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Written by polymath_land
Winner: The WARRIORS OF INK Contest - SET 1 (Category: 0-2 years)


"A Withered Rose
A Broken Promise

These are enough to make someone more than insecure about marriage, a lovely and sacred relationship.”

Adina, a 25-year-old Artist does believe in a PURE marriage. A true and spiritual relationship that doesn't exist anymore, according to her. At least in and around her surroundings. Which means she is a kind of misogamist. As a child, the art she harboured as a hobby was not exactly the reason why she drew such a portrait. As soon as she did, she had to undergo therapies. What is the portrait that she had drawn? Why did she have to undergo therapies?

As she healed, she only wanted a guy who respects a woman irrespective of her work or attitude; making her not exactly a misogamist. However, she is and became one of the misogamists.

The reason is a single rose and the single promise behind her 'misos' towards 'gamos'. By which, she fitted to be one of those 'Withered Rose.'



I peered at the portrait I have drawn years ago. It was the incident that was etched at the back of my mind. I was 10-year-old when I had to witness my elder cousin getting molested. I tried helping her, screamed at him to leave her not knowing what he was doing exactly. He didn't, instead held me captive. I still remember my cousin crying out for help and I couldn't do anything. I still remember how I had to give a witness statement against devil standing in the court. My cousin got justice as soon as I escaped somehow and started screaming at the people in the party hall. I got the help and we were able to catch the so-called-fiancee red-handed. I used to paint the event as it keeps moving in front of my eyes. And that's when I had to go to psychiatric. I had to undergo therapies. And now, the event no more disturbs me, no more gives a nightmare. But, it left a great impact on my mind, my heart and my soul. If he had respect towards woman, would he have done that heinous act? I'm insecure about a relationship with a guy. I have never seen a man respect woman in my whole life, exceptional is there. I just saw judging women, if they wear saree, they are virgin. If they don't, they aren't. That doesn't mean, the world has no more gentleman. I discarded the painting to a corner, pushing the memory at the back of my mind.


"Adina," I heard my mother call out for me. I'm busy making a new painting of a pregnant woman. Yeah! I'm an Artist. My hobby became my career. If not in my Atelier, I'll be busy in my room, with the paintings. The number of ideas I get; a brush, canvas and paints are enough to get the inklings out of my head. Putting them aside, I went outside.

I know why does she call me nowadays. She is hell-bent on marrying me off. After all, I'm 25-year-old. And I don't want to get married; for now, or ever, I don't know. I do believe in the Institution of marriage. But, it's just that I don't believe in getting a gentleman for myselfI'm just too insecure about finding a guy who can treat a woman well. I'm sure in the world I am living in, there are only a few. I don't know if I can find such a guy in my life ever. My mother is hell-bent on showcasing the photos of guys. I'm tired of this. This generation-marriage is not for me. I'm insecure about it.

I want a guy who respects a woman irrespective of her status. I am more than not-sure if I'll find that man, ever. Even if I find such a man, will he be able to withstand the promise

"There is a reason behind every action of a person. We don't know what must be the reason behind it. If we don't know the reason, we don't have the right to disrespect them, a man or a woman, shouldn't matter." I don't know if I will ever get someone; someone who doesn't judge the action. If I will, I would definitely marry that man. A PROMISE and a ROSE are enough from such a gentleman. 

I went towards my mother as she sat on the sofa looking at the photos. I was right, after all.

"Adina, you came? Come and look at these photos," she instructed me when she noticed me.

"Mom! I don't want to get married. How many times should I tell you the same thing?" I sighed as this topic is getting on my nerves.

"And I'll still ask you, why? What's the reason behind it?" I heard my mother, Mary; ask me the same question. What should I tell? I'm insecure about marriage, about the man I want? Will she listen to me?

"Adina! Just tell me the truth, do you still get that nightmare? Are you still not able to get out of that event?" I know what she is asking about. Is it the reason? Am I not able to forget the nightmare? But, I went to a psychiatric. I'm not seeing the same image every day. Am I still carrying that terror somewhere at the back of my mind? Yes or else why would I be insecure about marriage when my own parents are a very happy couple?

"No, Mom! Nothing is like that. I am really not sure if I can get the perfect match. That's it." My mother released a sigh as she probably bought my words.

"Okay then, look at him. He's a businessman. A perfect match for you. He likes you!" My mother exhibited a picture in front of me. I sighed at my mother as she probably bought my half-truth.

"Okay, Mom! Give me his number. We will meet," I told her. It's better if I will agree to meet him. My parents will not back off until they throw me out of this house. I better meet my-perfect-match and test him. She gave me his number squealing in happiness.

Hotel Paradise

I'm waiting here for my match, sipping my black tea from the past 20 minutes.

"Hi!" I heard a husky voice as I closed my eyes sipping the tea to kick out my fatigue. I opened my eyes only to look at a tall-muscular and handsome man standing in front of me.

"Hi!" I greeted him back standing in my place. After the formal handshake, we both sat down in our respective seats.

"So, Mr.Williams, you are late. Reason?" he is taken aback with my straightforwardness. Okay, let him be. Why should I care? I just want to know the reason behind his late arrival.

"First of all, call me James. Mr Williams is too formal. Second, I was stuck in traffic as I started a little late. And I'm sorry for that," I heard James say this. Being honest, is he? But that's not enough.

"That's fine," I smiled a little.

Soon we are engrossed in talking about each other's history.

"A Dance?" I agreed to his offer. He seems to be nice but that can be acting too.

After the dance, we got back to our table. He didn't touch me inappropriately until now. But, was that enough?

"James," I called out to him.


"Look, you seem nice but I can't trust if you are really a gentleman or not. So, I would like to have a few dates, get to know you, trust you, respect you. The same goes for you too. Only after that, I'd like to consider this relation." he seems shocked by my bluntness. Well, I'm blunt.

"What if I'm not a gentleman, try to harm you?" I laughed at his words.

"Well, I carry a knife. I know very well how to use it." I shrugged off my shoulders. He laughed a bit at my words.

"I agree!" he stood up and held his hand out for me. The evening ended with a hug.


It has been a few months since we started dating. I started liking him more. He not only respects my comfort but also respects everyone and their profession. A man who can respect anyone irrespective of their job can definitely be a gentleman. But, that can be acting as well, right? He may want to impress me or maybe not. What should I do? I want to take the risk, whatever may be the outcome.

I'm standing in the same restaurant we are meeting frequently nowadays. It's full of decoration. What is the occasion?

"Hi, Adina!" I heard James as he just stood behind me. Before I could turn around, he closed my eyes and took me somewhere.

"Where are we going," I asked him and then what happened after that was history. He proposed to me with a Rose and a Promise.

"I promise to be a man, always." I kissed him as he is the man enough to respect not only me but everyone. This is what I wanted.


"What do I do? I'm trying hard here," I heard James screaming. Why?

"If Adina comes to know about your acting, she will be broken," I heard another voice.

"What do I do, then? I can't change myself just because I started liking her. Can I? Yeah, I have no respect towards her family or the people lower than me. That is how I was bought up. But, I'm obsessed with Adina. I don't know, for how long do I have to act?" as I heard James say that, my dream broke.

Can the rose be fresh always? It will be withered as the time comes, right? A withered rose, a broken promise: which was never a promise; these are enough to make her more than insecure, make her a Withered Rose.

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