Chapter 25: A New Guest!

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Rick is still in that room, more panicked then before, the voice knew his name and he wasn't the one who told them it, how could they know his name without his telling him, Rick is a kinda common name, maybe they guessed it but that can't be it right.

All those thoughts constantly ran through Rick's slightly unstable mind as he walked back and forward on the spot, looking between the phone and the Walker, dead, sitting against the wall, all of his attention went to the phone when it started to ring again.

Rick was wary this time, his hand shaking slightly as he stepped towards the phone, he picked it up cutting off the ringing but the sound of static is in his ear now, Rick waited for a second to compose himself before he asked the question that's been bothering him so much.

Rick: How did you know my name?

Rick had to wait another second or so, the only sound being someone's heavy breathes and the sound of static still coming through till a voice, a women's voice broke the small silence.

Women: Because we know you.

Rick: How do you know me?

Rick asked as the confusion and panic was clear in his voice, not only is he speaking to people on the phone, 3 years into the Apocalypse but they know his name without him telling them it, his already unstable mind racing at this point.

Women: And you know them, Rick. The people you were talking to today, that was Amy, Jim, Jacqui.

Rick seemed to understand what was going on now at this point but he only cared about one thing, if he was speaking with dead members of his group then maybe, just maybe he spoke with his late wife.

Rick: Lori?

Rick asked pinching the bridge of his nose, he didn't get no response, the only thing he got in return was louder static and weak connection tones, almost as if the call was losing connection.

Rick: Lori? Lori? Lori?

Rick broke down crying hearing his wife's voice again, he didn't hide his emotions as he once again pinched the bridge of his nose while squatting down to the floor, the phone call still giving out the same noise it was before.

Lori: What happened, Rick? Baby, what happened?

Rick took the phone away from his ear for a second, seemingly wondering if the phone is actually real at this point, he held it back to his ear and continued to let his emotions out, he couldn't hold them in even if he wanted to.

Rick: I loved you. I loved you. I couldn't put it back together. I couldn't put it back together. I thought it was...

Rick had to stop for a second to compose himself, the hurt and dread getting too much for him at this point as the phone still gave out loud beeps and static, it seems to be getting louder the more he speaks.

Rick: ... I made a deal with myself. I would keep you alive. I'd find a place. I would fix that. And then... I couldn't open that door. I couldn't risk it. I was gonna keep you alive. Carl, the baby. And then... I thought there'd be time. There's never time. But I loved you. I love you. I couldn't put it back together. I should have said it. I should... I should have said it.

Rick let it all out, everything he wanted to say to her over the past few months, it was easier then he thought it would be which is why he hates himself more for not saying it to her while she was alive.

Lori: Rick. Now you listen to me. You have a baby. Our baby. And Carl. And the others. I love you. Rick. Can... you... do... that? Can you do that? Rick...? Rick?

The call started to break up, her voice fading with another few "Rick's" at the end, Rick looked around the room as the call went completely dead, no call tone, no static, no annoying beeping when the call can't connect, just nothing, dead, Rick leant up and put the phone back on the base

Logan and Beth had made it back to the prison safe and sound, Maggie and Glenn haven't come back yet and Logan's starting to worry, first though, before he goes out and finds them, he needs to eat so while Beth cooked something up for them, Carl sat beside her, Hershel on one of the tables with Lil' Asskicker in his arms and Logan is sitting on the steps leading out to the yard, cleaning his shotgun, he hasn't been able to use it recently, lack of ammo, the sound of footsteps caught everyone's attention though and they all looked to see Rick coming out of that room.

Logan stopped what he was doing as everyone watched Rick walk into the room and slowly over to Hershel, Rick took Lil' Asskicker from Hershel's arms and held his daughter for the first time since she was born, Logan smiled to having Rick back, he hates when they all look to him to be a leader, he needs a demotion or something, Logan looked to Beth as she was happy at the scene also, it made him wonder if that's something she wants, his smile faded while thinking about it, he can't give her that.

Rick smiled to Logan as Logan stood up, Rick, Carl, Beth and Hershel walked past him, heading outside, Beth smiling up to him as she did, Logan watched them leave for a second and then joined them, if Beth does want a family, Logan can't give it to her, he's infected, more so then others, who knows what the risk would be.

Rick: She looks like you.

Rick said to Carl as Beth and Hershel walked slightly behind him, Beckett beside Beth as Logan stayed by the gate, he watched wondering what their future will bring, Logan's attention was taken by Rick though when he called for him.

Rick: Logan. Follow me.

Logan nodded and left his shotgun by the fence gate, he still has his pistol on him so it's fine, Logan walked past, Beth, Hershel and Carl, following Rick down to the fence, Logan wasn't sure what they were looking for till one of the Walker's seemed to be carrying more baby stuff.

Rick: You seeing this?

Logan chuckled to him and nodded with a small "Yeah", he also told Rick that he and Beth just got Baby things and there not needed, so the decision to let her in was purely Rick's humanity shining through, also you can never have too much supplies.

Beth, Hershel and Carl joined them, Hershel and Beth keeping their distance, Beth now with the baby, Carl ran into the little checkpoint area after unlocking the gate, whoever this was, she touched a cut on her leg and held the fence, the Walkers can now smell her blood, she dropped the supplies and pulled out a sword, which Logan thought was pretty cool, she put it into the head of a Dead, catching the others attention and drawing them towards the injured women.

Carl: Should we help her?

Rick started to slowly make his way to the checkpoint area, Logan closely behind him, the women cut down another Walker before her blood loss must have started to get to her as she was fumbling on her own too feet, she eventually hit the deck and Carl put two shots into Walkers about to get her.

Rick: Carl!

Rick called to his son for the keys but Logan has his so they didn't need them, Logan got the gate open as Rick and Carl filed out, Rick and Logan clearing the Walkers around them as Carl went to get the baby gear.

Rick knelt down to her as Logan kept them covered, not many Walkers are around them right now so he saved his bullets, Hershel made his way to the fence as Rick checked her over.

Hershel: Is she bit?

Logan looked down to them while also keeping his eyes peeled for any Walker's who get too close, Rick turned her over, checking her for bite marks but couldn't see any, he could only see a gunshot wound on her right leg.

Rick: Gunshot.

Rick took her arm and lifted her over his shoulder, Logan keeping him protected as they both ran into the safety of the fence, Rick, Carl and Hershel made their way back to the cellblock with the women as Logan locked the gate, Beth waiting with him.

Beth: That was the same stuff we got.

Logan noticed that as well, he put the keys away and stood by her as they both looked up to the prison watching as they all went up the small hill, the women barely able to stand as Rick assisted her, Carl and Hershel hot on their tales.

Beth: Do you think she saw what happened to Maggie?

Logan turned to her, the baby in her arms gives him an unnerving feeling now, Logan sighed and thought about it while cursing himself for over thinking things, but he did also wonder if she knew something, Maggie and Glenn have been gone a while.

Logan: Let's go and find out.

She nodded to him and they walked to the prison just a little behind the others, when they got in, Rick had already got the women on a blanket in front of a storage cage, Logan stood nearby as Beth stood with Hershel, baby still in her arms as the women made a attempt for her sword nearby.

Rick: No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?

Logan had pulled his gun out and aimed it at her, Hershel sat on a nearby seat while Beth looked panicked, she's not ready for this kind of situation yet, who knows about the future though, she looked to Logan and he didn't seem scared about putting another hole in her head so she relaxed, Rick looked to him and indicated for him to lower the gun, Logan wasn't too sure to start with but did so just as Daryl joined them.

Daryl: Rick.

Everyone looked to the cellblock gates and watched Daryl walk out of them, Logan hasn't seen him since he went on the rounds with Oscar and Carl, he was wondering what the redneck was doing in the halls all that time but he's a big boy he can take care of himself.

Daryl: Who the hell is this?

No one answered Daryl though because they didn't know, she hasn't said a word to them, she just appeared with baby gear and then tried to grab her sword, why come here with supplies then try to fight your way out, it doesn't make sense to Logan but he didn't really care, he put his gun down and walked over to Daryl leaning on the wall behind them, the two sharing a fist bump.

Rick: You wanna tell us your name?

She didn't answer him, she just looked at him in a leaning position, Rick repeated the question, this time in more of a tempered whisper, he still didn't get an answer though and he was getting a little annoyed with her, Daryl though had something more important to show them so with a back hand tap on Logan's chest, he got their attentions.

Daryl: Y'all come on in here.

Rick stood up from his kneeling position as he didn't take his eyes off the women, Logan moved to a more standing position from his leaning as Beth, Carl and Hershel looked to Daryl.

Rick: Everything all right?

Rick turned to Daryl as most eyes are on him now, Logan however looked to the women making sure she doesn't try anything stupid, any sign of harm towards Beth, he'll happily kill them.

Daryl: You're gonna wanna see this.

Logan looked from Daryl to Rick as Rick turned to the others, not including the unknown women on the floor, Beth stood by still holding lil 'Asskicker in her arms, Hershel relaxing on the table and Carl of to the side.

Rick: Go ahead. Carl, get the bag.

Beth walked past Rick with the baby and past Logan, she smiled up to him unsure of how to feel about this women, the wink he gave her made her relax a little as she past Daryl and into their cellblock, Carl then grabbed the bag as Rick instructed and Hershel followed Beth, patting Logan's left shoulder as he past, Logan's not sure if it's a metaphorical pat on his back of Hershel testing out the bite, either way, Logan feels great, tired but great.

Carl was then next to pass them, with the baby stuff and their stuff over his shoulder, Carl's a good kid, just needs to think more and stop trying to be a hero to impress Beth, it'll just get him killed, by either Logan or a Walker, the result is still the same.

Rick: We'll keep this safe and sound. The doors are all locked. You'll be safe here. And we can treat that.

Rick said to the women, Daryl and Logan still standing behind him, Logan resting his right hand on his waist band, his gun a short distance away, she looked between them then around the room as Rick held her sword, it's a pretty cool sword.

Michonne: I didn't ask for your help.

She finally spoke, Logan thought it was about time while glancing over his left shoulder to see Beth and Hershel watching them, baby still in Beth's arms, Logan gave her a comforting smirk and thought that she was getting pretty attached to the kid, not a bad thing, she's not a fighter, she a lover, a carer, Logan however doesn't have such maternal feelings.

Rick: Doesn't matter...

Rick spoke again making Logan snap his attention back to their reformed leader and the still pretty badly injured women, Rick though was done and turned on his heels walking towards Logan and Daryl passing them both.

Rick: ... We can't let you leave.

Logan looked to Rick like he was a mad man then followed him pretty quickly, Logan didn't like the idea of this women being here, she hasn't even told them her name, how's he supposed to keep Beth safe if he keeps letting strangers move in next door, Daryl was close behind them, locking the gate as he did, leaving her all alone...


(To Be Continued)

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