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Storm doesn't appear out of blue. It gains strength from physiological factors, but it becomes severe to us only due to our ignorance. Like that the storm in Subhadra's heart was on full rage due to Arjun's ignorance. Each time she had indicated him to be opened up to her he escaped. Even he had skipped the chance to console her about his promise to king of Salva.

Entering into the chamber Arjun got a full view of Subhadra's face which holding no expression rather than seriousness. So expected that was to be faced on his part.

"Before me you have the right to speak. Because it was me who hadn't responded when I had the chance," He started the convo.

"Why didn't you tell me that our marriage had a mission? Why didn't you revealed the goals we had to achieve?" She asked with a expression less face.

"According to Shri Sheeshnaag our marriage had to initiate the abolition of years long curse. Even I don't have any idea that through which we have to go to make it accomplish. Kulguru had predicted that it would be you who will lead this process. For this even I had waited for your stand before standing beside you for our marriage," His explanation was responded by her silence.

"I was waiting for appropriate time to reveal everything. But I didn't find any. I admit you indicated one or two times for being opened up. But I wanted to be sure that shouldn't be harsh with you, and in between one or other issue came to front prevention me from doing so," He answered her question in hope of hearing her.

She was still silent. Perhaps she was convincing herself to accept his words.

"Our marriage had a mission. But our marriage wasn't a mission. The time when I came to know that my better half only could put the suffering of my family, of my subjects' into an end from that time I had been loving you without meeting you, even without being sure about existence," The genuineness of his confession offered them a short eye lock session.

"I accept you reason of not disclosing the truth to me. But you didn't even console me when you were departing for Salva! May I know the reason?" She asked the question which kept hurting her during these days.

"I tried. But you denied my initiation. If I had pressurised you in that situation then the rage of your energy which was rising inside at that time could have been uncontrollable. I knew that day you were burning from inside due to the furious stage of your power. I didn't find it safe to make that worse for you by arguing," She chuckled making him wonder about her action.

"You have reason for everything! For making me forward to face the obstacles for being your wife, for not being opened up with me! For leaving me alone to struggle with my inner turmoils!" Her anger started to pick up the pace to proceed towards it's peak.

"Your reasons were reasonable. But had you thought about me siding away your reasons! I too don't have any complain about our marriage. It's so obviously expected from a wife to be an equal partner in each moment, memory and mission of her husband. But that day you didn't console me for considering a reason!" Though he was right at his place she was too stubborn to accept that.

"That reason was about you, Subhi!" He was shocked to see her like that.

He thought that he had to face her objections over the reason of their marriage. If not that then she would be mad at him for hiding the mission of their marriage. But she was bursting  over him for not consoling her over his promise to Salva king! Though her reason wasn't negligible still after several attempts too he failed to convince her.

Finally he had to give up. But he realised an important fact that Subhadra's stubbornness made her energy level reach at the highest peak. Her anger over him out of that stubbornness functions the ups and downs of her energy which was a part of Goddess Aadishakti.

But he was thinking how the curse will be removed. How the divine power of Lord Vishnu will come back in his weapons to make everything fine as before.

Just then he remembered the letter Vasudev sent to him during his departure to Salva. In the letter Vasudev had revealed the secret that Subhadra's spiritual energy will be at the highest when any action of Arjun will activate her stubborn side. But at the same time this process will cause pain to her. Because she has to bear the internal heat of that intense stage when all her energy will be accumulated in her due to being stubborn.

"Maybe soon time will present a chance to settle the puzzled pieces of this story. I never even dreamed any pain for you. But our destiny and destination are too difficult, Subhi!" Glancing at the direction of their chamber for the last time he departed.

He had no idea that his wish from time was going to fulfill really so soon. Even that couldn't wait till the arrival of morning. A shocking yet not so unexpected news reached to Hastinapur in dawn making each member of administration bewildered.

"Finally the time came when prosperity and happiness will grace this land the fullest," Arjun picked up his Gandiv with a hopeful smile, and left towards main entrance.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectations for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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