Chapter 7

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Lloyd's POV

I woke up early the next morning to the sound of our alarm clock. The others moaned as it went off. I sat up angrily and blasted the alarm clock. It was the twelfth one I had blasted this month.
"I hate getting up early," whined Jay.
"Don't we all," agreed Kai.
I jumped off the top bunk and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. While I was in the bathroom I heard Kai and Jay arguing.
"Would you two cut it out?" yelled Cole.
"It's only 6:30 and they are already fighting." said Zane.
I snickered a little and then walked out if the bathroom and into the hall. I hadn't seen Serene since she ran off last night, after telling us about her prophecy and being Council's student.
I looked down the hall to see Serene walking out of her room.
She jumped a little and dropped a black book and a pencil. She looked over at me and sighed. "Morning Lloyd."
I walked over to her, picked up her book and pencil and handed them to her.
"Sorry if I scared you." I replied.
"I-Its alright. I guess I'm just a little jumpy from last night." she stammered.
"Oh uh yea. The whole message thing from Slash's secret master whose name you haven't told us."
Serene sighed. "Yea sorry about that. I just think you guys not knowing who he is may be the only thing that keeps me at peace."
"I get it. You want to be calm, not freaked out by whoever this villain is." Serene nodded and smiled.
Me and Serene headed to the kitchen to see if Zane had started cooking breakfast. We walked past Jay, who started snickering. Once Serene had passed the corner I faced Jay, punched him and went to join her. I heard Jay yelp and drop to the floor, followed by Kai and Cole laughing.

After breakfast, Sensie had set up the new training course and told our students to come watch her. Serene seemed nervous but I told her not to worry so much. Then Jay had come and started making kissy faces. I still don't know how he figured out I like Serene.
"Alright Serene, you must finish the course before I finish my tea."
Our students stared at the new ninja who nodded.

Serene's POV

I looked at the course then back at the others. Lloyd gave me a thumbs up, Kai and Cole had their arms crossed, Zane smiled at me warmly, and Jay was snickering for some odd reason.
"Are you ready, my dear?" I heard Sensie Wu ask.
"Yes Sensie."
I turned towards the course and gulped. I had my friends and all their students watching me. Nya had turned on the course and gave a thumbs up to Sensie.
"You may begin."
I ran to the first obstacle. Dodging swords. I dodged the first one, rolled under nod over the second and third. Then I ran towards the planks. They moved so fast, but I didn't have time to figure out when to go. So I jumped.
I landed on the first one, then quickly jumped to the second one. I looked over to Sensie for a second to see him pouring his tea. I began to wobble on the plank and got shot up in the air by it.
"Oh crap!" I yelled.
"And there goes Serene." I heard Jay say.
I had to think fast I quickly shot a water ball at Sensie's cup knocking it out of his hand, flipped to where I would land on my feet.
When I landed I heard talking going through the crowd of kids, but tried not to pay attention. I still had a few more planks to go, plus the dummy. I jumped to the next plank, but lost my balance and fell on my back.
"Ow," I moaned. I had failed.
Sensie Wu dismissed the students. I got up and looked at the others.
"You okay, Serene?" asked Lloyd.
"Yea that looked very painful." said Kai.
"Well duh it was painful," said Cole.
"I'm fine. I just need practice." I replied.
"I will get you some ice." said Zane.
"Well it was good for your first try." said Jay.
I sighed. "Yea I guess."

Normal POV

Andrew watched as Serene went through the course and failed. He laughed as she fell straight on her back. Slash just layed back against a tree and watched his master enjoy himself.
"She was never good at training." said Andrew.
"But I thought she threw you into a house." stated Slash.
"She did...but only because she used her powers." Andrew turned and faced Slash. "I think it's time we pay them a visit."
The two villains looked back down from the hill, at the ninja school and began to prepare for their so called visit.

Hey guys! I hoped you all liked the new chapter. PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING IDEAS! I only got one comment for ideas on what you guys wanted to sorta happen in this chapter. So in return I did two different POV.
Thanks for reading!

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