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"Morning Luna," Om wished as soon as he saw me.

"Morning Om, have you seen Shivaay?" I asked.

"Yes, he is having breakfast with the King in dining area."

"Thank you" I walked in the dining area when all of sudden my hands caught arrow just before it could touch my eye.

"Guards!" King shouted while I looked at the direction from which the arrow came.

"Are you okay?" Shivaay asked grabbing my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I looked at arrow and saw a small paper wrapped at end of it.
It read,

"I know you are behind me but I'm always ahead of you! Watch your back, I'm coming!"


"BM as in Blackmart?" Om asked looking at the initials.

"There are two possibilities here, first, he is alive and second, someone else is using his name to deviate us and take revenge!" King Stephan said.

"King, we caught the guy who dared to attack Luna Annie!" One of the warrior spoke bowing.

"Good, I'll personally interrogate him if you don't mind Stephan!" Shivaay asked.

"Not at all Shivaay, he is all yours" we resumed our breakfast but one thing was constantly revolving in my mind that how did that person entered inside castle even with high security. Do we have a traitor inside?

"King, where is Amber?"

"She would be in playroom with kids." I nodded and stood up taking my plate to sink.

"Luna, let me grab this from you." Mary asked forwarding her hand to take the plate.

"No Mary, thank you. I will take it from here and yes pancakes were yummy."

"Thank you Luna ." She bowed. Washing my hands, I walked towards playroom and heard giggles and laughter coming from inside.

"Aww, my babies" I cooed as soon as I stepped inside. Prince was crawling around while Amber was feeding Princy.

Prince raised his hands indicating to grab him. Not to lie but I had become quite attached with the kids especially Prince.

"My Prince is looking so handsome." I blew some kisses on his chubby cheeks and earned giggles in return.

Later Princy and Amber joined us and we started playing until the babies felt asleep.

"Finally, little muckchins are asleep. Gosh! I'm tired." Amber slumped on nearby couch.

"It must be tiring to handle two kids and kingdom at same time!"

"Yes but not always. I'm glad they are well behaved and regarding kingdom it's my duty to protect my people."

"That's what I admire about you."

"Annie, mind asking me if everything is okay between you and Shivaay?"

"He said he want to give us a second chance."

"That's great to hear." She hugged me.

"What did you say?"

"I don't know what happened yesterday but I kinda had a dream yesterday!" I blushed not able to get that out of my mind.

"I see which dream are you talking about babe!" She raised her eyebrows with a playful smirk.

"It's not like I don't wanna give us another chance, but I fear what if he behaves the same way in future?"

"Why are you stressing on future when you have a present to focus on. Trust me Annie every action and reaction of today will affect future. If he is asking for second chance, go for it, this is the time to fulfill all your fantasies about getting pampered by mate, feeling love and care and everything you have dreamt of since you were a teen. And if Shivaay dares to hurt you again, I'll personally come to kick his as*!" I chuckled and hugged her.

She is like an elder sister I always wanted. Later , I walked back in room to find Shivaay already present there busy talking on the phone.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking at the worry lines on his forehead.

"Yes, just a rogue problem." I hummed.

"Did the person we caught spoke up?"

"Not yet! But he will. Umm, Annie what have you thought about us?" He ran hands through his hair feeling akward.

"Is the big bad alpha stuttering? I teased , I thought about it and I'm ready to give us a chance..a smile broke on his lips, but I have a condition, I spoke".


"If you break my heart, I'll break your bones!" I said in a serious tone. He nodded and grabbed me into a hug.

"I promise I won't hurt you now or never. I will gain your trust mate." He kissed my forehead indirectly sealing his promise.

"Shivaay I feel there is an intruder among us." We still had our arms wrapped around each other.

"I feel so, because how can someone enter inside the castle having tight security. Don't worry, I have already talked about this with Stephan and he is working on it."

My stomach grumbled making us break the hug.

"Let's feed you something first "He entwined our hands and we walked downstairs hand in hand. I looked at him to which he looked at me and passed an alluring smile. I felt butterflies attacking my stomach. Gosh! This is the first time he smiled , infront of me.

After having lunch we made our way down the dungeons, first Shivaay was adamant of not taking me with him but after lot of pestering he agreed. As soon as we step inside, smell of blood and rot hit us. I scrunched my face not liking it.

"Josh did he speak out?" Shivaay asked to King Stephan's second in command.

"No Alpha he didn't!"

"Let me handle it from here, you can go." Josh went away not before bowing towards me.

"You will stay here!" I pouted but nonetheless agreed.

I looked around to find most of the cells empty , compared to ours, here they had windows that let sunlight enter inside.

After what seems enternity, Shivaay walked out with blood splatter on his clothes and body.

"Did you just kill him?"

"Nope, he needed to be taught a lesson!"

"You smell gross, go and shower first." He chuckled and nodded.

"Did he revealed the mastermind's name?"

"Yes, Blackmart!"

........screen paused.


Is Blackmart really alive?

Everything seems confusing, let's see how Werewolves and Vampires together solve this mystery.

Next few chapters, you guys will see romance between our Alpha and Luna. I know how impatiently you guys are waiting for it.

To know what happens next, Stay tuned.

My exams are starting from next week till end of December and I won't be able to update any books but if I get some free time in between, I'll surely do that.

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