P18. Reunion

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When I arrived, no one paid me any attention. I was a bit grateful for the unintentional privacy, but at the same time, something felt wrong. Face that devoid of any emotions, they never seemed so weird up to this day.

No, they weren't wrong. It was me that wrong here. Something was odd with me. Something changed within me and that was because of the poison Union injected to me.

"You've fallen too far."

Indeed, I've fallen too far.

My hand held Lohengrin, felt the cold of alterium seeped even on my gloved hands. I never tried to activate it up until now. Will it work? How much power I could unleash?

"I believe in you."

This time, I have doubt in my mind. Next time, when I returned to my old self, there will be no clouds. No hesitation, no question, and no emotions. I'd walked over everyone, whether they were dying or screamed in anguish. I'd trampled over their houses and bodies, cries and tears. Without feeling any remorse, or sadness, shed no tears or bear no smile.

"An escape plan. Geez, what do you think I am, a tactician?"

I sank deeper to the shadow and looked up. No alarming insects on area. I heard a buzzing voice, smell sweet scent, and placed an artificial light to attract those insects, let them roamed as they pleased. Several lizards patrolling as second layer of security along with humans. They and those marsupial was dangerous.

But Mika had chosen the best road with no artificial animals or soldiers spotted me.

"Luckily, this Mikaela is your genius tech consultant! But I'm sure you didn't need any of my advice. You Martian are more advanced than us, anyway."

Next time, I should tell him to make it two-way communication.

"Turn left."

I ran to one of the iron wolf. The beast stared at me for a while, before sniffing me with obedient. I ignored the furry beast and kept going. On the while, I kicked and punched some gunners and men on duty. Surely, kicking them was less difficult than keeping them not to off balance from this height.

I finally arrived at an abandoned hangar, used to be a place where vehicles being parked all the way. Mika instructed me all the way, made me stop at one that resembles motorcycle in Old Age. There was a key hole on it, but I've remembered the instruction pretty well.

"Don't mention me, you hear that?" Before everything settled, Mika sent his threat to me. "We're not friends. Not even close. We barely know each other, for no more than a week. So if you and that damn tongue of yours ever mention me, I'll make sure you will stay alive to pay for any demise that came afterwards."

"Thank you, Mikaela." It felt weird to say good bye to a man with similar name. "Good bye." Till next time.

I put out the communication device and put it on the machine of the motorcycle. The machine turned on and the gravity levitation lift the vehicles up in the air. Beneath his whizzing machine sound, I could hear faintly sound of a group marched from the hallway upwards.

I leapt and landed right on the air-bike. As usual, the clanks fought me back as it stabilize itself in a way than much worse than any living creature I've ever ride on.

A first shot flew across my face. Time to go.


[We're arriving at State Country of Yemen from Middle-East Union in five second. Law of neutrality was stretched about five meters on the east.]

The wind swept across my face as the speed fastened up. Wall of Saudi Arabian stood gracefully on the horizon. Turrets glistening faintly on the faraway, threatened me even with its silence.

Bats and eagles that were sent to pursue me, quickly matched me. Some soldiers on the alleyway were persistent enough to chase me to the border of Hadriah. They showered me with missiles and projectiles. With two hands, I maneuvered this air-bike to evade all of those bullets, but machine was different than body and to treat this clank as a part of body was already a tough job to begin with.

[We'll be leaving Sa'dah in five....]

Time was never felt this cruel before. Auto-map on the information board under me was guiding me to turn to the right, for the left was a dead-end. I took a turn to the left. They increased their speed when they saw the dead-end. Just like them, I pressed the power button to the maximum output. The birds and bats shrieked around me as they scattered away. But the soldiers were tough.

So I leapt of the bike and pulled out Lohengrin. The air-bike blast to a giant ball of flame that threw me with its shockwave, along with those animals and soldiers.

I stabbed to the wall and jumped over it. At that point, I took another run, this time, with no one followed suit.


Infiltrated through someone's area was proven to be a challenging task, especially when that area was part of enemies.

"Camp Al-Mast?" The old woman handed over her red jacket to me as she prepared to close her store. She looked at my shoes suspiciously before looked at me. "You just have to walk about two more kilometers, Sayyidi."

"I see."

"That's rough." She pointed at my feet. "With that kind of feet. Except...."

"That's not a problem," Instead of confronting her, I turned to running children nearby. They ran bare foot as well. "Shoes are luxurious, aren't it? Rather than being robbed by some random guy, I'd rather give it away.

The woman gave up. "I see, but where do you came from, by the way?" The woman asked me again. "I've never see your face before—and when I said it, believe me, I remember every person here, both who lived and gone."

"Sana'a." I lied easily. "I looked for my missing sister. I got called from Al-Mast, but they said Al-Mast was moved."

"Yes, that unfortunate events..." The woman frowned. "But you sure are lot taller than ordinary people, Sayyidi, honestly. Like those Ajnabi. People might get scared, so be careful."

"Indeed." I admitted nonchalantly. "I have Eurasian blood in me."

"No wonder." She pointed at her own eyes and hair. "Not only tall, but you have strange eyes and hair. People would've mistook you for a Maha right away."

"Yes." I faked fear and sadness on my face. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. "My home ... destroyed. Everyone...." I stopped mid-sentenced in purpose.

"My condolences." The woman walked away, left me alone. "Then you should hurry. It would only get worse by the night. And you won't even know when another attack befall upon us."

That was unexpectedly went smooth. I looked up at the sky, relived that the beast didn't send me bats or hunt-eagle anymore, then my gaze turned down at white and dirty shirt, long black trousers, and a bare feet. I could easily blended with people here.

Faraway, I could a battle still going on. The howl of aerial beast, missiles, and explosion echoed to this very place. With each painful step that I took, my feet burned from the cold, and the burden of the serum weighing me, along with Lohengrin that seemed to be in a mood to attract me more.

It felt more and more annoying, even more than the pain.


The camp was smaller than I've ever remembered.

It was just one chance, but I've counted tents on there and that time, there were more tents and more people. When I arrived at what supposed to be the front gate, two guards blocked my way, bare handedly.

"Excuse us, Sir," One of the man said. "What business do you have here?"

"I'm looking for ... someone." Reana couldn't be here. I heard she had returned to Equatorial this week, let's just took the worst scenario. "Just to make sure that they're alive."

"All right, but we need the data first. About you and whoever you're looking for. Is that all right, Sir?"

They exchanged looks, then the second man stepped forward.


My head whipped to the calling.

I didn't know what has gotten into me. Who was I expected to see when that man's voice called me out? It was clearly not Reana, but the feelings that had me froze was not small things either.

"You ... alive?" Bryan looked at me in disbelief as he took a step closer. Kids behind him cowering around his legs, prevented him to step forward.

All, but one particular little girl.

Unlike the others, she ran right towards me as fast as an antelope. His brown hair waved in the air, her hazel eyes sparkled with hope as it was opened wide and filled with tears.

"Fatima, watch out--

Before Bryan could finish his words, the girl stumbled upon a rock. I leapt towards with arms stretched wide, caught her at the right moment. Her small arms hugged me, grasped onto my shirts.

"Back...." She whispered against my arm. I could hear her sniffles. "Alive...."

Her shoulder trembled, along with her entire small body as she spoke. Like had been made by toothpicks instead of bones, she looked about to crumbled down at any time.

I didn't want to see it. I have to keep her in one piece.

So my arm circled around her shoulder, awkwardly. Her small frames felt so wrong in my arms. But the warmth seeped through my clothes filled me with something else. Something I couldn't describe.

Something that could only be brought by this little Human girl.

Strange, but nonetheless, I drowned in that unfamiliar warmth. Addicted. Fatima looked up and smiled at me.

Before I knew, all of me wrapped in a blanket of a blanket of unfamiliar yet warm light.

"Nice to see you again." I greeted as my hand stroke her hair, so awkwardly. Then looked at Bryan with equal feelings. "All of you."


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