✽ Chapter 27 ✽

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[A/N: Please appreciate how adorable Jyugo looks in that pic QwQ]

•••(Y/N)'s P.O.V•••
Swarms of Jiang Shi ran towards me with their scythes and spears ghastly wielding in hand. I sprinted towards them and used my double-bladed sword to launch myself up into the air with a front flip, striking down onto the middle of the swarm and sliced one of them in half. I then swung my sword and spun it around swiftly, slicing up all of them in a second. As more of them came swarming in, I slid in between them with my sword hewing in hand and sliced them up in halves.

"God, I love this sword." I devilishly grinned as I dashed towards a line of them, piercing one end of my sword right through their hearts as they pile up. I then used it as an advantage to smite and smash the rest of the puppets behind me, sending them flying and smashing into the walls. The harsh impact crumbled and demolished the walls completely, leaving nothing but cracks and crumbles of concrete flying everywhere.

"Disgusting." I cringed as I witnessed their heads and bodies explode into heaps of flesh and blood splatter, coating the place in crimson red. I then firmly swung my sword outwards to get rid of the bodies pierced on the blade. I once again cringed as I looked at the hearts that remained on the blade, dripping with blood and the already familiar rancid smell of it.

I faced Jyugo and wielded my sword near him, "Heart kebab?"

"No, thank you. You can have it." Jyugo chuckled to my little banter. But before he could make a joke back, Hajime suddenly came buttin in just to yell at him.

"Don't you dare move from that spot. If you do, I'll kill you!!"


A Jiang Shi was going to jump attack us before Hajime aggressively hucked a decapitated head of a puppet he apparently was holding directly to the puppet's head, stunning it midair. Before it could even hit the ground, Hajime dashed towards it and punched it's heart out, blood splattering everywhere around and on him. A sadistic and sardonic grin was plastered on his blood splattered face, making him look menacingly terrifying.

"Ah-" was all that came out of my mouth before witnessing the heart he punched out of the Jiang Shi fly straight towards Samon's direction, hitting him directly on the head.

"Haaajiiimee, are you trying to pick a fight? Huh?!"

"It was just a coincidence. It's not my fault." Hajime blankly retorted, looking away as he puffed a smoke.

"NO WAY, IT WAS DEFINITELY ON PURPOSE. DON'T MESS WITH ME DAMNIT." Samon violently shouted, his veins almost popping out of his head.

"Then it's your fault for standing there." The cigarette puffing supervisor candidly replied again, walking away.


"S-Samon-san! Are you alright??" I worriedly asked, seeing the visible bump on his head.

"I-I'm alright, (Y/n)-san." Samon politely replied, but then quickly went back to shouting at Hajime, "I'll definitely kill you one day!"

"I'd have to be stupid to get done in by some feeble-minded mountain monkey."



"I'm definitely gonna kick your ass—" Samon shouted as he leaped high in the air, "—once all of this is over!" 

He then sent a flying front kick down onto a Jiang Shi, obliterating the ground beneath them with angry jagged cracks. Two more came sprinting towards him from both ways. Samon instantly front flipped and did a handstand split kick, sending both flying and hitting other puppets. Wasting no time, he back flipped and sent a sharp roundhouse kick towards an armed Jiang Shi, amputating the arms of it and sent the scythes launching into the air. He then caught both of the scythes and started slicing fuckers left and right rapidly. Seconds later, another armed Jiang Shi countered him and blocked him, clashing their weapons together with an ear-piercing shriek.

"Kiki, you've got no form at all, you damn shabby puppet." Samon smirked as he parried his sword, preemptively striking the puppet's swords away from its grip. Vulnerable to an opening, Samon swiftly sliced it in half, a stream of crimson red blood following his scythes as he leaped away. And as if he couldn't be any cooler, he used his qi midair and blasted a swarm of them, bits and pieces of the obliterated concrete sent launching everywhere. As he landed, he kicked up a spear on the ground and used it to impale through multiple puppets through their chests.

For a final blow, he used qi to viscously kick the end of the spear, sending sparks of qi throughout the spear and the puppets and sent them flying. They brutally hit the end of the hallway onto some cell bars, exploding and annihilating everything they hit. Dust and smoke lingered in the air, as well as pieces of crumbled concrete raining down onto the ground.

"Samon-san!! That was soo coooool!!!" I yelled as I sprinted towards him and tackle hugged him, "Not gonna lie, that was also very hot." I teasingly giggled. His face went from serious and sadistic, to very flustered and slightly panicked in a second. I mean, I'm not lying. He really did look hot while fighting!

"H-huh?? That was n-nothing, (Y-y/n)—" Before he could finish, we heard a very loud "Ark" sound coming from Hajime.

"Hey monkey, you did that on purpose just now, didn't you." said Hajime menacingly.

Ah... Apparently one of scythes Samon used somehow made its way towards Hajime's head. Thankfully it was the shaft of it that hit him.

"Hmmm? What do you mean? We decided it was an accident, right? Kikiki~" Samon mischievously mocked, with me still hugging him from the side.

"Asshole...! Is this your revenge for earlier?!"

"It's your fault for standing there."

"Damn monkey, you're mocking me, aren't you? I'll kill you!"

"Huh?! Who the hell're you calling a monkey! It started with you originally didn't it, you bald, old-faced gorilla!!!"

"What was that, asshole?!"

At his point, I had to let go of Samon and make my way to Jyugo. We both looked at each other as we both thought, "What the hell are these adults doing."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A BALD, OLD-FACED GORILLA DAMNIIIIIIIIIT!!!" Hajime aggressively screamed as he harshly slammed Samon onto the ground.

"THEN DON'T CALL ME A MONKEEEEEEEEY!!!" Samon viciously shouted back, slamming Hajime onto the ground too with a back slam.



"Are you two done yet?" I asked sternly and menacingly towards the two childish supervisors with my arms crossed.

"Y-yes, ma'am." They retorted as they knelt on the floor, bumps on their heads as results from my punches.

"Good. I don't need you two to kill each other. Jeez, right after I thought you two were super cool and hot after seeing you two fight the Jiang Shi." I sighed out, hands on my hips as I continued to scold the two.

"You're scary sometimes, you know that?" Jyugo stated as he sweat-dropped.

"Gonna have to stop those two eventually." I sighed as I patted the dust off my clothes, cringing when my hand brushes over the blood splatters on my clothes.

"Get up. Let's continue."

❈ ❈ ❈

The four of us continued our journey to exit out of the basement, passing by the various blood covered and puppet-carcases-filled hallways left by Jyugo and I. Silence filled the hallways as we walked. I looked at my left and noticed that Samon was deeply in thought, his face etched with solemnity. I can understand why. His brother was arrested for murdering an inmate a while ago, and now he had escaped and caused mayhem in building 5, putting everyone in danger.

"Samon-san, you alright there?" I asked him as I put my hand on his shoulder gently.

"A-ah... I'm fine, (Y/n)-san. Just deep in thought, that's all." He retorted with a tired smile.

"If you say so, hunny. Speak up if you're not, alright?" I softly smiled back, retrieving my hand back. I then walked both of us a bit further away from the other two as they were having their usual supervisor-and-inmate quarrel, away from hearing distance.

"May I ask you something, Samon-san?"

"Sure, of course." He simply responded, a bit startled and confused when I came closer.

"What is your brother like?"

He looked at me in surprise, but then quickly fixed his gaze back to the front, "Aniki... Is the hardest working person I know. He saved a great number of people."

"He saved people?" I questioned, surprised that Enki did such a thing.

"You must have heard of it, about how inmates were used for illegal organ trafficking."

Wait, I think I might have actually heard of this a while ago. Stories and rumours about it spread everywhere around the world.

"Organs from death row convicts were getting sold on the black market, but people heard it'd be profitable and collected organs from other people too. The prison chief connected various prisons to the underworld, as well as the black market. Not long after, he was arrested along with the rest because he was indicted by his own subordinate."

"But it ended a while ago, no? Both the chief and the prison aren't around anymore and the investigations lead to nothing. What does it have to do with Enki-san...?" I questioned, not really understanding what he had said that had to correlate with... Wait... "Was the subordinate...?"

"It was aniki."

I was filled with shock. All of the stories I've heard from Liang and the others were that Enki would hurt the inmates. Is there a reason for all of this happening then...?

"He noticed that the guys conducting the organ deals required 'healthy people'. They didn't target the injured or sick... Or people with damaged organs or abnormalities. Aniki's methods were aggressive, but even so that was probably the only way to direct monitor the inmates while being watched. Directly protecting inmates would stand out, so he injured them and had them taken to a medical building he monitored for examination at fixed intervals. Those Jiang Shi were made to be on guard against the death row convicts too. That's why aniki made them watch over these underground cells when he came to Nanba."

Samon's voice hitched as he fixed his gaze at the piles of Jiang Shi bodies in front of us, before continuing, "Why would someone who was monitoring inmates commit murder? This is what I'm trying to solve. I believe in him. Aniki is not someone who would blindly kill a human being."

"I believe in your brother too."

Samon immediately whipped his head towards me, widened green eyes filled with unexpectancy stared into mine.

"I believe in both you and your brother too, Samon-san."

The uneasiness in his face faded into a relieved soft smile, as if he had been waiting for someone to say that, to say that they believe in him and his brother. I'm sure that other people believes in him too.

"Thank you, (Y/n)-san...—"

"Hey!! What are you two doing, talking so close to each other?! You better not be bothering her, you feeble monkey!" Hajime interrupted from behind us, along with Jyugo curiously popping his head next to my shoulder.

"Huh?!?! Excuse me, you were the one who rudely interrupted us!! And we were just talking about how old-faced you are, you bold gorilla!!!" Samon aggressively shouted back, clearly offended that our little chat had been interrupted.


And with that, they started fighting again. But this time, their walking pace matched with their bickering every second as they argued. And, eventually started sprinting away from us, as if they were competing on who's more faster.

"Why are they always like this...?" Jyugo groaned as he facepalmed, clearly as done as I am when it comes to those childish as fuck supervisors.

"Sigh... Come on, Jyugo-kun. Let's catch up to them before they trip on each others' dicks and kill themselves."

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