꧁ 40k Special Chapter ꧂

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[A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't been active lately, school has made me very busy and mentally drained, and I also had writer's block for an awful long time. I'll try to update more when I have the time to! Anyways, enough of that. Thank you all for 40k reads! I love you guys so much!! This is kinda based on the beach chapter in the manga. Enjoy!]

•••(Y/N)'s P.O.V•••


"N-Nee-chan, you know I can't change your schedule...!" I sweat-dropped as I comforted nee-chan. Well, that's because apparently today is Beach Day, Nanba's first beach day that is. Only a few selected inmates and their respective building supervisors are allowed to go to the refreshing beach. This is an event that was requested by Mitsuru, which was to build an artificial beach. Well, so that the inmates won't escape of course. And nee-chan, who definitely didn't just wanted to see Hajime in a swimsuit and impress him with her bikini, approved of it.

Anyways, the reason why nee-chan is clinging onto me and crying her tits out at 5am in the morning is because...

"WHY MUST I ATTEND AN IMPORTANT MEETING TODAY???? I WANTED TO IMPRESS SUGOROKU!!!" She wailed and clung onto me tighter, I could feel myself suffocating.

"N-nee-chan... There's always a next time! We can arrange another just for us and the supervisors, how about that...?" I softly tried to comfort her as I petted her. It took her a couple of sobs before she looked at me and weakly responded with a nod.

"There there... Lets get you ready for your emergency meeting at the police department headquarters, alright? We don't wanna be late now do we?" I smiled as I walked her to our dressing room. I helped her style her hair as she did her makeup, seemed like she calmed down a bit. Sometimes I feel like I'm the older sibling when it comes to her crying about her crush.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Have fun for me (N/n)!!" Nee-chan cried as she left in a helicopter for her meeting. I waved her goodbye and watched as the helicopter disappeared in the clouds.

"She's a great sister." The makeup wearing supervisor said as he smiled next to me, to which I chuckled softly.

"She was upset that she couldn't come along." I said as the both of us walked together, with our arms linked.

"Poor warden, when will she ever get a vacation she deserves?" Kiji sighed. It's nice to see other people care for my sister.

"The three of us will go shopping together one day, yeah?" I giggled as Kiji's face lightens up, excited for our little shopping trip for the future.

"Anyways, darling! I've already picked out some bikinis for you to wear today! Let's hurry so we can try some of them on you to see which suits you best!" Kiji passionately exclaimed, holding both of my hands now. Ah... right. I forgot that the reason why he's escorting me today was because he wanted to help me pick a bikini to wear for today. This isn't the first time he had helped me pick outfits. I mean, he is a fashionista.

Once we arrived at Building 3, Kiji immediately brought me to the dressing room. And stood in front of me were two racks hung with dozens of bikinis.

"TADA~! Now try them on!! Oh I can't wait to see how good you look in them! I did pick some great ones if I do say so myself." Kiji proudly hummed.

"T-this is gonna take a while..." I sighed with a smile.

❈ ❈ ❈

Finally after half an hour, I was able to find one set of bikini that I really like amongst the rest and "Kiji-approved". It was a (f/c) ring linked bikini that you can tie at the back. Not to mention that it's super comfortable!

"That looks so cute on you, oh my!!" Kiji proudly exclaimed as he wiped off a tear of joy.

"I really do love this, but do you really think it looks okay on me..?" I looked at Kiji with a slightly forced smile. "Especially with my..."

Kiji looked at me as I gently rubbed the scars on my body, most of them are faint, but some are visible even from a distance. Scars that are the constant reminders of what happened when I was a child. If only...

"(Y/n) darling. Look at the mirror, do you know what I see?" Kiji softly said as he placed his hands on my shoulder, his touch ever so gentle. "I see a strong woman with scars that show her braveness. Scars that show the horrible past that she never should've live through at all. Scars that show pain and suffering, but also shows her will to survive. That's what makes her special and beautiful. She's stronger than ever before, and she knows it."

I looked at Kiji with tears in my eyes. He's always there to help with my insecurities, that's why I adore him so much, he always know what to say.

"Kiji-san... Thank you." I thanked him as I hugged him tightly, trying not to cry.

"No worries, darling. Plus, scars make you look hot! Now feel yourself in that bikini and show us what you got!" Kiji exclaimed as he lifted me up while laughing.

"Hahahaha!! Kiji-san!" I laughed along and he put me down.

"Now, let's get you in your sundress, do your hair and put some sunscreen on you before we go. Don't want you to get sunburned on your precious soft skin!" Kiji hummed as he pulled out a beautiful sundress. This man never fails to impress me with his fashion sense!

❈ ❈ ❈

Kiji and I finally finished with our little dress up just in time to board the building 3 limousine to the beach along with Trois and Honey, who couldn't stop flirting with me.

"Your sundress is truly beautiful on you, love." Trois smiled softly as he complimented me.

"Thank you, Trois-kun. Are you two planning on swimming later?" I asked since I was curious. Those two, well mostly Honey, don't like to get their hair wet. Again, mostly Honey.

"We are. It feels nice to glister when I have my hair and body wet." Trois calmly replied with his hand on his chest.

"I'll only go in the water once and that'll be it. I don't want to ruin my hair with salty water." Honey followed as he fixed his hair.

Chuckling, I looked outside the window as I felt the rush of excitement fill me again. I can't wait to go to the beach! I haven't been to one in a long time and it's my first time with everybody! Now that I think of it, I'm the only female that's going... My face immediately heats up by the thought of mostly every guy there would be topless, not to mention me in a biki-

"Oh? Love, you're blushing a lot. Are my handsomeness and charm finally getting to you~?" Trois hummed.

"Nonsense, she's blushing because of me." Honey opposed Trois, slicking his hair back with his hand.

"N-no and no. Shut up for a m-moment." I muttered as I shook off those thoughts out of my head. Get a hold of yourself, me!

❈ ❈ ❈

"Uwaah!!! The beach, finally!" I shouted as I exited the limousine and took in the view of the beach. The ocean is clear with an aqua blue colour, glistering under the light of the bright yellow sun. Different colours and shapes of seashells decorated the silt white sand. I could hear the sound of waves colliding and feel the unruffled sea breeze grooming by. And of course, the familiar faces scattered around the beach.

"(Y/n)-chan!!!" Nico yelled as he tackle hugged me, along with the others from the same cell and Tsukumo behind him who were also greeting me.

"Hello sweeties!" I giggled as I petted Nico on the head.

"(Y/n)-san, welcome to the beach!" Seitarou smiled softly.

"Geez, took you guys long enough. Did the pheasant take too long to put on makeup?" Hajime questioned with his arms closed.

"Excuse me?! Beauty is essential even at the beach! I went for a beach look today." Kiji shouted as he set out his beach towel and umbrella.

"(Y/n)-san! Y-you look great today!" I heard Samon shouted as he ran towards our direction, along with his inmates. Liang was greeting me with his usual shy tone while Qi painfully waved at me due to Upa constantly punching his arm, who was just calmly greeting me.

"Thank you, Samon-san." I smiled at the supervisor, who also smiled at me sweetly.

"(N/n)!! You look so adorable!! Look, I'm also wearing a sundress! Look at the frills!" I heard a particularly cute voice behind me.

"Hitoshi-chan! Ah you look so cute!" I exclaimed as the two of us go on about our attires.

"G-good morning, (Y/n)-dono." Kenshirou greeted me with a tint of red on his face. "I-I want to say that you look very beauti—"

But before he could finish, a certain loudmouth came buttin in.


"M-Mitsu-kun!" I laughed, "Hello you loudmouth!"

"Hey!! Hello (N/n)-chan! Lookin stylish aren't ya?" He said as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Way to go cuttin off Inu-chan, Mitsuru." Musashi said as he chuckled, pointing at a dumbfounded Kenshirou, resulting in a hysterical laughter in Mitsuru.

Everyone chatted for a good few minutes before some of them took off their shirts, going topless. It is a beach, after all.

"A sight to see, huh, (N/n)-chan? Look at all those pecs and abs! Mine too!" Mitsuru teasingly hummed as he stood beside me, him himself also topless. His red fire-like tattoos visible throughout his body. Actually, some of them, excluding their inmate numbers tattooed on them, have tattoos on their bodies. Jyugo, Uno, Musashi, Samon and Mitsuru have tattoos. I personally like Samon's the most. They're really cool, a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶  .
(A/N: I mean, come on. Have you seen Samon's tattoos on his arms and legs?—)

"Oh shut up you. I'm trying my hardest not to get flustered here." I hushed Mitsuru and slapped his abs, to which he laughed.

"A re?" He hummed as he looked at Hajime.... Who was working even at the beach??? Look at those stacks of paper!!

"The hell, Hajime? You're working even here?" Jyugo asked as he crossed his arms.

"It's the long awaited ocean, you know. Go play." Uno joined in, a beach ball in his hands.

"And just who's fault do you think it is that I'm working here?" Hajime growled at them, his grip tightened around the pen.

"Aren't you hot, though? You're wearing that along with a tie!" I said, worrying for the poor overworked supervisor. Well, I guess the hope for nee-chan witnessing Hajime in his swimwear is a no-go.

"I can manage." He simply retorted, grabbing another piece of paper from the huge stack.

"Just look at Yamato. I've never seen such a childish adult before. Well, besides Mitsuru." Jyugo stated, looking at the overly enthusiastic Yamato dashing and swimming in the ocean at full speed.

"How about you join too supervisor?! The water feels great!!!"

"That guy is out of the question. Don't group us together." Hajime retorted with an irk mark on his head.

"Speaking about swimming!! Who's ready to go dive in yoooo???!!!!" Mitsuru shouted into his microphone, his shriek voice hyping up everyone. Wait, where the fuck are the speakers?!


Most of the boys started bolting towards the ocean, eager to dive into the refreshing water for a swim. Some even started splashing big splashes of water to each other, though it looked more like a fight rather then playing... On the contrary, Nico, due to his inability to go in the water, Jyugo, Kiji and Hajime are the only ones that stayed on shore.

•••Third Person's P.O.V•••
"Those boys... Too energetic, really. Go on, darling. Take off that sundress and go swim. I'll stay here away from the sun so I can protect my delicate skin." Kiji smiled at the (h/c) haired woman, a martini in his hand.

"Alright, Kiji-san. And don't drink too much without me!" (Y/n) giggled as she started to strip off the sundress, revealing her (f/c) bikini.

"Guys!! All of you really went in without me huh?" She shouted out, running towards the ocean where everyone decided to take a dip.

Now the long awaited wonder has came. "What will she wear as a swimwear?" "How would she look like in a bikini?" Those questions were lingering in most of the guys' thoughts, though they wouldn't admit any of it out loud. So, those specific guys immediately whipped their heads towards the woman herself. And boy oh boy did they froze in place. Hell, some of them even forgotten they were swimming.

"Why is everyone staring...? Does this not suit me..?" The woman quietly questioned, feeling her insecurities rushing through her again.

"It suits you wonderfully and perfectly!! Doesn't it, boys?!" Mitsuru shouted out with a big grin on his face as he wrapped his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. This caused everyone to snap back to reality and tried to reassure her that she looks absolutely stunning.

"Y-you look great, (Y/n)-san!!"
"(Y/n)-dono... in a b-bikini..."
"G-guys stop staring!!"
"AHHH! Number 2 and Kenshirou-san are nosebleeding!"

(Y/n) smiled softly in relief as she was glad that everyone didn't mind her scars at all. Everyone started ushering her to join, pulling her into the blissful refreshing water. Everyone had a fun time swimming in the ocean, some played splash while some competed in who would swim the fastest. Mitsuru and Musashi also had a surfing match together and managed to catch some big waves.

"Yo everyone!! Let's play Chicken Fight!" Mitsuru yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Each team consists of 2 members. Grab your parter and hop on their shoulders! The top person would be the attacker and try to knock off the other attacker, while the supporters will have to keep balance! Last pair standing wins!! Now, grab your partner!!"

"DIBS ON (Y/N)" multiple of the boys shouted out, but then glared daggers to one another.

"U-uh... sorry guys, I already chose Musa as my partner." (Y/n) said, holding onto Musashi's arm.

"Yeah, she already chose me." Musashi followed with the hugest grin he has. Most of them were filled with jealousy and just wanted to wipe off that grin from him. Everything got worse after they saw (Y/n) climb onto his shoulders, her thighs gently cupping his neck along with his hands holding them to secure her so she wouldn't fall. Now for the cherry on top, he slightly tilted his head sideways, his cheek touching her thighs a bit. His grin grew wider after sensing everyone's deadly and jealous glares at him, and bursted out in laughter.

"M-Musa! Your laughter is going to make me fall!" (Y/n) exclaimed and patted his head.

"God... My ass and thighs are so warm."
"Are you saying that I'm a seat warmer?"

The two then started laughing like crazy, almost losing balance and falling face first into the water. The rest however, are losing their shits. All they could think of is "get her off of that grinning bastard".

On the first round, there was (Y/n) and Musashi vs Tsukumo and Kenshirou. On the other round, there was Liang and Samon vs Uno and Rock.

"Now, let the fight begin!!!"

Kenshirou and Tsukumo came charging right towards Musashi and (Y/n), eager to g̶e̶t̶ ̶(̶Y̶/̶n̶)̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶M̶u̶s̶a̶s̶h̶i̶  win. (Y/n) and Tsukumo have their arms pushed together, trying to push the other off.

"I'm going to wipe that grin off your face after we win." Kenshirou resentfully said, trying to keep balance.

"It's (Y/n) we're talking about, Inu." Musashi chuckled.

Irritated by his grin, Kenshirou used his strength and managed to help Tsukumo push (Y/n) back, making her lose balance and fall backwards. Or so they thought.

"Musa now!"

Musashi then swiftly spun around, tigthly holding onto (Y/n)'s thighs to support her as her upper body was still bent backwards. She used her arms to push Tsukumo as he was completely off guard, thinking that he had won. For a split second, Tsukumo could've sworn he saw the woman smiled and winked before he and his partner lost balance and fell into the salty water.

"Is that even allowed?!" some people screamed.

A few minutes later, seemed like Uno and Rock got beaten by Samon and Liang. But the latter quickly lost to (Y/n) and Musashi due to Liang malfunctioning over facing (Y/n).

"Yay! Musa we won!!" (Y/n) enthusiastically shouted with her arms in the air.
"Damn right we did!" Musashi chuckled at his own little victory amongst the others.

"This is no fun! I'm going back on shore with Jyugo and Nico!" Uno yelled unsatisfied, dragging Rock along with him to the shore.

"Actually, I'm quite starved. Shall we all head on shore and begin the barbecue?" (Y/n) asked, receiving nods from everyone. The thought of barbecued meat immediately hungered everyone.

❈ ❈ ❈

Thanks to Rock and Shiro, everyone had mouth-watering food prepared enough for all of them. The delicious aroma of barbecued meat and vegetables lingered the beach, along with the satisfied hums from people who took their bites on the tender barbecued meat.

"This is really good, (Y/n)-san!" Seitarou spoke with a lamb kebab in his hand.

"I'm glad everyone's enjoying them!" (Y/n) smiled, looking at the group of people who were enjoying their food.

"Whenever there's Rock and m'lady working on the food, I assure you that the food will turn out great!" Uno proudly said, grinning.

"Why are you the one who's proud?" Both Liang and Jyugo said in union, staring at Uno weirdly.

As they were lively chatting and eating, they heard groaning in the distance.

"Hajime-san? What's wrong?" the woman asked as they all walked towards him, curious on why he was constantly groaning.

"It's too hot, I feel like I'm going to die." Hajime groaned out, his clothes drenched in sweat.

"Well that's obviously because you're still wearing your work clothes!" Jyugo exclaimed, his arms crossed.

"I refuse to take these off." Hajime immediately retorted, though he literally seemed like he was going to melt.

"Come on, Hajime-san. Change your clothes so you don't pass out from the heat! Besides, don't you think it's very unsanitary and improper for you to go back inside working with sweat-drenched clothes?" (Y/n) asked, catching the workaholic supervisor's attention. Hajime completely stopped, just starring intensely at his paper in hand for like a minute. He was just going through his "she has a point" thoughts in his head again.


"AWESOME!!!" Mitsuru suddenly screamed out of nowhere, "I knew this would happen so I brought a spare pair of swim trunks!"

A pair of swim trunks then came slapping onto Hajime's face, leaving an irk mark on his sweaty head. Let's just say, he had to chase a loudmouth across the entire beach before changing into those swim trunks.

After some time, the supervisor came back in his changed attire, topless and in swim trunks. This caught a lot of people's attention as they had never seen him in anything else other than work clothes, let alone topless.

"Woah Hajime! Didn't know you were packing under those clothes!" Uno exclaimed upon seeing the supervisor's abs, slightly chuckling. "Wonder if you're packing somewhere els-"

"Don't." Hajime threatened Uno, leaving him whimpering.

They weren't the only ones who were amazed and surprised, though. A certain woman was completely staring, her eyes wide.

"Oh he is packing." (Y/n) unconsciously muttered, immediately receiving everyone's attention. Hell, even Hajime was shocked, and there was a tint of blush visible on his cheeks.

"CHANGE BACK TO YOUR CLOTHES!!!" Everyone yelled as they swarmed poor Hajime.

•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••

Some time had passed and the beach was still ever so lively. Some went back to swimming, some were building sandcastles, some getting buried instead, while some were just relaxing under the shade, drinking some refreshing beverages. I went collecting seashells with Seitarou, Nico and Hitoshi, with the latter saying that he wants to make a necklace out of them.

"These will be great souvenirs for nee-chan!" I exclaimed as I closed the small pouch of seashells.

The heat from the beach was really getting to us, though. It is a beach after all.

"Hey everyone! I have different kinds of ice cream here if anyone wants any." Samon shouted, pointing at the cooler on the picnic table.

"Samon-san you life saver!!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

"(Y-y/n)-san! I-It's nothing, really...!" He stuttered as his face flushed red. How cute!

We each got our ice cream of choice and started eating the refreshing, cold delight. The sweet taste of the popsicle I picked blessed my taste buds as I sucked on the tip. The heat from the beach made the popsicle melt a bit, dripping from the sides to my thumb. Not wanting my hand to be a sticky mess, I licked the melted bit, along with the rest of the popsicle.

"Uwaahh, that hits the spot..." I hummed out as I relaxed on my beach towel under the umbrella, shaded away from the hot sun.

"Right?" Hitoshi giggled with an ice cream drumstick in his hand, sitting next to me.

"T-this is acceptable." Upa scoffed, but he was actually enjoying it since he loves yogurt, not like he would admit it out loud.

"Yo (N/n)! Your popsicle's melting!" Mitsuru exclaimed from behind me, startling me completely.

"Geez, Mitsu! Don't scare me like that! You would've been the reason why my popsicle falls off my hand." I playfully punched the loudmouth at the stomach, to which he responded with a loud chuckle. I then quickly licked and sucked on my sweet cold delight, my eyes closed because of how delicious and refreshing it is. But then, I felt stares.

"(N/n)-chan~ Don't look now, but people are staring." Mitsuru whispered deeply into my ear with a grin, sending shivers down my spine. I took a quick glance to the side and noticed that most of the boys were staring at me, their faces flushed and probably thoughts wandering to god knows where.


"A re? So what are you going to do~?" Mitsuru hummed. Then, as if he had read my mind, he whispered, "Come on, do something fun."

I continued licking and sucking on my melting popsicle, my tongue moving somewhat erotically. I then sucked the popsicle until mid-length and then......


I took a clean bite of it. And from a distance, I could hear the winces and squirms from multiple people. I looked to the side to witness people cringing, some even dropped to the ground with their hands covering their crotch.

"Hmp. Served them right." I scoffed as I took another bite.

Mitsuru on the other hand, he was laughing like crazy. My guy was hysterical on the ground, wheezing and rolling on the sand.

"What happened? I don't get it." Both Nico and Hitoshi questioned, but Mitsuru was too busy dying and coughing his ass out from laughing too much.

"Jeez, those boys and their perverted thoughts! I'll seriously slap them!" Kiji irritably exclaimed, the martini glass in his hand almost shattering from his death grip.

"Absolutely no decency. Want me to blast them?" Upa questioned candidly.

"It's alright. Having their dicks in pain is enough." I retorted as I took the last remaining bite of the popsicle.

"Ohhh... So that's why they're wincing." Jyugo uttered, as if he just realised what had happened.

"You're quite slow, aren't you Jyugo hun." I softly smiled at him as he tried to defend himself with excuses.

❈ ❈ ❈

The rest of the day at the beach was just as exciting and thrilling, some people got a tan while some were unfortunate and got sunburned. I took pictures with each and every one of them with my polaroid camera that I brought with me, saving them as precious memories. Before we pack up and call it a day, I rounded up everyone to take a group photo using Mitsuru's digital camera, since mine isn't suitable for a group photo.

Upon looking at all of the memorable pictures we took, I couldn't stop smiling, "I'll hang these in my room."

"I look handsome, don't I??" Uno chuckled as he draped his arm around me.
"Hahaha! Look at Hajime!" Rock hysterically laughed as he pointed at the supervisor's face in the picture.
"Look at my hero pose! Don't I look cool??" Nico giggled at his own little pose.
"Memorable pictures, huh?" Jyugo smugged, dipping his head in to look at the pictures.

"I'll print all of these and give it to everyone! I want everyone to cherish these pictures as much as I do!" I giggled and gave the four a big, group hug. Something that we appreciate a lot.

"Well, everyone!" I yelled as I faced everyone with a bright, loving smile.

"See you lovelies tomorrow!!"

[A/N: I'll be posting the next chapter soon, sorry for the long wait!]

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