✽ Chapter 10 ✽ ~Part 1~

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
I woke up today very excited. Today is the day I'm going to visit Samon's building, building 5. Samon was as eagerly excited as I was the day before my visit. The boys in cell 13 however, didn't really like the idea of me visiting other buildings. It's because they hated the fact that they won't get to see me for a while and that they'll miss my presence. Didn't want them to be depressed for such a simple reason, I gave them each a hug the day before my visit to building 5.

I was waiting in nee-chan's office like usual for someone to pick me up. Instead of Hajime, this time it's Samon. The mahogany door opened up and in marched the supervisor, Samon.
"Good morning, warden and (Y/n)-san! I have came to fetch (Y/n)-san to building 5." Samon greeted both nee-chan and I with a 90° bow.

After hugging and biding nee-chan farewell, Samon and I began our journey for my first time to building 5.
"Just you wait, (Y/n)-san, building 5 would definitely be better than that damn gorilla's building!" Samon egotistically and confidently yelled out as we walked our way out of the warden's building.
"Now now, Samon-san. I'm not going to pick any favourites. I'm sure yours is great as well." I responded while smiling at the competitive supervisor.
"Of course it's great! At building 5, we often train the inmates so their minds and bodies are in good mental and physical condition. If you like, you can train with the inmates or me, (y/n)-san. I would be honoured to train and spar with you." Samon suggested with his usual wide, proud smile on his face.
"Sure, Samon-san. I'd love to." I replied, returning a smile.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Uwahh!! So this is what building 5 looks like! As expected, it's heavily Chinese cultural relic-themed. It's so beautiful! Reminds me of the time I've went to China." I exclaimed awestricken as I entered the premises of the place, right pass the gates of building 5.
"It's incredible isn't it? And you've been to China before?" Samon asked, walking along side with me with his arms behind his back.
"Yeah. I've been to multiple countries and attended the highschools and colleges in those places for 3-4 years while nee-chan was in training for becoming the warden here. I really wanted to travel around the outside world that I couldn't even admire for most of my childhood and have education along with it. China was one of the places and the sightseeing was absolutely incredible." I responded to Samon's query with a soft smile as I thought back to all the memories I had there. "Though, it was only for a few months before I moved to another county for a different school again."

"Multiple counties and schools within 4 years? That must be tiring." Samon stated.
Giggling, I replied, "Not really. I wanted to go sightseeing in different countries for painting purposes and learn different languages along the way."
Samon and I exchanged a few more words before arriving at the training courtyard of building 5. Three guards approached us and greeted both Samon and I profoundly.
"(Y/n)-san, these are the Daisen brothers. Rokuriki, Kokoriki and Youriki. They are my subordinates. I've announced to them about your arrival today and hope that they will be at help for your visit. Treat her with upmost respect, boys." Samon explained earnestly, his usual smile turned into a stern face, showing his serious supervisor side.
"Yes, sir!" The three obediently obligated.
I smiled and bowed back at them before following Samon to the field where the inmates were training.

"Listen up, inmates!" Samon yelled out to the training inmates to get their attentions. All of them obediently obliged and ceased at what they were doing. "This is Hyakushiki (Y/n). She's the warden's younger sister. She will be visiting building 5 within the next two days so I don't want ANY of you to cause her any trouble. Consequences will be charged if any violations were to be made." Samon continued with a stern and serious tone. His stern side during work and his cheerful and prideful side when he's with me are fairly different.
"Yes, sir!!!" All of the inmates responded and continued with their training.
"You're so cool when you're serious, Samon-san." I complimented the supervisor with a smile on my face. This caught Samon off-guard and he slightly blushed.
"I-I'm just doing my job, (Y/n)-san." Samon coughed out, trying to hide his blush.

•••Third Person P.O.V•••
"So the rumours about the warden's younger sibling visiting Nanba was true. To think that she's a woman." Qi stated while yawning.
"I couldn't care less about a woman roaming around our building. As long as she doesn't interfere with my training and meditation then I'm fine with it." Upa said as he was floating constantly on the same spot using his chi.
"Huh?" Qi questioned, didn't clearly hear what the braided-hair man uttered.
"I-I wasn't informed that she's a w-woman.." Liang stuttered out with a timid yet flustered face as he stared at the (h/c) haired woman.
"Right.. I forgot that you're bad with women." Qi sweat-dropped.

(A/n: Fun fact: Liang is bad with women as stated in the manga.)

"He's going to die alone if he continues to be that easily flustered with women." Upa bluntly said, words like an arrow piercing through Liang's heart.
"I-I have little to no experience with them, alright?!" Liang frustratedly and defensively yelled out to the self-proclaimed qigong master.
Unfortunately, those three were the closest standing inmates to the (h/c) haired woman. But luckily, she didn't hear what they were discussing about, instead only noticed Liang yelling at the other two inmates.
"Samon-san, would you mind introducing these inmates to me?" (Y/n) asked the monkey-like supervisor.
"Of course. Cell 8! Step forward." Samon shouted at the three inmates and they obeyed. "These are number 71, number 58 and number 2 from cell 8."
"U-um.. number 2-kun, are you alright?" (Y/n) asked concernedly at the sweating and blushing inmate.
"I-I'm alright, ma'am.." Liang stammered out while avoiding eye contact with the woman.

Upa let out a sigh and faced his supervisor, "Sir, may I spar with you later?" He asked, not wanting to deal with Liang's embarrassment any further.
"Sorry, number 58. I'll be sparring with (y/n)-san later. Though, you can try and spar with her now if you want." Samon suggested as (Y/n) slightly smiled to Upa.
"Her? No thanks. I don't want to fight with a woman. They're weak and not worth the energy. She doesn't even look that powerful." Upa mercilessly and bluntly replied. Liang agreed, nodding next to Upa.
"The amount of times I've heard this.." (y/n) muttered out, taken aback by his statement.
"Number 58. That's no way to talk about the warden's sister. Change that attitude immediately. If you don't want to fight her, then just watch from aside." Samon sternly warned the inmate and walked (y/n) to an empty space of the courtyard so that they can start their sparring.

"Does she really have a chance with Samon-san?" Liang doubtfully questioned, standing at a safe distance away from the two.
"Even we can't win against him. I doubt that she can." Upa replied demeaningly.
"Are you ready, (y/n)-san?" Samon asked (Y/n) and she replied with a nod. In a split second, the two sprinted towards each other in full speed. Samon sent out a flying kick to (Y/n) but she dodged it perfectly and threw a roundhouse-kick at his head. Samon dodged it swiftly but was quickly met with a strong side-thrust kick to his back the millisecond he dodged, stumbling forward but quickly regained balance. "W-what? That was too fast!" Samon thought to himself, couldn't believe that he got kicked.

"W-what?! She already landed a move on him?!" Liang shouted out, not believing what he had just witness.

Regaining his posture and stance, Samon dashed towards (Y/n) and hook-kicked her chest, earning a grunt from the woman and her back harshly hitting the ground. Wasting no time, she rolled to her side and got up, breathed in a deep breath, and sprinted. She threw another flying kick towards Samon. Samon already saw it coming and dodged to the side. But to no avail, the kick was just a distraction. The second he dodged it, (y/n) swung her leg sideways midair towards Samon and front-stepped on his head only for a mere millisecond, leaped and backfliped facing his back. Opened-hand strikes were rapidly delivered to the sides of Samon's abdomen, powerful enough to hurt and possibly bruise, but won't damage his organs nor injure him majorly. All of that happened too quickly, it was all ended within seconds. Samon cringed as he fell front faced onto the ground, still abundantly surprise at how inhumanly quick (Y/n)'s moves were, and he could barely strike her without her dodging his every move. In fact, he was so flabbergasted, he didn't even move anymore, he was just laying there, his eyes widen in shock.

"I guess I won, Samon-san." (Y/n) said as she fixed her dusted and wrinkled clothes.
"H-how.." Samon questioned, his face still plastered onto the sand.
"HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO DEFEAT HIM SO QUICKLY?!" The inmates yelled, also flabbergasted by the incredibly unbelievable scene that happened right before them.
"I have quick reflexes." (Y/n) replied simply, taking Samon's hat and wore it herself.
"Samon-san hunny, you alright?" She asked as she kneeled in front of the astounded supervisor. Samon snapped back to reality after hearing the pet-name he was given and blushed slightly. "Y-yes, (y/n)-san. Thank you for sparring with me." He said as he got up and looked at the woman whose wearing his hat.
"Any time, Samon-san." (Y/n) responded, extending her hands towards Samon to fix his messy hair, and placed his hat back, which worsened his flushed face.

"Now, what's this about me being weak and not worth the energy?" (Y/n) asked with a soft smile towards the three inmates, but the immense aura emitting from her said otherwise.

"N-no ma'am!" All three of them yelled out timidly. The shortest one stepped out and bowed at the woman, "I-I apologise, (y/n)-san.." he apologised sincerely, but still remained slightly calm.
The aura quickly dissipated, and she looked at the individual with a genuine smile, "It's alright. It wasn't my first time dealing with this situation anyways. How about you guys accompany me during lunch to make up for it?"
The three looked at each other for approval before nodding to (y/n)'s request, a bit perplexed.
"Lovely. Samon-san, may I have some Chinese Oolong tea now?" The woman asked Samon, slightly parched from the journey to the building and the quick spar she just had with the man.
"O-of course, (Y/n)-san. I'll bring you to the guards' office to have some tea. I'll also take you to the cafeteria for lunchtime afterwards." Samon replied after finally calming down and regaining his posture.

The (h/c) haired woman waved and smiled at the inmates before leaving to the building 5 guards' room with Samon, visibly giggling along the way while Samon scratched his head, flustered to something she had said. The three inmates stood there, watching the two individuals leave their line of sight without moving a muscle, for they were still overwhelmed by bewilderment.

"She's the only person that had won a match against him besides Hajime-san.." all three of them thought in their head.

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