Chapter 19: Governor!

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(So this Chapter is going to be from Michonne's and Andrea's perspective meaning a lot of Logan's story will be jumped but nothing really important to the plot will be missed, okay? Enjoy!)


Michonne and Andrea having been surviving together since the Farm went up and Andrea got out barely alive, it was going well but during the winter Andrea got sick and it's slowing them down greatly during their survival.

They were just walking down a road looking to find a new place to call home for the time being when a helicopter went over them and lost control, they watched as the helicopter arrowed towards the ground with smoke following close by till it eventually crashed.

Andrea and Michonne looked to each other and without saying another word they walked towards where it landed while Michonne dragged her turned brother and husband behind her, she cut off their jaws and arms so they can't infect anyone but it's still pretty weird.

They didn't talk on the way there but once they did Andrea waited with the two harmless infected as Michonne went for a closure look, she held the grip of her sword kept on her back just in case as she stepped towards the crashed bird.

She saw blood on a propeller and a soldier in military uniform split across the middle dead on the ground, there was nothing she could do for the soldier so she moved towards the crashed vessel to see the pilot hanging out the window, she etched closure but stopped when the sound of a car coming caught her attention.

She looked to see a few trucks coming towards her from the tree line and turned around making her way back to where Andrea is resting.

Michonne: Someone's coming.

Michonne informed as she hide beside Andrea and they listened to the fast approaching vehicles.

Andrea: Any survivors?

Andrea asked making Michonne think for a second before she cam up with the most honest answer.

Michonne: Two dead, not sure about the other.

Michonne didn't get the chance to find out about the third man because of the trucks that just stopped and a bunch of men got out all armed with some kind of weapon, mostly guns as they looked around.

Governor: Fan out.

He instructed making them all go in different directions as he slowly stepped towards the crashed helicopter, Michonne and Andrea watched from the bushes as a Walker approached one of them and the guy went to shoot him but the Governor stopped him

Governor: Save those rounds until you need'em.

The guy put his gun down as a bigger fella walked towards the dead man walking, the guy pulled out a knife and easily stuck it into the corpses skull killing it, he pulled his knife out and wiped it on the tree getting rid of the blood.

Duncan: Like a knife through butter. (SuperSaiyan4Life)

Duncan Blake was near the biggest guy there, he was certainly the tallest standing at a huge 6'5, Michonne and Andrea watched as someone walked over to him and laughed.

Ashton: I thought I was the "Joker"? (Ashton898)

He asked because to the smaller guys stabbing a knife into a skull ins't that easy but Duncan's huge so it didn't matter to him.

Governor: Silence.

Both of them stopped their talking as he looked around and Andrea stifled a cough, Michonne tried to comfort her as best she can but it wasn't much all while Martinez took care of two Walkers, the thing was he seemed to enjoy it.

Governor: Got a breather. Tim!

The guy know known as Tim made his way towards the Governor as her cut the safety harness of him, Tim caught the falling pilot while the Governor put his knife away.

Governor: Help me out here.

They both worked on getting him out the crashed bird as Michonne and Andrea noticed that the Walkers that heard the crash are starting to make their way here, one walked right passed them and into the middle of the field but it was wasted by Shumpert and his bow and arrow putting the dead man in the dirt.

Governor: Drag him out.

The Governor and Tim worked on pulling the unconscious guy out the helicopter and to safety, in doing so gave Andrea hope.

Andrea: He's saving them. We should show ourselves.

She whispered to Michonne but Michonne still wasn't convinced these guys were good or had bad intentions.

Michonne: Not Yet.

They watched again as the Governor walked towards the solider cut in half, both Duncan and Ashton bowed their heads a little for their fallen comrades but they can now rest in peace as the Governor stuck his knife into the guys head.

Michonne watched while Andrea was certain they have good intentions but Michonne couldn't shake the feeling so they continued to watch as the governor climbed into the helicopter, now they couldn't see him but heard the sound of a knife being stabbed into something he must have put the third solider out of his pain, Michonne needed to keep an eye on her brother and husband because their now getting riled up about something.

They were making so much noise it caused one of the men to look in their direction, Duncan, Ashton, Crowley pointed their guns in their area so to stop them from getting caught, Michonne made the decision and cut both their heads off, Andrea was a little surprised by her actions but it did the trick as after a minute or so the Governor gave one last order.

Governor: Let's roll out.

Everyone started to go back towards the trucks Michonne and Andrea sighed thinking they were safe but a twig snapped behind them and Michonne went to cut down whoever or whatever it was till they spoke.

Merle: Uh-uh-uh. Easy does it, girl. Mine's a whole lot bigger than yours.

Andrea listened to the voice and it sounded faintly familiar but she couldn't really be to sure.

Merle: Now put down your weapons. 

Michonne did as she was told while Andrea didn't move.

Merle: That's it. Nice and easy. And let me see your hands.

Merle said more towards Andrea then Michonne as Andrea still didn't move from her spot but she did as he told her and dropped the gun holding her hands up in clear view.

Merle: Now spin around. That's it. Nice little twirl around.

Michonne did as she was told and didn't recognise the guy but Andrea did once she slowly managed to turn and see the face of Merle Dixon knelt down on one knee.

Merle: Oh, holy shit.

He recognised her as well apparently.

Merle: Blondie. Damn, you're looking good.

He said just as a Walker went to sink his teeth into Merle's shoulder but before it could Merle lifted his right and and a prosthetic with a knife attached to it embedded itself in the dead guys skull killing it.

Merle pulled his toy out the dead guy and stood showing off both his new hand and the gun in his left.

Merle: Now, how's about a big hug for your old pal Merle?

Andrea didn't answer or move, all she could do was pass out at that exact moment...


Logan woke up the next morning with Beth asleep on his chest, it's a feeling he can get used to, what he doesn't like is the way Beckett's looking at him sitting on the floor.

Logan: What?

Beckett didn't respond and just looked to them, Logan stared at the dog as Beth apparently started to wake up and looked to see them having a staring competition.

Beth: What are you doing?

She asked more to her new fiance then to the dog as neither of them broke the stare down.

Logan: Dog's staring me down...

Beth giggled hitting his chest a little and sitting up, she looked down to him as he looked u to her, Logan never thought he'd find love, especially in this type of world but here she is smiling down to him and running her finger over his bite mark.

Beth: What was it like?

Logan thought about it and honestly it happened so fast that he can't remember, he didn't even know he was bit till he got her back into the house and rested, the adrenaline form fighting Shane must have masked the pain.

Logan: I can't remember. But I do have a way to find out.

Beth laid back on his chest as she smiled up to him wondering what it is.

Beth: What?

She asked but instantly regretted it when he bit her arm making her wine in pain, Logan laughed a little as she hit him a couple of times, not hard enough to hurt him but hard enough that he felt it while the bite was the same, just hard enough for her to feel it.

Beth: That hurt you ass.

Logan looked to her as she swore, Beth hasn't  swore in front of him before.

Logan: I think I'm a bad influence on you.

Beth looked to the little teeth marks on her arm for a second then back to him with a small smile.

Beth: I think your perfect...

Logan was happy to hear she thought so much of him and enjoyed the kiss that followed even more, Beth rested back on him as he held her close but a question has been itching at the back of her mind wanting to get out so she needed to ask.

Beth: Would you cure the world if you can?

Logan knew what she meant and wasn't to sure about it, Logan moved his arm as she moved up to look up to him.

Beth: If a doctor or scientist could save the world but you'd have to leave me. Would you?

Logan sighed as he knew the answer but it might not be one that she likes.

Logan: No. I promised you I'm not going anywhere. The world won't change that.

Beth liked that answer and they just relaxed before Logan was needed to do what ever Rick ask's him to do, they just laid there while Beckett gave up and laid back down himself as Beth reached over Logan and started to run her hand through the dogs hair till she got an idea.

Beth: Come on. Let's go...

Logan was confused about this, he just wanted to sleep but she pulled him up making him wake up as they both got dressed and walked out the door, even though it's the end of the world nearly every day is a sunny one.

Logan whistled making Beckett run out the door allowing him to shut it behind them, Logan and Beth held hands as they walked around the field in the yard while throwing a ball allowing Beckett to get some exercise.

Beth: So how are we getting married?

Logan took a deep breath and thought about it as he actually never expected her to say yes let alone start to think about how.

Logan: Well, first I need to get you a ring, right?

Logan asked stepping a head of her and turning making her nod to him as he walked backwards.

Logan: Uh... Rick's a sheriff so he can do the ceremony and It's not perfect but we can call this home for a little while. Sound about right?

Logan asked stopping making her step into his arms, Beth thought about it and liked the idea, it's not the dream wedding that she wanted as a little girl but it's better then the one she had with Jimmy and she loves Logan more. 

To her it's perfect.

Beth: I love it. And I love you.

Logan smiled as they both shared a kiss not knowing that Rick and Hershel are by the gate watching them.

Hershel: He's a good kid.

Rick agreed while smiling to the young love in front of them, Rick and Hershel were happy with the way everyone has dealt with Logan's bite and didn't over react.

Rick: We've still got a long way to go.

Rick was talking about them turning this place into a safe heaven but Hershel nodded.

Hershel: Yes, but let them enjoy this time...

They both looked back to see them walking again hand in hand and smiling tossing the ball for Beckett to run after.

Hershel: ... In this world. We can't say how much we have left...

Hershel walked away as Rick thought about it, he gets that but they needed to make this place secure and safe for them to bunker down in, Logan will thank him once Bath is safe and sound...


(To Be Continued)

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