTATEK!!!" Blinkous screamed as he points at it.

The Terentatek roared at them as they get ready to fight, Abe and Eugene out of instinct fired a burst of fire and earth at the creature, hurting it as it roars in pain.

"The hell..?" Abe said looking at his hands.

"Whoa... you have Pyrokinesis!" Thunder said to Abe.

"And you have Geokinesis!" Blinky said to Eugene.

The Terentatek roars in anger as it goes to attack again only for a loud sonic howl to echo in the air, driving the monster away from them. They turn around to see a gray wolf with a dark gray muzzle, red scratches over the left eye.

"You guys okay?" The Wolf asked them.

"Yo Winzar! Nice timing!" Thunder said as he fist-bumped the Wolf.

"Who's this?" Sasha asked.

"This is Winzar the Wolf, the Elemental Master of Sound." Blinkous said introducing Winzar the Wolf to them.

"Lucky I was in the area looking for food." Winzar said as he licked his lips.

Soon the team reached a Domed City. They go to a nearby cave as Blinky then pulled out a Horngazel and cut open a doorway as the door opens for them. Right on queue, crystal stairs glowed blue for them.

"So where are we going?" Abe asked as they go down the crystal stairs.

They continued down deeper as they then entered through a tunnel revealing to an underground city.

"Welcome to Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinky said to the Survivors.

"Whoa..." The four Survivors said in awe of the place.

"Trollmarket is home, and heart, and sanctuary for all good Trolls." Blinky answered as the Survivors followed him and Aarghaumont.

"Unbelievable..." Abe said as he couldn't believe it.

"This way my friends, there's much to see." The six eyed troll said before he started to lead the way.

"Wow... this... just... wow!" Rosita said as she saw the many Trolls.

"Stay close. Besides Monsters, Meta-Humans, and Elemental Masters, human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before." Blinky warned as the group walked among the trolls, catching their attention as they walked past.

"Human?" A troll questioned as said humans walked past their stall, halting the Survivors from their wonder in fear of confrontation.

"Friends." Aarghaumont explained with a huff before the group continued on, the Survivors worrying melting back into awe.

"This is just a lot to take in." Abe said looking around.

"Quite something." Eugene said as he takes some pics of Trollmarket, its inhabitants going about their business, and the majesty of it all. He even managed to catch a few selfies of them with large groups of confused and surprised trolls.

"Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite! Corneroupi..." Eugene listed off as he looked at the numerous geodes, his nerd side showing off.

But before he could finish his sentence, he realized the rock he was admiring was actually a Troll who growled at him for touching his belly.

"Uh, hi." Eugene said nervously greeted before awkwardly joining back up with the group who were a good distance away.

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost Troll-like Eugene!" Blinky complimented as Eugene caught up with the rest of them.

"So, your kind? You all live here?" Sasha asked as they continued walking.

"Trolls travel from afar to our market, to find comfort and residence. You'll find almost anything you need, and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed!" Blinky answered as they walked deeper into the city, unaware of a big blue troll covered in crystals watching them from the shadows.

As they kept walking, little gnomes scuttle around their feet, making Rosita look down to see one of them near her feet, looking up at her.

"Oh, hey little guy! That's a cute pointy hat..." Rosita cooed as she looked down at the tiny creature, only to be surprised by it hissing at her.

"And pointy teeth!" Rosita exclaimed in surprise when the gnome showed off its sharp teeth, jumping back from the critter.

"Look out! Go away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Begone!" Blinky shouted as he ran back to Rosita and tried to stomp on the gnomes, making them scatter. One of the gnomes stayed back and blew a raspberry at the troll before it ran off, leaving them behind.

"Were those Gnomes?" Rosita asked as she took in the fact she was nearly attacked by a pint-sized creature.

"Indeed. Gnomes are vermin. Pickpockets, scum of the Earth!" Blinky explained as he dusted his hands off. "We only tolerate them for their grooming services." the six-eyed troll continued.

"Grooming?" Eugene asked, suddenly curious by Blinky's statement. He had been wondering what type of hygiene situation trolls had.

"They eat the parasites on the larger trolls." Blinky explained as he pointed at Aarghaumont while a few gnomes unknowingly demonstrated how they earn their keep, before the large troll shooed them off.

"Hey! Check it out!" Rosita exclaimed as the others began to turn a corner in the path, pointing at the large orange crystal in the middle of the market.

"Look at that, It's amazing!" Eugene exclaimed while Eugene took pictures of it.

"Heartstone." Aarghaumont said as the Survivors took in the beautiful sight.

"The lifeforce of Trollkind! The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone, and the source of light and sustenance!" Blinky explained, revealing just how the trolls survived underground for so long.

"Okay, that's cool!" Abe said, looking over at the others who nodded in agreement.

"What are humans doing here?" A troll behind the group questioned, bringing them out of their sightseeing to turn around and see the growing crowd. Slowly but surely, more and more trolls added their own hurtful comments into the conversation.

"I guess Trolls don't like humans much, huh?" Sasha said seeing them glaring at them.

"I think we've attracted the paparazzi." Abe noted as the comments died down, allowing Blinky to step up.

"My friends, please you don't have to worry about anything. These people are just—" Blinky began, only to be interrupted by the blue troll from before as they burst through the crowd.

"What is this!?" The blue troll demanded as he lumbered towards the group.

"I was just getting to that, Draal." Blinky responded, revealing the troll's name to be Draal as he backed up in fear of the bigger troll's reaction.

"Aside from Meta-Humans, Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before. Only humans been allowed in the Kingdom above. Who are these fleshbags?" Draal growled looking at them. 

"They are just some people who got dragged here from a different universe. Two of them is a Meta-Human who became one due to the recent Dark Matter Storm." Blinky explains to his fellow friends as he pushed Abe and Eugene in front of them.

"Meta-Humans here? Heh, it's not often we get Meta-Humans to come down here. I'm Rykarr the Roar. Nice to meet ya!" Rykarr said as he shook Abe's hand aggressively.

The Trolls murmured as they began to chattered amongst themselves.

"Bushigal! I am Draal! Son of Kanjigar the Courageous! We don't need Meta-Humans down here. Besides, what type of power does they possess?" Draal said glaring at them.

"He possesses Pyrokinesis, the power to manipulate and control Fire. Eugene here possesses Geokinesis. Show them, Pyro Abe and Eugene!" Blinky said to Abe.

"Don't call me that." Abraham said as he creates a ball of Fire in his hands and Eugene creates a ball of dirt.

"Humans? Here? Oh brother... what have you've done this time." Dictatious said to his brother as the trolls and humans argue.

Suddenly a loud roar echoed in Trollmarket. The trolls gasped as they turn around to see a large Troll with black skin, yellow eyes with red orange pupils, and a set of horns curled around his face. He had sharp claws, claw toes on his feet, and spikes sticking out of his elbows. He wore a kilt with a wide belt, decorated with skulls, and two belts across his chest, which held his swords. He also had a leather wrap on his right arm, and what appeared to be spiky black hair going down his back. This was Bular the Butcher, the Prince.

"What in Deya's name is going on here?" Bular said to them.

"Ah Prince Bular, good to see you. Where is the king?" Blinky said to the Troll Prince.

"Father is away on a mission and left me in charge in his absence. Now mind explaining to me what are fleshbags are doing down here?" Bular said looking at the humans.

"They were lost out there, trying to find shelter so we took them here. Just until the train arrives. Please, my Prince, have mercy." Blinky said.

"Hmmmm... Fine. But they're only staying for the night until the next train comes. And Blinky, any trouble they cause will fall on you." Bular warned.

Blinky nodded as he led them to a guest room. As they do, they saw some human kids playing with some of the Trolls. The boys and girls were laughing and playing with the Trolls as they were enjoying the kids.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"So, they dislike humans and yet they play with human kids?" Abe said confused.

"Those kids are all Meta-Humans like you, Abe. They're orphans us Trolls took under our wing." Blinky explains.

"All of them are orphans?" Sasha asked.

"Yes. Due to Zombie, Monster, and the war attacks, most of them lost their families so the Resistance does what they can to keep the children safe until they are adopted." Blinky said as 2 kids swing on a Troll's horns.

Soon they were brought to a room with four large beds and a bathroom.

"Rest here. Please try not to cause any trouble or go anywhere you're not supposed to. Good night." Blinky said as he left them.

Abe, Sasha, Eugene, and Rosita headed to bed as they were left thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

The next morning all the Survivors were all heading to the train station. Tara, Gabriel, Judith, Chutzpar and Hogsqueal were still riding the train when they stopped.

"The train looks it needs some repairs. This won't take long." Chutzpar said as he grabbed some tools.

As they worked on the train, Judith wandered off a little next to a tree. She rests her back on it as she watched them work, but didn't see a tall long monster walks behind her as it extends, its tentacles to grab her. As it does, Tara saw this and reacted as she runs towards with her gun.

"JUDITH, LOOK OUT!!!" Tara shouts to her.

Out of fear she shot a blast of water at it, knocking it backwards. Just as the monster was about to grab Judith, Chutzpar blasted a boulder on the monster, crushing its head. Tara then goes to check on Judith as they saw the monster was dead.

"You okay?" Tara asked as she checks in her.

"Yeah." Judith said shaking a bit.

"What the hell is that?" Gabriel asked.

"A Hollowgast. Hollows for short. Invisible beasts. Dangerous, cold-blooded, and deadly. They are monstrous hideous beasts who prey on peculiars, metas, and mutants. Mostly children." Chutzpar explained as he crushed its head more.

"Wait, if they're invisible... how can we see them?" Judith asked nervously.

"Because I gave you the Gift of Sight. They're mostly invisible to everyone except special people like me. We should get going, when there's one Hollow, there's always more nearby." Hogsqueal said.

"Let's just get going." Gabriel said as they head back on the train.

They were back on the train as they soon reached the train station. They quickly get off as they saw the rest of their friends with new allies.

"I knew you guys would be okay." Rick said.

"Oh great... more fleshbags." Draal grunted.

"Awesome! More humans!" Hogsqueal said with joy.

"Take it easy Hogsqueal." Tara says to the Hobgoblin.

"Who are you are talking too?" Daryl asked.

"Oh! More human allies for the Resistance!" Hogsqueal chuckled as he then spits at the rest of the Survivors' eyes.

They groan in disgust as they rubbed their eyes and began to see Hogsqueal clear as day.

"Join us on our quest! Vengeance or death! Hopefully vengeance." Hogsqueal said.

"Wait! Where's Axel?" Glenn asked.

"Axel... was taken by some Shadow Banshees, but we believe he's still alive." Carol said.

"Don't worry, will do whatever we can to find a friend." Dogpound said.

"Come on. Let's all get on the train." Barley said.

Soon everyone boarded the train as the train zoomed off.

"Next stop, Monstropolis the Kingdom of Monsters." Rough shouts to everyone.

The Survivors looked out the windows and saw the massive city protected by a big dome. Once they arrived at the Domed City. They all exit the train as they go to enter the kingdom, the Freedom Fighters each pulled out a small green ID card which the computer scanned and allowed them in.

"What's that for?" Maggie asked.

"These are our ID cards. Almost everyone has one. They allow access to the 18 Kingdoms. Here, let me register you all so that you guys can answer any of the kingdoms." Barley said as he works on the computer.

The machine then takes a picture of each Survivor as it creates an Emerald ID Card for each of them.

"Identities. Rick Grimes. Glenn Rhee. Maggie Greene. Carl Grimes. Daryl Dixon. Carol Peletier. Judith Grimes. Sasha Williams. Michonne Hawthorne. Tara Chambler. Abraham Ford. Eugene Porter. Rosita Espinosa. Gabriel Stokes." The AI said as it gives them each their cards.

"There. Now you guys can access any of the 18 Kingdoms. As long as you have your cards. Keep them close." Barley said.

The Freedom Fighters walk through a glass chamber as they make it to the entrance. The Survivors followed them to the glass chamber. The chamber then began to spray them with a chemical and injected a drug into each of them.

"The fuck was that?!" Abraham coughed as he was rubbing his neck.

"The chamber sprayed you all with a disinfectant to clean you all from any germs or viruses. Same thing with the drug you got injected with. Cleaned your entire body from any sickness or viruses." IG-11 explains.

As they finally enter the city, they saw many monsters of all shapes, sizes, and species walking among each other. There were some humans too but not as many.

"Whoa..." The Survivors said in awe.


The Survivors then see a young boy running towards Bebop and Rocksteady.

"I knew you guys would come back!" The kid said happy to see his dads okay.

"Hey! Tyrone, good to see ya!" Rocksteady said as he and Bebop hugged their son.

"Dads?" Glenn said.

"You got a problem with that?" Bebop and Rocksteady said in unison with a glare.

"No, no problem at all." Glenn said not wanting to piss off the dads.

"This city is... wow!" Carol said amazed.

"Yes, this city is beautiful and great! Blinky, Aarghaumont, Barley, and Boruk... you guys will show our guests around and meet us at the mess hall." King Gunmar said.

"Understood, my King." Blinky said as he and  Aarghaumont bowed to him.

"Hey Jeff!" Barley shouts to his friend.

"No way! Jeff is a unicorn!" Judith said excitedly.

"Hello! Oh, I see you have new friends." Jeff said.

"This is Rick and his group. They're from a different universe." Blinky said.

"A parallel universe, cool! Well, I hope you enjoy the kingdom and its inhabitants." Jeff said.

"Jeff is the greatest mechanical engineer. The best in the world! He even created the domes of the cities." Barley said.

"Oh stop it, you'll make me blush." Jeff giggled.

"Wait! You created the domes?" Abe said.

"Yep. Well, I had help building it, but I came up with the blueprints and the designs for the domes. Made to be strong enough against any monster. Even a Titan can't get through. Same with ghosts too." Jeff explained.

"Yeah, so we'll see you later. Got more showing around." Boruk said.

"Of course, see ya!" Jeff said as he waved goodbye.

"Okay, so where are we going?" Maggie asked.

"Laboratory." Aarghaumont said.

"You want help to transport you back to your world, right? Well, who better to ask than our greatest minds." Blinky said.

The Survivors then walked into a high tech laboratory where a boy in a black and gray coat and a gray bauta, which makes his eyes appear to be glowing a yellow-green color, is seen.

"What do you want?" The boy said with a voice which sounds intimidating.

"Ummm... hey, you some wizard with magic?" Rick asked.

"Magic? I don't work with magic. (normal voice) I mean, technically, it's not magic, it's alchemy, but, yeah, don't—— don't sweat it. I'm an alchemist. I'm quite smart with making formulas and tech a bit. I'm Varian Ruddiger." Varian said to them. "And those two are the Mauler Twins, brilliant mechanical engineers and scientists in biology."

Behind Varian were two identical blue skinned muscular humanoids wearing black, sleeveless leotard with a white "M" stretching from the chest all the way to their legs. Both wearing a long, white lab-coats. Both were working on something.

"New people, huh?" Mauler #1 said as he wiped his hands.

"Heh, this will be interesting." Mauler #2 said as he puts down a tool.

A large man appeared who has blue-skinned and fur. A bestial creature with fangs and claws. He wore glasses and a white lab coat.

"I'm Dr. Hank McCoy. Such a pleasure in meeting you." Hank said as he shakes some of their hands.

A man with blue skin, a long black ponytail, a scar under his left eye, and a thick, smooth unibrow. His outfit is a blue double-breasted coat and trousers, with black gloves and boots. He also wears a wide belt and a black collar, both of which are embossed with pale green circles.

"I am Dr. Drakken. A brilliant scientist." Dr. Drakken said with pride.

"Yeah, but his real name is Drew P. Lipsky." Mauler Twin #1 chuckled which made Drakken blush in embarrassment.

"Gawh! I told you guys that is NOT my name anymore!" Drakken growled at them.

The next person who showed up was a kid with glasses and wearing a lab coat.

"Hello, I'm Matteo Shiva. Nice to meet you guys." Matteo said.

"Wait-what? But you're a kid." Daryl said.

"A smart kid with a high IQ. Plus, this kid has Technokinesis." Matteo said as his eyes glowed green as he uses his powers.

All the technology in the lab began to move and act on its own as Matteo manipulated them.

"Huh... pretty impressive, kid." Daryl said to him.

"I'm also a Brazilian jiu-jitsu Master. Don't cross me." Matteo warned with his eyes glowing.

A techno armored gorilla appeared from a chained tire hanging in the room.

"Good to see new faces." Winston says as he continues working on his project.

Suddenly a ghost appeared from a wall carrying a weaponized gun. He wears a tattered dark pink lab coat, a white shirt underneath and a long, pinkish-red tie. He is mostly salmon and red in terms of coloration, with the main exceptions being his eyes and shirt, both of which are white/light pink. He has a short beard and medium messy hair that stands upright, both of which are crimson in color. He has circular glasses with black frames that he wears at all times. Unlike most other ghosts, he has visible, sharp teeth and an underbite.

"And I'm Dr. Drewell, biologist in plants and a bio-engineer scientist. I'm also a great inventor of many things." Dr. Drewell said introducing himself.

As they introduced themselves, Rick heard groaning and moaning as a Zombie came in the room, wearing a techno collar on its neck.

"Zombie!" Rick shouts as he pulls out his gun to shoot it.

"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Wait! Don't shoot!" Varian shouts as he and his scientist pals stand in front of it.

"What? Are you kidding me? It's a Walk-Zombie!" Rick said still pointing his gun.

"Who's under our control! This poor guy is wearing an invention we call a Domestication Collar. It's suppresses this guy's flesh cravings, making him docile." Mauler #2 explaining to them as he points to the collar on the Zombie.

"He's harmless." Mauler #1 said as he pokes the Zombie, who didn't care at all.

"Now he's like a servant to us. Helping us as we try to make a cure." Dr. Drewell said.

"Wait, you're trying to make a cure?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, but so far we haven't found the solution to cure them yet." Winston said.

"So what brings you all to our lab?" Dr. Drakken asked.

"We were told that you guys could send us back to our universe. Our Earth." Rick said.

"You mean you need an Interdimensional Extrapolator or Transdimensional Portal?" Mauler Twin 2# asked as he works.

"Yeah, whatever one works." Daryl said not caring.

"Okay, so which Earth are you guys from?" Hank asked.

"Which Earth?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, is it Earth-37, Earth-14? Earth-5, Earth-7, Earth-161, Earth-666, Earth-2145, Earth-103?" Matteo said as he works on a computer.

"How many Earths are out there?" Michonne asked.

"An infinite. I mean, the Multiverse has infinite number of Earths. So which Earth are you from?" Dr. Drewell asked.

"We... don't know which Earth we're from. I mean, we didn't even think the Multiverse was real until now." Sasha said.

"Oh, then I'm afraid that's a problem. Unless you know which Earth you're from, then we can't teleport you guys home." Winston said.

"Wait, seriously?" Abe said a little mad.

"Well, looks like you guys are stuck here." Drakken chuckled.

"You're not helping, Drakken." Hank said back.

"So, we're stuck here... great." Rick said upset.

"Look, we'll do what we can." Varian said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, so let's keep moving. Good luck my friends." Blinkous said as he waved to them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They exit the lab as they passed some children playing and a gallery of items on display.

"What are those?" Carl asked pointing to a glass chamber.

The Survivors looked to see many different items kept in the chamber. A mask, a dragon staff, a crystal, a lantern with a ring, a wolf mask, a star, a ruby ring, a lightsaber, an hourglass, a sword, a shark tooth, a cat plush, a bunny mask etc.

"Those are all artifacts we've collected from our adventures. We put them on display to show everyone our accomplishments." Boruk explained to them.

The Survivors looked surprised to see so many as they headed off to another area when a green ghost appeared to them.

"Hey there! I'm Geoff! G-E-O-F-F. Not to confuse with Jeff. J-E-F-F." Geoff said to them.

"Oh... hey." Rick said.

"Nice to meet you all!" Geoff said as he wrapped them all in a slimy but cozy hug. "See ya!"

Geoff left as he phased through the walls as the leaves the group a little slimy.

"Yeah, Geoff is a hugger. And in the next room behind these doors is the mess hall, where everyone goes to eat, talk, and laugh. Help yourselves, there's plenty of food for everyone. But I must warn you, the guys there are not really fond of humans much. Try not to start a fight." Blinky said as he warned them.

Blinky opened the doors as the Survivors saw many Monsters and Meta-Humans eat together and some pick different foods to eat. There were many different foods to choose from. Fish, Pizza, Sushi, Hot Dogs, Pie, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Buttered Biscuits, Fruit, Chicken Pot Pies, Roasted Rats, Garbage, Brisket, Socks, etc.

The Survivors were in awe of how much food there was. They went ahead as they grabbed plates to pick up as food as they can to eat as two monsters came out of the kitchen with more food.

"Eat up slobs, we got enough for everyone!" Chef said with more food in his hands.

"Hope you're all still hungry because we have enough food to feed a dragon." Dingodile said dropping off more food.

Rick goes to get a cheeseburger and fries when a troll bumped him as it got some socks to eat. Carl looks to see some pie and goes to get it... only for a red Gargoyle to grab it. Brooklyn.

"Hey! You're a Gargoyle! I'm a..." Carl says as Brooklyn left with a grunt. "Okay... sorry."

"...Oh how nice." Dogpound said to Logan.

"Damn! Genetics are wild! You're cool and he's..." Wade spoke.

Dogpound growls as he and his son give him a scowl look.

"You would beat my ass, wouldn't you?" Wade said knowing the answer.

Dogpound gave Wade a "hell yeah" look. Wade then sped off in a streak of red lightning.

"The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass." Wade said to the readers.

Sasha goes to get some ice cream when an indigo buffed up ghost takes it.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there." Sasha says.

"That's okay. I'm Jeff, with a J. So I've heard you guys come from a different universe." Jeff said.

"Ummm... yep. That's us." Sasha said as he grabbed a cup of ice cream.

"Wow, hope you guys like it here." Jeff said as he left.

Eugene was just nervous as he was trying to maneuver his way through the pack of monsters and meta-humans with his plate of food.

"...that's why me and Chutzpar are perfect together!" Manly Dan said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Oh... So you guys fight together often?" Abraham  asked as he eats some brisket.

"Yep! Me and Chutzpar here are the perfect team and couple." Manly Dan said as he and Chutzpar do a dramatic pose.

"Achoo!" Dirk sneezed.

"Hey! Dirk sneezes like a girl." Waylon Jones laughed.

"And how about I pound you like boy! That didn't come out right." Dirk said quickly regretting what he said as Judith laughed.

Glenn and Maggie were grabbing some Tuna, Salads, and Wine when he accidentally bumped into three anthropomorphic dogs who looked like gangsters. As Glenn bumped into them, they almost dropped their food and turned to face him looking all angry.

"Hey! Watch where you're walking bro!" Duke the Great Dane barked with his two bros by his side.

"Yeah bro!" Roger the Rottweiler growled at him. 

"Mess with our Alpha, we mess with you, bro!" Brock the Bullmastiff added.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Geez!" Glenn said as he backed away.

"Crazy mutts." Maggie whispered to her husband.

"Fascinating! And what was your name again?" Eugene asked the big guy.

"I am Zog the Triceraton. A warrior of the Triceraton Empire." Zog says in pride.

Carol was just looking for a spot to sit when she saw a woman wave at her friendly.

"Oh hi! Nice to see some girls around here. Here, sit." The woman said offering Carol a spot.

"I'm Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi, but everyone calls me Dr. Light." Kimiyo said to her.

"Oh hi. I'm Carol. So uh, Light, right? So your powers are..?"

"Light manipulation." Kimiyo said as she creates a ball of light in her hand. "What about you?"

"Ice powers." Carol said as her hand glows icy blue, giving off cold air.

"Nice! Super cool." Kimiyo smiled.

Daryl was eating some hot dogs when he was Geoff with Jeff.

"Oh hey Geoff. You two are... friends?" Daryl said.

"More than that. Jeff is my husband." Geoff said as he hugs his husband.

"Wait... you two together?" Daryl said surprised.

"I know, I get your confusion, but Jeff's name is spelled with a J. Well mine is spelled G-E-"

"YES! I get it. No need to explain it to me." Daryl said.

It was hard for the Survivors to adjust to their new surroundings. Being around humans was hard enough, but monsters?! That was completely different. They then heard a fight going on.

"Hey! What's going on?" King Gunmar asked he breaks up the two fighters.

"This Orc dared to insult the Elemental Master of Shockwave! Me! Gimli, son of Glion!" Gimli said.

"Oh please! You were taking too long on the line, fatty." Rogg the Orc said to the Dwarf.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you could go ish kakhfê ai-'d dûr-rugnu!" Gimli said to the Orc.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Rogg growled as his eyes and hands glowed green fire. "You know, I remember a time us Orcs use to make Dwarves moan like a bitch!"

"Say that again, beast!" Gimli shouted as his eyes and hands glowed purple with shockwave energy. "I've been itching for someone to shatter with my Shockwaves!"

King Gunmar then stomped his foot loudly.

"ENOUGH!!! We're all on the same side here so get along or I'll kick you both out myself! Understood?!" King Gunmar barked at them.

The two nodded as they walked away from each

"Looks there's drama here too." Daryl said.

Rick smirked as he goes to pick up the bottled drink he dropped as it stopped at Lord Ras' feet. Rick looks up to see Ras looking at him with a grin.

"So... you're the so-called Survivors from a Zombie Apocalypse world, huh?" Lord Ras said.

"Yeah... we are. Rick Grimes." Rick said to him.

"Hmph. Weak. Anyone here can take down a Zombie." Lord Ras said.

"Now listen here..."

"Ah! I snap my fingers..." Lord Ras said as he snapped his fingers, making everyone point their powers towards them. "And my students snap you."

"What do you want?" Rick asked as his group gathered to him.

"King Gunmar wants you and your group to join the Resistance. To join us in our battle against Count Dracula." Lord Ras said.

"Look, we don't wanna get ourselves involved with this war. We just want to go home." Rick said.

"And yet you have no idea which Earth you're from. You're all basically stuck here. You're all free to go whenever you want. But you all don't know what is safe to eat or what other dangers are out there. There are far more dangerous things out there than a zombie. Monsters that are faster, smarter, and stronger. I, we could train you all to be that. Join the Resistance, help us bring peace to our world." Lord Ras said holding out his hand.

Rick and others looked at each other. They didn't really have a choice. They had no idea how to get home or what to do. And he was right, they had no idea how to survive in this new world. This world was much more dangerous than theirs.

"Fine... we'll join you." Rick said as he shook Ras' hand.

"Good to hear. We'll set you all up with your own homes to live in later. First, the King wants to see all of you." Lord Ras said.

"Gunmar?" Maggie said confused as they saw him eating meat.

"No, he's the king of the Kingdom of Trolls. The king of this city wants to speak with you." Ras explained.

Soon the group followed Lord Ras to the center building of the Domed City.

"A warning for you all, show respect to him or you'll feel his wrath." Lord Ras warned.

They entered a big room with black and gold designs and a big throne.

"Introducing his mightiest, his greatness, his excellency, King Xazgonok the Demon King, King of Monstrolis, and Alpha Leader of the World." The demon shouts.

A big, muscular, and powerful demon walk in his body was silver and burning fire. The Survivors were in shock as they saw how terrifying and scary he was. His skull face drove fear into their souls.

"So... you are the people from another parallel universe?" King Xazgonok said with a glare.

"Yes... yes we are your majesty." Rick said.

"You are the leader?" King Xazgonok asked.

"Yes." Rick answered.

"Hmmm... you don't look much like a leader. Then again... Who am I to judge? I expect that you and your group don't cause any trouble in my kingdom or else..." King Xazgonok said. 

"We understand, your majesty and thank you for letting us stay here." Rick said still a little scared.

"Good. I sure hope that you and your group can provide great aid to us in this war." King Xazgonok said at them.

"I hope we can." Rick said.

The Survivors were now at a temple as they saw many of the Elemental Masters and Meta-Humans train, extremely. Each of them were training hard as Lord Ras appeared before them.

"Welcome my new students. I will be your Master, Sensei, or teacher if you will. I've trained every Elemental Master in our world including some Metas. I will teach you all how to improve yourselves. Including teaching you all different martial arts, knowledge of the world, monsters, and what is safe to eat." Lord Ras said.

The second person who showed up with Ras was  a Bolovaxian male. He has an intimidating appearance with a large muscular body, a pink skin color, red eyes, a large chin, with two gnaw-like teeth and two small ears. He wears a Green Lantern outfit, which consists of a skin tight black suit with green armor, green superhero briefs, and the Green Lantern symbol on his chest.

"I'm Kilowog of the Green Lantern Corps. I'm a drill sergeant. I'll be helping Ras whip you guys into shape when it comes to combat skills. Stamina, muscle building, and special fighting techniques. Even ones I created." Kilowog explained.

The third person who appears to them is a large, muscular, and bald Viking with a long, braided blond mustache and a unibrow. He wears a tunic made of tan fur and cloth and a helmet with yak horns. He also wears a prosthetic left arm and right leg. He also sports a 'prosthetic' tooth - a well-shaped stone. He grins at them.

"Hello lads and ladies, I'm Gobber the Belch. I'll be in charge of training you all on dealing with the monsters out there." Gobber said to them.

The last person to show up is an old but powerful dragon. His body was black and white and wore a bamboo hat and has two long whiskers of a beard.

"So... these are the new rookies? They don't look like much, maybe you'll surprise me. I am Egalt, a Dragon Master. I will be teaching you the ancient martial art my friend Rontu, and I created. The Rising Dragon Technique. It is a powerfully martial art useful against dark forbidden powers. In order to do rising dragon technique, you first need to learn how to do Spinjitzu. Which is what Lord Ras will teach you." Egalt explained.

"Let's begin." Lord Ras said with a smirk.

"So... Carol, you possess Cryokinesis. Abraham, you possess Pyrokinesis. Maggie, you have Ergokinesis. Glenn, you have Geokinesis. Eugene, you have Electrokinesis. Tara has Hydrokinesis. But you Daryl, you have the ability to copy other people's powers. A unique ability and not many possess it. You could take down an entire army with multiple powers you can replicate." Ras said to them.

"Huh... I guess that's cool." Daryl said looking at his hands.

The area around them switched to a battle arena. From the far end was a red flag on a pole.

"The object of your first training lesson is to get that flag." Lord Ras said pointing at it.

"Okay, that didn't seem so hard." Carl said.

"Oh it is. Because of them." Kilowog said pointing at some warriors showing up.

The first warrior to show up was a red Zeti who glares at them as he cracks his knuckles.

"Zavok the Zeti, Elemental Master of Fire." Ras said as Zavok creates balls of fire in his hands.

The second warrior was a Behemoth who has a crazy grin as lightning sparks off him.

"Azune Tonkotsu the Behemoth, Elemental Master of Lightning." Ras said as Azune's hands crackled with blue and yellow lightning.

The third warrior was a Sabertooth Tiger who appeared to them with ice surrounding him.

"Sir Fangar the Sabertooth tiger, Elemental Master of Ice." Ras said as Fangar creates two pillars of ice on his sides.

The fourth warrior was a beefy Manotaur who stomped his way down, causing a small quake.

"Chutzpar the Manotaur, Elemental Master of Earth." Ras said as Chutzpar punched his fists together as they glow orange.

The fifth warrior was a Sharklopian who jumps out of a pool of water and smiles at them.

"Nanaue aka King Shark the Sharklopian, Elemental Master of Water." Ras said as Nanaue creates globs of water in his hands.

The sixth warrior was a Orc with a left shoulder armor pad who grunts as he flexed his muscles off a bit before going back to a scowl.

"Gorg the Orc, Elemental Master of Energy." Ras said as Gorg creates a ball of Energy in his hands.

The seventh warrior who appeared came in gust of wind. It reveals to be a Tasmanian Devil.

"Taz the Tasmanian Devil, Elemental Master of Wind." Ras said as Taz's hands glow white as he levitates in the air with the power of Wind.

"They will be doing everything in their power to keep you from getting to the flag. One of you at least must pull it out from the floor." Lord Ras said.

"Oh... great." Rosita said as they all stood ready.

"Don't be too rough on them." Kilowog shouts to the Elemental Masters.

The Elemental Masters snicker at each other as got in position. Rick and his group they got ready.

"Begin!" Ras shouts.

The group then began on running towards the flag as each of the Elemental Masters began to fire at them. The ones with powers do what they can to defend themselves. Daryl manages to use the Speed Force to run faster than the rest as they continue dodging. He then grabbed the flag.

"Excellent... at least one of you succeeded. On to your next lesson. And this one will be harder." Ras said to them.

"Oh great... how harder will it get?" Maggie groaned.

"Alright Poozers, you're gonna be learning combat tactics and skills from me. I want you guys to try and take me down. At least have me under submission." Kilowog said.

Glenn was the first strike with his lightning only to be punched. Maggie shoots an energy ball as Kilowog deflects it back at her. Carol freezes his legs as he beaks free as he knocks her into the group. Daryl and Abe put up more of a fight as Kilowog soon knocked them down.

"Heh. Is that really the best that you can do? Boy, do we have a lot of work ahead of us." Kilowog said to them.

"Looks like the new rookies are experiencing my friend's type of training." Merle says with a chuckle.

Daryl and the others were in shock to see Merle alive! Daryl looks at his brother with little tears in his eyes as he couldn't believe he was alive.

"Merle...?" Daryl said in disbelief.

"Please... Freedom Fighter General Dixon." Kilowog said.

"General Dixon?" Daryl said in surprise.

"Yeah that's me. I'm one of the generals of the Resistance. So you guys are the new rookies from another universe, huh?" Merle asked.

"Ye-yeah we are." Daryl said seeing that this wasn't his brother.

"Huh... well, I hope you all do well." Merle said to them.

As Merle left, Daryl walked to a corner to silently cry as Carol comforts him.

"Shhhh... it's okay." Carol said trying to comfort him.

"H-he looks just like him. He looks and sounds like my brother, Merle. I can't believe this." Daryl said in tears.

"Daryl, he doesn't know that. He doesn't know that he's your brother's doppelgänger, okay?" Carol said as Daryl pulls himself together. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah... I'm okay. I'll be all right. I just need a minute." Daryl said wiping his tears away.

"Spinjitzu is a close-combat martial arts technique in the world. It involves the user tapping into their inner balance while spinning rapidly, creating a tornado-like vortex of energy around themselves. It is the art of rotation, which adds force and momentum to blows." Ras explains to them. "Almost everyone including me of the Resistance knows it. Watch."

Ras then spins into a red and purple colored tornado as he spins around them and stopped.

"Wow... awesome!!!" Carl said.

"Indeed, the training course you see before you will help you achieve Spinjitzu. Let's go!" Ras said to them.

The group then began to practice the training course as they hoped they could achieve something in this training.
"Welcome to Monster Training! Where are y'all learn how to survive, train, and kill monsters" Gobber the Belch said to the Survivors.

The Survivors were now walking down into a large area with training where there were 5 metal doors.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight! The Spikipede, the Winged Wretch, Octogrute, the Gremloblin, and the Eyezorr." Gobber said as he prepared to release one.

"Whoa, whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first?!" Glenn asked.

"I believe in learning on the job." Gobber said as he opened the door.

Coming out from the door was a giant slimy eyeball with sharp porcupine quills on it.

"Okay... it doesn't look that tough." Glenn said.

The eye opens its mouth as it roars at them hungrily. It began to shoot quills at them. They each take cover as one of the quills scratched Abe's arms.

"Ack! Fuck!" Abe growled in pain.

"The Eyezorr, uses its quills to trap and kill their prey. It's a literal giant eyeball. Think about it, what is known to hurt an eye?" Gobber said.

"Dirt?" Eugene guessed as he blasted dirt at the monster.

That made the monster only more angrier as it shoots more of its quills at them.

Daryl jumped in as his uses the Elemental Power of Light to flash blind it. The eyeball monster roars in pain as Daryl continues to make himself brighter than a Christmas tree. The eyeball monster retreat back into its cage as Gobber closed the door.

"Impressive. Using light to blind it." Gobber said.

"Abe got cut. Are those poisonous?" Sasha asked.

"No. But they do have a side effect." Gobber said.

"What kind of side effect?" Carol asked.

"Abe, are you... crying?" Sasha asked as Abe was indeed crying.

Abraham began to cry uncontrollably as tears continue to flow down his eyes. To all of his friends, this was the first time of them, seeing him so emotional. The Survivor didn't need to ask any more questions on what the quills do.

"Ah don't worry, the side effects will wear off in a few minutes." Gobber said to them.

After hours of training, it seems that Daryl was the only one who was successful in the training.

"Grrr... as I suspected, most of you are weak, even with powers. You're not worth my time of training." Ras said upset at them.

"Hey look, I may be the only one who managed to pass through your lessons, but these are my friends, my family. They can do it." Daryl said.

"And yet they couldn't even take down a Spikipede like you did." Ras said.

"Fuck that! I mean, seriously! What is it gonna take for you to see all of us worth your time to train?" Daryl asked.

"Wu Shan's Katana." Lord Ras said as everyone gasped and began to whisper to each other.

"Wu Shan's Katana?! You finally gone insane!" Blinky said to the tiger.

"Yeah, that's a suicide mission." Gobber said agreeing.

"Not even the bravest dare for that!" Chutzpar adding.

"Wu Shan was a great and powerful ninja who fought for his people. He died saving his people in winning the battle. His katana is said to be on top of a wooden tower. Many have tried to claim it... many have failed and never return. One of you must bring me the katana, and I'll consider training you all." Ras explained.

"Fine. I'll do it." Daryl said as he heads off.

"You'll need this." Michonne said as she holds out her katana to him.

Daryl looked at the Katana and took it from Michonne. He gathers some stuff as he was ready.

"I'll be back. I promise." Daryl said as he left.

Thunder rumbles in the background as Daryl travels through the fog on a boat. Daryl exits the boat and makes his way towards a golden light, passing through the deserted ruins of several notable locations. He takes shelter under a ruined temple as it rains. Daryl stops at a tall structure made of large broken chunks of wood. He fires a grappling hook and begins to climb towards the golden light. Suddenly, an Elemental Dagon of Smoke appears and attacks Daryl, who defends himself with Michonne's sword. Daryl quickly makes his way to the top of the structure, where the light — now revealed to be the golden sword on a platform. The dragon chases him to the top, and they engage in battle. Daryl strikes the dragon off the structure, but as he makes his way towards the sword, it returns and goes to impale him but Daryl phases through the attack. He then blasted the dragon away with his powers. He and the dragon stare at each other for a moment before the dragon nodded at him with respect as he disappeared away. Daryl saw this as the dragon respected him. He then walks over to the shrine and takes the golden katana. Back at the city, his friends were waiting for him. They then saw him return with the golden katana in his hand.

"Here, I brought your stupid katana." Daryl said with a grunt.

"Hmmm... impressive. Now we can begin all of your actual training." Lord Ras said to them.

Meanwhile, in a dark castle was a big muscular demon was seen busy when another monster showed up to him.

"General, I've recently sensed a breach opened." The monster said.

"So what? More monsters is not my concern." General Agramon said.

"No, you don't understand, this breach dropped in people. From a different universe. Our spies reported they come from a zombie apocalyptic world. It seems that they are joining the Resistance. One of the Shadow Banshees caught one of them." The monster reported.

"Really? How interesting. Bring him to me, I'll see what he knows." General Agramon said with a grin. "And alert the Metas and assassins. Don't kill these new people, if anything, bruise them."

"Yes general." The monster said as he left.

Soon all the Survivors were sleeping in their own apartments in the city. They only hoped they were ready for the training. As everyone was sleeping, back at the gallery of artifacts, one of the artifacts, the Green Lantern started to glow brightly.

So ZeroJaze has asked if I would add some of the people who died in the past seasons. One of the characters will come back from the dead while the others will possibly be doppelgängers. And some who are alive, will also be doppelgängers. If you want to tell me who you want to add, please tell me. But for all of you to know, Beth, Sophia, Tyreese, Andrea, Amy, Shane... oh I got big plans for them.

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