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"I want to give us an another chance" He spoke. Wait! Did I hear it correct?

"Huh! What made your 'stay away from me' perspective change?" I asked

"I wanted to disclose the reason why I act such a jerk, cold towards you. I know the reason won't justify my behaviour but for starting afresh I want to clear the foggy air between us.

I was eight, when one night I woke up with a nightmare. I walked towards my parents room as I was scared. As I got down the last step, I heard shouts of my mom. I ran towards her room to find her shouting in pain. I didn't knew what was wrong with her.

I ran towards her, she hugged me still whimpering in pain.

"Mom, what is happening?"

"Nothing my child, it's just normal." She was so much in pain.

As I grew up, , I came to know the real reason behind her pain. My so called father would have sex with another she -wolfs and everytime he did, the other mate that is my mom would suffer from endless pain!

I gasped , how can one be so cruel to his mate. I could see anger burning in his eyes.

He continued it for several years and one day when I was back from the school, I saw him pointing silver knife at my mother who was whimpering in pain on the ground,she had cuts on her skin, blood was splattered around. I still remember, at that point I could all see was red and in swift second, I grabbed knife from his hand and pushed it in his heart.

I loathed him for the person he was, for what he did to my mother and I wasn't even cent percent guilty for what I did. I saw my mother suffer for so many years and that day the last string of my patience broke!

As I said earlier, I too wanted a mate but I feared what if I turned to be like my father, what if I heart my mate? I am a monster Annie, people fear from me, I kill rogues without giving them chance to speak, I am a demon in this world where an angel like you wouldn't want to live!

I know , me pushing you away is hurting you as much but I'm just looking for you. I don't want you to be heartbroken just like my mom was."  He walked out of the room slamming the door behind. I sat at the same position trying to grasp everything he said.

"Annie, we have to mend him. He thinks that he will hurt us , he fears what if he turns out like his father. I want mate. Go after him!" Selena spoke.

I walked out of tge room towards ours, I entered in to find him nowhere and just running water was heard. I sat on his bed waiting for him to come out. I was having mixed feelings right now, I was happy that he opened up to me and is ready to give us a chance, angry that how dare he take decision himself for us and sad that he had to suffer so much since childhood.

My thoughts broke as his musky yet woody scent hit me. He might have known till now that I'm here.

He walked out only with towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets slide down his chest followed by eight pack abs, huh! Somebody please turn on the AC.

"AC is already on!" He spoke while I smacked myself forgetting to block him.

"But I still feel so hot, Alpha!" I spoke seductively walking towards him. I could smell his arousal so could he.

"I know you want me so bad Shiv.., I traced my fingers on his abs, I know you are trying hard to control yourself and your wolf. My hands were now running up and down his chest, I smirked seeing his lust floating in his eyes, I want you really bad Alpha" I whispered in his ears and next second he wrapped his hands around my waist and bit on my mark sending waves of pleasure through my body. I caught his shoulder for support, he continued sucking my mark, god! Why did it have to be mates weak point.

Oh my god! "Oh"...I moaned as he tortured me while sucking my mark, I knew he was enjoying my helplessness , he was doing it purposefully. Just wait for the day I mark you, you will taste your own medicine.

My back touched the soft mattress and my hands pinned at either side of the bed, he smirked before biting me on another side of the neck. Holy Shi*! Both pleasure and pain hit me like waves. I withered under him trying to push him but he was too strong for me. I screamed in ecstasy, I could feel my eyes closing in tiredness and last thing I heard was "sleep mate" with a kiss on forehead.

I woke up feeling fresh, and then it striked me, I quickly rushed towards mirror and saw no mark in my another shoulder. Freakin was that my dream? Did I just see an erotic dream where me and Shivaay!!! I could feel my cheeks heating up with just a mere thought. Lately, me and my wolf have turned quite horny.

But was Shivaay asking us to give another chance was a dream too? No, It can't be. Last thing I remember was Shivaay walking out, slamming the door behind . This cannot be my dream. I quickly changed into another clothes and walked out of the room in search of Shivaay.

"Morning Luna," Om wished as soon as he saw me.

"Morning Om, have you seen Shivaay?" I asked.

"Yes, he is having breakfast with the King in dining area."

"Thank you" I walked in the dining area when all of sudden my hands caught arrow just before it could touch my eyes. be continued.


Did Shivaay really ask for second chance or was it Annie's dream?

Who dared to attack Annie that to inside the castle?

To know what happens next, Stay tuned.

Sorry for updating so late family, my exams are in next few days so I'm busy with studies.

Thank you for your patience and I would try to update in between my free time.

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