Chapter 45

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I was racing across the ground, blood pounding as I chased the men carrying HER. All around me were the sounds of battle, but all I focused on was getting to HER. The men were intent on reaching the ships that loomed alongside the docks ahead. I had to get to them and HER before they reached the ship....

Pounding roused me from the dream I had been having. Alert and feeling my heart racing from the seemingly real dream, I sat up, throwing the coarse blankets off me as as I did.

"Z, open the door," a voice called out.

Slipping my bare feet to the smooth wood planks of the cabin, I stood up. Ignoring the spear that lay on the small table, as the speaker knew me by name, I walked over to the door. Unlatching the small bolt, I pulled it partially open, looking out into the small hallway as I did.

Lucia backed up a step, and I was forced to blink to have my eyes adjust to the dimly lit hall. Normally there were lamps lit to provide light but they were dimmed for some reason. Before I could ask what was going on she hurriedly informed me, "We spotted three ships in the distance. They appear to be fighting."

Mind racing I darted around the cabin, pulling on my travel worn clothing that were my everyday wear. As I did, I could hear Lucia muttering in her native language. I had little experience with Spanish, but from the tone of her voice she sounded to be speaking darkly about something. I the time we had be together I had only heard her use it when she was agitated, which three ships fighting were just the type of thing to agitate most anyone.

Ready, I snatched the short spear and animal hide shield as I walked out of the room. Besides them I has my knives attached to my belt, though I would stick with the spear as long as I could.

Muttering a final word under her breath as she saw me, Lucia disappeared down the hall in a flurry of skirts. Mindful of the spear, I followed after her, my thoughts racing as I considered the possibility of who was on the ships. Even if she was though, I still had to get to her. Calming my thoughts before they took over, I shielded m eyes as we went through a doorway and out onto the deck. Blue sky surrounded us, the sun bright and shining off the water around us.

All around the crew were preparing for the upcoming fight. I knew each was a warrior of their tribes, but all of them carried spears or in a few cases curved swords. The ship did not carry cannons like others I had seen, instead it was armed with what Adaire called a ballista. I had never seen one before, but it looked like a giant crossbow. There were five of the weapons per side, capable of lobbing four foot spears, small eight pound rocks, or glass spheres containing various chemicals. I was interested to see them in action, as I had only seen the results of cannons so far.

Adaire stood just to the right of the wheel, calling out orders to the sailors in his native language. As I walked over to him, Lucia called out, "Jamila needs my help. Try not to let them kill you country boy."

Furrowing my brow at her statement, unsure what to make of it, I heard Adaire break off into a string of curses. For whatever reason he preferred to curse in a mix of English, Spanish, and what was called French. Concerned as he was more experienced than me in warfare, I rushed over to him.

Noticing me, Adaire nodded his head as he commented, "Stay near me, my friend. I have no desire to watch you die and have to tell that sister of yours."

Gritting my teeth as I knew what he meant, I nodded my head without a word. Cassie had been furious enough when I had come home after being gone all winter. Even more so when she learned that Kaelyn had been hurt.

Kaelyn! Who now was somewhere out there, possibly on one if those ships. Grief surged through my body as my dream and the memory of watching her bundled onto the ship flashed in my mind. I would make it right, no matter how long it took to get to her.

Faint shouts snapped me back into reality. Adaire stood a few feet away, looking through a spotting glass at the ships as we drew closer. Curious to know what the other ships were I asked, "Who are they?"

Keeping his eyes fixed on the ships he replied, "One is the pirates that patrol these waters, there is also a ship from the northern raiders..."

All thought escaped me at that, as I surged forward and craned my neck, trying to see the ships on the horizon. Handing me the eyeglass, Adaire directed, "The ship in the middle. It is low to the water, and you can make out the sun shining off the sailors helmets."

Full of emotion as my hate of the men who turned my world upside down filled me, I demanded, "We have to go after thar ship. Kaelyn might be on it!"

Calmly shaking his head Adaire explained, "The third ship is badly damaged. It looks to be some sort of merchant or fishing vessel. I am not going to let them die, they are badly outgunned and need help."


"My friend, I promised to help you get her back, but we cannot let people die if we can help it. The north men do not have that many places they can go from here. Kaelyn is a valuable slave for whoever has her. Those men in that ship will die if we do not help them."

Screwing my eyes shut as I felt emotion wash over me again as my conscience fought with itself, I finally nodded my head, mumbling, "Ok."

Adaire clamped his hand on my shoulder for a moment before calling out a series of orders as the ship swung closer to the other ships. I kept my eyes directed at the ships as the figures on them became clearer. None of the ships seemed to be heavily armed, or even armed at all. As Adiare had pointed out, the small ship that looked to be a fishing vessel was leaning to one side, as its masts were missing ten feet up.

A deep thrumming sound echoed from my left. Before I could turn to see what had made the noise, I watched a line of bolts smash into one of the ships. Despite the distance between us and them, I flinched at the thought of the damage the bolts would do to flesh.

A voice behind me shouted, "Stay beside me. The pirates are poor fighters and will run at the sight of losing. Our first duty if to protect the fishers, then we can deal with the northmen."

Pulling my shield and spear off my back, I handed him the eyeglass before following him down to the center of the deck. Around us other members of the crew joined us, even as the ballista let loose  with a second volley. This time I  could see the damage as men were cut down by the roundshot that was used for close quarters fighting. Screams filled the air as the ships came side by side.

Taking a deep breath, followed Adaire as he yelled and jumped onto the pirate ship. Blood sprayed as Adaire landed on the ship and lashed out with his spear, opening a red line on the pirates throat.  Around him his men formed a wedge, chanting as they worked together to clear a spot on the deck. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, as the pirates fell or backed up from the dozen warriors that were spattered with blood lashed out, opening skin to the bone, and cutting hands off slow fighters.

Trying to stick with the unison, I lashed out with my spear, clanging against a thick curved sword. A tar stained set of teeth grinned at me as I stared into the face of the pirate in front of me. Seeing his face twitch had me lifting my shield as his sword swept towards me. Taking the opportunity I jabbed, sticking half the spear head into his chest. Unexpectedly the pirate stumbled backwards, even as blood dribbled down his chin.

Grabbing my knife from my belt, I lifted my shield as a sword attempted to cut me from shoulder to hip. Cursing my ill luck as I readied myself for the next blow, I fought the panic that was trying to rise in my chest. I was going to survive this and rescue Kaelyn and bring her home.

Blocking the second blow, I saw my chance and slashed with the knife. I had little experience with using a knife in a fight, but I managed to cut the colorfully dressed pirate on the wrist. Screeching he disappeared into the melee, and another took his place. Instead of a sword the man swung an axe. I ducked as it swung towards me, jabbing my knife into his calf.

Two small spears sprouted from his chest, as I yanked the knife out of his leg. Raising ,y shield in preparation for the next blow, I was startled as I noticed a sudden calm. Lowering my shield, I saw Adaire spattered with blood grinning at me. Wiping my knife on the shirt of a fallen pirate, I remembered that I had lost the spear he had given me.

"I lost your spear..."

Said spear greeted me as Adaire held it outstretched towards me. Not even wanting to know how he found it, I wiped the blade off on the same shirt I had used for my knife. All around bodies lay, red slashes and rents randomly scattered on their chests, necks, and limbs. At the same time I noticed my chest heaving and I sucked in a deep breath to calm myself.

Sliding the spear back into its sheath, I looked up and across the water at the distant sails of the northern ship. A bubble of energy burst in my chest, and my legs gave out underneath of me. Slumping against the rail of the ship, I felt my heart clench as I knew that we could not catch the northern ship.

Crouching next to me Adiare apologized, "I am sorry my friend, she is headed for the slave city now."

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