Twenty Three: Walk With Me

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Grace's legs sprint to the park across the street, quickly dodging traffic. Pounding her way to old love which was now rekindled. Cool winds of twilight whip across her face as she treks pass a playground while the moon shines. Her feet beat, her heart's adrenaline rushing. David is asking for me! Her mind celebrates: yes, he has came to his senses!

Grace realizes she was lost. Scarlett hadn't given her the exact location. That bitch did that on purpose. She ends up walking for a while. Circling a few areas twice before deciding to follow her senses instead. Which leads to a bricked path in the center of the park. On a bench in front of a pond, Hannah and David are seated. They were far apart, not side by side as they should have been. They'd been arguing...over what? Over him choosing me instead? Smugness takes over her while approaches them. It bet it's that.

Hannah saw her first but didn't let the stare linger. An evil glint written in her eyes. Still in a wedding dress, the poor little bride steamed. Then David noticed her, his eyes sad. "Walk with me," he demands them and makes his way down the bricked path.

The girls did as he said, knowing that this was one of their moment of bliss. Hannah face drip with tears as she follows, ahead of Grace; arms folded, train dragging on the ground. Am I the chosen one? That was the only explanation as to why Hannah is so mad. The bride glares back at her. They trail after the groom. There was nothing bonding the girls anymore, there was no sign that identified them as best friends anymore. That was destroyed and erased. No love. Lost connection.

"I've known you my entire life, I trusted you more than anyone in the world and you do this! I would have never thought that out of all people living, that you would treat me like this."

Grace laughs hardly. "And how do you think I feel?"

"Don't know, because you don't tell me anything, instead you decided to run around being a backstabbing ho!"


"Yeah, that's what you are. Do you need the definition?" Hannah gets in her face. "David told me everything. About when you called him the day I spreaded the good news, how you basically harassed him-"

"And still you went on with it, you didn't even care about how I felt. I was heartbroken this morning finding out that you pushed my feelings to the side. HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?!!" Hannah slaps Grace, the sound echoes through the park.

David steers between them. "Stop." He huffs. "Shut the hell up and listen, both of you! I don't want to hear it. I made up my mind, so just listen."

"I already know, David, you're choosing her, you don't need to say it, I know."

"No, I'm not." He places a hand in the pocket of his tux.

Grace inhales sharply, her heart sinks in response to what he'd just said. This doesn't make any sense! "I don't...get it, what you mean-" Her lip quivers.

"Come here." He extends both hands out to the girls, who accept, and crosses a bridge over water. At the end there is a gazebo. David guides them inside it. Their feet step together, crunching on leaves, their voices lost. He holds out two letters out. "This is all I can say right now." The old friends stare at one another, lost, then back at him. He kisses their foreheads hastily then gives them the letters. With glossy eyes, he treads away, back down the bricked path. Grace holds her stomach. Hannah's dress blows; the hand that holds the letter, drops to her side. In the distance David turns the corner. Out of sight.

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