Bonus Chapter

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"Dad, mom see she is holding my Pinky finger!" Little Shadow exclaimed seeing how tight Annie's hold was around his finger.

"She already loves you son. You are now a big brother and from it's your  responsibility to protect your baby sis from all the upcoming danger." Adrian spoke.

"I will with my life!" He kissed her cheeks and sat beside her making sure he doesn't wake her up.

"Shadow I will be in my office and your mom is downstairs, if you need us." Adrian spoke while Shadow nodded absentmindedly as his full attention was on Annie who was sleeping soundly.


"Dow..!!" Annie squealed as soon as she saw Shadow entering inside the house.

"Nutella!" He pulled her into hug. Shadow had given Annie a nickname as Annie was crazy about Nutella.

"I missed you." He kissed her cheeks earning giggle from her.

"I miii..too" She copied him by kissing his cheeks and nuzzled into him wrapping her arms around his neck.

Since the day Annie was born, Shadow and Annie were inseparable. Annie couldn't sleep without Shadow beside her. Shadow on the other hand had turned quite possessive about her, he wouldn't let any boy come near her and if anyone tries to his one glare was enough for them to pee in their pants.
Annie was his world and he loved her to the core.


"Please don't go Dow, I promise I would be good girl!" Annie cried hugging him while Shadow maintained cold face , trying not to break down.

"Princess your brother will be back soon. He is gonna be alpha so he needs training baby." Adrian picked Annie in her arms trying to pacify her who was busy sobbing.

"No, I will go with him!" Annie wriggled out of Adrian's arms and ran towards Shadow clutching him tightly as if he would vanish away in thin air.

"Annie dear it's time to say goodbye to your brother. He will be back within few months." Myla said trying to make her stubborn daughter understand. Myla, Shadow and Annie's mother,mate to Adrian and Luna of Black Moon Pack.

"Dow, take me with you. I will not do any mischief!" She cried not wanting to be seperted from her brother.

"Shh..listen Nutella, He cupped her cheeks wiping her tears. I know you will be good girl but I cannot take you with me. I promise to return as soon as possible and here take this", he passed her a gift box. Annie opened it to find flower seeds in it. She looked up to Shadow for answer.

"Plant one everyday in our garden and I promise the day you plant the last seed will be the day you'll find me beside you."

"Pinky promise?" She forwarded her pinky finger .

"Promise" he joined his finger with her. It was hard for him to leave her but he knew if he wants to protect her baby sister from every upcoming danger he needs to be ready and for that he needs training.

Pecking her forehead and hugging his parents he walked out of house without looking back as he knew if he looked back he won't be able to go. His hands clutched tightly as he heard Annie's sobs. It pained him knowing he was the reason behind her tears. With heavy heart he left for the camp with determination to come back being better and stronger.


"Mumma, this is the la..t eed left. Dow promise me he will come tonay. A permanent smile adored her face as her wait was finally going to be over . Shadow was coming back after a whole year.  (Mumma, this is the last seed left. Dow promised ne that he will come today.)

"Yes baby girl. Now come, let's get you ready" Myla picked her daughter in his arms and made way towards her room.

"I" Annie pointed towards the blue frock.

"My baby loves blue!" Myla kissed her cheeks and moved towards bathtub to give her bath.

"Aww, you look beautiful princess." Adrian exclaimed as soon as Myla walked down the stairs with Annie in her arms .

"Dada.." She opened her arms indicating him to pick her in his arms which he gladly did.

"Dow Dow!" She asked pointing towards the door .

"Patience baby, he will be here anytime." Adrian carressed her back as she kept looking towards door without blinking. He knew how much Annie has missed Shadow.

"Alpha we are under attack!" Exclaimed beta running inside, trying to regulate his breathing.

"Myla take kids and other ladies in safe room." Adrian ordered passing Annie to Myla. Everyone was rushing here and there, warriors got ready for fight and rushed outside. Annie nuzzled into her mother's arms knowing something was wrong.

Mother's made sure to keep their kids distracted with the toys. Myla made sure everyone was here and safe when all of sudden a loud bang startled everyone.

The door opened with a bang and few rogues rushed inside , kids screamed in fear, mother's stood in between as a shield . Everything happened in a blink of eye,

"Mumma...." Annie shouted as one of the rogue grabbed her. Before he could move away with her, a knife struck his heart killing him at very moment.

Annie screamed looking at now dead rogue, "Shh..Nutella. I'm here." Was the only thing she heard before loosing her conscious.


Few incidents of Annie and Shadow's childhood before starting the story. I hope you guys liked the protective Shadow and princess Annie's bond.

From next update the real story would begin, that is, now Annie would no longer be a baby but a gorgeous yet feisty teen.

I am sure you guys are excited as much as I am. Buckle up your seats and Stay tuned!

Shadow - Elder brother.
Myla- Mother

New character will be introduced as and when needed.

Do read, vote and comment.

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