Chapter 2 - Losing her parents

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A/N: Thank you for all the love ppl! Let me know what you feel about this story.. Here goes the next chapter.

Pragya gains her consciousness, hearing horse galloping sound. She opened her eyes to see Abhisheik coming in a chariot in front of her. She called out to him , "Suniye!!!" Abhisheik smiles hearing those words. Purab who sensed this stopped in his tracks and put Pragya down carefully. Abhisheik came near her and cupped her face and kissed her forehead and said, "I destroyed the entire army Nikhil sent come, let's go Bulbul is waiting inside for all of us." At that time when he heard a sound and stood in front of her and said, "You are my life, whatever may come I will protect you with all my life! I may die, but I will never let you die... *With much difficulty*." Purab noticed that he was hit by an arrow and found Nikhil standing a few meters away from them, he took Abhisheik on his shoulders and dragged Pragya towards the chariot ( She was completed shocked by Abhisheik's act). Purab placed Abhisheik in the chariot and told Pragya to take care of him ( She came back to her senses). Tears started to roll from her eyes and she kept his head on her lap and caressed his hair.

Purab started the chariot and whipped the horses with much force. They were riding the chariot very fast, Sunset was nearing. Nikhil followed them and lost track after the sunset. Purab decided to take rest in between the forest and so did Nikhil. Little did they know they were just a few metres away from each other and within a few hours can see other (When Sun rises). Purab sneaked in the darkness and found some medicinal plants and applied it to Abhisheik's wound and said, " I will protect you and your heir with all my life, This is my promise to you Jahanpana" *Saying this he lowered his head*. Abhisheik was still unconscious, Pragya was sadly looking at him saying, "All this happened because of me right? If I would have not interfered in your family matters you would have been happily living with your family, right?" Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on Abhisheik's Forehead. He woke up with a jerk saying, " I heard what you said but if you dint come into our lives, I would have lost my sister and would have never ever got a beautiful, loving and caring wife like you *Saying this he kissed her forehead*."

Purab who was coming then saw this and said, "Jahanpana sorry for interfering in your personal talks but both of you need some energy for further advances so have this ( Saying this he gave them some fruits and veggies to eat, which he got from the forest)." Pragya was blushing hardly after hearing what Purab said, Abhisheik said, "Arrey yaar if your wife was here I too could have said the same thing." Hearing this Purab became very sad. Abhisheik consoled him saying, " Tomorrow morning we will definitely put an end to Nikhil's reign over us." Sun rays fell on their face, Purab was able to see Nikhil's chariot and became worried and was about to warn Abhisheik but was stopped by Nikhil.

Nikhil said, " Hey you are my enemy actually, because of you I fought with my brother, father and hurt the love of my life. So first let me finish you off ( Keeping sword on Purab's neck)." Abhisheik heard this and hit Nikhil with a stone on his head, Purab told him to hop on to the chariot and was about to ride it but the horses wouldn't budge. He found that those horses were poisoned and wasn't able to move from there. So the trio started to run into the forest more deeply, Pragya was running in front followed by Purab and then Abhisheik. At one point of time Abhisheik felt that his vision were failing, he was not able to see anything. He slowed down and somehow managed to walk and ended up in a pit. Pragya and Purab kept running and dint notice this, when Purab turned back Abhisheik was missing. He called out "Jahanpana... Jahanpana...." Pragya called out "Suniye... Suniye... Where are you?" She was crying badly while saying those words.

They both heard Horse galloping sound again and hid behind a tree and let the chariot ( Nikhil's) pass. Nikhil wondered, 'Just now I heard their voices but I am not able to find them, where could they have gone?' Pragya and Purab ran off deeper into the jungle by that time. Pragya was crying badly, she dint stop crying and ended up having hiccups. They heard a stream flowing, Purab went and took some water in a leaf and offered it to Pragya.

 She had them and the hiccups stopped but not her tears. Purab started to search for any possible tribal area or some village so that Pragya could change herself and she has to eat. Purab went towards Pragya and said, "Abhisheik always told me he wanted his heir to be a girl just like you beautiful, Loving and caring."

Pragya wiped her tears and said, " Not just beautiful, loving and caring but also daring and strong. I want you to raise him/her as a warrior promise me you will, This is Rani saheba's order." Purab bent his head and said, "Definitely Rani saheba as you please." They reached a village and Pragya was already feeling dizzy because of all the travel and pressure she went through. A lady (Janaki from KKB imagine her in a saree with pallu covering her head , just some ordinary saree with just studs on her ears) saw her and attended to her and asked, "Who is she? She is looking like a queen in her attire." Pragya replied, "I am not a Queen just an actor, I lost my husband and this is my brother can you give us some space to live here in this village?" (People live in huts in this village, This lady's was a bigger and comfortable one).

That lady agreed to her and said, "You look just like my daughter no need of asking permission you can stay here." Pragya said, "Thank you I can never forget this favour." Purab said, "By the way she is pregnant." Janaki became very happy hearing that and started preparing all kinds of dishes (asking Pragya's favourites). She fed Pragya with her own hands and started crying. Pragya noticed this and asked her, "Maa why are you crying?" Janaki replied, "I lost my daughter in a very young age, Just thought how it could be if I she is pregnant and I am feeding her like this."

Pragya turned her face away, Janaki couldn't make out anything. Pragya said, "So I am not your daughter right? It's ok come Purab let's go." Purab was busy eating and started to frown, Pragya glared at him (A queen's glare is very dangerous guys). He got up with a jerk and said , "Ok let's go." Janaki held her wrist and said, " Purab you can go wherever you want to but my daughter is not going to come anywhere with you and that's final." Happy tears rolled down from both Janaki and Pragya's eyes. Purab saw this and felt happy that Rani saheba got someone to take care of her just like her mother would have done.

Few months passed, Now Pragya was 8 months Pregnant. Purab went to do some chores in the farm and really became very good at it. Janaki cared for Pragya a lot, she never let her even move an inch. Pragya felt like a lazy goose and always used to complain to her child about this saying, " See your Grandma never allows me to move an inch I am going to be very fat when I give birth to you!" Janaki and Purab laughs hearing this. Slowly news of Pragya being in a village reached Nikhil's ears (Who is now the king). He ordered his soldiers to search for her and kill her at sight. Pragya was having a labour pain, Janaki noticed this and called a doctor to her hut and after sometime Pragya gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. When she saw her new born she said to herself, 'You won Abhisheik it's a girl.'

Soldiers came to this village and started ransacking every hut they found. Purab who came to know about this ran to their hut, saw Pragya and Janaki playing with the kid. He entered and said, Rani saheba his soldiers are here we have to leave immediately! Janaki was confused and asked him, "Why do you call my daughter as Rani saheba?" Pragya replied, "Because I am one!" ( Stood holding her daughter proudly). 

*Imagine Pragya with her baby*

She handed over her daughter to Purab and said, " Name her Abhigaya Singh Deo." Purab interrupted and said, "It seems like a boy's name rather than a girl's name." Pragya said, "It's my order and take her away from here now." Purab said, "As you please Rani Saheba" and asked, "Aren't you coming along with us?" Pragya replied, "I will come first you two leave the place and don't forget about to how to bring her up ok ?" Purab nodded his head lowered them and went away taking her bundle of joy away from her.

Janaki was dumbstruck, because she understood that her daughter is really a Queen. Janaki bent down and said, "I am sorry Rani saheba if I dint treat you properly." Pragya knelt down and said, "Don't say anything you are my mother my child's Grandmother, Just give her the same comfort when she comes back here. You can easily recognise since she will look exactly like me" and thought, 'That is what Abhisheik wanted.' She came out of her thoughts and said, "I should be leaving now and if they ask you anything tell them the truth and be alive till your Granddaughter reaches you again." She left the hut and followed Purab's tracks and joined him.

After a while some soldiers came, Pragya saw that and signed Purab to leave. Pragya confronted them, she was shot with an arrow and lay unconscious on the ground. Tears rolled from Purab's cheeks for the first time thinking, This child lost both of her parents because of me! I will protect you with all my life this my promise to you and your Parents! He turned back to see Rani saheba ( Pragya ) once more and fled from the place carrying Abhigaya in his shoulders with the help of a cloth tied around his body. Pragya thought, 'I told you I am incomplete without you and closed her eyes.'

A/N: Do let me know how you guys felt, Meet you all tomorrow with 'Lurking in the light of love' update. Till then bubye!

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