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                    Enjoy reading guys

Annie's pov

I walked out wearing a bathrobe after taking a hot shower. Shivaay had yet not arrived, I sat in front of mirror and grabbed my moisturizer , applying it on my hands and legs.

"I love this smell." Shivaay walked inn, I gasped as he pulled me into his arms.

I caught his shirt material in my fist as he nuzzled into my neck kissing my mark. My breath hitched as I remembered last night's dream. Before I knew, we were already on our bed with him on my top. He kissed me to which I kissed him back, pulling him closer by his neck. We broke the kiss being breathless. In next moment, my bathrobe was in two pieces, both on either sides of the room.

"Will you be mine forever? Will you let me worship your soul tonight? Let me show you what you have yearned for all these years, he cupped my cheeks looking straight into my eyes.

"I..I'm sorry but I need time Shivaay. It's just been a day I have accepted to give us a chance and all I'm just saying is I need time." I felt guilty as he looked hurt but he needs to understand it and earn it from me.

"I understand, I'm sorry to rush you into these things." He apologized quickly moving to his side of bed.

"Good night!" I wished getting inside covers.

"Good night" he pulled me closer in his arms. I could hear his heartbeat that worked as lullaby making me escape in world of dreams.


Darn! What is this place? Everything was dark around, it looked like a cave, a weird feeling ran down my body, this place gave me a creepy wine. As I walked ahead slowly trying not to trip I smelled blood all around. A stinking smell indicated dead bodies around, my heart raced ,hands started sweating. Where the hell I am? After what felt eternity, I walked out only to gasp looking at scene in front of me.
My legs wobbled, I caught support of nearby cave wall as the scene in front literally made ground beneath me slip.

Trees in front had dead bodies hanging on them, the place was surrounded by blood and bone remains, body parts were scattered around. I had urge to vomit, my eyes gulped the dreadful scene , my mind completely blank at the moment. 

Gripping my fear, I walked ahead in hope to find a way out of this hell, "Welcome to my hell Luna Annie, I see you made it till here." A rasped yet creepy voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned around to find a shadow walking out of dark. I gasp looking at him, he was like 6.5 with broad shoulders and good muscles looking no less than a ring fighter but what surprised me more is a long scar running down his eyes down the chin and his small yet yellow teeth and not to forget a dirty smug look on his face. The aura around him shouted danger. 

"Who are you and how do you know me?" I asked being confident trying not to fumble on words. 

"It's honor to meet a werewolves protector." He spoke. I wanted to wipe that smirk from his face. 

"I don't like to repeat myself, who are you and how do you know so much about me?" This time my voice came out with more authority and I could see a surprise emotion crossing his face which he quickly masked it.

"Who doesn't know about you? It's in history that whenever there was a war between supernatural world, werewolves protector were born . It's not the first time we are getting  privilege to kill werewolves protector and other species."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you see the bones, ashes and rotten fleshes around they are none other than past werewolves protector and other special species which moon goddess had sent down to earth in order to protect werewolves but poor them, they had to die !" He laughed. I just couldn't believe my ears.

"You are Blackmart?" 

"Uh-huh! I'm just a slave to my master. " 

"Why am I here and how did I end up here?" 

"Have you heard curiosity kills the cat, no wait- curiosity kills the wolf!"

"Count you days Mr.Whosoever because soon you are gonna die!" I warned.

"Nice joke Luna, I'm alive since past 500 years and nobody could kill me not even moon goddess herself and you think you can kill me, Huh!" he scoffed. 

"Nobody is immortal and devil like you should be burnt alive" I had anger empowering my mind. 

"Cut the crap and listen to me, I have bought you here and don't worry I'm meeting you in your dream. I'm here to warn you , count your days wolf because soon I'm gonna kill all 3 of you and hang your bodies just like them." He pointed towards tree. 

"This time it would be reverse. I won't let history repeat itself not till I'm alive. " And last thing I saw before everything went dark is a golden glow in middle of his chest.


I woke up with a beeping sound, I looked around to find myself in hospital ward. Why do I always wake up here? But wait, what happened to ,me? As far as I know I'm all fit and fine. 

"Shivaay" I opened my mind-link trying to contact with him.

"Annie is that you?" He reverted.

"Yes and what am I doing on..." Before I could complete door burst open and Shivaay walked inside engulfing me into a bear hug.

"I'm glad you are fine. It's been a whole day you were asleep and when I tried waking you up you didn't respond so we brought you here and doctors decided to keep you under observation." He answered my unasked questions. Soon King Stephan and Queen Amber walked in followed by Om.

"We were so tensed. Thank goddess you are fine." Amber engulfed me into a hug.

"I'm all fine and I need to discuss something very important with you guys but first get me damn food, I'm starving!" I pouted and other chuckled.

.... to be continued.


Hola amigos! It's so good to be back. I'm so glad my exams are over and now I can write and update in peace. Thank you for been such a cooperative and patient reader. 

What will be Blackmart"s next move?

Who is the guy Annie met in her dream? 

What will Annie do now? She haven't received her powers yet and is already being warned with threat.

To know what happens next, Stay tuned.

                                                          Do read, vote and comment.


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