✽ Chapter 26 ✽

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[A/N: Quick reminder that from this chapter onwards, the rest of the story will follow the manga. Enjoy!]

•••(Y/N)'s P.O.V•••
The fight was ended quick and simple. Why? Well that's because with Jyugo's blades, Hajime's gorilla strength, my agility and sword, and Samon's martial arts, the fight between the Jiang Shi and us only lasted a mere 10 seconds. It didn't take long for us to notice the revolting, yet now familiar, rancid smell of the blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

"As if we couldn't get covered with more of this revolting smell." I cringed as I flicked off the blood off my sword.

"I don't know, I think that they smell like perfume~" Jyugo sarcastically said with a smirk, also flicking off the red sticky substance from his blades.

"Oh my, of course. Never smelled one this fragrant~" I sarcastically joke with a fancy voice. Both of us chuckled to our little jest.

"Even at a time like this you guys joke around? We have no time to lose." Hajime lightly scolded us, though we consider his little "scoldings" to be his normal way of talking now.

Before we made a move to leave, Samon was behind us looking at the ground. His fists clenched as his teeth gritted, glared daggers at the ground as thoughts swarmed his head. I can't blame him, an inmate had just revealed that he can easily and constantly escape. The silence was quickly interrupted with Samon's sudden burst of voice.

"Which means I wasn't wrong about what I saw back then!!" Samon furiously yelled as he ran in front of Hajime, tone laced with venom as he pointed his finger at him. "You can't make excuses anymore, Hajime!" But Hajime just stared at him, ignoring him.

"And (Y/n)-san!" He suddenly turned towards me, which startled me a bit. I felt guilty and bad that I kept this secret from most of the people in Nanba, from Samon and my sister. I must've lost his trust because of this. Well, this is my fault anyways. I guess I have to eventually face with the consequences. "Samon-san, I understand that you're—"

"What were you thinking?! Witnessing an inmate escape and not tell anyone about it all this time?!" He interrupted me, his face etched with anger. Yup. There it is...

"What if you got hurt because of him and the other inmates?!?!"


Suddenly, Samon grabbed a hold of my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes. His angry face turned into worry.

"What if one day they attack you?! They're still inmates!! What if it happens again?! Like..." he paused, his breath slightly shaken as he thought about what he was going to say. "Like last time at the tournament..."

His head and voice lowered, weak to the thought. The time when I was hurt during the New Year's Tournament...? Samon was worried for my safety...? I then immediately hugged him.

"Samon-san... I can take care of myself and you know that. Thank you for worrying about my safety, and I'm sorry for keeping this from you." I gently patted his back, my voice gentle and reassuring. "I promise you, that I will be fine. And that Jyugo-kun will never hurt me ever again, even the other inmates. I know they won't."

After I finished talking, a few seconds passed before I felt two arms slowly and hesitantly wrap around me, a shaky voice quietly saying "okay".

"Alright that's enough hugging." Hajime interrupted as he forcefully teared Samon away from me and Jyugo pulled me by the arm.

Before I could even scold Hajime, he was already hit by Samon's constant struggling and yelling. Like usual, they both argued and Samon looked like he was okay again.

"You dodged the question even though I pressed the issue with you then, right? Just what do you think you're doing?!?!" Samon continued to angrily yell at Hajime for not informing about the inmate's ability to escape.

"That was right after exercise drills." Hajime candidly retorted, not even having eye contact with the other.

"Liar!! Building 13's exercise drills aren't held at that time!" Samon yelled even more aggressively after Hajime had bluntly ignored him.

"More importantly, monkey—"
"DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT! And don't call me monkey!!"
"—Where's inori? I have something I want to ask him."

Samon suddenly stopped yelling, and clicked his tongue. "...Like I'd know."

"You said that pretty lightly. He's more or less your subordinate, isn't he? That's why you were betrayed so easily."

That seemed to really ticked Samon's anger and he immediately venomously yelled at Hajime, defending Inori.

"He's not that kind of person!! That guy...That guy would never betray me!!!"

I've never seen Samon this angry before. Both his tone and face. The sudden anger and burst from Samon shocked both Jyugo and I, who the former was sitting on the ground.

"If that's the case, then why are you in a place like this? Why did you stay silent and obediently sit here? If you think he didn't betray you, then why the hell did you let him catch you without saying anything?" Hajime sternly said as he towered in front of Samon.

"That— he has those..."

"Did you think these handcuffs were 'real'?" Hajime interrupted as he knelt onto the ground and picked up the handcuffs that cuffed him before, showing them to him.

"These are just 'fakes'. They won't explode or do anything else. What's the basis for you claiming he wouldn't betray you? What's your reason for thinking that not lying to you means he didn't betray you?" He proceeded, throwing the handcuffs back onto the ground.

"If that's what you think, then aren't you being naive? They aren't that simple. People's feelings, that is. Well, it just means you didn't understand what kind of person he is."

And with that, Hajime finished talking. Were the handcuffs really... fake...? Inori wouldnt betray us, not to Samon. The hallway was silent and the atmosphere tensed. All we could hear was the troubled breathing from Samon as he clicked his tongue and clenched his fists tighter. Jyugo and I both looked at each other, not sure if we should interfere nor what we should do.

The silence didn't last long as Samon started sprinting away, leaving us behind.

"Hey wait!! Monkey!!!!" Hajime yelled out. He then quickly grabbed Jyugo by the collar and sprinted towards the direction where Samon had left, along with me beside them.

Once we finally caught up with Samon, in front of us was an enormous cell, or more like with what's left of it. The concrete walls were all collapsed and crumbled to the ground. The cell bars that were previously wrapped with countless of talismans destroyed and melted, metal chains pathetically dangled from the ceiling with some molten on the ground, as if they were all blasted by something, or someone. The red gleams and glisters from the molten metal bars and chains devilishly illuminated the place. The sight was truly chaotic.

"Looks like they escaped in a pretty flashy manner." Hajime spoke, which startled the other supervisor. "I've never though they'd be able to break this cage. So that damn Enki was hiding something..."

"This is... chaotically gaudy." I uttered as I looked at the destruction in front of us. Just the thought of someone that has the power to do this is sorta terrifying.

"Even so, I find it hard to believe nobody noticed this. The hell are your guys doing? Or maybe they deliberately didn't say anything... I can't understand what Inori's thinking. Just what was he trying to say?" Hajime questioned, though, there was no respond.

"Let's keep going." Samon said as he started walking again, ignoring Hajime's question.

"Jeez. First he sprinted here and now he's telling us to go." Hajime clicked his tongue.

"Hajime-san... Bare with him for now, I know you need a smoke." I softly said as we began walking.

❈ ❈ ❈

Not long into our journey, we came across a small room and let Jyugo unlock the door. Inside were the belongings of Hajime and Samon. Relieved, Hajime quickly grabbed his cigarettes and lit one, satisfaction in his first puff.

"Finally got to smoke, huh?" I said as I stood beside him.

"You have no idea how much I needed one." Hajime scoffed as he took a few more puffs of that lung-cancerous stuff. Though, I doubt that thing can come close to killing Hajime at all, seemingly he smokes incalculable packs of cigarettes a day.

Not long after and a sudden mob of Jiang shi came swarming towards us, and the amount was 10 times more than what we fought before.

"Why are there so many of them gathered here this time?" Hajime asked as he puffed another smoke.

"Hajime, I'm gonna postpone dealing with Number 15 for now. But I'm gonna report this to the warden later without fail!!" Samon yelled out as he got into stance beside Hajime. But once again he was ignored. I guess I have to prepare for a lecture from nee-chan...

"Can't we get a break? And why are there so much more than before??" I asked as I cracked my knuckles, glaring at the copious amount of Jiang Shi for making things annoying.

"Number 15." Hajime suddenly said.
"W-what..." Jyugo hesitantly replied.
"Don't take those off." Hajime threatened him with a glare, which scared Jyugo right to the core.

"Hey monkey, is it alright if I destroy those Jiang Shi?" Hajime questioned as he clenched his fist.

"Yeah. I'm gonna dispose of all of them this time." Samon growled.

A portion of the Jiang Shi then sprinted towards us at high speed, somehow quicker than the ones we've fought before. "GUYS—" was what we hear from Jyugo before we all punched the ones in front of us so hard, that the impact force made them harshly fly backwards, forcefully hitting the ones at the back too. They all vigorously hit the end of the hallway onto some cell bars, their bodies and heads exploding everywhere from the impact, scattering blood and guts all over the place. Even the bars and walls were bent and cracked. Dust and smoke lingered in the air as the many other portions of Jiang Shi made their way out of the dust.

With a crack on the knuckles, we growled.

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