✽ Chapter 21 ✽

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"I didn't know he was that crazy... I thought he was just a perverted lingerie thief." Uno sighed out, with all of us, except for Trois, sitting on the ground.
"Yeah, he escaped his previous prison just like this, and then again after that. Before he knew it, he was here. Trois is only trying to surprise them, but no matter how you look at it, that's overkill." Honey explained, also sighing.
"Well, this is our chance. Let's go now." I said as I stood up. All of us stood up and started walking forwards, but Jyugo seemed to notice something. I had a bad feeling about something as well.
"Jyugo, let's go! You're the only one who can unlock the doors!" Uno exclaimed and Jyugo faced back at us and continued walking.

"Shit! Let me go!" We heard Jyugo shouted and we snapped back to look. The guy from before grabbed a hold of Jyugo by the hair and arms!
"Where do you think you're going? There's no point in going down any further." He said as he tightens his grip on Jyugo's arms.
"Jyugo-kun!" I shouted after hearing and seeing Jyugo cringe at the pain.
"I just like finding out people's secrets. Though, I don't think you can get anywhere without this guy. You no longer have your 'key' so give up and confess." He hummed, tightening his grip and pulling Jyugo's hair more. How dare he... this guy seriously pisses me off!!!

Where did he pop out of? The ground he was standing underneath him seemed like it was liquid, how is that possible?
"Well? What are you planning to do downstairs? If you don't tell me, I'll kill him." The guy threatened with a smirk.
"I'll kill you if you dare to kill him." I venomously uttered, my hand on my retractable sword strapped on my thigh, ready to apprehend that bastard.
"You think a guard can get away with that?!" Uno angrily exclaimed.
"Unfortunately, I'm no longer a guard here. Enki-san is never wrong. If he kills, then I kill too." The bastard menacingly hummed.

Before I could even say something, Trois beautifully hit one of the gas tanks onto the bastard's head, knocking him down immediately. Trois then quickly took Jyugo's hand and sprinted away, with us sprinting as well. A few minutes later, we stopped around a corner and the boys panted heavily.
"Jyugo-kun...! Are you okay...??" I asked holding his arms.
"A-ah.. yeah." He uttered, nodding.
"We shook them off for the time being, but we better find a way down quickly." Trois stated, adjusting his glasses.

"Hey." Honey spoke, facing Jyugo, and all our attention went to him. "You're in the way. So don't come with us this time."
I'm sorry, what?
"Honey-kun, what are you saying?" Trois questioned, perplexed after what Honey said.
"Jyugo is the only one who can unlock doors!" Uno added. I, however, kept quiet. I want to hear his explanation before I slap the living hell out of him.
"Shut up! Yeah, it's convenient that he can unlock everything! But he's useless with everything else! He's just slowing us down! No matter what skills you may have, it's all over if you get killed! That face and attitude of yours piss me off! You act like you're the only victim here! I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but you're not the only one in this situation! What the hell did you come here for?! If you can only think about yourself, then get out of here! You're in the way—"


I slapped him.
"Shut the fuck up. 'it's all over if you get killed'? So your logic is to not let him go with us, and let him get caught and killed? Is that your logic? His attitude pisses you off, have you ever thought of your own attitude right now? He's not thinking about himself. You are. You're thinking that he's slowing you down. What about me? I'm the far most fastest person among all of us, yet you don't hear me complaining about any of you slowing me down, now are you? Skilful or not, Jyugo is important to us and I care for him. I care about all of you. Now stick your bitchass attitude down your throat or else I will. They're going to find us if you keep shouting."

Everyone went quiet. None of them have seen me pissed off to the point like this and the atmosphere was heavy. Honey's face was surprised at first but then turned into his pissed expression. He turned around and continued walking forward.
"This guy..." Trois sighed and followed Honey.
"Jyugo-kun, are you alright?" I asked, facing him.
"Hey, Uno, (Y/n)... how did my face look all this time?" Jyugo weakly questioned, I can see the troubled expression in his eyes.
"Way inferior to mine, I suppose!" Uno jokingly said, though Jyugo didn't reacted to it.
"You.. haven't looked like yourself. Honey-kun and Trois-kun are pretty observant, so it probably bothered them a bit." I retorted softly, finally cooled down.

"Well, Jyugo, I think I know most things about you and m'lady knows quite a few traits as well, but that's because we hang out together, play together and talk to each other. You can become vibrant or dispirited at the drop of a hat, so I sometimes think, 'We're together all the time, but I don't even know you!'. There's never a dull moment with you. But I don't know your true feelings. You're the only one I can't read by observing your attitude and facial expressions, so 'words' are the only clue I have. That's why I believe you'll tell us one day, what happened on the night the recreation room was completed." Uno stated, softly smiling.
"You've been carrying a burden that we don't know about all by yourself. I thought we were about to take that burden from you after the New Year's Tournament, but something's weighting you down again. Either someone placed a burden on you again, or they're trying to take something away from you."

"You don't have to force yourself to talk. You can always talk to us about it when you're ready." I softly said, facing him and gave him pats on the head.
"Uno.. (Y/n).. will you guys believe what I'll say?" Jyugo asked, hesitant filled his eyes.
Uno and I looked at each other and smiled softly at Jyugo.
"Have you ever lied to us?" Both of us spoke and we all smiled softly.

But then, a wall suddenly blew up and interrupted our wholesome moment.
"He caught up already!" Honey shouted across the hallway.
"Let's go!" I shouted and took Jyugo by the hand, and so did Uno on the other.
"Guys..!" Jyugo muttered.
"Don't worry about it!" I exclaimed, running.
"That just who you are!" Uno followed, running along.

Suddenly, Youriki and Kokoriki came sprinting out from the smoke of the explosion, weapons in their hands.
"Look out!" I yelled and pushed away Uno and Jyugo, shortly later dodging their attacks. But to no avail, Jyugo still got punched and pinned by the throat onto a wall harshly by Youriki.

"I'll get rid of that annoying 'key' first."

I snapped my head towards that bastard's voice and see that he's ascending from the ground, like it's a pool.
"Once you're gone, you people can't interfere anymore. Crush him." Right after he said that, Youriki punched Jyugo so hard that blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, bruising too. He was commanded to punch again and Uno went in to save him. Kokoriki on the other hand, chased after him and attacked, but luckily Uno managed to dodge all of them.
But, a hand rose up from the ground and grabbed Uno by the ankle, making him fall face first onto the ground.
"No!" I yelled, furious at the make-up wearing bastard.
"You're a hindrance too. Maybe I should kill you too~" He said, holding a dagger and grinning menacingly.

"Now he's been caught too!" Honey shouted irritably.
"What should we do?" Trois asked.
"Are you serious?! Help them of course!!" I shouted, but Honey shouted back.
"What?! We've only followed them because they were our chance to escape! But now they've gotten us into this rotten situation! There's no need to save them!!"
I couldn't believe the audacity of this guy.
"Tsk! Unbelievable!" I took out my baton and activated it into my double-edged sword, sprinting towards Uno and Jyugo.
"YOU BASTARD!!!" I shouted and air-kicked that bastard's face and threw my sword towards Youriki, the handle of it hitting his head harshly, knocking both the bastard and Youriki down. As I ran towards my sword, I could feel someone behind me, but his weapon quickly shattered. I sprinted to the side and saw that the guy's dagger was the one that shattered.
"What?! How?!" He shouted.

"Annoying... Why do I have to save them when (Y/n)-chan's the only woman?!" Honey shouted out and came walking with Trois.
"I'll make an exception for you two, but just this once!" He furiously shouted, holding up a middle finger.
"What did you do?!" The tealnette questioned.
"Like hell I'm gonna tell you." Honey clicked his tongue and moved his hand. All of their weapons suddenly flew away from their hands and Youriki and Kokoriki got lifted up, their heads smashing together and fell down. Trois used his flamethrower and breathed out fire towards the tealnette. Shortly after, Uno's hair, Jyugo's arm and my waist got tugged, and the three of us were immediately yanked towards Honey. Both of them fell painfully but I somehow landed nicely.
"What was that??" I asked, looking at Honey. In his hand, I could see a bullet with what seemed like a string attached to it. Now that I look closely, the string was tangled around my waist and everywhere around the hallway too.
"Wow..." I was amazed. Honey had these all along?
"The bullets can only be used once to begin with." Trois explained.
"Let me see!" Uno said as he snatched the bullet away from Honey.
"I see. You rigged the cartridge with a needle and placed a wire inside. You threw these into the wall and pulled it, huh? So you always used these to escape prison." Uno stated, smiling while looking at the bullet.
"Rigged up the wires would make it easy to tell where the guards were. Impressive." I said, also looking at it.
"Absolutely correct!" Trois clapped his hands.
"Trois! Don't give away my trick so easily!" Honey exclaimed.
"Honey-kun." I spoke and he looked at me. "Thank you for saving us. Your tricks are extremely impressive. You have my respect back by saving us." I smiled at him.
"I-... No problem..." Honey uttered, looking at the ground and vaguely blushing.

"WHY DIDNT YOU USE IT SOONER?!?!" Uno yelled at Honey and chaos from the two started once again with their bickering. On the contrary, Trois and I were helping Jyugo to wipe away his blood on his face.
"You knew right?" Jyugo questioned.
"Yeah.. But once the enemy knows about Honey-kun's bullets, they're useless. Honey-kun refuses to use them except as a last resort. I always end up doing the work by using my bazooka and flamethrower. He may be good-looking, but he's so stingy." Trois sighed and for some reason, holding up my hand.
"Yeah, he's handsome but his attitude..." I uttered, receiving the attention of Honey and he yelled at us.

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