Chapter two

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My mother must have seen me coming because when I stepped inside she immediately wraped me into a tight hug.

"ALLIE your REALLY here!"

"Yes, I'm actually here." I refrain from telling her that coming here was going against everything my brain was telling me.

I had forgotten how beautiful my mom is. She has strawberry blonde hair that reaches her back, paired with mesmerizing green eyes she looks much younger than she actually is.

"How was your trip sweetie? Not to rough I hope!"

I ignore her question and start walking up the stairs looking back down at her I tell her I want to get cleaned up before the Dad and Elliott get home. She smiles and nods as I head up the stairs to "my" room.

I can see the door standing open, I flip the light on and scan the walls of the room. Pictures of a time I barley remember are hanging just as I left them. Clothes I didn't bother to pack still hanging in the closet. It's like a time capsule in here.

I shut the door and toss my bag on the floor. I sit down on the edge on the bed and look around at the things I left behind all that time ago. It's overwhelming.

I jump into the shower and change into some jeans and a t shirt. The weather here is less forgiving than Hawaii.

I can already hear my dad and brother arguing over who caught the biggest fish.

They didn't hear me come down the stairs so I stand behind Elliott and poke him in his ribs. He jumps straight up and makes a yelping sound. He grabs me and swings me around like I'm still a child.

"I can't believe your here!" My father comes running from across the kitchen to me.

"Little girl you need to stop changing so much." He then wraps me in a hug. He stays this way for at least 45 seconds.

"Dad can you let go now?" I manage to say. He laughs but sets me free.

"It's been too long. We can't go another three years without seeing you."

I glance at him and think Hawaii is always there, and I'm always in Hawaii. The small talk only last a few seconds before my brother drags me outside while mom finishes dinner.

"How long you staying?"

"Not long and that's already too long."

"Don't look at me like that. You know I dont even want to be here."

He rolls his eyes and we both sink into the chairs on the patio.

"Then why are you here?" He is staring at me looking quite serious. He has some wrinkles across his face that I don't remember from our last visit. He looks older than I remembered.

"I came to see mom and dad. Its been three years and their health isn't getting any better. Figured it was now or never."

"You have never been a very good liar, especially with me. So how about you cut the shit Allie."

"Maybe you will just have to see."

I walk back inside without looking back at him. I'm sure his eyes are cutting through my back like lasers. He is right. I have never been able to lie to him. I just wasn't ready to face the reasons I was here, let alone tell him.

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