✽ Chapter 11 ✽ ~Part 2~

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•••Third Person P.O.V•••
"Next is Hyakunin Isshu!" (Y/n) announced the name of the third event. "The rules for Hyakunin Isshu, also known as competitive karuta, are very easy!"
"This event requires mental strength and concentration. Three members are allowed to participate, including one guard!" Mitsuru explained.
After the buildings had chose their participants, Mitsuru started to introduce them, "Hey yo! The next match is building 3 supervisor, Mitsuba Kiji, versus building 13 guard, Tanabata Seitarou!"
"And from building 3, cell 6, inmates number 3 and 82. A very colourful duo~! From building 13, cell 13, inmate number 11!" (Y/n) further introduced with a wide smile.

Seemed like the handsome aura emitting out from the building 3 was so powerful that it overpowered Uno and he collapsed, which made him very frustrated at the four ikemen.
"Uwaah, seems like the four ikemen are getting along." (Y/n) announced, feeling a bit flushed after earning a wink from each of the inmates from building 3.
"All right, lets begin the third event! Let's begin!!" Mitsuru yelled into his microphone with a dynamic pose.

Seitarou was deep in though about something while staring at Uno with a concerned face, but was interrupted with Kiji's voice.
"You have some nerve not paying attention before the match." Kiji said, a bit dissatisfied with Seitarou's actions.
"P-pardon me." Seitarou apologised, sweating and rubbing the back of his head.
"They chose a useless kid like him to play? They're mocking us. I'll make this quick."  Kiji thought to himself, egotistically while smirking.

"Now for the first poem!" (Y/n) started.
Mitsuru continued, "While autumn leaves—"
"Sorry." Seitarou apologised after the long silence.
"As friends and—"
"Feel sorrow—"

It just kept going on and on. Not even the second word has Mitsuru muttered out and Seitarou had already picked out the correct card inhumanly quick, and (Y/n) was quite proud of him.
"What in the world?" Kiji thought to himself in perplexity and in downright shock.
"I have a really good memory." Seitarou giggled out.
"As expected nothing less from Sei-kun! Well done!" (Y/n) exclaimed, praising the bluenette, which he was very grateful for.

However, things aren't really going well for the inmate from building 13. Building 3 inmate number 82, Honey, kept on gracefully picking out the cards, leaving Uno nothing and in shock, sweating.
"Is something wrong? It seems you've yet to get even a single card." Honey spoke, sparkles can be seen emitting out from him.
"Shut up and focus on the match!" Uno frustratedly exclaimed.
"I'll take your place, Honey-kun. He might be making his move soon." Number 3, Trois said, leaning close to Honey.
"I'm counting on you, Trois." Honey replied and scooted away gracefully.
"I can read you like a book. You're looking for your opportunity to cheat." Trois mischievously said, pushing his glasses. Before Uno could get the next card, the card was already gone, and right in Trois's hand, "Close. But no cigar."
"There.. was no sound or anything." Uno uttered out, glaring at the glasses wearing inmate.
"That's Trois' technique." Honey simply explained.
"I heard from Kiji-san that you're an infamous cheater, so I'll win before you discover my strategy." Trois explained to Uno, smirking down at him.
"You're ruthless, even towards a beginner, aren't ya?" Honey chuckled.
"That's what a match is all about. We're going to win this. And we're both very positive that we want (Y/n)-chan's undergarments. We'll add it to our collection~." Trois stated with a smirk.
"She is very beautiful just like the rumours had said. Even Kiji-san had constantly been telling us about the beautiful woman. She's even better in person." Honey followed, also smirking along with Trois.
"You damn perverts..." Uno furiously muttered out while glaring daggers at the two.

Unbeknownst to Trois and Honey, beating Uno won't be so simple. In the next remaining rounds, it was Trois and Honey's turns who  couldn't get a single card.
"N-no way.." Trois uttered out in disbelief.
"You think I win gambling just by cheating? Talk about naive! Playing against you isn't even a challenge!" Uno mischievously spoke, flexing his stack of cards at his opponents.
"Move, Trois. I'll do this." Honey said as he tagged in the match.
"I think my match with you is already over. You've already shown me lots of things!" Uno shouted out before swiping up the correct card in an instant.
"How?! Just moments ago, you couldn't even get a single card!" Honey yelled out in frustration.
"You wanna know how? You have three tells. One, you follow the card you're about to grab with your eyes. Two, your center of gravity leans to the right, so you're especially fast when grabbing cards on the right side. And third is your middle finger. You have a habit of pointing with your middle finger instead of your index finger." Uno professionally explained to the purple haired inmate, leaving him bamboozled and irritated.
"How does it feel to be stripped naked, huh?!" Uno asked with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

"Don't mess with me, you bastard!! Don't embarrass us in front of (Y/n)-chan! " Honey shouted out all exasperatedly and outraged, his front hair turning into arrows, showing his true colours. "You must've rigged something! You cheater!!" He continued spouting out insults at Uno and even pulled up a middle finger at him, only to get covered down by Uno's hand.
"You really should fix that naughty middle finger of yours. You won't get the girls, not even (Y/n), even if you are smart." Uno responded with a smug on his face.
"Shut up!!" Honey shouted in exasperation.
"Honey-kun, I'll tag in!" Trois joined, putting his hand on Honey's shoulder.
"I can tell you yours, too." Uno stated.
Trois refused to belief that he himself has any tells, "I don't have any tells!" Before he could even swipe up a card, Uno already beat him to it.
"This.. can't be..!"
"You have two tells. One is your mouth movements. You open your mouth slightly when you move to the right, and close it tightly when you move to the left. The second is the way you blink. You blink once when reaching for the cards nearby, and twice if the card is far away. Even without hearing any sound, it's easy to figure out, as long as I can see you. Remember this, you damned amateur! Even (y/n) knows it! It's not easy to win the game!" Uno exclaimed confidently and won the remaining matches against Trois and Honey.

"You see, there's something I desperately want. I enjoy hanging out with the inmates here, and we have a blast gambling together. They always play seriously. I want to gamble with them more! For that reason, I'll make a game room in Nanba Prison! And make (y/n) wear something cute while she's in there with us! That's why I'm going to win!" Uno determinedly shouted out before swiping on the last and final card, wining the event against building 3.

"The winner is building 13, number 11! Building 13 wins Hyakunin Isshu as well!!" (Y/n) shouted out, earning shouts and cheers from most of the viewing inmates.
"There's more to a man than just his looks!" Uno exclaimed while running his hands through his hair.
"Mm~! Well said, Uno-kun!" (Y/n) exclaimed, giving a thumbs up to the inmate.

"Now, (y/n)-chan, what's the next event called??" Mitsuru asked energetically to the (h/c) haired woman.

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