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Written by angelshiva
Winner: The WARRIORS OF INK Contest - SET 1 (Category: 2-4 years)


"Just touch my soul
Kiss my scars,
Hum with me
The mellifluous timber of vows
Ooh Darling,
Please! Heal my heart. "

Scars are the part of our life but what matters is the purest soul hiding behind that blemished heart.

He was the broken heart with bruised past and she was a cheerful girl.

If he was the withered root then she was a Blooming flower.

If his past was the bed of thrones stinging his heart then her spirit was a garden of lavenders -- full of innocence and purity healing his wounds.

This is the story of Arnik meeting his lavender garden - Pearl Amble.

Will she be the healer to his wounded heart?

Will he be able give himself a chance?



"Arnik, Arnik...", Aunt was yelping for me. I could feel that inflating tension in her voice but I couldn't stop there. I just couldn't , it's eating me up. I just want to run, run and reach somewhere farthest from this place. Being here is suffocating, "Why always me? Why was he there? After so many years, We met and like this!! Why??" I yelled, looking up at sky as if complaining to the God.

Wiping away my tears, I gathered myself and ran towards the orphanage - my peaceful home. Till yesterday, I used to ask God, "Why you took her away? You could have taken me too. At least then I wouldn't be an orphan, a boy to be looked at with pity", Irony and today I am finding this place peaceful like wrapping me in a cozy warmth of affinity.

Chuckling at my own thoughts I just entered my room and turned to lock the door but stopped mid way, "I shouldn't, it will just increase her worries", mumbling my thoughts out, I left the door unlatched and tucked myself in the blankets.

Closing my eyes, I tried to grab some peace in the sleep. Snickering on my own thoughts, I mumbled, "Urgh!! You need to get this out of your mind Arnik."

But to whom I was trying to fool, as the moments passed the tears make its way through my cheeks. That haunted images, that past shadows still follow me. Even if I try to get rid of it founds a way to knock the door to that painful memories. Why is fate so cruel? Is it to everyone or am I special one? These thoughts always surfaces my mind and I think I am the only one.

"Arnik, Arnik baby...", I wiped my tears hurriedly and laid down burying my face in the pillow. I can hear the screeching sound of door, "Arnik, I know baby you aren't sleeping. You know very well that you can't act well at least not in front of me." Listening her, I turned around slowly and shifted in her lap, "He was there", the words slipped my tongue and I just closed my eyes giving way to the solitary drops. It had been years still I didn't learn to tame down my feelings. It just hurt, my heart sinks down in disgust at the mere mention or sight of him.

The light pats broke by reverie,"He is nothing to you. You are my son, you are Amilie's son." I just teared up again listening mom's name, in between my sobs, I whispered, "Unfortunately, his too. The blood that flows here is the proof", pointing towards my veins on wrist. Nodding her head in a no, she just kept patting and ruffling my hairs, lulling me to a world of dreams.

That was the last night I slept peacefully, may be because I was in the warmth of mother, in her lap of love. It has been weeks, and I wake every night after visions of him beating my mom and the scene that I saw the weeks back when I met him again.

Taking off the blanket, I moved towards the bathroom to wash off my face.

"Arnik, why aren't you ready? You need to go college", Aunt's voice brought me back to the Earth. I just looked up and started chewing my food, but I was watching her actions secretly. She nodded her head sideways hopelessly and came to sit on the chair lying beside me. Caressing my cheeks lovingly, she said, "I know you are going through a lot, but you need to come out of it."

I know she is trying the best to cheer me up, but my this behaviour is affecting her the most. There may be a lot of children but I have been closest to her. After all, I am the only child of her late best friend. That's the reason she cherish me a lil extra than others.

Putting a break to my thoughts, I turned taking her hands in mine and nodded with a smile, "Being 21 is such a big responsibility, isn't it?" She chuckled over my bragging responsibilities, placing a motherly kiss on my forehead. I hugged her to my heart's content and ran to get ready for the college.


"Hmm... Yeah, for sure Dr Amble."

As soon as it reached my ears, I felt rooted. No, she can't be planning this again. Throwing away my bag, I just stormed out, "Aunt, Why did you call her?"

"You know the reason very well."

The single line and she went. So, no hopes this time, I just turned to go back when she yelled from kitchen, "Only one session for today, nothing more." I grinned and ran to my room.


It's evening and here I am in front of Dr Amble.

"Arnik, you wait outside. I want to talk to your aunt, will call you later."

I was really tensed, but maintaining the calmness, I moved out. Their talk is making me nervous, I will sort it out this time myself. I just don't want to go back to that process of therapies and rounds to hospitals.

That all back to back rounds just remind me of that brutal past. I still have clear pictures of my dead mother in front of my eyes. Just a mere mention of her and I crumbled on the floor like broken pieces. Her shouts still echoes in my ears, her yelps for help. Till now chills ran down my spine hearing her cries when that man manhandled her, when he would beat her to the death on no mistakes. And I couldn't even save her when she was just saving me from the cruelties of my so called father.

"Why you took her to marriage? You know he is misogamist."

I chuckled on the word that just reached my ears, "I am not the one they think, it's just I don't want to marry because I fear, what if? What if I become like him? After all, I am his son only."

Engulfed in the cage of arms, trying to find a warmth of my heart, tears tickling down, crumbled in a corner that's when I felt someone taking a place beside me.

"Is something wrong with you?" I turned to find a beautiful girl looking at me with curiosity.

"Who are you?" I mumbled

"Pearl Amble"

Ooh, she is the daughter of Dr Amble but from what I know her daughter is a child,but she is a grown up girl.

"Let's meet your mother", I said and she excitedly dragged me with her. I was shocked seeing her comfortable and joyful spirit.

"Mumma, see I found a new friend. His name is...", She stopped abruptly, "oops, I forgot to ask!!" I giggled, "Arnik."

"Pearl go sit there."

Doctor ordered and she silently went there taking playing on her phone. "Sorry, if she disturbed you. Actually, her mind's growth is little slow. So, she is still a child by mind." While I just nodded my head, "She didn't cause any trouble." Infact her innocent smile just calmed my heart, though I didn't dare to say it.

That was the first time I got attracted to someone. Doctor took me to another room for a session leaving behind the another two.


Hush! Finally I confessed, I shared it with someone. I was exhausted, feeling shame of myself. I was confused, I did the right thing or not. Whatever it was but for sure it was making me weak, though, it was a good feeling after sharing it with someone but the thing I told was about my father.

I told someone that I saw my father fucking someone in that marriage, it just eats me up that I am related to that man.

Lost in the thoughts I was just walking, emotions were overpowering me when I felt a tug on my shirt, "Friend, don't cry. You know tears are precious. So, you should use this precious thing only for me." I chuckled at her authority. How easily she accepted me whereas for my classmates I am still a broken man full of mysteries.


Days passed by,
Seasons has changed
Ooh! How lovely this winter is
Dew drops striking on the leaves,
Just like you once landed beside me
As a fresh breeze.
Time flies,
Relation changes,
Personality changes,
And it happened,
You & I did changed,
Our bond changed
The life has given
Me a Glittering firefly,
Spreading the tinch of love,
In my nightmare full of life.

That's how we started and here we are. I don't if this is love, if it's I am still afraid to hurt you, to confess to you.

I am sorry!

May be this fight with my fear, still has a long way to go. I know I am selfish to want you when I'm not able to hold onto you ; it's always you holding on me.

I will wait for the day when I can bury my fear and hold onto you forever. Till then I will just fight with my inner demons, for you, for us.


Cover :

Cover credits VELLIGal

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