✽ Chapter 20 ✽

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"SHIT!!! We left Nico...! We left Nico behind!!" Uno panically shouted out.
"HOW COULD WE LEAVE HIM BEHIND?!?!" I also panicked. How could we??? What friends are we go leave the poor soul behind??
"Hey Jyugo, he took his medicine, right?! Right?! Tell me he did, please!" Uno shouted as he shook Jyugo by the shoulders over and over again.
"No, he said he lost his bag..." Jyugo replied, dizzy from the constant shaking from Uno.
"He didn't have any ever since we came here!" I shouted.

"Wait wait, calm down." Trois said, stopping us from panicking.
"What's this about? Is that Nico guy sick?" Honey questioned.
"I hope he didn't collapse somewhere." Trois added.
"That's not the problem."  Both Uno and I replied, our faces terrified.
"You don't know how bad it is for him to lose the medicine the old man makes for him..." Uno continued.

I've read the files and reports about Nico from all the other prisons he was imprisoned before. If he lacks even one medicine, his entire being changes into an uncontrollable being. Let's just hope... no one dies, especially himself.
"Holy shit... This is bad news...!" I muttered, pacing around.
"This is really bad..!!!" Uno cursed under his breath.
"You keep saying that, but... We have no idea what's so bad!" Both Trois and Honey questioned, they seem to be worked up too.
"When the medicine wears off, Nico goes out of control. Normally, humans subconsciously limit their abilities. But due to side effects from some experiments they did a long time ago, the functions of the brain that control that are more fragile in Nico than in most." Uno explained, sweating and worried.
"I've read all the files and reports about Nico-chan and even though I've never witnessed it with my own eyes, the described information was detailed enough to let one know that he is extremely dangerous." I continued, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.
"So Okina's medicine helps control them. And when it wears off..." Trois spoke under his breath.
"That's bad news!!" Honey shouted out, now he's panicking.
"See?? We told you!!" Uno shouted back.
"Stop this stupid conversation." Trois said, stoping the two.
"I may be stupid, but I'm still hot!" Uno smirked.
"That's right!" Honey exclaimed after.
"HAVE YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT NICO-CHAN'S SITUATION?!?!" I shouted, earning a "No, ma'am." from the two.

"I have to save Nico." Jyugo said as he started heading towards the stairs. "Okina said that going out of control could destroy Nico's body"
"You can't! There are monsters everywhere." Honey exclaimed, stopping Jyugo.
"Jyugo-kun. I want to save him and the others as much as you want to. But we have to go forward..."  I said, gently putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Nico..." Jyugo mumbled, worry laced in his voice and face.

"No. We're going to go bring back Nico." Uno spoke as he grabbed Jyugo by the arm and dashed towards the stairs and ran up.
Trois, Honey and I chased after him and grabbed him, pulling him back to stop him from going any further. All of us except for Jyugo were trying to convince him to stop but nothing worked.
"Uno-kun! Stop! I'm also very worried for him but—" I was interrupted by a sudden sound and rumbling, which sounded like it was getting closer and closer.
"What's that sound..?"

All of us looked up and immediately started screaming. Up the stairs was a flood of water gushing down towards us, washing us away along with it down the stairs.

❈ ❈ ❈

We finally reached down the level with the water dispatching along the long hallway, with us collapsing on the ground and gasping for air.
"I— is everyone okay...?" I asked as I stood up, my whole body, hair and clothes extremely drenched.
"We're alright. Are you, darling?" Trois asked, who was right beside me.
"How many nicknames are you going to give me..? Anyways I'm.. alright, just uncomfortable from my wetted clothing." I retorted, trying to dry my hair and clothes.
"Want me to help?" Honey asked, smirking. Seriously. We just got washed away from a sudden flood and they're still going to flirt?
"Don't touch me."
"Y-yes, ma'am."

"You guys are unbelievable, treating m'lady like that. Jeez. Hey Jyugo, you okay?" Uno asked and looked at Jyugo...... who was lying unconsciously on the ground......


"Seriously? He drowned in such a short time? Is he a genius?!" Honey exclaimed after we ran towards Jyugo.
"You opened the underground passageway's lock while drowning? You're a genius!" Trois followed.
"Shut up and help him already, you two imbeciles!!!" Both Uno and I shouted.
"By 'help', you mean... that?" Honey asked.
"Yeah, that! Someone has to do it, or Jyugo will die!" Uno panically shouted.
"Shut up and let me do it! I know how to do CPR." I shouted and knelt down, but then got held up by all of them.
"NO." All three of them shouted.
"What? Why?!" I asked, do they not want me to save him???
"We can't let you do mouth-to-mouth with Jyugo! Not with your lips!" They continued shouting, and they seemed mad. Jeez. I know I'm a female but damn.

They then stupidly decided who to perform it by using Rock Paper Scissors. And "lucky" someone, Honey lost.
"Hey... maybe we should forget about him. I think it's too late anyway." Honey hesitantly said.
"You will be the one who's too late if you don't get on with it." I threatened, worried about the poor inmate who has been laying there for a couple of minutes now. A short while later, Jyugo finally got revived and both him and Honey started looking like they were going to die.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Looks like we're on the second level." I said as I looked at the "Level 2" written on a wall.
"We should keep going. But it's weird, I don't sense any of those strange-looking dolls, either." Trois stated but then noticed something and started feeling the wall one step at a time.
"Noticed something?" I asked, confused.
"I'm just curious about something." He retorted and felt something on the wall.
"Found it. This may be my only chance to see it." Trois uttered and I went beside him.
"You're right... there's something here." I said, looking at the vaguely visible door on the wall.

After getting Jyugo to open the door, inside was extremely dark, until Trois turned on the lights. The room... was filled with those creepy Jiang shi dolls all over the room. Uno was about to scream but thankfully Jyugo and Honey managed to shut him up in time.
"What the hell is this place?!" Uno softly yelled, terrified to the balls.
"It's probably a room where they manage and maintain those Jiang shi dolls." Trois explained, looking at one of the dolls.
"Why come all this way to see these creepy things?!" Uno cried out, now hiding behind my back.
"I thought if we understood their internal structure, we could come up with a countermeasure to use against them." Trois continued as he walked towards one on the ground.
"I see... you can insert various weapons internally... The body is created the same way as human's. It's covered with materials similar to skin and veins, though some parts are peeling off." He was rummaging the inside of the doll, not fazed by the blood and flesh until he found a device in it.
"Ugh... thank god I have a strong stomach." I uttered, standing right next to Trois.
"I see. A specialised tool is required to further dismantle it. This is very well-designed." Trois uttered with a sadistic grin as he held the device in his hand.

"E-eh..?" I mumbled, not really liking what Trois is thinking about. After he was done rummaging for whatever he needs them for, we all got out of the room and continued walking along the hallways.
"It's surprisingly quiet. Even those creepy dolls aren't around." Honey stated, looking around as we walked.
"Maybe they're concentrated around the people who got caught, like us." Uno retorted.
"Does that mean no one's here?" Honey questioned.
"Nonetheless, we still need to keep our guards up." I replied, walking in the middle of the group.

Suddenly, an unknown voice appeared, "I come here to investigate the noise, only to find rats."
All of our gazes snapped towards the unfamiliar voice.
"I don't know how you guys escaped from your cells, but you've got some nerve. You need to be punished." The person had long teal hair, face full of makeup and wore mostly teal and blue additions in his... guard uniform? I don't remember seeing a guard like him when I met all of the guards in building 5. He's probably an inmate who was once a guard like Enki.

"A QUEER!!!" Uno and Honey screamed, terrified.
"We come all this way here to find a queer?! Have mercy!" They cried out.
"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" The person shouted.
"To encounter a queer when we're on our way to save a queer!" Both of them started balling their eyes out. These boys... seriously. Shortly after, Trois came and the reaction of seeing the person was the exact same. The guy then started yelling about how he isn't a queer and we shouldn't compare him to Kiji. But to me, they're both kinda the same...? But I wouldn't call them queers. But then the boys, seriously the boys, started contemplating whether or not Kiji and that guy are the same and that ticked off the guy a lot.
"Guys! Can you all stop calling him a queer and quit yapping?!" I shouted furiously, done with what I had to deal with for the past few minutes.
"See?! Even she knows not to call me a queer!— Oh? I just realised, you're the popular warden's sister hm? The rumours are true that you look dashing. But not as dashing as me." The tealnette smirked, but still got irritated by the boys' continuous crying.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps and two familiar individuals stepped towards us.
"Kokoriki-san and Youriki-san..?" I uttered, looking at the two guards who had similar talismans stuck on them as with Rokuriki. A second passed and both of them were already chasing after us.
"RUN!!!" I yelled and all of us started running. Because of my agility, I was sprinting way pass the boys.
"Boys we need to find a way to the third level!" I shouted, running ahead.
"How is that possible in this timing?!" Honey exclaimed.
"I'm thinking of a plan!" Uno exclaimed back.

"Okay. Please step aside for a moment." Trois shouted, his hand holding what seemed like... a bazooka?! He shot towards our direction and I immediately jumped and dodged the missile, and for the boys, they barely dodged it. But unfortunately, the blast still blew them away.
"Not bad for a makeshift weapon." Trois smiled, infuriating the boys.
"WHAT THE HELL, TROIS?!?!" They all yelled at him.
"You guys looked awesome when you blew away. And darling dodged it so gracefully~!" Trois smiled happily again.
"T-Trois-kun..." I uttered, sighing.
"What the hell is that?!" Uno exclaimed, pointing at Trois's weapon.
"I made it from dismantled parts and scraps. There was a surprising amount of useful material." Trois explained, patting the bazooka.
"You made that from those JiangShi you dismantled? That's really impressive!" I exclaimed, amazed from his ability to make such a weapon using only the dismantled parts.
"Mm! And I used this." Trois took out the same odd-looking tool and showed it to us.
"Oh, the tool you took in the room before. Great job, Trois!" I exclaimed, receiving a pat from Trois.
"Man, it's been a while since I got to do this. Such fun!" Trois exclaimed wholeheartedly.
"Well! I also made something else! Don't tell Kiji-san, okay~?" He hummed and shortly got out a... FLAMETHROWER?!?!
"R-run!!" I yelled as I ran pass Trois.
"W-why??!" Uno shouted and ran too, along with the others.
After a cynical smirk and giggle, Trois activated the flamethrower and flames started breathing out of it, embodying the hallway in front of him with flames.


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