Seven: Dress

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"Okay!" Hannah hops in place in front of three girls. Scarlett and David's two model friends. "Let the judging begin!" Grace hands each of them the dresses she and Hannah searched for all night. Blush, silky and classy, sweetheart gowns with ruffles down one side. "As soon as you guys put them on, let us know if they're the ones."

"I doubt if they're not, these babies are gorgeous! You chose good, cuz!" Scarlett makes an "ok" hand gesture. The bridesmaids pile into changing rooms down. Grace glares after the two models.

"Just give us a holla! I really wish I could dress shop with you guys. Unfortunately, mine is already on its way," Hannah says sadly. "I also wish Kat could be here too."

"Yeah...she stays so busy studying that it's hard taking the student out of her."

A phone beeps, Grace checks to see if it is hers. "It's me. I bet it's him. I told him not to leave his good shoes in my car; before he forgets, he doesn't listen."

"And he'll never learn, trust me. He's kind of stupid." They crack up in uncontrollable giggles. "Like for real."

"Yeah, but what guy isn't? We're are above them." Hannah winks. "Ttyl!" She leaves the dressing area.

Grace scans if the coast is clear before following after her. She needed to see him. Ever since the other night, she was anxious to be in David's presence again. Even if it was long distance. In the hallway of the shop, she waits until the door snaps shut, then jets down to the entrance and peers through a rectangle window on the door. Outside, stepping from a black car with ease is David. Tall and handsome as he turns up his trench collar to the wind. The couple begins talking and hugging longingly. Her gaze clamp on him, her lids heavy and eyes watery. Fired with desire. Please, be mine? Grace's heart drops. Please?

Hannah unlocks her car door and reaches in to grab the shoes from the back seat. As she does this, out of nowhere, David glances in the shop's direction. Seeing Grace. A slow moment is shared between the two. It seems as if time freezes as they peer at one another. Unreadable eyes sparkle back at her under the moonlight, but hers are like an open book...he had to notice that. Again, their moment fades, he glances away.

"Where's Han-Han? I hollered, but no one answered..." Scarlett pauses, eyeing Grace curiously. "What's up?" The maid of honor twists around to the bridesmaid, who holds up the hem of her dress, black-blue hair pushed to one side.

Grace's expression is glum and sour, but she fixes it. Smiling. "Oh, um, I'm just watching over Hannah, her hubby left his shoes in her car, and now he's here to pick them up." She wonders if her eyes believed the fast lie. If they were still beaming with temptation. Her eyes shift a bit, wavering between solemn and calm. "Okaaay, look at you, I sense another bride comin out!"

Scarlet blushes and waves her hand dismissively. "Oh, stop it!"

"I'm for real. I bet you'll catch the bouquet! I definitely gotta try mine on now, prepare for competition." She jokes as her flats work up the stairs, only to halt, Grace turns. "Could you make sure she gets back in safely?"

Scarlett nods. "Sure."

Back upstairs, Grace unconsciously grabs a dress from a rack and speeds into a dressing room. She rests her forehead on the wall. Upset. Heaving. Tearing up. A cold tingle prickles her chest. "In. Out." Long breaths escape her mouth. "Stop. Okay?" She outstretches her hands, clutching them.

"So, is it a go for the dresses? What'd I miss?" Hannah asks.

"Yep, a total green light. They're super cute and classy! Wait until Harry sees me in it." Scarlett's voice goes silky. "Things will heat up fast. He loves when I wear lady clothes."


Grace slips into the dress and steps out, putting on a fake smile, feeling lower than negative. "Do you like it?"

"OH, MY GOD! YOU LOOK HOT!" Hannah dashes to her, scanning the details of an elegant purple gown. "This so perfect for you. YES, I LOVE IT!" She pins some of Grace's hair up. "Where did you get it from?!"

"I just grabbed it."

"Hashtag random style!" She examines the dress, having no idea of what her dear friend is feeling.

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