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It was the day on which Arjun returned. He was greeting the elders at entrance. Subhadra was feeling impatient to talk to him. But she knew that can't be possible so soon. So she left from there silently.

After lunch when all were having their leisure time Subhadra went to meet Arjun.

"Prince, you didn't give any answer to my confession!" She exclaimed, and initiated the conversation.

"I didn't see you after my arrival. I assumed it could be because of your health issues. How's your health now?" Arjun asked with concern to be ensured.

"I am fine now. Prince. When you know about my health disturbances then surely would have known about the reason. Now say your opinion about giving our relationship an acknowledgement in society. "  Subhadra asked with a determined expression to get her answer this time.

" I need a little time, Princess." Arjun answered after silence of sometime.

Subhadra became shocked to react over Arjun's answer. She walked away from there without uttering a single word. She went to her chamber, and locked it from inside. So that no one can witness her breakdown. She sat on floor, and started crying bitterly by hugging her knees, and hiding her face in it.

Subhadra's POV:

How could he say that so calmly? Is that his calmness or coldness? There's just four days left for marriage. He still needs time! What does that mean? It's his indirect no to me. I have decided to fight for my deserving. But when i don't deserve prince Arjun according to him then for whom now will i fight?

POV Ends:

She continued crying as before. Suddenly she heard knock on door. She composed herself fastly, and opened the door. He was none other than Kanha. Subhadra didn't put fake smile on her face in front of Kanha. Because she knew it won't work.

"Why my ladli is looking so distressed? What's bothering you?"  Kanha asked  while caressing her hairs.

"Bhratashri, today my determination to stand for my deserving became dead." Subhadra replied to him with teary eyes.

"The determination which vanishes with a little fluctuations of situations isn't determination, Bhadra. That was just an imposter of determination which we mistook in many times. You decided to fight for deserving. Deserving has association of expectations directly. The stand which is supported by expectations can't withstand hurdles further. Shift your determination from your assumed deserving to your affiliated dedication. Fight for your dedication. No one can defeat you then." Kanha explained to her, and placed a soft kiss on her hairs.

After saying this he parted away in his way, and gave her a gentle smile before leaving. Subhadra was in a thoughtful mood as always.

The day of  marriage was coming nearer. It was the eve before marriage. In these days Arjun tried to talk to Subhadra. But she didn't come out of her chamber much and she had reduced her interactions with others also. So Arjun didn't even a get slight glimpse of single chance to have a talk with Subhadra.

Arjun saw Subhadra was standing in garden alone. He rushed to her immediately to have a talk with her. But suddenly Bhanumati reached to her before him.

"Sakhi, what will you do now?" Bhanumati asked putting her hand on Subhadra's shoulder.

"Didn't prepare myself fully for doing anything." Subhadra replied in a serious tone.

"Tomorrow is your marriage. You didn't do anything to stop marriage till now. It means will you marry prince Duryodhan tomorrow?" Bhanumati asked making Subhadra startled her steps from her place.

"I have an another way to follow."  Subhadra said with a deadly dangerous voice, and went way from there.

Arjun who was hearing their conversation from a little far was holding a horrified expression on his face with Subhadra's words.

"Tomorrow will be the auspicious day for me. It will add happiness of getting my wish of fulfilled. I did my part. Now Gandgar King Shakuni will do the rest." An excitement suppressed voiced whispered after departing of Subhadra from that place.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here in this part?

(2) Any philosophy or moral found here and what's that?

(3) Say about the emotion which you felt heart touching?

(4) Any part you felt related with the twist will be unfolded next?

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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