Part one

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It had taken me four days to get back here to this place. I probably would have been here sooner, but two delays later, I was finally arriving back in my hometown. How was it possible that I hadn't stepped foot in this town for over a decade, yet still it is exactly the same?

This town is as cliche as they come. Old brick buildings lining Main Street. Most of them remaining empty, housing only the memories of what used to be.

I ran across the road, I didn't have to think twice about the steps I took that lead me straight to the small house at the end of a long road.

I made my way to the front door. I honestly considered knocking, eventually deciding against the idea I took a deep breath before pushing open the door and stepping inside the house I called home for so many years.

~Guys there are 122 reads right now!! I can't even believe it!!

Thank you so much. If you love something or hate something leave a comment. Also, tell me about yourself! I never in a million years ever imagined this many people would read this book.

Keep reading guys this is only the beginning and the best had yet to come.


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