Six: Night Out

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Chattering and music travel within a packed bar. Customers gather around a flatscreen tv, watching a football game. Shouting as the announcer bellows dramatically, "Adrian Peterson has the ball!!"

"GO GO!!!!" A few within the crowd chant aggressively. Some people sit at tables, while others play on dartboards that hang on the wall. Eight red darts land on a board, each one hitting its target.

Grace arrived at the bar before her unwanted guest to work out some frustration. So far, all she had managed to do was ruin a dress. She had to pick up the pace. The horrible event was just less than a month away. She wondered why it was happening so soon. Is Hannah pregnant? Oh, God, she better not be!

A red Buick pulls up and parks in front of large windows beside Grace. Her temples throb at the sight of them together. Ugh! Her fist balls up. David and Hannah hold hands as they approach, covered in cheesy, irritating love as they kiss each other's cheeks, chuckling. She wanted to go and rip them apart but decides to keep cool. Grace focuses back on the board and rams three more arrows into it before they enter and see her spiteful demeanor.

"Wow, eleven darts already?! How much did she beat you by, babe?" Hannah asks; from the corner of her eye, Grace spots their two intertwined hands, swinging.

"20 to 9, but I let her beat me, though."

A chill runs down Grace's body as she looks up at a charming face that belonged to a smooth, deep voice. For a split second, she loses herself in hazel eyes and dark skin, remembering faded memories. Recalling slow dancing with him under the moon...kissing him.

"I believe it was 25, and you didn't let me win. You just sucked at it." She smirks.

"Ouch, thanks for letting me down your score just so I can look good, jerk," David replies sarcastically and embraces her. His seamless body connects perfectly in her grooves, chin touching the top of her head. Grace feels his warmth and bites her lip. But the feeling ends fast. He pulls away. No. She would have begged him not to if Hannah wasn't around.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with telling it how it is instead of lying." Her voice hints cleverly, David picks up on her petty jab; his smile loosens a bit.

"I think you just got burned twice, hon." Hannah rolls her sleeves up. "As for me, I'm sure it's a pretty simple game once you get the hang of it."

"One on one, you're on, but I'm warning you now, I won't go easy."

"Wow, some friend you are."

Grace doesn't find this funny. Her serious face takes over. Determined to win the game because it meant more than what it seemed. It would prove that she was better than Hannah. A desperate plan, but hey, I gotta start somewhere. So far, her objective was to show that she was the better option, unlike Hannah, who couldn't even stick a target. Who didn't mean as much to him as I do.

Their match begins. Hannah thud a few darts, which miss the board. With each throw, Grace takes out underlying rage. The first shot; back off bitch! Her mind riles up as a hand whip another dart forward with so much force that her arm jerks back. The second shot; he's mine! Grace places her feet firmly on the floor. The third shot; I love him more!

The match intensifies quickly. Grace's darting skill is relentless while Hannah struggles to make a hit. David sees straight through Grace. A fire lights in her without Hannah even reading it. David watches Grace's movement, seeing her viciousness increase. "We should get something to eat." He intervenes, taking the board down from the wall and hiding his anger with Grace from his fiancé.

"No, be honest, I'm horrible at it." Hannah wraps her arms around his neck. "I didn't even get one. Can you believe that?" She snorts. "Grace is killing it."

"Oh, if you think that was something, it's not. I have done worse to Davy." She uses the nickname Hannah gave him with a sneer.

"Yeah, she's good. But, I had a few wins. I'll teach you some moves, baby."

Hannah drops her arms from around his neck. "Hold that thought, I gotta pee, brb!" She gives David a lingering kiss. Grace's eyes narrow to their hands, departing as her friend jets towards the restrooms. "I'm serious. Don't move a muscle, you guys, a muscle!"

"Okay, we won't." Grace laughs a short, robotic sound. Once Hannah is out of sight, she glances over at David. Inner sparks began to ruffle her stomach...her heart heats up. She secretly inhales his scent. Craving it, remembering it. But David isn't feeling the same. Only anger drives him.

"I saw what you were doing. I thought I told you to drop it. How unclear was I?! You're lucky Hannah didn't catch that."

"LUCKY!? I WAS BEING BOLD AS HELL! It's not my fault she's clueless." Her hands swipe the board from his and pins it back to the wall. "Besides, I'm just getting started."

"Is there anything I can do to make you stop this?"

"No, not unless you dump her ass and stick to the promise you made me. Then I'll be peachy keen." David goes quiet. He drops the meaningless act of reasoning with her. "So, how long are you staying in Chicago?" She lightens her tone.

"Um...well, I'm trying to stay at least until the wedding, but I doubt I can." He plucks darts from the board and hands them to her. "Hannah thinks we can't be apart because it's bad luck."

"And you're okay with her controlling you like that?" Grace aims an arrow, closing one eye to level it accurately. "That's pretty possessive."

"It's not like that."

"I wouldn't treat you like a pet if we were together."

"Listen, you need to stop this!" David steams up.


"YES, YOU DO!" The calmness leaves his voice. "I'm engaged. That's not changing. YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THAT!" A few customers at the bar glance their way. Grace puts the darts down and inches in close, nearly touching his lips. David exhales sharply, staring deeply into her eyes, not drawing back. This makes Grace even more certain.

Oh yeah...I have him still.

"Do I?" So wants to kiss him so badly, her eyes trace his lips, but Grace lets the moment die. She backs away as Hannah makes her way back from the restroom.

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