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(Annie's pov)

"Hey Mrs.Rosewood how is Marlo?" I asked as I stopped by her bakery to buy some items .

"Happy as always!" She exclaimed passing me the essentials. Marlo is her one year old kid, quite adorable.

"Keep the change." I waved her a goodbye and continued walking towards pack house.

"Dow I'm back!" I shouted as soon as I entered inside.

"I'm glad you are safe." He kissed my forehead wrapping me into a hug. It's been 10 years since that rogue incident and from that day Shadow had turned quite protective towards me. He would worry for small things like me going to high school without any guards. It's not that I don't like but it's just he needs to understand that he have to leave some things on me to solve.

"What's running inside your mind ?" He asked as we settled ourselves on the couch.

"Nothing, I'm just waiting for the day you meet your mate and you'll leave me one!" I teased.

"Over my dead body!" I smacked him not liking everytime he talks about death.

"Anyways, your birthday is next week and what gift would you prefer babe?" Oh yes! It completely got out my mind. Finally I'm gonna turn 16 and I'll be able to meet my mate. Who would it be? On scale of 1 to 5 how good looking would he be? Looks doesn't matter but I prefer guys having blue eyes with sexy beard.

"Down to earth Nutella!" Shadow's voice broke my trance. I sighed knowing I have to wait for a week or even months or even years to meet my mate. I shook my head trying to ignore the negative thoughts.

"Annie!" Door opened with a bang making me jump at my place while in an instance Shadow stood before me like a shield.

He stepped back seeing the person was none other than my best friend Grace.

"Get up , get up!" She jumped up and down trying to make me stand .

"What now?" I asked facing her  .

"We are going to the new club" she pulled me upstairs to my room and rushed inside my closet to find the perfect dress for evening.

"Too boring, umm..nahh, already wore before.. nope! Don't you have anything party type in your closet? My neat and clean room was now in mess. Yes, I found the perfect pair for tonight." She walked out with booty shorts and strapless red hot top.

"Are you sure it's not too much?" I asked looking at the dress in her hand to which she gave me are you serious look ?

I walked inside my bathroom for a quick shower before wearing the clothes.

"Hurry up! Vicky is gonna be there too!" She gushed ,continuing to do my hairs and make up. Vicky is soon to be Gamma. Everyone thinks that me and him will end up being mate but I know we won't!

"Girls, we are gonna be late!" Shadow knocked on the door. He agreed to go with us at club , nobody can say no to Grace's puppy eyes.

"Coming!" I replied as we walked out.

*Whistle , "someone is looking hot!" Vicky walked inside with a smug face taking me into a hug.

"Let's go !" We nodded and settled ourselves inside the car.

We walked inside club to find it jam pack. Now don't ask how underage are allowed in club! Perks of being daughter of Alpha;)

"I'll get the drink!" Vicky said to which I nodded.

"Shadow went away with some blonde girl while Grace walked to the dance floor. I sat near the bar waiting for Vicky.

"Here's your drink gorgeous!" He passed me my glass.

"Thank you!" I closed my eyes relishing the tangy yet sweet taste of fruit punch. Yeah! No alcohol allowed till I reach legal age, strict orders from dad.

"Mate!" I heard and looked beside to find Shadow looking straight towards a girl who was wearing sliver mini skirt and crop top , she had her back facing us. I smiled seeing Shadow moving towards her. Finally he met the one he was waiting for patiently.

I was surprised when that girl literally jumped on my brother and attacked his lips. Gosh! I turned around not interested in watching my brother making out with his mate.

Oops! I stumbled back trying to get hold of something. Why do I feel everything is spinning? Did someone spike my drink? But drugs aren't powerful and doesn't stand chance with werewolf system  then why am I feeling  so dizzy? Was the first thing crossed my mind.

"Woah! Annie are you okay?" Vicky grabbed my shoulders while I grabbed him trying to stand straight.

"I don't know, I feel dizzy!" I exclaimed not knowing what is wrong with me.

"I'll take you home, come on." He said

"Hmm" I hummed not having any energy to speak.

He helped me settle inside the car, I closed my eyes feeling all drowsy.  A weird feeling churned in my stomach a bs I quickly asked Vicky to stop the car.

I ran out and vomited the contents. "Oh shut! Blood, Annie we need to go to pack hospital right now." I could hear fear and sorry in his voice.

"Annie, please stay awake!" Was the last thing I remember before loosing my conscious.


I woke up to find myself on hospital bed. I looked around to find Shadow sleeping on couch and wait there was a girl too! Omg! Isn't she his mate? All events of yesterday came crashing down my mind. I felt weak, as if an elephant had walked upon me.

"Dow!" I whispered and in next second I was in his arms. His arms were the most safest place in the world.

"You know you were unconscious since past 3 days. " My eyes turned wide listening to him. I just nuzzled into his arms speaking nothing. Then my eyes caught the girl standing behind looking all akward.

I passed her a smile . She understood the meaning behind the smile and came and sat next to Shadow.

"Annie, meet my mate Phoenix and Phoenix, Annie my Nutella." I forwarded my hand but to my surprise she hugged me.

"It's nice meeting you Annie but I'm sorry for the circumstances."

"Same here. Well I'm glad you both found each other. Mind telling me from which pack you are? Actually never saw you here before!" I asked .

"Silver Blood Pack"  A shiver ran down my body listening to it.

..... To be continued.

Grace  - Annie's best friend
Vicky- soon to be Gamma, best friends to Annie and Grace.
Phoenix- mate of Shadow

Finally, Shadow met his mate Phoenix.

What happened to Annie? Did someone try to kill her?

Phoenix is from 'Silver Blood Pack'! Does it ring any bell in the mind?

To know what happens next, Stay tuned.

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