Chapter 18: Always Together!

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Logan shifted a little getting more comfy on the old Prison bunk as he looked up to her and the ceiling, she kissed his head with a comforting smile making Logan feel a little better about talking about this.

Logan: ... So, day one. My squad and I are playing cards in a tent waiting for our orders, next thing we know the base alarm is blurring and we rush out with our guns ready for what's about to happen...

Logan took a second trying to remember everything from that day, Logan's tried to block it out and it worked for most of it just not the parts he really wanted to forget.

Logan: ... We looked around and just saw men and women being ripped apart by the Walkers, nothing was stopping them more and more they kept coming and coming...

Beth listened as Logan's voice started to crack and get shaky while he remembered all this, Beth didn't interrupt him as Logan continued to open up to her.

Logan: ... I froze, I killed men in Iraq but seeing that happen to good men and women made me panic and the only thing I could think about was my family and getting them safe...

Logan started to tear up as he told the story, Beth however was more intrigued then ever, Logan never told anyone about his family, he told Hershel that his mother moved them to Atlanta after he was born but that's it.

Logan: ... I dropped my gun and I ran. I ran and I ran, I took my vest and helmet off as I walked into my parents home and I saw it...

Logan stopped and was now fully crying as Beth started to get worried about what he's going to tell her, she knew that talking about this would help though, it helped her when she opened up to Logan about losing her family, so she let him continue.

Logan: ... I saw my little sister eating my mum like she was a thanksgiving roast, my step dad was now where to be seen and she just kept on eating and eating till I gaged and nearly throw up. She heard that and turned to me. She was a Walker.

Logan rubbed his face sighing and taking a deep breath remembering the events of that day is clearly bringing back some real bad memories and Beth wants him to know she's there for him so she hugged his head till he was ready to continue.

Logan: ... She stood up and started coming towards me, I begged her not to but she wouldn't she just kept coming and coming and coming. I had no choice... she was only 6...

Logan stopped and full broke down even Beth was crying at his story, she's lucky that she and no one else has had to do that, Beth cried for him while she hugged his head again kissing his forehead, they stayed like that for a while till they both calmed down and looked into each others eyes, Beth kissed him as Logan kissed back, Beth pulled him up as they still kissed and Logan turned pressing his body to hers making her slide under him lying between him and the sofa.

They continued to kiss till Logan felt her unbuckling his jeans and he broke the kiss looking down to see what she was doing then looked to her.

Logan: You sure about this?

She nodded with a smile as she got his jeans un buttoned and worked on taking her shirt off with Logan's help, once she got her shirt off she throw it to the side, kissing him again pulling him back on top of her.

Logan kissed her back wanting this as well but really needed her to be sure so he broke the kiss again.

Logan: Are you one hundred percent because this is not a take back kinda thing...

Beth laughed to him a wrapped her arms around him interlocking her fingers behind his neck.

Beth: Yes. Just be careful. I've never done this before.

Logan looked to her kind of thankful as he sighed glad she said that.

Logan: Thank God, 'cause neither have I.

They both smiled about this and shared another kiss but Logan broke it again needing to know the answer to his question.

Logan: How? You were married.

Beth shrugged with her arms still resting on his shoulders and her hands stopping him from pulling away to much.

Beth: It just never got to that part, it didn't feel right with him.

Logan liked that answer as did she, they both kissed again this time not breaking the contact while they spent the night in each others arms as they just took a massive leap in their relationship...


Logan's laying on the bed in the cell with Beth lying on his chest tracing circle's as he held her close with his left arm and rested his right hanging off the edge of the bed, neither said a word and just smiled finally confirming the feeling's they've been hiding for the past few months.

Beth: What now?

Logan opened his eyes and looked down to her, he could already feel himself being drained and tired but if what he's thinking is right then he needs to be 100%.

Logan: What do you mean?

Beth leant up keeping herself covered with the blanket they brought in here for Logan to rest, not what they used it for but it's working right now for them by keeping their bodies covered

Beth: We'll we're here. We're safe...

Logan ran his hand up and down her back as he listened to her kinda knowing where this is going.

Beth: ... So what now?

Logan sighed while thinking about what to say, he knew what she wanted to hear but isn't to sure so to not make this awaked he went for the safe route.

Logan: Well. If I know Rick, he'll want to take the Prison. They could have, meds, food. Possibly weapons...

Beth put her finger on his lips stopping him from talking, she looked to him with a smile as Logan did what he was told.

Beth: I meant for us.

Logan thought about it and took a second while looking to her, she has these beautiful blue eyes that make you smile for no reason, she's kind caring and hands down the best thing that has ever happened to Logan, so without thinking he blurted.

Logan: Marry me?

Beth moved her hand from his face and looked honestly surprised the hear that, she didn't expect that, she was thinking more about them sharing a bed more often, Logan saw her surprise and sat up making them both move her now on her knees and facing him as Logan sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

Logan: Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...

Logan stopped when she kissed him shutting him up and stopping him from potential taking back the proposal, they both held each other sharing and deepening the kiss till she let him go and smiled to him.

Beth: You never let me answer.

Logan looked to her nervous by what she was about to say, he indicated for her to tell him and she sat on his lap.

Beth: I'll marry you.

Logan and Beth shared another kiss as Logan moved his hands over her bare back while she held his neck in place, she broke the kiss though as she did have one demand.

Beth: Only if you never leave me.

Beth instructed clearly still a little heart broke from what happened to Jimmy, Logan understood that and reassured her with the truth.

Logan: I'm a man of many talents... Dying isn't one of them.

That gave Beth another reason to smile as they kissed once again celebrating their up'n'coming prenuptials...


Everyone is in their cells relaxing as Rick, T-Dog and Daryl are helping the Prisoners clear out their own cell block, Rick told Logan to stay put as he isn't back to his best just yet and the lack of antibiotics isn't helping. 

Not that they don't have any left but their as rare as rocking horse shit in this world and Logan doesn't want to use them all if he doesn't have to.

Everyone stepped out their cells though when they heard a door shut, thinking it was Rick and the others but instead it was Carl coming from the other direction.

Glenn: I thought you were organizing the food?

Glenn asked as he and Maggie stood in the middle of the room, Hershel, Lori and Carol joined them while Logan and Beth stepped out her cell hand in hand to see Carl walking holding his gun and carrying a bag.

Carl: Even better. Check it out.

He said with a grin and walked into the centre of the room and dropping the bag, Lori and Carol were the first to look in the bag and saw it was a bunch of medical supplies, Logan and Glenn already knew what he's done and didn't like it one bit.

Carol: Where did you get this?

Carol asked while Beth joined them, Hershel stood by Glenn as Maggie looked over their shoulders.

Carl: From the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out.

Logan clearly wasn't happy with this, when Rick and Daryl are gone he's in charge and if Rick came back to hear that Carl walked off on his watch and never came back, well that might be the last thing he ever does.

Lori: You went by yourself?

Lori asked worried about her son, Logan isn't going to try and understand what's going on with the Grimm's family but she has the right to be worried.

Carl: Yeah.

That made them all look to him shocked as Logan leant on the bars staying out of this, he may be in charge or looked to when it came to making choices now but this is family business something he wants no part of.

Lori: Are you crazy?

It was a very good question, Carl's being reckless and trying to show off for Beth, Logan see's it and so does she, Logan wanted to say something but Beth told Logan to leave him be as it's probably his first crush and he did but now it's going to get him killed.

Carl: It's no big deal. I killed two Walkers.

Logan know knows that he wasted ammo, something they didn't have much of trying to play the hero.

Lori: You... All right, did you see the condition Logan was in the other day?

Lori pointed to Logan as Logan just stood their and let her use him as an example.

Lori: He was near death and Hershel nearly got bit. That was with the whole group.

Logan looked to Hershel as Hershel stood and watched, Hershel is a wise man and even he saw the stupidity in Carl's plan, a good plan yes but he should have gone with either Logan or Glenn just to be safe.

Carl: We needed supplies, so I got them.

Logan stepped forward and pulled the bag open stepping between both Beth and Maggie, they looked to him as he saw what Carl got.

Lori: I appreciate that, but...

Lori started but Carl cut her off shouting at his mother.

Carl: Then get off my back.

Logan looked to him like he just pissed on a church in front of a priest, Logan's mother meant the world to him and he would have never spoke to her like that.

Beth: Carl!

Everyone looked to Beth as she looked to Carl the same way Logan did just with more hurt then anger.

Beth: She's your mother. You can't talk to her like that.

Beth has a great point and Logan stood up looking down to Carl, Carl never looked up to him though but Hershel saw the look in Logan's eye.

Lori: Listen, I think it's great that you wanna help...

Lori didn't get to finish as Carl ran off without another word, clearly his plan to impress Beth didn't work as well as he wanted to.

Logan: Excuse me...

Logan went to follow Carl but Hershel stopped him and everyone watched as Logan took his duties seriously.

Hershel: Let the boy calm down...

Hershel held Logan's right arm keeping him from walking off, Lori is kind of upset about this but Carl needs to be more careful

Logan: He can't go running off like that.

Logan said still kind of frustrated by the way Carl spoke to Lori, Logan's never heard him speak to her like that.

Logan: If he runs off and gets hurt it's my head on the pike no one else's...

Logan left without another word to find where Carl went and he fond him in the communal area outside their cellblock sitting on one of the tables fiddling with his gun, Logan sat next to him not saying a word.

Carl: You want me to apologise, I'm not...

Logan cut him off as he's kind of annoyed by all this, he's 18 and all this pressure is put on his shoulders.

Logan: I don't want your sorry's I want you to listen.

Logan is normally a calm man but all this is really getting his blood boiling he has not had enough rest to be 100% and now he's having to deal with family drama.

Logan: I'm not going to tell you how to treat your ma but I will tell you this. Your lucky she's still here.

Carl looked up to Logan as Logan still looked to Carl not wanting to young boy to his understand a word he's telling him.

Logan: Look around you. No one else has their mother around. I would kill 100 men to see my mother again.

Carl never saw it like that and thought about it for a second.

Logan: What you did was good but stupid, you should have come to me or Glenn. Your a smart kid Carl. So don't be stupid.

Carl nodded to Logan as Logan rubbed the top of his hat making him smile just as Rick, Daryl and T-Dog came back from helping the Prisoners.

Rick: what's going on?

Logan looked from Rick to Carl as Carl looked from Rick to Logan.

Logan: Just a little bonding.

Rick nodded walking towards Logan feeling his forehead, Logan hasn't had enough rest to be 100% and they can tell.

Rick: Any trouble?

Logan moved Rick's hand while standing up.

Logan: Nothing I can't handle.

Rick liked the answer and they all went back into the cellblock to see the bag of goodies, Rick asked where it came from and Logan told him that he and Glenn went to get it, Rick thanked them both as the truth would have got Carl into more trouble then it's worth.

Logan looked to Beth and she nodded to her father, Logan nodded as he wants to ask Hershel's permission to marry Beth before they start calling each other that.

Logan: Hershel? 

Everyone looked to Logan as Beckett waddled towards Beth and hugged her close, Logan noted that he's got very protective over her lately and brushed it aside.

Logan: You got a minute?

Hershel nodded and they went to the walk way outside Logan let Hershel go first as he embraced the sun and fresh air.

Logan: I'm not going to beat around the bush. 

Hershel looked to Logan thinking it might be something to do with his bite but relaxed when Logan told him what it was really about.

Logan: I 'm asking for your permission to marry your daughter.

Hershel was relived it's got nothing to do with his bite and huffed with amusement that Logan's asking, Hershel already gave Logan his faith by handing him his watch but the boy has respect and wants to make sure.

Hershel: Well, you both already took your relationship to the next level the other night.

Logan looked everywhere but to Hershel as he rubbed the back of his neck nervous, he isn't regretting it because he loved every second he spent with Beth but this is her father.

Logan: You heard that, huh? 

Hershel let off another chuckle as he patted Logan's right shoulder.

Hershel: I think we all did. 

Logan actually turned a little red by that, it's not every day in this world you get to do that kind of activity and they did it where everyone could hear them.

Hershel: Never the less. You saved my life, you've done more for this group then you get credit for...

Logan was about to interrupt and say that he doesn't do it for that and does it to keep Beth safe but he didn't get the chance as Hershel continued before he could jump in.

Hershel: ... And you never get thanked for it. So, you have my blessing.

Logan smiled as for seeming the first time since the outbreak, things are going his way, a place to stay safe for a little while, someone who he can trust and love with all his heart and a man to look up to like Hershel.

The next few months are going to be interesting for them to say the least...


(To Be Continued)

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