Chapter 8

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Around lunch the boys were having some issues with their students. They had all run out of their class rooms and went into hiding. The five boys split up. Cole, Zane and Lloyd went to search in the school, while Jay and Kai searched outside.
Sensie Wu had left the school for only an hour with Nya to go pick up some more tea and they had lost their students. Worst of all they had no clue where Serene was either.

Kai's POV

Jay and I had been searching outside for almost half an hour. I still can't believe our students had run off like that.
"I say we just give up," complained Jay.
"No! If we don't find them Sensie and Nya will kill us."
Jay shrugged his shoulders, while I looked around some bushes that I had caught moving out of the corner of my eye. I reached my hand in the bush and grabbed a boy by his collar.
"I caught one, Jay."
Jay looked at me surprised and confused for a moment. He was always off in his own world.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"Some are hiding. The others are watching Ms. Serene go through the training course again." replied the boy.
"Show us where the others are hiding. Jay tell Cole, Zane and Lloyd to head to the training course."
"On it," he replied.
I began to follow the boy back inside and up to the attic of the school.

Cole's POV

"I have received a message from Jay saying that some of our students are at the training course watching Serene go through it." said Zane.
"Let's head over there then," said Lloyd. I nodded and led the way to the course.
When we arrived several of the girls and boys were on the ground in front of the course watching Serene. I looked over at the course to see Serene on the planks once again.
"How long has she been training?" I asked one of the girls.
"Almost 45 minutes. When we got here she was trying to get past the planks, but she keeps falling." replied the girl.
"Ouch!" I heard one of the boys say. I looked over to see Serene on her back once again.
Lloyd and Zane had walked over to Serene and helped her up.
"Are you alright, Serene?" asked Lloyd.
"I'm alright. I just need more practice." she replied.
"Well shortie, maybe we could help you with your balance once we're done teaching these guys." I said, as I walked up to them.
"So you've given me a nickname." she said.
"Yup. We all sorta have given each other one."
"Of course we have," said Zane not amused.

Normal POV

Cole turned as he heard whining in the distance. The four ninja and the students looked to see Kai and Jay leading the rest of the students out of the school.
"Where were they?" asked Lloyd.
"They were hiding in the attic," said Jay.
"One of them shot my leg with a paintball gun!" yelled an angry Kai.
Serene giggled. "That sounds painful." She continued to laugh.
The others joined in laughing as Kai's face turned red.
"Calm down, hothead." snickered Jay.
"Plus I think I've done much worse to you," said Lloyd.
"It's true," agreed Cole. Zane nodded.
After laughing for another ten minutes the students went inside to finish lunch. The boys were about to help Serene with her balance when Nya and Sensie came running up to them.
"Ninja! We have a problem!" shouted Sensie Wu.
"That villain Slash is in Ninjago City with whoever sent Serene that message last night and they are demanding you all meet them there at once!" yelled Nya.
The boys looked shocked while Serene was frightened.

Hey guys! Sorta a cliffhanger. What do you all think will happen in the next chapter? Anyways sorry for updating late again. I was super tired from drivers ed. PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING! I would love to hear your thoughts about the story.
Thanks for reading!

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