Twenty Four: For Love And Grace

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Dear Grace,

Remember when I told you that there was no other woman who could replace you? I must admit that you still hold that much importance to me. I made a broken promise, I'm sorry. I should have been careful, it's my fault that this all happened, you're not to blame. There are so many regrets on my mind right now. I didn't live up to what I said. I keep thinking about that one night in that smelly old auditorium and all those lanterns. I can't forget it. Especially the dream about our baby. That familiar, unknown song you sang. I told you before that my mind thought back to that night, because the truth is that I still want it. I went through so much trouble finding those damn lanterns, you wouldn't believe half of it. But it was worth the time. Grace, you're my first, I'm sorry that you weren't my last. Things change, it's natural. So, please don't drift apart from Hannah, instead take your anger out on me.

Please accept that life is unpredictable when it comes to love and know that I adore you still as I've done years ago, and promise me that you'll mend things. Your friend is more hurt than you know, and so are you. Be there for each other, heal together. Don't let this come between you two.

Keep In Touch. Always Yours, David.


Dear Hannah,

I never told you about the day we met, honestly I was too embarrassed to. The truth is that I saw you preparing to sail, that small second lead me to follow you. My mind thought you were a dream, that you were unreal. Even when that was proven false, there was still doubt. I lied and said bird watching made me nearly drown, when really you were the wings that reeled me into the lake. You saved my life, although I knew how to swim, all that knowledge was lost when your soul sheltered me to safety. In my understanding, it was love at first sight. Literally the instant my eyes saw you. So much, that I proposed the same day and was blessed with the understanding that you felt the same.

There was so much more we could have been and twice as much we could have done together. But sometimes there are obstacles we can't control. I should have told you about Grace. It's not only her fault things fell apart. We all have apologies and faults. We all have done harmful things whether we knew it or not, but I ask you to not let this change the relationship you two have. I know that's asking a lot, Hannah, but you're just that great to accomplish fixing it all. Be the amazing, warm, energetic person that I know you are and promise me you'll overcome this.

Keep In Touch. Always Yours, David

Two Months Later...

Holiday music and Christmas decorations fill O'Hare airport. The smell of sugar cookies and coffee. David occupies the second level. In his hand, a phone, on an empty messenger chat. he was waiting on a text, two actually; from both of them. David had set up a meet. Hannah and Grace didn't keep that much in touch with each other. Through short messages over the months, he found this out. He gazes down to the main floor, hundreds of people rush the area. Buying food from side shops. Hurrying to flight doors, rolling luggage. Announcements boom the area. A text bloops:

Grace: I'm here, where are you?

He doesn't text back, instead he watches an arrival entrance and spots Grace exit, she takes a seat at a coffee shop, taking out a laptop, on it is a banquet hall website. Named Y&B. A business idea she made into a reality. Warmth waters his heart at the sight of her. Still so gorgeous, so exciting and determined.

Hannah: Hi, I just landed. Are you on the main floor?

A little later, he discovers Hannah in the busy crowd of jolly people. She sits, not to far from Grace, across at a pizza shop. The girls don't seem to know they're in such close range. That's how he wanted it. Them together in a sense. Both were so beautiful and so in love with him that they forgot themselves. If they saw each other now...he knew just by their body language that it'd be bad. Was it right or wrong for me to walk away?

Grace: ...

He types but erases it. Hannah strolls down with a suitcase at her side. She'd move New York to stay with her mom and ended up snagging a teacher's assistant job, a paraprofessional position. David could picture her enormous heart nurturing special children. It fits her well. Grace glances back in her direction. Did she see her old friend? If so, she didn't care. Then again, there were so many heads bobbing around that it had to be impossible to spot a single person

David leaves to escalators, placing a hand on the machine banister. Then pauses. Even though it was months later, could he face them again? After everything? His shaking hands answered with, no. Two bloops emit from his phone:

Both: Where are you?

He closes his eyes. Why was I stopping? Pain strikes his chest, fear and uncertainty crush him. A dawning realization of this being the best way to last see them before moving on, registers. A plane ticket in his hands reads: Vegas. He sucks in a shuddering breath, watching the girls for a bit before heading away from the escalators to a boarding door. Seated on the aircraft, his fingers pinch at his eyes. The plane's engine rumbles and lets out loud hisses. The city of Chicago gleams brightly from miles away. As he ventures away from two pulsing hearts, he couldn't help but feel remorse, because for now it was...

David: Goodbye.

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