Chapter 3 - Lost his soul mate

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A/N: 303 views and 112 votes just for 2 chapters! Thank you ppl for all the love. Here goes the update...

5 months back

In the palace, After the encounter with Abhi, Purab and Pragya in the jungle Nikhil came back to the palace. He saw Bulbul smirking at him and asked, "Why do you smirk meri Jaan ( My life) ?" Bulbul said, "I hate you calling me so, but it's ok for now, you weren't able to find them right? Not only now, you will be never able to find them ever. Until they themselves come in front of you with their heir. She will banish you from this Earth!" Nikhil started laughing hard and said, "What!? She? Leave that for now, He/ She will banish me only if I let him/her come out of that womb."

Bulbul smiled and said to her baby, "He is planning to kill your to be wife, and he don't know that your father is there for her" * leaves from that place*. Nikhil went behind her and said, "Forget your pathidev (Husband) and be with me, I will give you all the respect and every small thing you want will be beneath your feet meri Jaan ( My Life), I will even make your son the Prince and will not marry anyone else." It fell on Bulbul's deaf ear, she dint budge she left with her baby. A Soldier came inside and said, "Sorry for being here without prior information, but there is a happy news for you Jahanpana." 

Nikhil said, "Be sure it is really a good news otherwise *He shows the soldier his sword*. That Soldier gulped and said, "I am very sure this is a happy news for you, Abhisheik Ruthra Singh Deo was found dead in a pit." Nikhil who was standing facing his back towards the soldier turned immediately and said, "If this news is true then I will give you whatever you want." That soldier said, "Then there is another news for you Jahanpana I am the one who killed him ( He said it so proudly as though he climbed Himalaya mountain in a single breath)." Nikhil was dumbstruck and asked, "What do you want? I will give you anything ask for anything." That Soldier replied, " I want to be your Mantri."

Nikhil accepted this the very next second after he finished his sentence and asked him, "Can I see the Great Abhisheik Ruthra Singh Deo, Oh sorry unki lash (his Dead body)." That Soldier ( Oops! Sorry not an ordinary Soldier anymore) So Mantri took the King to see Abhisheik Ruthra Singh Deo. Nikhil saw a dead body in the dress of Abhi, he turned the body to see it's face but was not able to recognize it. It was damaged so badly, that hardly anyone could recognize it anymore. Nikhil laughed seeing this and said, " Now I am sure the Praja (People) have to accept me as their King." Bulbul who came to know about this was ready to bash at Nikhil and that Soldier who is the Mantri now.

When Nikhil entered he saw Bulbul coming towards him and he happily walked towards her but he was shocked when Bulbul slapped him across his face. Nikhil asked, "How dare you?" And held her by her hair and pushed her down with great force. He was interrupted with the news that King of Aarya dynasty has come to meet him. He approached Nikhil to marry his daughter, he agreed to it ( He needs an heir no matter what). So he married Tanuntra Devi (Tanu) the very next day, Still he was going behind Bulbul in a hope that she would accept him one day for sure (Forgetting that she slapped him, this guy must be crazy).

Nikhil tried hard to search for Purab and the Queen. He thought to himself, 'I wouldn't have bothered about the queen if she wasn't pregnant.' Five months passed, there was no news of the Queen ( Tanuntra Devi) getting pregnant. He would bash at her, humiliate her, give deep wounds using his sword. Later his Mantri (Ronnie) advised him to adopt Bulbul's child so that he will get a Royal heir. He planned to Adopt Bulbul's son and throw her out of the palace. Tanu came in between and said, "Let her be my dasi (Maid) and take care of her own kid like a maid *with an evil smile*".

Nikhil said, "You know what I never liked you, but I just love this idea" * leaves the place.* Tanu knelt down in front of Bulbul and said, "I am sorry Princess I had to do this to safeguard you from him." Bulbul said, "Don't do this you are the Queen now." Tanu said, "I am not the Queen I am here just like a slave and showed Bulbul all the bruises he gave her." Bulbul was shocked beyond belief and said, "Don't worry he will learn his lesson when the true heir returns ( With a determined face and smile)."


Nikhil got a news that someone saw Pragya in a village nearby. He said, "Rani Saheba you are still in this soil!? Did she get the news that her husband passed away? Surely she would have, by now at least." He ordered all the soldiers to search for Pragya. Someone was watching all this, that person hurriedly went and called a guy(Spy) and said, "Inform Purab that soldiers came to know about them and they are in their pursuit now." That Guy nodded his head and left the palace to inform Purab. That Person's shadow is seen and his voice is heard. He says, "Nikhil mein tumhey chodunga nahin ( Nikhil, I won't spare you)." Spy reaches Purab and informs him about Soldiers in Pursuit, he rushes to save his Queen (Purab forgets to enquire about the Spy).

Purab thinks and says, "Wait a minute who are you?" *Without turning back*. He doesn't get any response hence turns back, to see none there. Purab rushes towards the hut thinking, Who might have been that guy!? (You guys know what happened next). Soldiers enter inside Janaki's hut and examines it thoroughly to find some simple women clothes and a Man's clothes. When enquired she said, "Two people a girl and a guy claiming to be actors came to stay here for a while with me." Few were still searching and found jewels of Rani Saheba and said, "Rani Saheba was living here" and were about to leave when they had a doubt and asked her what happened to her baby?

Janaki said, "Yes poor soul died even before seeing this world." The Soldiers got a news that Rani Saheba has been shot down by an arrow. They rushed outside leaving Janaki to breakdown with tears. A silhouette of a guy is seen entering her hut asking, "Why are you crying ? May I know the reason ?" Janaki who saw that person was shell shocked.

Scene shifts to the Palace

Nikhil paces around and hears the news that Rani Saheba has been shot down. He jumped up with joy and demanded to see her dead body too. Mantri said, "I Will show you Jahanpana" and led the way.

Nikhil saw a women in simple clothes on the path towards deep forest with blood oozing out from her breast, her face was hidden with a cloth. Mantri ji asked, "Jahanpana do you want to see her face?" Nikhil said, "No need I don't want to see her at all just burn her down to ashes and what happened to her baby?" A soldier said, "Her baby died before seeing this world Jahanpana." Nikhil was the most happiest person in this world now (He was so happy as though he has conquered the whole world).

He went back with the happy news (According to him) to the Palace and was singing, "Bulbul O Bulbul got a happy, happy news for you." Bulbul who heard this said, "If it is from you definitely it is not a happy news for me." Nikhil said, "You are right Meri Jaan you have become smart nowadays. Of course not a happy news for you and called Tanu..." ( In the most thundering Voice) Tanu came running to him and he said, "Have a happy news Meri Bhabhi aur unki bachi mar gayi ( My sister in law and her child passed away) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." (His laughter was echoing in the palace). Tanu said *Clapping*, "Anybody here ?" bring some sweets for Jahanpana right now. A servant came with some sweets and handed it over to Tanu.

Tanu fed Nikhil saying, "I hope we have nothing to fear from now on." Nikhil said, "I want to confess something I love the way you enjoy every victory of mine Jaan (First time he is calling someone else Jaan other than Bulbul)." Nikhil was astonished and said, "I think I have to move on now with my Jaan(Tanu) (side hugging her) and my lovely Prince (Bulbul's son)."

Bulbul who was completely shattered knelt down crying her heart out. After sometime Tanu came and hugged her to comfort her and said, "I got my Husband but you lost your last wisp of Hope!" Bulbul was crying more now after hearing it... Tanu mentally slapped herself saying, 'Why did you say so stupid!' Bulbul's son Crawled towards her and was trying to get her attention so desperately, when she avoided him he started crying. Bulbul held him close to her heart and said, "Sorry bacha you have lost your soul mate..."

Scene freezes on her sad face...

A/N: Hope you all like this and drop your views about it, Thank you ppl <3 Tomorrow I have no idea whether I will update my other story or not. Monday is turning to be my less creative day.

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