It Won't Last....

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Dan's P.O.V.

I'm waiting for the Meet n' Greet to start and I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I want to get to know her. So I ask her if she wants to join us behind the table while we sign books. When she agrees, I do a little happy dance in my head. When she sits down her bracelets move and I see the cuts and Burns on her wrist.  This lovely girl shouldn't have to do that. But there's got to be a reason why she does it. I'm hoping to find out that reason today. Or someday.

Taylor's P. O. V.

It's not going to last, you're a fuck up and he's the most perfect man in the world. You'll no doubt screw this up like you do everything else. You should just leave now before you screw up everything.

Dan looks over at me during the whole signing and smiles at me from time to time. Its nice for a change l, you know? Being the one receiving the smile. Usually when I smile at people, they give me the stankiest look in human existence. I can't help but wonder why Dam picked me. Me? Of all people. There are many pretty girls in this world. But one of them isn't me. I'm the grossest thing that had ever stepped foot on this planet. I haven't the slightest why he picked me. Maybe he just wants to show everyone at the signing what someone as gross as me looks like so that they know to stay away. Yeah that's probably eat it is. That's why he keeps smiling at me. He has a plan. And it's a good one for sure.

A/N: So I wanted to put up a shirt little part just to hold you guys over until I get my phone it tablet back. Thabk you to everyone who's reading my other stories. It means a lot to me. So if you could just give this one a chance that would be great. I love you my beautiful lovelies. Stay strong. <3 You guys are all amazing human beings. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Gobble gobble!!!

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