Chapter 46

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While Adaire's crew searched the pirate ship, and did what they could for the damaged fishing vessel, I  met with him in his cabin. Both of us had taken a moment to wash our face and hands of the drying blood that stuck to our skin. My hands had trembled slightly as I did, though from grief or fading adrenaline I did not know.

Seated across from him with a small glass bowl of  what Adaire called incense burning, I listened attentively as Adaire pointed to the map on the wall. "As I have explained to you before, the Mediterranean is a dangerous place. The straits of Gibraltar are controlled by the Barbary pirates and their allies in the Black Cities. Ships from the European Coalition protect trading vessels when they have to pass, but we cannot run the strait on our own and hope to survive."

My goal was to rescue Kaelyn and return her unharmed. I could not do that if I was dead or a slave. Shaw would never forgive me if I returned without her, and I despite having only known her for less than a year, I could not imagine life without her.

"Now, they will take her to Ulzorra to be sold at auction. It is the hub of the slave trade for Africa and the Mediterranean. No doubt her captors will want to get rid of her as quickly as possible. They dislike Africa, and have their own wars and homes to return to in the north," Adaire scoffed.

Looking at the map and the city Adaire had mentioned I fought the urge to scream in frustration. I finally knew where Kaelyn was going to be but I could not go to her. Adaire had promised to help but I did not know how we were going to get to her now. I had never really seen a map before meeting Adaire and still struggled to gauge distances on them, but Ulzorra was two thousand miles from here. Kaelyn would be sold long before we got there, and then I would be chasing whispers.

A knock on the dock sent a shiver through my body, releasing some of the tension that had been built up. Opening the door, Lucia entered the room, a knowing look flashing across her eyes.

"Before you start talking about some idea to chase after the pirates let me remind you that American's are known to hate slavery, and Adaire's people fight against slavers. So neither of you can enter the city as free people easily if at all. I on the other hand can as my people have spread out and are on both sides of the conflict."

Shocked at her proposal I argued, "This is not some scientific expedition. We will probably have to fight and you have no experience or weapons..."

At the sight of Adaire smiling as he shook his head slightly, I felt a prick on my belly and recognized the click of a pistol spring. Looking down I winced at the thin gleaming sword that touched my belly, and the small but deadly pistol pointed at me.

Backing away with my arms raised in apology I watched as she smiled before the weapons disappeared to her side. Berating myself for judging her, I lowered my arms and gestured for her to continue. Privately I thought of how well Cassie would get along with Lucia. She was not bad to look at, and had talked to me of what I wanted after I had rescued Kaelyn. Somehow I had never managed to admit my feelings about Kaelyn to her.

"Since the strait and the sea beyond is crawling with pirates, we will land here, and travel overland to Ulzorra. A small party will be best, no more than six. We can purchase canoes to speed up travel through the vast swamps. Ideally we will reach the city in three months."

I knew that it was a good plan, but three months was a long time to be a slave, and Kaelyn would already be gone by the time we got there. Yet I did not know of a better option as I was not going to force Adaire to sail his ship into the Mediterranean.

Gritting my teeth and squeezing my eyes shut for a moment, I cursed the men who had taken Kaelyn from me. I did not have time to punish them, but whoever had bought Kaelyn would have me to deal with whenI found her.

Nodding my head in agreement before letting my grief take hold, I was dimly aware as Lucia walked up to me and affirmed, "We will get her back Z."

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