✽ Chapter 10 ✽ ~Extra~

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
When I went back to building 13 the next day, Hajime looked as tired as ever and Seitarou bursted into tears when he saw me. Apparently the inmates kept on escaping just so they can go to building 5 to see me and that I won't go near other inmates for potential 'danger', increasing Hajime's workload. And poor Seitarou kept on getting bullied because he got the most affection from me and the boys were jealous of him again.

As I was making my way to cell 13, I heard Yamato yelling my name to get my attention.
"Good morning, I see that you're back, (Y/n)-dono! Need a ride??" Yamato exclaimed enthusiastically and loudly. I looked back and my smile couldn't get any wider.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Hello, gentlemen! Rise and shine!" Yamato shouted out as his horse, yes that's right, his horse kicked down cell 13's door. I was hiding behind him to surprise the boys.
"A HORSE?!?"
"This is my horse, Yamatomaru!" Yamato enthusiastically introduced his horse.
"No one asked!" I heard Jyugo yelled.
"What do you want so early in the morning?!" Next I heard Uno yelling angrily.
"Hello hello~" I said as I poked my head out from Yamato's back, with a wink.
"No hugs for you guys. You guys caused a lot of trouble for Hajime-san and Sei-kun. You guys are only getting my greeting." I said as my smile disappeared with a dissatisfied face.
"What?!?!" They all exclaimed out in distress.
"Now listen to what Yamato-san will say." I sternly said.
"Thank you, (Y/n)-dono. Since today is New Year's Eve, I'm going around each cell asking everyone to create decorations for New Year's." Yamato explained.
"New year's.. that means.."
"JAPANESE EVENT!!!" Uno, Rock and Nico shouted out. They proceeded to shout out Japanese things involving with the event and made Jyugo cringe again.

"Excuse me! We will now begin our annual end-of-year cleaning!" Seitarou declared as he came in as well.
"Sei-kun!" I exclaimed and gave him a quick hug, earning a few glares from the inmates who didn't even receive their hugs.
"Cleaning? Why?"
"In Japan, it's customary to clean at the end of the year. Make sure you clean throughly. Even Tsukumo-kun has started cleaning diligently. I'll reward him with some tea together later." I explained.
"Ehh?? Why can't the guards clean?" Uno asked, dissatisfied with their tasks.
"The guards are in charge to clean the headquarters." Seitarou continued, earning groans and grunts from the inmates.

"Well then, chop chop. Start cleaning now! Yamato-san and I will go give out the rest of the decorations to other cells now. And also because I want to ride the horse some more. Anyone who is slacking off or doesn't take cleaning for New Year's seriously will get their ASS kicked by Yamatomaru~! <3" I singsonged with a smile while also threatening them, petting Yamatoru on the head.
"H-has (y/n) always been like this??" Jyugo asked, terrified.
"(Y-Y/n)-san told me that she's pretty serious when it comes to cleaning for New Year's.." Seitarou answered, also a bit terrified.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work today. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year. Please continue to stay focus, all of you." Nee-chan said towards everyone in the room. We and all the supervisors were at the conference room for a meeting for the upcoming New Years event, which I was informed about it a few days ago by Nee-chan and I'm hella excited for it. I was seating next to Nee-chan during the meeting, of course.

"Well then, the biggest event of the year in Nanba Prison starts tomorrow. A storm is coming!" Mitsuru energetically exclaimed.
"The preparations?" Nee-chan asked.
"Everything's perfect!" Mitsuru answered, his voice all wOnKy.

"Warden, have the representations for each building been decided?" Kiji asked.
"Roughly, yes. Also thanks to (Y/n)'s help." She simply replied
"We didn't make it to the final last year. But we'll take the top this year!" Samon confidently shouted out while looking at me. Does he want to impress me? I don't know which side to pick, though.
"Oh my, take the top? Such a crude expression. Call it 'master'. One who stands on top and looks down upon all. I work hard everyday so I wish to see that view once a year." Kiji determinedly continued, earning a "tsk" from Samon.

"We lost to your building 13 last year, which prevented us from becoming the champion. But this year, we will get our revenge." Kenshirou said in a low tone, like he usually would.
"Oh, Hajime-san's building won last year?" I asked, earning a nod from Hajime.
"Is cell 13 representing your building, Hajime?" Mitsuru asked Hajime.
"If cell 13 represent us, cleaning up after them will just give me more work. I'm not signing up for that." Hajime sternly responded, glaring at Mitsuru. Well, that is true, considering it's those troublesome boys.

"A closing word, if you will, Warden and (Y/n)-san." Kenshirou said, looking at both of us.

"Have a happy New Year."
"Have a happy New Year~!!"

(A/n: I actually thought whether or not to post this one because it's just short. But then I wanted to write what happens when (Y/n) arrives back at building 13 so here we are. And also because I wanted to write (y/n) riding a horse— hehehe. Next chapter will finally be the New Year's tournament!)

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