Chapter 24: A Date!?

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Rick's pacing back and forward in the small room, waiting for the phone to ring once again, Logan and Daryl with the help of Glenn and Hershel have kept things running for the time being but they need Rick, Daryl's not a leader and Logan's only 19 with a 17 Year old fiance, he wants to spend as much time as he can with her, never know when it will be his last day, or her's.

Rick: Hello?

The phone finally rang again, Rick answered it with a little hope in his voice, he wasn't sure if they'd call again but they have and he still has a chance of getting his group in this unknown Utopia.

Woman: You didn't want to tell him how your wife died?

A women's voice asked this time, the same women from before, she seemed to be whispering a little almost as if she's not supposed to be calling, the sound of static clear in the phone line as Rick responded calmer then he has been recently.

Rick: No, I just lost her. But if that's what it takes...

Women: It'd be good.

She cut him off as Rick looked to the bloated Walker mere feet away from him, the one who couldn't even wait for him to say goodbye to his wife before devouring her body.

Women: You should talk about it, Rick.

Rick looked away from the Walker and responded as she tried to talk him into telling them about how Lori died, if you asked Logan, she died because he failed, it's why he's trying so hard to help the baby, to ease his own conscience.

Rick: That sounds... How... 

Rick took a second as she said his name, Rick never told either of them his name so how do they know it, the thoughts and worry running through his mind as he tried to remember if he told them or not, it's been a rough few days for them, maybe he had and forgotten but as far as he can think, he never told them.

Rick: ... How do you know my name?

Rick asked into the phone, he got no response though, just louder static then the eventual click of the call being cut off, Rick put the phone down, concern all over his face, a little touch of fear, shivered breaths while he tried to compute what's going on here, nothing made sense to him.

Beth continued to help out around as much as she could, she's not a fighter like the others, in her mind the only way she can help out is by staying back and helping out with Lil' Ass kicker, Daryl and Logan seem pretty set on the name, Beth walked into her and Logan's cell to see Beckett lying on the bed, she smiled to the dog till he perked up catching her attention.

Logan: Come on, we're going out.

Beth looked at the door as did Beckett to see Logan all set up ready to head out, she chuckled nervously confused by why she was going out.

Beth: What, why? Maggie and Glenn already went on a supply run.

Logan nodded to her while looking up and down the cell block, Daryl is doing rounds with Carl and Oscar, leaving Hershel to watch Lil' Asskicker.

Logan: We're not going on a supply run. Let's go.

Logan whistled and Beckett hopped off the bed and followed him out, Beth hasn't made a run with Logan on his own, maybe it's about time she did, they could spend more time together, so after talking herself into it, she took what she thought she needed and walked out to see him getting a car ready, the Hyundai.

Logan: You nervous?

She nodded to him as she walked over, Beckett was already in the back seat ready to go and the first gate is open, Logan smiled to her and opened the drivers side door.

Logan: Good. I'd be worried if you weren't.

He chuckled to her which made her smile, she is a little scared but knowing Logan's going to be with her helps her with her nerves, she walked around to get into the passenger seat as Logan got into the drivers side, he got them out the prison then drove down the road, she's not sure where they were going but she did want to make conversation.

Beth: What was her name?

Logan looked to her, glancing between her and the road as Beckett is now lying down in the back seat, he clearly didn't know what she was talking about so she clarified.

Beth: Your sister. What was her name?

Logan clearly wasn't pleased with the question as he let out a long sigh, it's still kind of fresh for him and he doesn't like talking about it, she's the only one he has told but he knows he needs to trust her, if he doesn't, he'll lose her and that's something Logan won't let happen again.

Logan: Sarah. Her name was Sarah.

Beth smiled to the fact he told her, it meant a lot to her for him to open up, sometimes she forgets that he was alone for the first year or so of the Outbreak, he met Rick and the others just before she did, he had to close himself off to survive, now he doesn't need to, and she took his left hand in hers to make sure he knows that.

Logan took his hand off the gear and held hers, she felt his thumb rub the back of her hand before he turned the car off the road, Beth looked around and there wasn't much around here, just an old looking run down house, Logan parked the car and got out as Beth followed him looking at the place.

Beth: What are we doing here?

Logan let Beckett out the back and the dog ran around, enjoying the open freedom, Logan told him to stay close though which he did, Logan then took his bag off and pulled his gun out his back waist band.

Logan: Training.

Beth watched him pull the clip out and make sure it had a few bullets in, Logan took a couple out to keep them spare, their running low on ammo, so letting Beth miss fire them all wouldn't be really smart of him, he put the clip back in the gun and pulled the chamber back, holding it to her.

Logan: Hershel said you're my responsibility now. I won't let you get hurt because I'm not around.

Logan is a worrier, she noticed that about him recently, especially since Lori, Logan blames himself for not being quicker to find them, he doesn't seem to realise that there was no possible way he could have known they were in one of the doors he walked past.

Logan: I've been bite once, which means the Universe wants me dead, so you need to be able to protect yourself.

Logan believed that everything happened for a reason, people's deaths are write in stone, you're going to die when you're going to die and there's nothing you can do to change that, Logan just hates the fact that he can't change it.

Logan: That mail box...

Logan stood behind Beth, she's much smaller then him but his hands holding her upper arms is a nice warm feeling, she looked though and saw a mail box about 35 feet away, not too far but far enough away that she didn't think she could do it.

Logan: ... Is a Walker, coming at you. I want you to shoot it.

Logan took her hands in his, resting his head on her shoulder as his hands gripped hers over the gun, he could feel her hands shaking a little, which is normal, he'd be worried if she wasn't scared, he was scared the first time he shot a gun, he went hunting with his Step-Father, when he was 12, one of the only times he got along with his Step-Father was that day.

Logan: Just breath... Relax... Take your time.

Logan kissed her cheek and stood up, he moved a step back so she can focus and after a few seconds or so of deep breaths and trying to steady her hands, she finally shot the gun, letting out a scared yelp as she did, Logan laughed a little as she turned to him excited.

Beth: I did it.

Logan walked over to her and took his gun back from her, he nodded as he did it as well, one hand, pointed to his right, not even looking and he put two shots in close range of each other.

Logan: Try without the scream.

Beth pouted cutely with a smile, Logan bopped her nose before giving her back the gun, Logan watched as she pulled the trigger, only this time, no bang, just a metallic clicking sound, making her look from the gun to Logan confused.

Logan: Never...

Logan took the gun from her and showed her the safety, Logan turned it on before giving it back to her making her sigh as he flicked the switch in front of her turn in back off.

Logan: ... Give someone you're weapon.

Logan gave it back to her and indicated to the mail box, Beth stuck her tongue out to him making him chuckle, this is nice, it's not exactly what most people would do for a date but Beth's counting this as one, she shot the gun but missed this time, Logan heard her sigh and smiled, still one out of two isn't so bad.

Logan: Not bad, we'll work on it.

Logan smiled to her as he took his gun back and put it in his back waist bands, she enjoyed this little time they had together, even if it wasn't long but it was nice, Logan then called Beckett, it was getting late and they needed to be back to meet Glenn and Maggie, so they climbed into the car and told stories on their way back, Beth though needed to know something and looked to Logan while he drove.

Beth: Was that a date?

Logan chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road, he did glance to her and saw her smiling so he agreed, it clearly makes her happy thinking it was a date so why not call it one.

Logan: Sure, let's call it a date.

Beth smiled to him as Logan thought about it, they spent time together and had fun, what else could it have been, Beth then changed the subject, Logan's not a massive talker, he'll talk to you, but you gotta talk to him first, the conversation was about their time in Highschool mainly Beth's tails, it's crazy to them they only a few years ago their biggest worry was judgemental teens, now, that sounds like heaven.

Beth: Look.

Logan did and too their left is what looks like three buildings connected together, one looked like some kind of convenient store, Logan shrugged and figured it's worth a try and parked the car in front of the shop, they both got out, Beth holding her door open as Beckett jumped out through her door, Beckett started to sniff around for anything as Logan was squatting by something.

Beth: What is it?

She walked over to him and saw him looking through a basket of baby things, formula, diapers, other things needed, she joined him and rummaged through this is exactly the stuff they needed.

Beth: Do you think Glenn and Maggie have been here?

She asked and Logan held his left index finger to his lips, he does think that but that just leads the question, why did they leave it behind, they took one of the cars with the bigger room for the space so it can't be that, maybe they left in a hurry.

Logan walked to the store door and saw it was open, Beth watched him as Logan pulled his knife out and hit the base of his pistol on the boarded up window creating some noise, Beth watched as he waited and so did Beckett but nothing happened, no one called to them and no Walker came out.

Beth: Why would they leave this here?

Logan wasn't sure and that's what worried him, he stood by her, rubbing his lower face, his right hand on his waist while trying to think, the only thing he could think of is what most people in this sort of world could think of.

Logan: Maybe a few Walkers caught them off guard. They needed to make a quick get away. They must have dropped this one to come back for later...

Logan looked around wondering if that's right, he was hopping to see them in the distance or something, coming back towards them to pick it up but they didn't, Beth seemed to think it made sense.

Logan: ... Maybe, I dunno. Let's just get that back then we can asked them.

Beth agreed and picked up the basket, Logan opened the back door allowing her to put the basket in after Beckett jumped in, Logan and Beth got into the car then headed back to the prison where hopefully they can make sure Maggie and Glenn are okay, Logan's minds wondering and if their hurt, he'll kill the person responsible...


(To Be Continued)

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