✽ Chapter 9 ✽

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
It was an ordinary day in Nanba. I was on my way to the guards' office and Hajime was on his way to the warden's office. When we were about to path ways, we heard distant crying and soon found out that it was none other than Seitarou's. "SUPERVISOR!" Seitarou cried out, emotionally latching himself onto Hajime.
"Seitarou?!" Hajime yelled, trying to pry Seitarou off him.
"S-Seitarou-kun what's wrong?" I asked concernly, though I had an idea of what the problem was.
"P-please help me..!"
"Get off! The warden just called for me!" Hajime yelled out while still trying to pry off the crying bluenette off him. He got irritated and punched Seitarou on the head.
"Hajime-san!! Punching someone's head isn't always the solution to everything! How many times do I have to say that?!" I scolded Hajime as I hugged the poor boy and patted his head.
"Tsk. It worked, didn't it?" Hajime scoffed.

"I'm.. I'm at my wits' end!" Seitarou cried out while hugging back at me.
"T-they're horrible! The guys in cell 13 won't take me seriously at all!"
Ah.. I knew it was those boys. Won't they cut the poor guy some slack?
"You're a guard. Be more confident. And quit hugging (y/n) like that, she isn't someone for you to cry on!" Hajime scolded.
"That's easier said than done.. They never listen to anything I say." Seitarou complained as he let me go.
"Then beat them until they do." Hajime threatened.
"Only you can do that!" Seitarou and I shouted out.

Seitarou proceeded to tell us what happened to him before he came crying and running to us. Turns out that the boys in cell 13 bullied him again.
"It's too much! It's not my fault that I'm good-looking!" Seitarou cried out.
"Maybe I'm just not cut out for this job.. I should quit and look for something el-.."
Before he could even finish talking, Hajime punched the wall behind him and even left a dent on it.

"Is that all the commitment you have into doing your job?" Hajime asked sternly. The poor boy quivering under him.
"Try a little harder, Seitarou." Hajime said as he let go of the wall. "If you can't handle this job, you won't last long anywhere."
"I don't think there are more jobs demanding than this.." Seitarou sobbingly responded, and I nodded beside him.
"What I'm saying is, if you can work here, you can work anywhere." Hajime placed his hand on Seitarou's shoulder. "Alright then, I guess I have to teach you how to handle them."

"First, if you do the following, their activity level will drop by 50%. Starting with number 11."
"The one who talks a lot, yes."
"He's really crazy about women, so anything with them will grab his attention. Just hand him a survey snipped from a women's magazine or something."
"Just a survey?!"
"Well he is Uno-kun.. He wouldn't stop flirting with me whenever he has the chance to."

"Next is number 69."
"The scary looking guy.."
"He likes to fight. But nothing's compared to his enormous appetite."
"S-so give him something to eat..?"
"Just hand him the menu for today and he'll sit quietly for a while."
"Is he in grade school?!"
"Rock-kun and I talk about food quite often.."

"Number 25."
"Compared to the others, he's a good kid."
"He's the easiest. Just put on some anime. Also if you give him snacks, he won't move an inch."
"Is he in kindergarten?!"
"Nico-chan and I watched some anime together before and it's true.."

"Lastly, number 15."
"The number 1 troublemaker.. He'll escape the second we take our eyes off him."
"His hobby and special skill is jailbreaking. He will, without a doubt, escape."
"So there's nothing I can do?!"
"No. In his case, if the other three don't escape, he'll lose 40% of his motivation. So if he does run, he'll be easy to catch. The trick is to take care of the three first by using my methods. Oh and bring (y/n) along with you whenever you get the chance to. They'll listen to her more than they listen to me."
"His job sounds like a daycare more than a guard.." I muttered out.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Hajime-san!" I greeted Hajime who had just came back from the warden's office.
"Supervisor! Welcome back!" Seitarou greeted him too, his hands full with multiple objects.
"And? How are the guys in cell 13?" Hajime questioned.
"Thanks to your methods, I figured out how to deal with them!" Seitarou happily exclaimed.
"Oh you work fast." Hajime was actually impressed.
"H-hajime-san, listen to what he did first though.." I whispered to Hajime as I sweat-dropped.
"Yes! They told me to bring surveys from the latest women's magazines, menus for today and tomorrow, snacks and an anime magazine. Also, number 15 said that he's going to escape from his cell, so we are to meet at the courtyard in 15 minutes so I can capture him! And before (y/n) had left for her training session with Yamato-san, she told them to not bully me, and they actually listened! Thanks to you, they're not bullying me anymore! Uwaah! So busy!" Seitarou left while humming happily.
"S-see.. he's being used as an errand boy the second I left.." I empathetically said to Hajime, and he agreed to my statement.
"Oi Seitarou! A new inmate will be transferred to cell 13 this afternoon. Make the preparations." Hajime stated.
"A new inmate?" I asked curiously.
"What?! But I finally built a good relationship with those four!" Seitarou cried out.
"Good relationship my ass!!"

❈ ❈ ❈

Hajime actually gave me permission to roam around building 13 by myself. I wanted to meet the new inmate because I was curious about him and why was he assigned to cell 13. As I was walking through the hallways, I heard ruckus of Nico, Uno and Rock screaming about ninja weapons and Jyugo scolding them for it coming from cell 13. Was the new inmate a ninja? Nah, ninjas don't really exist.

"Hello hello~ It's me, (Y/n). What's going on in there? Open up the door, will ya?" I asked as I knocked on the door.
"Oh, it's (Y/n). Sure come in." Jyugo said as he opened the cell door for me.
"(Y/n)-chan (Y/n)-chan! Look! It's a real Japanese ninja!" Nico excitedly exclaimed as he dragged me by my arm towards the new inmate.
"Ah. You must be the warden's younger sister, (Y/n)-dono. I heard about you from the supervisor. I'm Tsukumo, inmate number 99." Tsukumo introduced himself to me with a bow. Though, I do say, he looks quite familiar to an actor that I've seen before.
"It's nice to meet you, Tsukumo-kun." I greeted back. "So, what was all the ruckus here before I had came in?"

"My lady, are you not thrilled?? He's a real Japanese ninja! So cool!" Uno screamed out along with the other two jumping with him.
"A-ah.. Tsukumo-kun, please put away that kunai. I would get pissed if you were to injure anyone. And mind telling us how you got here?" I asked Tsukumo softly.
Tsukumo nodded and put away his kunai, and began explaining, "I am a genuine shinobi born on the Land of Shinobi. I must live in the shadows and act like a shadow. Convert actions are my daily life. To think... I was arrested as a suspicious trespasser..!" Tsukumo started to cry out.
"You didn't see that coming?" Jyugo bluntly responded.
"There there, Tsukumo-kun." I comforted him while patting his head.
When he got up, he started to sprint across the room with a ninja pose. "However, I am a shinobi! I will not simply sit in prison! I have successfully escaped from many prisons using various ninjutsu! No matter how many times I've been caught, to me, escaping is akin to snatching candy from a baby!"

"You're pretty brave to brag about that in front of (y/n). Another jail breaker? But in the end, you got caught anyway." Jyugo said bluntly.
"He's a good match for you, Jyugo."
"I'm nothing like him!"
"Oh? I heard there was a jail breaker in Nanba Prison known as the best there is.. I see, so it's you." Tsukumo stated in a low voice.
"So what?" Jyugo demeaningly replied.
"Let's have a match! We shall see which one of us is better at jailbreaking!" The ninja challenged Jyugo.
"Yare yare.. Do I really need to deal with this? Tsukumo-kun, please. I don't really care if you guys escape because I know your asses will get caught by Hajime-san anyways but if you don't want to have a concussion, then you best stay your ass down. Trust me, these guys had it quite often." I warned Tsukumo because I was genuinely worried for his well being.
"I appreciate your concern, (Y/n)-dono. But,
number 15, are you running away from this challenge because you're afraid to reveal your lack of ability—" and before he could even finish, his attractive face got jump-kicked by Jyugo's foot.
"I'll show you how different we are, you ninja wannabe!!" Jyugo furiously shouted with his foot still on poor Tsukumo's face.
"Very well.. I'll see you after midnight tonight." Tsukumo said after removing Jyugo's foot, blood seeping through his mask.
"T-Tsukumo-kun! Your nose is bleeding!!" I yelled out while helping him sit up and handed him tissues.

❈ ❈ ❈

•••Third Person P.O.V•••
"You boys! Quit bullying Seitarou like this! He doesn't deserve any of your rudeness! Seriously!" (Y/n) scolded at the four inmates furiously. "It's okay, Sei-kun. Don't mind them. Come, I'll bring you to the guards' office." She comforted Seitarou as he hugged her tightly. (Y/n) gently soothed and patted him. She shook her head in disappointment and disbelief towards the inmates and kissed the crying bluenette's head, and walked him to the guards' office.

" 'Sei..Sei-kun'..?" One of them repeated.
"She soothed and petted him.." another stated.
"She was hugging him so tightly a-against her chest.." the other stated.
"She even k-kissed his head.." Said the last one.
"I also want to be given a nickname, hugged and kissed by her!!" All four of them shouted out in frustration and jealously.

•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"S-supervisor!!" Seitarou cried out as soon as we reached the guards' room.
"What now? I though you had a good relationship with the guys in cell 13 now." Hajime sternly responded.
"A-about that.." I muttered out.
"B-but when I went to ask what they need anything after dinner.. They weren't interested with the surveys, menus, anime or snacks at all! They just shooed me away threateningly! So cold!! (Y/n)-san saw, comforted me and walked me here, she's so kind!!" Seitarou continued to cry his eyes out.

"Not interested? Shooed you away?" Hajime questioned. Though, I already knew why they did that, but I'm not going to tell Hajime about it, because he'll lecture me.

❈ ❈ ❈

The next day, I came to building 13 like usual and asked Hajime what happened last night. He got suspicious on why I knew about the occurrence last night and questioned me. I got questioned till I was cornered and I finally told him the truth. He sighed and spared me a lecture because it was too early in the morning for him to work up a lecture.

Apparently, the four inmates got caught and got threw back into their respective cell with a punch on the head like usual. As for Tsukumo, poor guy was left there to clean up his own mess and was assigned to a different cell, cell 11. I guess I'll go visit him to have chats and tea with him next time.

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