Chapter 8: Trouble Ahead!

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They all got back to the farm safe and sound, Rick, Glenn and Hershel agreed to say Logan got shot and needs his rest, Hershel and Rick are the only ones who can see him or they find out and want to kill him where he sleeps.

Rick: How is he?

Rick asked standing at the foot of Logan's temporary bed as Hershel did all he can but it's not good.

Hershel: I've done all I can. I'm not sure he'll live through the night.

Rick looked down sad because Shane did this, Shane's crazy ass got them into trouble with Hershel and killed the boy that helped save Carl's life.

Hershel and Rick left the room agreeing to check on him in the morning, Hershel assumed Logan has 24 hours till the infection takes him.

Hershel then left to see to Randell, the guy they picked up last night and went to do what he can for him while Rick stood at the head of the table talking to everyone else who could be here.

Rick: We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long.

Everyone listened to Rick while Hershel was in with Randell and Logan basically under lock and key,no one even asked about him.

Glenn: It's gotten bad in  town.

Glenn said looking around, his eyes fell to Maggie as she looked to him worried but Glenn looked away quickly as Andrea spoke up.

Andrea: What do we do with him?

No one really knew, only Rick and Hershel know but right now it doesn't look like he can do it, Rick was about to answer but Hershel joined them in the room wiping his hands clean.

Hershel: I repaired his calf muscle as best I can, but he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week.

Hershel told the room, they all listened but Shane wasn't liking what he was hearing.

Rick: When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way.

Rick told them the plan as Daryl walked into the room and stood nearby not waiting to get involved but wanting to be part of the group.

Andrea: Isn't that the same as leaving him for the Walkers?

Carol smiled to Daryl as Daryl returned a grin while Rick answered Andrea's question.

Rick: He'll have a fighting chance.

Rick knew what he was going to do as his mind is made up but if Shane didn't argue with him about it then it would be weird.

Shane: Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are.

Rick: He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat.

Rick responded to Shane clearly tired of Shane answering back and assuming the worst of the world, he's just one boy how bad can it be.

Shane: Not a threat. How many were there? You killed three of their men, you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking?

Rick: They left him for dead. No one is looking.

Rick spoke shutting Shane up for now as Rick told them the rest of the plan.

Rick: Logan's going to take him to the other side of town and let him go there...

Rick stopped when Shane interrupted with a chuckle.

Shane: Logan said huh? Well if Logan said then let's do it but where is he? Logan doesn't look so good.

Rick looked to Shane as everyone looked between them, Rick knew what Shane is going to say but asked anyway.

Rick: What are you implying?

Shane huffed in amusement once again running his hand over his head then looking back to Rick with a smirk.

Shane: He left here fine. You bring him back, he can barely stand and he looks like he just stepped out a pool. Is he bit?

Everyone's eyes looked to Rick with worry and concern, not for Logan as such but for potentially having a Walker in the house with them, Rick looked down as Hershel looked to Rick, it's Ricks job to keep them all safe but he made a promise to a boy that he owes a lot to.

Rick: No. He got shot.

Rick answered as Shane chuckled again but left it alone for now, Rick stayed staring at Shane while T-Dog brought the topic back to the new guy.

T-Dog: We should still post a guard.

Rick cooled off a little while Hershel spoke on his behalf filling everyone in on the details.

Hershel: He's out cold right now, will be for hours.

Shane stayed still for a second but now he lets his aggression get the best of him and causes the eyes to go back to him again.

Shane: You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy. *Scoffs* Look at this, folks- We back in fantasyland.

Shane complained walking passed everyone sitting at and standing by the table, everyone except Andrea is getting a little fed up with the former cop and before he could walk out the building Hershel stops him and speaks up to the arrogant jack ass.

Hershel: You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet.

Hershel said walking up to Shane making him stop and turn to him.

Hershel: Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all. This is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor. Keep your mouth shut.

Shane looked to Hershel as everyone around watched, Shane looked between the spectators and Hershel till he let out a sigh and walked out the house making Rick walk over to Hershel.

Rick: Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off.

That's what everyone did, they all left the table and walked outside, Hershel and Rick shared a quick nod which everyone missed but they were talking about Logan safely locked away in the back room.

What they didn't know is that Logan wasn't so much sleeping but he was certainly dreaming, dreaming about the day it all went to hell...


Logan's sat in base camp, they got told about this virus taking over Atlanta and they were all sent there.

Duncan: So what do you think?

Logan's sat around a small table playing cards with his best friend Duncan Blake and two other Marines.

Ashton: I think it's just another wild goose chase.

One is Ashton Haller, he's about the same height as Logan where as Duncan's 6'5, they call Ashton "Joker" because he takes the piss more times then not.

Penny: People are supposed to be eating each other.

Penny Jones, don't take her smaller size for a disadvantage cause she'll kick you in the balls then knock your teeth out.

Logan: Sure they are.

Logan replied with a chuckle but they all dropped what they were doing and grabbed their guns when the camp sight alarm started blaring, Logan and the others ran out to see people running at their friends jumping on then and biting them.

Logan froze and looked around to all the carnage around them, Duncan, Ashton and Penny did their jobs but Logan freaked out, all that training and he froze, Logan was about to get attacked but a Marine grabbed him and shouted in his face.

Logan doesn't know what he's saying because it's all just a blur to him, Logan snapped out of it though when the man was brought down, Logan fell back and on his ass and watched as the person ripped into the Marine like it was nothing, not even his armour save him.

Logan snapped out of it though and had one thought and it was to get home, Logan jumped to his feet dropping his rifle and ran, Logan ran and deserted all the people who relied on him all the people who trusted him and Logan's running.

Logan took off his vest and helmet allowing him to run faster with his ammo pouches still on his legs, Logan ran and ran till it seemed like he wasn't even moving anymore, Logan stopped and gave up, Logan pulled his gun out and put it to his head and pulled the trigger...


Logan woke up at the farm, Logan sat up in the bed bandage across his chest covering the bit, Logan looked to his left shoulder to see it covered and not bleeding anymore, Logan moved the bandage a little to see the teeth marks but surely he should be dead by now right?

Logan moved his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his face trying to figure out what's going on, maybe he's already dead.

Logan thought then he got up and looked out the window to see all of Rick's groups stuff.

Hershel: Your awake.

Logan looked to the door to see Hershel standing there with his tools.

Logan: Somehow. How long was I out?

Logan asked turning to face him as Hershel walked towards him and checked his left shoulder.

Hershel: About a week.

Hershel answered pulling the cloth off his wound making them both look, Hershel didn't think he would live through the night but here he is a week later seemingly in top shape.

Logan: What have I missed?

Hershel honestly told him that it wasn't much, he told him about them keeping the boy here for the week and that Rick has gone with Shane to ditch him, Logan barely knew the boy but it's the right thing to do, gives the boy a chance in a destroyed world.

Hershel: I can't believe I'm saying this but your good to go.

Logan looked to Hershel as Hershel looked to Logan like he was God walking among men, Logan didn't know what else to do so he put his shirt on and they all agreed.

Hershel: Just to be safe. This does not leave this room. You got shot, got it?

Logan nodded as Hershel packed up his pieces and went to walk out but stopped and looked to Logan once more

Hershel: Also I'm gonna keep an eye on you, any signs and I'll...

Hershel didn't finish his sentence but Logan knew what he meant and was honestly thankful about it, Logan patted Hershel's shoulder in thanks and walked out the room, they let him leave because if Logan's gonna change he would have by now right.

Logan walked around the house he thought he wouldn't see again and walked passed Beth's room on the way as he heard her talking to Maggie.

Maggie: ... What about Jimmy?

Logan wasn't the listening type but curiosity killed the cat in this one.

Beth: We went out for three months and now I'm married to him?

Logan thought for a second, he didn't know they were married,he was happy to see Beth safe and sound now though and awake, she didn't look so good last time he saw her.

Maggie: ... And Logan?

Logan looked into the room as he stepped to the door frame and made himself scene.

Logan: What about me?

Logan smiled as Maggie and Beth smiled, Beth jumped up from the bed and hugged Logan, she smiled into the man as he looked to Maggie with a smile.

Logan: We'll welcome back huh?

Logan smiled putting his arm around her holding her close, Logan missed this, it's nice to be hugged every now and then, Beth looked up to him as Logan smiled to her but saw she looked upset.

Logan: What's wrong?

Beth didn't answer and just hugged him again, Logan looked to Maggie hoping for an answer and she stood up to give him one, Logan got out of Beth's grip and looked to her.

Logan: I'll be back in a minute, okay?

Beth nodded sitting down on her bed as Maggie and Logan left the room but crossed Andrea as they did, Logan hasn't spoken to Andrea since she shot him and he isn't starting now.

Maggie: Can you sit with her for a second?

Andrea nodded as Logan and Maggie left while Andrea entered Beth's room, Logan and Maggie walked down the stairs and out onto the porch.

Logan: She didn't have a gun did she?

Logan asked pointing back to Andrea, Maggie leant on the railing with a smile.

Logan: It's just she's known for shooting people.

Logan joked making Maggie smile still upset about her sister, Logan took in a deep breath as he enjoyed the fresh air for a little while.

Maggie: Beth's not doing so well. She hide a knife from us and want's to end her life. Tonight.

Logan looked to her as he got worried for Beth, Logan ran into the house with Maggie following him as they ran to Beth's room, Logan nearly broke down the door trying to see her but she wasn't in the bed where they left her.

Logan: Beth!?

Logan asked looking around the room, Maggie heard her crying and walked to the bathroom.

Maggie: Beth?

Logan looked to her as she heard glass smash and started to hit the bathroom door trying to get in there.

Maggie: Beth!

Maggie really started to enter the bathroom and Logan didn't hear the crying or sobbing just as he was about to ask Lori walked into the room.

Lori: Maggie?

Maggie looked to Lori as Logan walked over to her and heard what she said and Beth in the bathroom.

Maggie: She's in there. I heard glass.

Logan moved them out the way and started to try and get the door open.

Lori: Beth. Beth don't do this.

Maggie through her arms in the air as she walked over to a nearby cabinate, while Logan  started to use his right shoulder the open the door.

Maggie: I left her with Andrea. 

Lori looked to Maggie surprised and shocked while Maggie started to rummage through the draw.

Lori: Where's a key?

Lori asked helping Maggie look while Logan still tried to get the door open.

Maggie: I don't know.

Logan gave up using his shoulder and opted for a different approach, Logan took a few steps back and they looked to him.

Logan: We don't need a key.

Maggie and Lori knew what he was about to do and warned Beth.

Maggie: Beth, honey, stand back. Okay!

Logan took a deep breath and drove his foot into the door right but the handle braking the lock and making the door swing open, they all looked to see Beth crying with her right hand covering her left wrist.

Beth: I'm sorry.

Maggie rushed passed Logan and hugged her as Logan just saw red and went to find Andrea...


(To Be Continued)

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