Why Me?

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Taylor's P.O.V

I still don't understand why he asked me to be up here. Maybe he just wants to make fun of me. It wouldn't be the first time. But somehow I feel like he wouldn't do that. I should just be glad that I got to see him more than two seconds like every other fan. He's so tall and handsome. And Phil is too. I love them both.

"Hey, Um I forgot to ask your name. I'm so sorry." Dan says during a break from the signing.

"It's Taylor. And don't apologise. It happens."

"So how long have you been a fan?"

"Ever since Phil first started his channel. And then when you started yours. I've been with you the whole time, haha."

"Oh,wow. I'm honoured. Such a pretty girl, a fan of us. And you're not freaking out being near us either. You're different. I'm intrigued."

I blush when he calls me pretty.

"I'm really not all that interesting. Just another fan I guess."

"I know that's not the case, Taylor."

"Why are you so hopeful?"

"I'm not hopeful because I know that it's true."

"Okay, whatever you say, boss."

This is going to be very interesting. I wonder what'll happen next. Maybe I'm dreaming. I should pinch myself to make sure. Ouch. Definitely not dreaming.

Phil's P.O.V

I'm curious as to why Daniel brought this girl up here with us. She is pretty, definitely. But somehow I have a feeling that that's not the main reason my best friend brought her up here.

"Hey Taylor?"

"Yeah, Phil?"

"Do you want to come have dinner with us after the signing?"

"Um yeah that would be great!"

"Alright. We're almost done. You must be exhausted. It's quite tiring being up here. And boring if you're not doing anything."

"I'm doing something. I'm receiving dirty looks and gestures from some of your fans!"

"Oh no, really? Don't worry about it. They're just jealous as to why you're up here with us. The next time one looks at you badly, let me know and I'll say something."

"Phil, you're so precious. You're super sweet. Thank you."

"You're very welcome, Tay. Is it alright if I call you that?"

"Yes it's fine Phil." I say with a giggle.

A/N: Sorry for the long length of time between updates. It won't happen again. I'll try to update each chapter on a certain day every week as to keep a schedule. Thank you all for reading and sticking with me, and stay perfect my lovelies!

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