Agua's fanfics(2)

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(Again, only people from the rp will understand. Also I was reading through the comments and found this adorable convo

You go Elias, make Candice your beautiful princess! Alright on with the story because I know all of you want to yell at me ;)

Treyden Ship

Jay was calmly roaming Aguas potato fields taking in the fresh air. As usual everyone was being weird, Gabi was acting like a monkey in a tree somewhere in the forest while screaming, Agua was making Candice and Elias mad by obsessively shipping them together, and Trey was swimming without a shirt in the lake. All is normal on this planet.

"Where exactly did Agua find all these potatoes in the first place?" Jay wondered aloud.

"That's a good question." Trey said popping up behind Jay, scaring her in the process.

Jay shreiked and threw a water orb at Trey in self defense. Trey was hit in the face and is soaking wet.

"What did I do to deserve that?" He asked rubbing water out of his eyes.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to not sneak up on people?!" Jay said realizing who had snuck up behind her.

Slowly raindrops started to fall. At first it was only a few and Trey and Jay decided to still roam the potato fields until finally it started to down pour.

"Yeesh it's raining cats and dogs!" Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah but I made a rain umbrella, from the rain. Neat right?" Trey said holding an umbrella made of water. The umbrella was catching the water as it fell keeping Trey dry except his hand that was holding the umbrella.

"Yeah but make it larger because I'm getting soaked!" Jay said adding water to the umbrella so it could fit her under it too.

"Get your own!" Trey said yanking the umbrella away from Jay, and even splashing water on her.

"How, dare, you! You're gonna get it now!" Jay said splashing water at Trey.

They got into a huge fight and by the end both were soaked. They turned back to go home to change into dry clothes.

"Hey why are you guys all wet? Well, I did see you messing around out there so I guess that answers my question, if you know what I mean." Agua said winking before running off to her room cackling.

"I'm gonna do it, I'm going to kill tonight." Trey said taking his shirt off right in the middle of the room and putting on another.

"I'll help, no one will see the body." Jay said going to her room.

She was going in there to read or just do something other than be around everyone.

After awhile Jay heard the small but loud taps of Aguas foot steps go out. Not soon after everyone was shouting at her for a supposed horrible fanfic she wrote up.

This was all to normal for Jay now though so she didn't bother with the drama. All this trip had been was drama after drama. She was done with it.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. Jay looked out of her window and saw that it was night, she had fallen asleep.

"Hey." She said opening the door.

Standing outside of it was Trey. No one else seemed to be awake so it was really strange to see him coming to her room.

"Can I say something before I go murder Agua?" He asked.

"Sure, but are you actually going to murder her?!" Jay asked slightly concerned. Sure Aqua was annoying all the time but getting rid of her would leave an empty hole I the group.

"I'll just tell you but I really like our fights and arguments. There I said it." Trey said and then Jay say Elias down the hall watching in the darkness. She looked even closer and saw Agua even further down the hall.

"We're being watched." Jay said, already knowing her face was beet red from Trey's compliment. She had no clue how to take it.

"Of course, let me in then, they can't get over here without being heard so this is the best option." Trey said.

Jay let Trey in and closed the door behind him. She almost thought she heard a sigh of disappointment when she closed the door.

"So uh, that compliment. That's, nice." Jay said as Trey made himself at home in her room.

"Yeah, it's nice to get compliments though. Got any for me?" He asked as if it were a challenge.

Jay knew she was basically a glowing red light in the darkness and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Um, let me think." Jay said while going through every outcome and option through her head like a maniac. This was just to much information to process.

"No worry take your time." Trey said laying on her bed.

Jay didn't know what to say so she panicked, "I like you too." She said without realizing what she had said. It was too late though, she was already dead.

"Nice to know, now don't let Agua know about any of this." Trey said rolling and over and falling asleep in her bed.

This was just great. Trey was in her bed sleeping and she basically just told him about her crush on him. This is horrible.

Or maybe not. Maybe it was a good thing that she was just over thinking.

She decided to just get in bed and fall asleep as if he wasn't even there. Although that hard to do when he rolled over and started hugging her.

What made it even worse was that appearently Agua had been there as she could hear a snicker as Agua ran off. Trey clearly heard it too.

"One day I will in fact kill her, wether you like it or not." He mumbled angrily.

Just leave it to Agua to make things weird. It didn't matter though, Jay had already fallen asleep peacefully in Trey's arms as she listened to the pitter patter of the raindrops outside.

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