Some Weekend Thoughts

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I had a lucid dream last night and it was great. It started off in a field, maybe a soccer field I can't remember. Then I had a loose tooth and spat it out. I thought to myself I should probably tell my mom that I lost a tooth and somehow that made me realize I was dreaming and so I shouted "IM DREAMING!" really excitedly because I'm finally having a lucid dream which I haven't had in awhile.

Since I still had the faulty teeth from the dream before I spat them all out, which is weird but eh, it's a dream. I had to decided what I wanted to dream about so after some thinking I finally chose a topic.

It was so nice. It was dark with only the white glow of a street lamp and I'm not sure where I was. It might've been under the bleachers at the football field or somewhere completely different but it was definitely night. There might also have been rain but Idk nor do I care. It felt so real that I forgot it was a dream. I think I ended up falling asleep and that's how I ended up in a different dream. But not before anything happened.

The second dream was weird and so was the third. Yes I have multiple dreams a night sometimes and I can remember them as whale.

I woke up really tired but happy. I sat up and just started fantazing as a cute one shot cuz that's what I do.

I would also like to say I went to Tim Hortons again and got Timbits and it was great because I saw a caterpillar that was really fuzzy and cute so I rescued it from the road and put it back to the grass. I also saw a friend outside of school and actually waved so I was feeling pretty socially fulfilled and did not feel guilty at all when I binged the entire season 3 of the Seven Deadly Sins in just two days with at least an hour break included.

On Friday I forgot my Viola at school but honestly idgaf cuz honestly, I haven't practiced at all this year and yet I'm doing just fine I'm orchestra. But I had a bus driver from hell after school who came late and was at the back of the bus line but when I went done there that son of Bish was not there! So I walked all the way to the front thinking I walked past it which I had not so I had to ask another bus driver where TF my bus was and I was starting to panic and have an anxiety attack but turns out she was alllll the way at the end and had just arrived.

It did let me start an actual conversation though so I'm proud I can converse with people one on one when in a peaceful setting without wanting to flee. Baby steps, baby steps is all it takes.

On Thursday I ran into a wall during gym as whale and might have gotten one of those hairline fractures that you don't need a doctor for on my pinky because someone yeeted a frisbee past everyone and I was in the back trying to act like I was participating. I didn't expect I would have to participate so it caught me off guard but despite my brain being logical and saying we should fake trying my body said "I GOT THIS!" and yeeted itself into the wall. Great job.

I got a pretty blue purple and red bruise from it on my pinky finger on my left hand so writing became hell and so did typing along with playing the viola so that fun.

Also only one chapter remains of this book and you better bet I'm making another one of these. Maybe I should gather all the unreleased chapter and sum them up for a grand finale to my life. Since I've had this book for over a year which is really weird to me since I can't commit to anything(as we've all seen with my other books).

Oh whale it's raining and thundering outside and I wanna look out the window to see the rain and just to think thinks that I can think of while I'm in the mood of thinking thinks.

Cya y'all in the last chapter of this book although probably only about three people actually read this, lemme tell you, you da best and deserve a hug! You get all the wholesome memes! High five! Potatoes and cats! 🥔😺🥔😺🥔😺🥔😺🥔🐱🥔😺🥔😺🥔🐱🥔😸🥔😸🥔😸🥔🐱🥔😺🥔🥔😺🥔🐱🥔🥔🐱😸🥔🥔🥔😺🥔🐱🥔🥔😸🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

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