✽ Chapter 11 ✽ ~Part 1~

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
Today is the day of the New Year's tournament. Nee-chan and I were both standing side by side on the loge of the arena. I wore an outfit with the colour similar to nee-chan's outfit to accommodate to her for the special day, with multiple golden pins pinned on the top piece of the outfit.

"Gentlemen! Happy New Year!" Nee-chan wished everyone in the arena.
"Happy New Year, everyone~!!" I did the same thing as well, with a smile on my face. I was nervous at first, because I was standing in front of most inmates who were seeing me for the first time, and there were a shit ton of them.

"Let's get down to business. To celebrate New Years, we will now begin Nanba Prison's traditional event. Our New Year's tournament will now begin!" Nee-chan announced before releasing a giant kakejiku written by me: "Nanba's New Year Joint Cooperation Tournament."

Kenshirou started to announce the participants from each building for the New Year's tournament. And one of them, was building 13's none other than cell 13.
The participating guards and inmates will get a prize if they win, and one extra one from me, apparently.

•••Third Person P.O.V•••
"Oi Hajime. To think cell 13 is representing building 13... What an unfortunate way to start the new year, huh? Building 5 will win this year. And it'll for sure impress (Y/n)-san!" Samon competitively and egotistically challenged Hajime, their gazes similar to lightning striking each other.
"After all, cell 8 is representing us." Samon continued.
"I don't care about winning or impressing (y/n). But I won't tolerate losing to you." Hajime retorted maliciously.

"My goodness." Another voice joined. "You two always get into the moment you see each other." It was the pheasant, Kiji. "How unsightly. You're going to sully my cell 6. And my darling angel will definitely be impressed by my handsome inmates and victory." He said boastfully.
"What did you say? You stink of perfume!" Samon yelled out at the makeup and perfume wearing supervisor.
"Oh? Would you like me to close up your nose with cement, then?" Kiji clap-backed.

"Don't make threatening comments to your opponents, Monkey, Kiji." The inu himself, Kenshirou spoke. "It's disgraceful. What will the warden and (y/n) think?" He asked, earning threats and insults from both Samon and Kiji.
"A monkey, a pheasant and a dog..."
"It's like Momoraro!"
"They're all just henchmen.."
"Who are you calling henchmen?!"

"Happy New Year, you fucks!" Mitsuru vigorously yelled out in the microphone. "The New Year's Tournament is about to start, YO!! I, Mitsuru, will be the play-by-play commentator!!"
"And I, (Y/n), will be joining Mitsuru-kun!" (Y/n) energetically yelled out on her microphone, standing next to Mitsuru.
"Which building will win the prize by advancing through five competition events?!" Mitsuru yelled, followed by (Y/n), "inmates, guards?!"
"Please cooperate with one another today to become the champions, YOO!!!" Mitsuru high-pitched voice piercing through everyone's ears.

"The first event is Kakizome!" (Y/n) started.
"The theme is 'Happy New Year'! Thank you (y/n)-chan for this lovely kakejiku, yo! The participant with the most beautiful and artistic penmanship is the winner!! (Y/n)-chan will be the judge for this, since she has such amazing artistic skills! Just look at this kakejiku!!" Mitsuru energetically announced and put an arm around her shoulders, earning a giggle from the woman.

From a high view, (y/n) could see cell 13 hyping up Jyugo on participating in the challenge. But to no surprise, he failed, awfully. "P-poor Jyugo-kun.." she mumbled out.
Fixing her gaze to the guards of building 13, seemed like Yamato and Hajime did impressively well.
"Wow! Once again, building 13 shows us how it's done!" Mitsuru commented.
"Well done, boys!!" (Y/n) yelled out.

"Building 13 wins the highest score according to (y/n)-chan, yo!!" Mitsuru exclaimed, patting the (h/c) haired woman on the head.
(Y/n) followed, "Well done, everyone~! The second event is Mochi Pounding Daruma Drop!"
"This event requires power and stamina! If you complete your mochi, you win!" Mitsuru continued to yell.
"But if the daruma collapses, you lose! Just pound the mochi and drop the daruma! It's that easy~!" (Y/n) announced as she swung her arm up into the air.
"The first stage is building 5, cell 8 and building 13, cell 13! Do your best and make the best-tasting mochi, you punks!" Mitsuru shouted out.

He then started to introduce, "Now I'll introduce the participants! Building 13 deputy supervisor, Godai Yamato! Building 5 guard, Hakkai Inori!"
"And from building 13, cell 13, inmate number 69! And from building 5, cell 8, inmate number 2!" (Y/n) continued.
"Okay, ready... Start!!" Both the announcers shouted out.

And with that, Yamato started pounding the mochi vigorously while laughing loudly, as energetic as ever. Suddenly, someone swiftly sneaked around Rock and smashed one of building 13's daruma out, leaving Rock's mouth agaped.

"Building 13 has already lost a block from their daruma!" Mitsuru commented.
"Letting your opponent make the first move? That's not like you. Did you get rusty in building 13, Rock?" Building 5, Liang asked, his mallet pointing at his opponent who was once sent to building 5 before he was put in 13.
"You're still holding a grudge about that?" Rock asked while pointing at Liang.
"Yes, I am. Ever since that day, I've been looking forward to this.. The day I get to fight you again!" Liang resorted before sending a powerful flying kick towards Rock, breaking his mallet in half.
"Number 69 has lost his mallet from Number 2's powerful kick! That's gotta hurt! Ouch!" Mitsuru exclaimed.
"I must commend you for not falling down." Liang admitted to Rock.
"You combat freak!" Rock exclaimed in shock.
"You're the same, aren't you?" Liang responded, resulting in Rock telling him to shut up.
Yamato also got his hands busy, with Inori forcefully pushing and battling out with their mallets.

Liang constantly sent out spinning-side kicks onto Rock, but Rock kept on blocking them with his arms.
"You won't accomplish anything if you just keep blocking! Even after you were moved to a different cell, I continued to train hard. I even trained with (y/n)-san and improved greatly! So I wouldn't ever lose to you again!" Liang indignantly shouted before sending an opened-hand strike at Rock, with Rock yet again dodging it.
"I will win this tournament and create a training ground for myself and (y/n)-san, so I can reach new heights with her teachings!" Liang determinedly shouted before pointing a finger at Rock, "Rock, what is your goal in this tournament?!"
Strong and heavy tension filled the air. Rock opened his mouth and retorted in a serious tone, "A stone oven!"


"Stone oven..?" Liang asked in perplexity.
"If I win, I'm gonna have them install a stone oven in our kitchen! And ask (Y/n) to make artistically and beautifully presented desserts for us!" Rock determinedly exclaimed.
"Why..?" Liang asked, still perplexed.
"Because Shiro said we don't have one! And because (Y/n) showed me pictures of the beautiful desserts that she made before and I want to try them!!" Rock frustratedly shouted out, almost crying. He then went on and on about how delicious stone oven baked foods are towards Liang.
"Looks like they're arguing about something!" Mitsuru announced, one wrong step and he'll fall out of the platform.
"A stone oven and my desserts..? Well I guess that's just typical Rock.." (y/n) mumbled next to Mitsuru.

"How absurd. Seems you have become nothing but a coward. You think you can defeat me in pursuit of something so ridiculous? How comical! I'll end this fight in a matter of seconds! Taste this move, the product of 7000 years in Chinese history! Secret technique! Ryuutenshoukayoukyaku!" Liang shouted out before sending a flying kick, resembling a fire dragon towards Rock.
"R-Rock!" (Y/n) exclaimed, worried for her inmate friend. But to no avail to Liang, his technique was blocked by Rock's arm.
"Ridiculous, you say? You don't know anything!" Rock furiously said and grabbed Liang by the ankle, "Fighting doesn't fill my stomach!" He proceeded to swing Liang countless of times, then vigorously punched him into one of building 5'a daruma, knocking it out.
"Number 2 is unable to fight due to a powerful punch from Number 69!" Mitsuru shouted out entertained and in astonishment.
"S-someone please take him to the medical room..!" (Y/n) concernedly said into the microphone and some guards listened and took Liang to the infirmary.
In the contrary, things with Yamato and Inori quickly ended as well. Yamato was heavily influenced by Rock's actions and threw his mallet away, taking big, generous steps towards Inori with a wide smile. Inori was then sent flying into the sky by Yamato's hefty uppercut, with Inori landing onto his own station, knocking and destroying everything down.

"They've destroyed the mortar! Building 13 is insane!" Mitsuru yelled out in his penetrating voice, excited by the results.
"Victory goes to building 13! Well done, boys!" (Y/n) exclaimed into the microphone.
"Building 13 has taken the lead by winning two events so far! You guys better turn up the heat in the next event!" Mitsuru announced, his arm around (y/n)'s shoulder.

"Let's get going to the third event!" (Y/n) exclaimed out, as excited as Mitsuru.

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