Chapter 38

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Brooklyn held the phone between her ear and her shoulder, sifting through her closet. "Kitty, he says he's taking me to a steak house. How dressy should I be?"

She heard the older woman laugh on the other end. "That depends on the steak house, Honey. This is New York. Some of them have dress codes. What else is he planning?"

"A movie." She pulled out a couple dresses, throwing them on the bed. "Then dinner."

Kitty was silent for a moment. "Which steak house?"

"Um..." Brooklyn thought about it for a moment. "Peter Luger."

"The plum dress. The halter top, the one with the petticoats." Kitty's response was instant. "Wear the black shrug. Black heels. Hair half up, half down. Silver jewelry. Dark eye makeup, try to match the dress with your lipstick. Light powder and foundation."

Brooklyn blinked. "Okay?"

"Do not ask to see the bill." Kitty ordered. "And let him order for you. That includes the wine."

"Kitty?" Brooklyn asked, pausing in sifting through her underwear. She was going to need something strapless with the plum dress. "Should I be worried?"

"No. It's the way it should be, if a man takes a woman he's dating out. He pays, and you can let him order, especially if you don't know the menu. Plus, it's also a good test to see if he knows you well enough to know what you like to eat."

"But I'm not picky." Brooklyn held up a strapless black bra, frowning. "Strapless bra or...?"

"I would suggest a corset, if you got it fitted. Garter belt and stockings, something lacy as underwear. Give him a treat, for taking you out to eat at such a nice place." Kitty giggled. "But, just so you remember, you don't have to sleep with him, if you don't want to."
"Why wouldn't I want to?" She found the corset Kitty was talking about, at the back of the drawer, turning to toss it on the bed, before digging for the matching panties. "I enjoyed it last night. Very much. I was hoping he would be willing to continue to do it again tonight."

Kitty was silent on the other end of the line, again. Brooklyn could hear Steve and Juliana talking, in her bedroom, while he helped her pack for the sleep over. After figuring out the details, it was agreed that they would drop her off at Patricia's house. What she didn't tell the other woman was the reason for that. Patricia didn't need to know it was so Brooklyn knew who's house to burn down if anything happened to her sister. Steve had reached out to someone at the Tower to get his hands on one of the small panic buttons that were in stock, for Juliana to take with her. He was simply waiting on the message to go meet them, away from the apartment.

After finishing up the PSA's, helping Steve out of the outfit that she wanted to throw into the Hudson, and dropping off the merchandise that they had been told to take with them at the apartment, they had to rush to sign Juliana out. For the first time since her starting school, Juliana was one of the last students to be signed out. Juliana hadn't acted like it bothered her, but there had been a moment, when she had seen them, that Brooklyn had seen her shoulders relax, as if she was waiting to be abandoned. Coming home, she had refused to let go of one of their hands, alternating depending on who was closest. Being allowed to choose what she wanted out to the merchandise had been met with a welcome smile, and as Brooklyn had predicted, one of the objects was indeed the doll. Steve had simply rubbed the back of his head, slightly uncomfortable, before accepting the hug from Juliana.

Informing the little girl that she was going to be spending the night at her friends house had been met with both confusion and excitement. Excitement, because she really did like Carrie, and was calling her a 'best friend' now. Confusion, as she didn't understand the practice. Brooklyn had decided to leave the explanations of the practice to Steve, while she sliced up apples and cheese for an after school snack.

When she dropped off the plate in the middle of the table, the two had moved on to doing homework, while Steve tapped away at his phone. That was when he had told her about the panic button, and that he was looking into places to take her to dinner. The grin on his face was one so happy, his eyes were brighter than usual. After seeing the dimming of them all day, while filming, it made her chest warm and fuzzy to see it.

She had smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and went to go take a shower.

When she got out, Steve poked his head out of Juliana's bedroom, asking her if she had any preference for what Juliana needed to take for the over night. Brooklyn had shaken her head, rubbing the towel over her head, informing him that it was up to him. That was when he had told her where he had planned to take her for dinner.

And apparently to Kitty, it was a place that needed a semi formal dress. As she hung up the other dresses, before bending down to pick out a pair of shoes, she waited for Kitty to respond to her earlier question. "Kitty?"

"Have the two of you started to have sex?" Kitty asked, bluntly.

"Yes. As of last night." Brooklyn informed her. She held up a pair of strappy black heels. "Strappy black heels? Or not? How about boots?"

"If you choose boots, do the ones that go over your knees, but those might make you look like a hooker. And it's October, in New York. Strappy is only good if you don't plan on walking. Lemme check the weather." Kitty informed. "So, how was it? Having sex?"

Brooklyn thought about the question, before nodding, knowing Kitty couldn't see it. "I enjoyed it, thoroughly. He was most satisfactory."

"Closed toed heels. It's calling for more rain." Kitty instructed. "And it had to be more than satisfactory. He wasn't a glass of wine, despite his age."

"Kitty," Brooklyn began, sitting down on the floor, reaching further back into the closet. "I think... I think I might becoming addicted to him."

"Addicted to the man you are involved with is not a bad thing, Honey." Kitty soothed. "It's normal."
"And if I lose him? If he's taken away?" She whispered.

Kitty sighed. "You can't keep thinking like that. You can't. I know that you are used to losing things, in your life. I know. But, you have to plan for a future, and deal with everything else if it doesn't happen. Because if you keep looking for issues, you are going to find them. And then you are never going to move forward. Don't borrow tomorrow's troubles. Enjoy today's rewards." Kitty suddenly gasped. "Those black ones, with the crystals dotted all over them. The ones with the straps. Oh, god, where did we get those? The ones we bought in May, that you wore to that party?"

"The party in June?" Brooklyn frowned, digging deeper into the back of her closet. "Yves St. Laurent? At the half off sale, the velvet ones? Kitty those are a bit... stripper-ish, aren't they?"

"Not if you wear them with the right dress. They will also give you a bit more height, next to him, so maybe no one thinks he's dating a teenager. God, what I wouldn't do for your skin!"

"I was born with it." She grunted, pulling out the shoe box. "Got em."

"Wear those. And have him help do the straps."

"Why, Kitty?" Brooklyn stood up, putting the box on the dresser.

"Just... trust me. Have him help with the straps." Kitty had amusement in her voice. "You give me a call tomorrow. We'll set up a girls day, go shopping, and you can tell me all about your date, okay?"

"Okay, Kitty." Brooklyn nodded. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Have fun!" Kitty sang, before she hung up.

Brooklyn shook her head, chuckling, before tossing the phone down next to her, before laying back on the bed, leaving her legs hanging over the edge. How did women do this, some of them almost everyday? It seemed complicated for something that could be done at home. Eating a meal and watching a movie? Yeah, that could be done at home, with less stress. Instead, she was having to call for advice on how to dress. Life used to be much simpler, wasn't it? At least, she thought it used to be, before Steve burst into her life.

Not that she regretted his existence in her life.

Sighing, rubbing her eyes, she sat up. Sliding off the bed, she went back to her drawers, looking for a pair of stockings. Kitty hadn't been specific, but she figured a nicer pair was in order. That left her with a few options. Honestly, she was leaning towards the pair with the black seam up the leg. They were comfortable, and had the reinforced foot, as well as being extremely silky. She hardly ever wore a pair while working at the club, as the quality on them hardly seemed worth it to waste the wearing. But something told her Steve would be more than happy to find out she had put them on. Not to mention they fit the dress.

Deciding to get going on this, she nodded to herself, before walking out of the bedroom, and across the hall into the bathroom. Reaching under the sink, she pulled out the makeup bag where she kept her normal makeup, not the stuff she used for the club. Being a woman was complicated, she reflected, as she began pulling out the items and began to prepare her skin. Steve didn't have to deal with things like primer, or foundation, or setting powder. Liquid eyeliner or mascara were foreign words to him. Smokey crease was probably a form of food to him, or something. And god forbid he think contouring was anything to with anything besides maps. His face, earlier today, when the makeup artist had sprayed him with the setting spray had been priceless. The shock, disgust, and discomfort was enough for her to want to burst out laughing. But it was a reality of her life as a female, she sighed, if she didn't want to transfer any of her makeup on hers or anyone else's clothing. At least the makeup she was applying now was much MUCH lighter than the stage makeup she wore at the club, where the lighting could wash her face out completely, or even wear off after hours of walking around in an atmosphere that was unnaturally heated, just to make sure the dancers and servers were comfortable so they could wear as little as possible.

Giving her face one last check, before she gave herself a spray of setting spray, she smiled. Kitty was right, this was a good look.

She tackled her hair next, brushing it until it fell loose and easy around her shoulders, then reaching up by her ears, sliding her fingers in, gathering the top layer of hair. Giving it a slight twist, she tied it off, then began pinning the twist down. It wasn't fancy, not by a long shot, but it kept the hair out of her face, while also giving her a more put together look. If she had been thinking about it, she could have done a half french braid, then pulled the remaining tail of it into a half bun. She had a feeling, though, that Steve wouldn't give a flying fig about how her hair looked, just as long as she was going out with him.

Nodding to herself again, in the mirror, she opened the bathroom door to find her sister, waiting patiently. Frowning, she looked at Juliana. "Is everything okay?"

"I have to go the bathroom." Juliana informed her.

"Why didn't you knock on the door?" Brooklyn asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Steve said you were tryin' to add to perf'cton." Juliana darted around her, scooting to the toilet, already pulling down her pants. "I didn't want to bother you."

"Always bother us, if we are in the bathroom, if you need to use it." Brooklyn shook her head, shutting the door behind her, giving her sister privacy.

She went back into the bedroom, finding Steve standing at the foot of the bed, his hands on his hips, looking down at the clothes she had laid out for herself. "Steve?"

"This is..." He looked at her, a grin tugging at his lips. "This is beautiful, Babydoll."

Brooklyn grinned back at him. "I know how to clean myself up, Rogers."

"Ouch." He faked a wince, before coming over to her, placing his hands on her hips, bending his head down before pausing. "May I kiss you? I don't want to ruin your make up."

"I'll be fine. Kiss me, Steve." She lifted herself the distance on her toes, wrapping an arm around his neck for stability. Just as she was bout to meet his lips, his phone started ringing.

"Dammit, hold that thought, Babydoll." He groaned, reaching for his phone, in his back pocket. Pulling it out, he answered it. "Hey, Nat. Did you get what I asked for?"

She dropped off of her toes, patting him on the chest before turning to start dressing. Untying her robe, she dropped it, reaching for the corset.

"Uh... yeah, I'm still here, Nat." He cleared his throat. "Where are you, I'll come meet you."

Brooklyn set the corset on her body, wiggling it to make sure it was going to fit, before doing up the fasteners up the front, clicking them into place as quickly as she could. As soon as it was on, she reached down the front of the cups, pulling her breasts into place, so that they were comfortable. Grabbing the stockings, she threw one over her shoulder, before rolling the other up, so she could slide her foot into it, using the bed as a brace, sliding the silk up her leg, until she was able to attach the hanging garter to the reinforced top.

"What do you mean, don't worry about meeting you?" Steve's voice was now confused, if a little thick. Brooklyn looked over at him, concerned. He just waved a hand at her, and so she shrugged and switched legs, repeating the actions of the first on the second, before going over to the mirror, checking that the lines up the back of her legs were straight. Satisfied that they were, she hooked her underwear with a finger, preparing to put them on.

Steve cleared his throat again, reaching out with an arm to shut the bedroom door, before snatching the underwear out of her hand, throwing it back down on the bed, his eyes heated as he began to approach her, causing her to back up, until her hips met the dresser.
He raised one finger to his lips, indicating she was to be silent, the woman on the other end of the phone call talking at him. When she nodded, gulping, he slid that hand down, until he wiggled it between her legs, stroking gently over the bundle of nerves of her clit. She reached out, grasping his forearm, while he smirked at her.

"Okay, but where are you, Nat? I kinda need that panic button set up, tonight." He shook his head, slightly, before rolling the pad of his finger over her, over and over, causing her to start to silently pant. He added more pressure to his touch, her hips canting, rolling with the touch. Her other hand shot out, grabbing the collar of his shirt, fisting it tight.

"Nat, what do you mean, 'don't worry about it'?" He frowned, his touch pausing, before his eyes widened. "Nat, where the hell are you? Don't laugh. Just tell me."

Brooklyn was on the edge, the cusp. She could feel the orgasm building, begging to be set free. All she needed was a bit more. A few more strokes. Maybe a finger or two. Something. He just needed to give it to her.

"She hung up on me." Steve informed her, affronted, looking at his phone.

"Steve, don't stop." Brooklyn begged, her hand on his forearm jiggling it, trying to bring his attention back to her orgasm. "I'm close..."

"Oh, Babydoll, I know." He bent down, kissing her. "But that's what you get for teasing me."

She blinked up at him, as he pushed his hand deeper between her legs until he was able to pinch her clit. She gasped, rocking her hips.

"You were teasing me, weren't you? Knowing I was on a phone call." He smirked down at her, darkly. "So, now I'm teasing you."

"But I wasn't..." She protested. "I was just getting dressed..."

"Stripping out of your robe, prancing around naked? Putting on your corset, but not your panties? Sliding those silky stockings up your legs, like you are preforming for me? That's not teasing?" He bent down, biting her bottom lip. Brooklyn was very glad she had not yet put on her lipstick yet. His fingers rolled between her legs again, and she whimpered as her body responded. "You are not going to cum again, until I say so, alright?"

He pulled away completely, smiling at her, before sliding his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. "Oh, Babydoll, you are always so goddamn sweet. Better than honey in summer."

She huffed at him. "That's fucking mean, Steve."

"Watch your mouth." He pointed a finger at her, and she was very, VERY tempted to bite it. "And you only brought this on yourself."

Brooklyn wanted to stomp her foot. Instead, she went to brush past him, grabbing for her panties. He darted around her, snagging them just as her fingers brushed the lace. Spinning them on a finger, he shook his head.

"Since you wanted to parade that pussy around in front of me, like that, you can just spend the evening without any, at all. Maybe if you behave, and are a good girl, you can wear panties tomorrow." He slipped the pair into his pocket. "These are now mine."

"Rogers, I swear-" She began to snarl, when there came a very loud knock at the door of the apartment.

Steve and Brooklyn frowned at each other.

"Were we expecting company?" Steve asked.

"No." Brooklyn shook her head. "We told Patricia we were dropping off Juliana."

She grabbed her robe, throwing it over her body, as Steve opened the bedroom door and went into the hallway. Brooklyn was fast on his heels.

"Juliana! Leave the door alone!" He barked, pointing at the little girl who was already reaching for the door handle. "I've told you about that!"

Juliana pulled her hands away, hiding them behind her back. "I was just going to check!"

"I've told you, you don't open that door for anyone. Ever!" He folded his arms, looking down at her in disapproval.

Brooklyn bit her lip. She wanted to step in, to assure Steve that the building was secure. But then again, he himself broke in after a fashion. The lesson was solid. Juliana needed to know not to open the door, unless they were expecting someone. And Both Juliana and Brooklyn were familiar with the knocks of the people that were allowed into the apartment.

He pointed at Juliana. "Couch. Sit yourself down, until I tell you otherwise."

"Steve, c'mon. She's a child." Brooklyn tried to soothe.

"Brooklyn, she has to learn. There are people who would... I can't..." He sighed roughly, running a hand over his face. "Just... let me deal with the door, you aren't dressed for it. And if it is that neighbor again..."

She flinched, at the mention of Chad. Chad, the neighbor downstairs, who still somehow thought he had a chance in hell of convincing Brooklyn to dump Steve and run away to the nearest gym with him. Steve had hoped that the man had gotten the hint, but occasionally he still mentioned something in the halls, or at the bakery. Or, in a stunning display of idiocy, in the laundry room, almost cornering Brooklyn when she had been doing the laundry. Apparently the fact that she was all but waving Steve's used underwear in his face wasn't going to deter him.

Steve unlocked the door, flinging it open, ready to... well, Brooklyn wasn't sure what he was going to do, but his body language was NOT welcoming. He took one step into the open doorway, only to freeze.

Was there a person with a gun trained on him?

"Nat." Steve's voice was curiously flat.

"Steve." A woman's voice answered, amused. "I thought you hadn't found a place in Brooklyn, yet."

Brooklyn backed away, towards her sister, intending to grab her and retreat to the bedroom. Nat had to be Natasha Romanoff. The famed Black Widow. The Russian assassin was in the hallway, at her door. The only thing blocking her from entering was Steve, and Brooklyn was pretty sure that if she wanted to, she could take Steve out with little to no effort. God bless that man, but when it came to assassins, he was next to worthless. Mainly because assassins didn't have a lot of honor to speak of, when it came to a fight.

Steve heaved a deep sigh. "How did you find me?"

"The phone call. I tracked you."

Brooklyn moved as silently as she could, the silk on her feet helping. Reaching out, she grabbed Juliana's arm, tugging lightly. The little girl obeyed her older sister, sliding off the couch easily, tiptoeing over to her, getting behind her. As one, they began to back towards the hall.

"I brought that panic button you requested."

"I told you I would meet you." Steve reached out, grabbing the door, as if he was preparing to slam it shut. "I didn't want anyone from the team here, ever."

"Is that because your girlfriend is here?" The amusement in Romanoff's voice grew. "You can't hide her, forever, Steve. You know that."

"I can try." Steve snapped. "It's what she wants."

Turning her head, she hissed at her sister, "When I tell you to run, you run. To your bedroom, lock the door, hide under the bed."

Juliana nodded, grabbing the back of her robe. Brooklyn wasn't sure if Romanoff would hurt a child, and if she would, that little protection would not be enough. Hopefully, between the two of them, Steve and Brooklyn would be able to at least subdue Romanoff, protecting Juliana. She didn't know why Romanoff had broken Steve's trust, but if she was here for the wrong reasons, Brooklyn would make sure she learned a lesson from it.

There was a brief scuffle at the door, before Steve was pushed back, and a redheaded woman stepped into the apartment, shutting the door behind her.

"Run." Brooklyn murmured, low enough for Juliana to hear. The little girl obeyed her command. Skidding down the hallway, until Brooklyn head the door to the bedroom slam, and the lock engage. Brooklyn cursed her stockings, which had been helpful in being silent, but now were a disadvantage, her ability to grip the floor with her feet hindered. Stepping forward, her hands raising, she prepared to launch herself into a fight.

Romanoff spotted her, grinned, and held up her hands, showing the backs, and the fronts, before lowering them to waist level, away from her body.

Brooklyn stopped, cocking her head. Then, taking a deep breath, she repeated the red head's actions.

"I'm Nat. I work with Steve." Nat grinned. "You must be the White Queen. I've been wanting to meet you, for so long. You're kinda my idol."

Brooklyn slowly blinked at her, nodding. "Okay."

"Although," She went on, slightly grumbling. "Your father did kind of put a bullet through me."
"Surprisingly, that is not the first time I've had that complaint." Brooklyn caught Steve looking at the couch, before his head snapped towards her, a question in his eyes. She didn't give him anything. While she would have loved to reassure him that Juliana was safe, anything she did, verbal or otherwise would have tipped off the redhead. "Were you looking for me to apologize?"

Nat smiled. "Nope. I just brought the panic button. And I brought this one," she jerked her head towards Steve, "A nicer suit, because he said he was going out on a date. Figured he might not have anything nice enough to impress a lady."

"You told her you were going out on a date?" Brooklyn asked Steve slowly.

"I might have mentioned it, yeah." He rubbed the back of his head.

She resisted the urge to react. "I see. Thank you for going out of your way to help him, Romanoff."

"It's Nat." The redhead corrected with a smile. "Can I just say, your completion rate was amazing."

Brooklyn gave a slow blink. "Thank you."

She had a feeling the other woman was feeling her out, seeing if she could get her to react. Any twitch, any blink, and fidget would be a giveaway. A look to see where the soft points were, as to make it easier to drive a knife in. Brooklyn was well aware of the tactic. She often used it herself. Psychological attacks were often more successful than physical ones, in regards to breaking down an opponent.

"I mean, the assignment you did in Belize? I always wondered, how did you make that shot? The gap was two inches, and you reported you were about three hundred and fifty yards away." Nat waved a hand. "That should have been impossible."
Belize. That would have been... what, early eighties? Brooklyn remembered. "It was night. The gap was back lit. I just waited for the target to walk in front of it. I have always been good as a sniper."

She felt an internal shiver, as memories of the scent of old books, the feel of a rifle, her father's frantic efforts to run flickered to the surface. She pushed them down, refusing to let herself get distracted. Distraction led to death. Death meant leaving Juliana unprotected.

Steve sighed, pushing past Nat gently to come over to Brooklyn. At least he was now between the redhead and Juliana as well.

"Nat's okay." He told Brooklyn, reaching out to run a hand down her arm. "You can stand down."

"Steve, she's not going to, just yet." Nat grinned. "I wouldn't respect her if she did. I have done nothing to prove I am not a threat, just that I came unarmed."

"Or so you claim." Brooklyn pointed out, shifting her hip slightly.

Nat unzipped her hooded jacket, still dotted with the raindrops. Taking the material off, she tossed it on the back of the couch, leaving her in a thin tee shirt. Molded to her body, it was tucked into her jeans. "I swear, I come in peace. I just couldn't wait for him to introduce us fully. I apologize for my rudeness. But you don't understand just how long I've been waiting for someone to turn this man's head. And to find out it was you? I mean, it makes sense, it does. But I just couldn't wait anymore."

The vibrating energy Brooklyn was getting off the woman wasn't a threat, or preparation for an attack, Brooklyn realized. It was excitement. The woman was excited to meet her. There was no threat here, at least not right now.

Allowing herself to relax slightly, Brooklyn took a deep breath and smiled. "Welcome. It's a pleasure to meet one of Steve's coworkers."

"I told you, she can be trusted." Steve groaned, obviously irritated at her.

"Steve, she's just being smart." Nat smiled with approval. "She wouldn't still be alive if she wasn't."

Brooklyn gave the woman another small smile. "Thank you. I have heard a lot about you, as well."
"You heard about me?" The redhead seemed to brighten up. "From this one... or... just in general?"

"You are a Widow. One of the only ones to ever leave the program, alive. Of course I've heard about you." Brooklyn cocked her head. "You're being an Avenger does help that."

"Wow." Nat grinned widely. "I'm just going to say, that's an honor. You were a legend, in a lot of circles, back in the day. And then when you were with SHIELD... I mean, they used to talk about you, like you were something mythical."

Brooklyn kept the flinch inward. "Well, the irony being, I was never really with SHIELD. I was always HYDRA."

Nat seemed to be a little sad, then. "Yeah. I'm sorry. Really, I am."

Steve kept looking between the two of them, his eyes narrowing. Then, raising an eyebrow at Brooklyn, he asked, "Where's Jules?"

"Hiding." Brooklyn jerked her head towards the hall. "In her bedroom, like I told her to."
He sighed, walking past her to go down the hallway. "I'm going to let her know it's safe."

Brooklyn waited until he had knocked on the bedroom door, letting Juliana it was him, before returning her attention to Nat. "He's a bit of an idiot."

"Yes, he is." Nat agreed. "I'm sorry for interrupting your preparations for your date."

She nodded. "I understand, on a certain level. If I were in your shoes, and someone on my team was being stupid with an unknown quantity, I would want to make sure everything was alright. That the unknown was not a security risk, to either them or the team."

"Well, it was that, but also... I really, REALLy wanted to meet you. Like I said, you're something of an idol for me." that weird energy was coming off of the redhead again. Almost like... excitement, mixed with something else.

"I don't understand." Brooklyn admitted.

"Well, when I was first cleared to train for SHIELD, my instructors told us stories about past agents. Agents we should be like, learn from, that sort of thing. You were one of them." Nat was almost vibrating with the energy. Brooklyn didn't understand it.

"Okay?" She blinked.

"And when I heard about this woman, from the seventies and the eighties, who was just so... bad ass... I mean, you were knocking down a lot of doors for female agents, before a lot of them were even born. Myself included. It was through a lot of your work, that people began to look at female agents as more then just for seduction missions." Nat grinned. "And let me tell you, after coming out of the Widows, that was a welcome relief."

Steve was returning, slow measured steps, with the soft padding along with him. He had been able to get Juliana out from under her bed. Which made a lot of sense, given how much trust the little girl had in him.
Nat seemed to smile even bigger. "Who's this little darling?" She crouched down. "Hello."
Steve came up beside Brooklyn, stopping. "This is Juliana."

Brooklyn looked down, to see her sister hiding behind Steve's leg, her head poking out. Brooklyn waited until her sister met her eyes, before giving her a small nod. The little girl perked up, edging out from behind Steve.

"Who're you?" She asked, slipping a finger into her mouth.

Steve reached down and gently pulled out the finger. "This is Nat. I work with her. She's an Avenger."

"Do you work with Iron Man too?" Juliana asked, taking a step forward.

Steve groaned, rubbing his face.

Nat laughed, nodding. "I do. I do, indeed."

"Is he as cool as he seems on the TV?" Juliana took another step forward, and Brooklyn took a slow breath to keep herself from snatching her sister up. Steve trusted this woman. She had come, not as a threat, but as a friend. She wouldn't hurt Juliana.

"Well," Nat drawled, "He tries. But he's just as human as the rest of us. But he's actually pretty smart, sometimes. Is he your favorite Avenger?"

Juliana nodded excitedly. "He can fly!"

"He can." Nat agreed. "You wanna know who my favorite Avenger is?"

"How can you have a favorite Avenger? You are an Avenger!" Juliana cried, confused.

"Just because I am one, doesn't mean I don't have a favorite. Do you wanna know who it is?"

Brooklyn watched, before folding her arms across her stomach, as her sister took another step towards the red head. She was just about in arms distance. If Romanoff wanted to, she could snatch her up and snap her neck before either Steve or Brooklyn could do anything about it. But she wasn't a threat. She was Steve's friend. She was here because she had wanted to help.

"Who's your favorite?" Juliana took another step.

Nat held out a hand, smiling at Juliana, who reached out and touched it with her fingers. Brooklyn held her breath. "It's Steve."
"Steve?" Juliana slipped her finger in her mouth again. "But he's just Steve! He's just Cap'n!"

"I know. But Steve has got one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. And he tries so hard to be a good man. A just man. And that isn't common a lot, these days." Nat reached out and tugged Juliana's hand, pulling her finger out of her mouth. "I don't think you need to be doing that, do you?"

Brooklyn, heart pounding, rocked forward, just a bit, before Steve reached out and put his hand on the small of her back, rubbing her with his fingers. She slowly relaxed, but not fully.

Juliana frowned. "What's 'just'?"

"It means, that Steve tries to do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do. No matter how much that might hurt him in the end. Take a look at you and your sister. He's trying so hard to make sure that the two of you are safe." Nat ran her fingers over the back of the little girl's hand she held. "And here you are, safe."

Juliana nodded. "He helps Lyn make us safe."

Brooklyn bit her lip, measuring her breathing. Steve's hand on the small of her back rubbed a little harder, adding a sliding up and down motion, along her back.

Nat reached out again, this time brushing the back of a knuckle down Juliana's cheek. "Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are?"

Juliana grinned, nodding. "Nonna tells me that, all the time. And Steve does as well."

"Well, there you go. Steve is very honest, so if he says it, its true." Nat nodded back, slowly standing up. "I was hoping to be you and your sister's new friend. Is that okay?"

Shrugging, Juliana looked back at Steve and Brooklyn. "I guess. But you are gonna have to be careful. Lyn doesn't know how to share that good. Last night, she stole a pair of Steve's fuzzy socks, and wouldn't give them back. I could hear them after I went to bed."

"Okay, that's enough of that." Steve stepped forward, scooping Juliana up. "Enough outta you, Sweetheart. Nat is here to help me set up something to help keep you safe tonight."

"I'm going to a sleep over!" Juliana cried happily to Nat. "but I need a picnic butt'n first."

"Panic button." Steve corrected lightly. "It's a panic button. And you are only to use it in case it is an emergency."

Brooklyn decided she was going to make herself crazy if she didn't go take a moment to breathe. Trusting Steve would protect her sister, she turned and walked down the hall, into the bedroom, sitting down. Resting her palms on her thighs, she began to do the breathing exercise Wilson had suggested, the last time she had brought up the absolute panic she felt when a situation seemed like it was out of her control. One deep breath, hold for five seconds, then let the breath out to the count of ten. Repeat as necessary until the panic subsided.

She was on her fifth set, when Romanoff leaned over the edge of the door frame. "May I come in?"

Brooklyn paused, swallowed, then nodded.

Romanoff came in, shutting the door behind her, leaving it open a crack. Brooklyn appreciated that.

"I know I sprung myself on you. I'm sorry. But I just couldn't wait anymore." The redhead came over to sit beside her. "I mean, yeah, I wanted to know you weren't going to hurt Steve, because I don't know if you've noticed, but he's really into you. But really... I just wanted to meet you. It's not everyday you hear a legend is still alive and dating your friend."

"I get the concern." Brooklyn nodded. "I do appreciate someone watching his back, when I can't."

"He's kind of obsessed with you." Romanoff looked at her, grinning. "I mean, on a whole other level."

Brooklyn stood up, walking over to the dresser, opening the small jewelry box on the top. Shifting through her meager collection, she picked out a pair of silver dangles, setting them down, before reaching in and pulling out the white box her father had sent her, back in August. "Well, that's okay. I'm obsessed with him, too. I am happy to have confirmation that it is mutual."

"He keeps saying that you are his, that you belong to him." Romanoff had a light tone.

"Well, there you go. I keep telling him he's an idiot. I am always questioning how he has survived this damn long. I've just assumed it's been the dumbest luck in the history of dumb luck." Brooklyn began putting the earrings in. "Now, I can only assume it's because the people around him have kept him that way."

Romanoff was watching her with a slight tilt in her head. "Well, he does have rather good instincts, when it comes to people. It doesn't bother you, that he thinks like that?"

"No." Brooklyn opened the white box, pulling out the silver locket. It was the size of her palm, engraved with roses, leaves, and a few butterflies. On the back, in shaky letters, letting her know that her father had been the one to etch the sliver, were the words, 'My Baby Girl'. Lifting the chain, she slipped it over her head, letting it settle on her neck, before making sure the clasp was firmly in the back, letting the cool metal settle between her breasts. "Although, he is slightly misled. Again, he's an idiot. Because I have told him, many times, that he belongs to me. And while I cannot do anything for his idiocy, I have no intention of letting him go, anytime soon. If ever."

Romanoff gave a light laugh. "Well, I guess that's your guy's thing, then."

"I guess." Brooklyn turned to face the redhead. "I was hoping to get dressed. But the dress has a zipper. Would you mind, too terribly, helping me with that?"
It was an olive branch. A sign of trust. She was allowing the other assassin permission to approach her from the back, while she was vulnerable.

Nat nodded. "I would be happy to help."

Brooklyn gave her a smile. Not one of her polite ones, but one of the friendly ones. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could make a new friend. Wilson kept telling her that friends were a good idea. Steve was always, usually, friendly with strangers, and they didn't threaten him. Then again, Steve as an idiot, as she was always telling him. But, both Wilson and Steve kept telling her to try new things. And if Steve trusted this woman to have his back, perhaps Brooklyn could as well.

She walked over to the bed, unhooking the tulle petticoat that went under the dress, frowning a bit. The tulle would be very scratchy and irritating on her bare bottom. Damn Steve and his power plays. She had not been teasing him. She had just been getting dressed, while he was on the phone. The fact that she had done her stockings up before putting on her panties was practicality. If she needed to use the restroom while they were out, she didn't want to have to undo her stockings to pull her panties down.

He apparently thought she was trying to seduce him. That was something she would file away for later.

Brooklyn was tempted to pull out another pair of panties, put them on, damn whatever consequences that Steve had in mind over that. It would be interesting to see his reaction to that, later. But in the end, she was interested to see what game he was playing, and decided to allow him his dominance, for now. She was fairly sure she would be able to correct him, if it was too much, or not pleasurable.

Sliding the petticoat up her legs, she fastened it around her waist, under her robe, making sure to not flash Nat while doing so, before untying her robe, tossing it on the bed next to the purple dress. Nat stood up, helping her with the dress, pulling it over her head, adjusting the strap behind her head, before zipping up the back while Brooklyn pressed the fabric to her chest.

"This is a very pretty dress. Very retro. I am sure Steve will appreciate it." Nat commented. "You might even be able to tempt him to lower his morals long enough to get a bit of fun out of him."

"I was hoping to have sex, again, tonight." Brooklyn nodded, adjusting the necklace, so the chain wasn't digging into the back of her neck. Satisfied it was comfortable, she reached for her shoes, balancing herself on the bed as she slipped one on her feet.

"Again?" The shock in Nat's voice was clear. "What do you mean again? Steve doesn't have sex."
"Yes he does." Brooklyn blinked. "We've been engaging in sexual activity for over a month, now."

"Wait." Nat waved a hand. "You are telling me that Mr. Wait until Marriage has been doing dirty deeds? How the hell did you manage that?"

Brooklyn cocked her head to the side. "I can assure you, he did not wait until marriage."
Nat went and sat down on the bed, watching as Brooklyn put on the other shoe. "I have to applaud you, then. You managed to do what none of the other women he's seen have done. You managed to seduce Steve Rogers into giving up his virginity."

"What?" Brooklyn shook his head. "it was the other way around. I was the virgin."

"What?" Nat asked, incredulous. "Can you run that by me again?"

"Steve was not, nor has never been, at least since after the serum, been a virgin." Brooklyn explained, slowly. "I was, though."

Rubbing her shoulder, Nat shook her head. "That... just seems impossible."

"Why does everyone assume he's innocent?" Brooklyn asked, adjusting her skirts, before slipping on the black lace shrug, tying it beneath her breasts.

"I guess.... because of the time period he came from. Wasn't virginity a big thing then?" There was an uncertain look on Nat's face.

Brooklyn shrugged. "Well, my father was considered a ladies man, by his own accounts. And Steve was sent off with those forty women of the USO show... not to mention the years the two of them were running through Europe together. He even said he's been active, since waking up. He's apparently been feeding his fetish."

"Fetish?" Nat blinked. "Steve has fetishes?"

"Doesn't everyone?" Brooklyn paused. "Should i not have shared that?"

"It's just hard to imagine someone as straight laced at Steve having a fetish." Nat stood up, folding her arms as she observed Brooklyn. "Does it bother you?"

"Not really." Brooklyn shook her head. "He wants to play games, sometimes. Its interesting to see how the rules apply, and who is the winner. Although, in the end, I think we both win."

Steve knocked on the door, before opening it and leaning his head in. He grinned, a huge pleased smile, when he saw Brooklyn. "That's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, Brooklyn."

She gave a little twirl, smiling back at him. "Give me a few minutes to get my purse together, and I'll be ready to go."

"Okay." He looked at Nat, who was just looking at him, with a assessing look. "Everything okay, Nat?"

"Yeah." She blinked.

"Well, I just need to change and then we can get going, Brooklyn." He turned back to her. "I'll be really quick."

"Sure." Brooklyn nodded.

She and Nat left the bedroom, after Brooklyn grabbed a nicer purse than her standard messenger bag. When Juliana saw her, the little girl squealed and skipped over.

"You look so pretty, Lyn!" She jumped up and down. "Like a Disney princess!"

"You really think so?" She twitched the skirts in her sister's direction. "I think it turned out nice."

"You are even wearing the lock't that Papa sent you!" Juliana clapped her hands.

Brooklyn caught Nat's curious glace at her, out of the corner of her eye, but chose to ignore it. "I did. I think it went very well with this dress."

She went over and picked up the messenger bag, setting it on the table, beginning to transfer things over to the sleeker purse she had chosen for the night.

"Now, did Steve go over the rules with you?" Brooklyn asked, trying to decide if she should put some of her self defense tolls in the bag.

"Be polite. Listen to their rules. Behave yourself, like you would, if not better at home. And the picnic butt'n is only for emerg'cies." Juliana recited, watching her sister.

"I also want to remind you that people don't understand our past. So, where does Steve work?"

"Stark Indus'ries." Juliana answered.

"Where is your Papa?" Brooklyn decided that taking a few of the self defence tools would not be a bad idea. Just in case. You never knew.

"My Papa is gett'n help, cause he's sick. Cause he was in the mil'tary, and that made his head sick." Juliana tapped her temple.

"Where do I work?"

"You're a wai'ress, at a club." Juliana rubbed her nose.

Brooklyn nodded. "That's good. Very good. I'm proud."

Juliana looked at Nat, before sighing. "Steve says it's not good to lie."

"You aren't lying." Brooklyn, content with what she had put in her purse, set it down. "You just aren't telling the truth."

She turned to go down the hall, pausing to look at Nat, before continuing on her way to the bathroom, grabbing the lipstick off the counter. Returning, she observed her sister's frown. "What?"

"If I'm not telling the truth, that's lying." Juliana rubbed her nose again.

"No. You aren't. Sometimes there is an area where you aren't telling the truth, but you aren't lying. That's what you are doing. We do it all the time. Even Steve." She pulled out a compact mirror, opening to apply her lipstick.

"But it's lying!" Juliana stomped her foot.

Brooklyn paused, raising an eyebrow, looking at her sister. "Excuse me?"

"If you aren't telling the truth, you are lying! And lying is bad!" Juliana screamed.

Brooklyn blinked. Then snapped at her sister in Russian, "That's enough!"

Juliana stopped, freezing right where she was.

"There is a place, between lying and telling the truth. It's called reworking the words. That is what we are doing. It's what we have always been doing." She told her sister gently. "We aren't telling the full truth, as it really is, but we tell it in a way that allows us to hide the truth. Without lying. Because Steve does work with Stark Industries. Papa was made sick, in his head, while he was in the military, and I do work as a waitress in a club. The things outside of that, the facts that expand on that, make it bigger, is what we are not telling people. Just like how your name is legally Juliana Bianchi, but it's really Juliana Barnes."

"It doesn't seem right." Juliana rubbed her nose. "It still seems like lying."

"It's not. It's something adults do, all the time. Like your sister said, even Steve does it." Nat added, helpfully.

JUliana sneezed, holding her hand over her mouth. As she pulled it away, it was wet. Brooklyn shook her head.

"Go wash your hand, Jules." Brooklyn pointed to the hallway. "Bathroom. Leave Steve alone, he's changing."

The little girl nodded, trotting down the hallway.

Brooklyn sighed, finishing applying her lipstick, rolling her lips for even coverage, before shutting the tube and slipping it and the compact into her smaller purse.

"Does that happen, often?" Nat asked, leaning against the back of the couch, arms crossed.

"Her temper? Sometimes." Brooklyn pulled out a chair, sitting down.

"And you correct her in Russian?" The redhead raised an eyebrow.

"She doesn't understand it. She wasn't raised like I was. I knew Russian fairly early on. That and German. I think my father was the one to teach me English. I do know it's not my first language." Brooklyn shrugged. "Just like I can't imagine your it was your first language, either."

Nat nodded. "You would be right. How does Rogers handle you doing that, though?"

Tilting her head, back and forth, Brooklyn shrugged again. "He's not very vocal about it. We haven't had a real row about how I'm raising Juliana, beyond small issues."

"He's not voiced an opinion? Rogers? Really?" Nat was apparently not convinced.

"I didn't say he didn't have an opinion. I'm just saying that, for the most part, he's showing a bit of intelligence and keeping that opinion to himself."

The man in question came out of the bedroom, adjusting his tie. Dressed rather smartly in a dark gray suit, with a slightly patterned striped tie, he did cut a rather nice figure. Apparently satisfied with his tie, he ran his hand though his hair, before grinning at the two assassins.

"Well, I'm ready. Shall we get going?"

Brooklyn jerked her head in the direction of the hallway. "Jules is washing her hands. Then we can go."
She stood up, looping the strap of the purse over her arm, smoothing down her skirt.

Steve looked her up and down, frowning slightly. "Do you need to take a coat? It might get a bit chilly tonight."

"Are you saying you would let me get cold, Steve?" Brooklyn winked at him. "I would think that would ruin your chances of having a pleasurable end to the evening."

Steve stepped up to her, placing two fingers under her chin, making her raise it, lowering his head so he could press a kiss to her temple, before chuckling in her ear. "Oh, Babydoll. You just keep challenging me, don't you? When are you gonna learn?"

"I guess I have a problem with that." She informed him, pulling back to look him in the eye, raising an eyebrow. "What'cha gonna do about it?"

She caught the way Nat was watching them, wide eyed and surprised.

Steve smirked down at her, pinching her chin, before pulling away.

"Juliana!" he called out. "Let's get going. We don't want to be rude by being late, do we?"

A/N: So, Natasha has entered the chat! LOL! Don't worry, Steve is just being a pip, right now. But yeah, hows everyone feeling abou that? Comment, vote, tell me your favorite ice cream flavor. Right now mine is anything Salted Caramel! Let's see if we can get another chap out by Thursday? 

Edit: Just out of curiosity, should I be adding songs that remind me of chapters, or characters to this? Is that something people would want? If so, let me know.

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