Chapter 39

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Steve smiled down at Brooklyn as they walked, side by side, holding hands, towards the restaurant. After the movie, which ended up being basically a make-out session, seeing as they were pretty much the only people in the theater for the movie they had chosen, he was a little keyed up. He didn't even know if either one of them had actually paid any attention to the movie itself. Every so often, he would reach into his pant's pocket, feeling the lace of her panties against his fingers.

He knew she had not been deliberately teasing him, earlier, while he was on the phone with Nat. He was well aware that women put their underwear on, after hooking up their stockings. But the chance to play with her, to dominate her, just a little, was too great an opportunity to pass up.

So, now, dressed in her pretty dress, her legs whispering as the silk rubbed together, he knew what no one else in the world did. That Brooklyn Barnes was bare under that skirt. That her pretty pussy, which he enjoyed playing with so much, was open and ready for him to touch, whenever he wanted to reach under that skirt. It was a heady feeling of power, to know that she had gone along with his game, when she could have pulled on another pair, as soon as he left her alone. But when he had slipped his hand under her skirt at the theater, and found her so deliciously bare, he had felt the thrill run through him.

He was so proud of her, though. So fucking proud of his Babydoll. After they had rounded up Juliana, getting her shoes and coat on her, grabbing her overnight bag, escorting her and Nat out of the apartment, down to the street, Brooklyn had paused, while he was putting Juliana into the car he had basically taken out on permanent loan from Stark, and asked Nat if she would like to join Brooklyn for some shopping on Monday. The redhead had been slightly taken aback, but had smiled and accepted the invitation. That, combined with the fact that Brooklyn was being extremely friendly with Nat, was more than enough reason to be proud of her. But then she continued that streak bravery, that burgeoning trust, to hug Nat, thanking her for bringing over the panic button setup, despite breaking Steve's trust slightly, in showing up at the apartment.

Steve had always intended to introduce the two, but when he had thought Brooklyn was a little bit more stable in the idea herself. Having Nat step over the line had worked out, when it could have gone so wrong. Brooklyn could have, and might have been well in her rights, to attack Nat. In that case, Steve wasn't sure how well things would have gone. As far as he was aware the two women were evenly matched. Both were highly trained, in separate forms of attacks and defenses. Both were at the top of their levels, as far as he knew. And while he had seen Nat in action, the truth was he was unaware of how Brooklyn fought, how she moved, what the gaps in her defense were.

Instead, beyond the initial bump of Brooklyn being on guard from the moment she had heard Nat's voice, she had slowly relaxed, and even allowed Nat to help her finish dressing for their date night.

Then, to even further add to his pride, when they had gotten to the William's household, she had been friendly, open, accepting. After a brief tour of the place, she had kissed Juliana on the cheek, told her to be good, and let Steve escort her from the house, without panicking, or having a moment of doubt. The fact that he had assured her that the panic button notice would be very noticeable, should it go off, was probably helping that, a bit. She had even accepted Mrs. Williams' invitation to the next PTA meeting on Wednesday, with no expectations of being rounded into the activities. Basically, she was being invited to meet the other mothers of the school, to maybe be accepted into their circle of friends.

In the past month, she had made leaps and bounds, in regards to letting her guard down. There were still moments, when she would freeze on the street, or while at the store, and the shadows would enter her eyes. But for the most part, she was at least playing the part of a normal woman living in New York.

Now, as he held the door open for her, the scent of charred meat and beer and garlic in the air, causing his stomach to growl, he smiled down at her, while she looked up at him from under her lashes, a soft blush warming the apples of her cheeks.

Placing a hand on the small of her back, he escorted her up to the podium, where the hostess waited, a bored expression on her heavily done up face.

"Good evening, welcome to Peter Luger Steakhouse. Table for two? It'll be about ninety minutes." the waitress clicked a pen. "Can I have a name?"
"We have a reservation. Under Rogers." He responded, smiling politely.

The waitress nodded, running her finger down the book. "I see it. If you give me a few minutes to make sure it's ready, I will take you back."

She disappeared into the restaurant, and Steve chuckled. "Good thing I made reservations."

Brooklyn smiled up at him. "It appears you do have a plan." He groaned. "Really? You are going to pull that joke?"

"Of course." She leaned into him. "I fully expect you to always have a plan. About everything."

Steve felt a fission of worry hit him. Did she know? Did she suspect his long term plans? He had been open with her about wanting to get his own place, well, their own place. A place that was theirs, his and hers. A place that had no strings attached to anyone else. A place where they could build their life together, start a family. A place where she felt totally safe and protected. A place where he could do that for her.

But did she know he had plans beyond that? That he intended to put a ring on her finger, very soon. As soon as she let him. That he intended to make her his wife. He wanted to stand before god and everyone on earth and declare that this woman was the one he wanted to bind himself to, spiritually and legally, for as long as they both lived.

He was well aware that that was most likely going to be an uphill battle. Brooklyn had been very open about her non-belief in both marriage as an institution, and in God. 'A commitment before a God she wasn't even sure she believed in', was how she put it, if he remembered correctly. It was something she wasn't even sure she would be able to do.

Oh, but how he wanted to show her how well she would be able to.

It still boggled his mind, how a daughter raised by Bucky had somehow grown up without a firm belief in a higher power. Although, given the circumstances of her birth and childhood, her whole life, maybe it wasn't completely unbelievable. Bucky himself might have fallen in his belief. The irony was not lost on Steve, that Brooklyn had chosen a parochial school in which to have her sister educated, given her own opinion on religion.

Religion wasn't something that Steve actively practiced. At least, not now. Too much had come along to shake his belief. Meeting a God from Norse Mythology, two really, had sure helped. But he still had a sense that there was something else out there, something that he could put his faith in. He would be the first to admit that his attendance to church had become non-existent since coming out of the ice. With all the media coverage that he had encountered after the Battle of New York, before he made the move down to DC, it had been near impossible for him to attend, if only for the fear that people were judging which parish he attended.

If he had the urge, he would often say his rosary in his head. He was coming to terms that he didn't need a preacher to get between a discussion with God and himself. If he wanted to talk to the Almighty, he would do it, just fine, on his own.

Marriage was one of those things that he still held sacred, though. It hadn't been on his radar, back before he went into the ice, with the exception of a possibility with Peggy. Mostly due the knowledge that no woman was going to choose a man who would spend most of his time sick, before he took the serum, and after, there was just too much work to be done. Now, he had been informed, women didn't need even the hint of a promise of a ring to sleep with a man. And he would be the first to admit that he had been rather greedy in that regard, looking to sink his pain and sorrow between the legs of a willing woman.

Well, now, though, he wanted nothing more than to see his ring on Brooklyn's finger, so that all the men in the world would be able to understand that she was his. Yes, he was aware of how backwards it was, to want something to brand her as his. As if she was property that he needed marked so that no one would steal it. He was very aware of how most women would react, if they heard his thoughts on the subject. He was pretty sure he would be called things like a 'neanderthal', or 'disgusting pig'. But the hard reality was, he needed every tie he could put on her, to make sure that when her father came back, there was no way she would be able to walk away from him.

The hostess came back, smiling, while picking up a few menus. "Your table is ready, Mr. Rogers. If you would like to follow me?"

Steve put his hand on Brooklyn's back, letting the hostess lead them to a square table, set for four. The hostess waited until Steve had urged Brooklyn into a chair, pushing it in, before taking off his jacket, hanging it on the back of the chair that was kitty corner to Brooklyn's, sitting down. Then she slid the menus in front of them.

"Your waiter will be over shortly. Enjoy your meal!" And she was gone.

Steve smiled at Brooklyn, and picked up his menu. He had decided, earlier today, when he had begun to research where he wanted to take her, that price was not going to be a sticking point for him. He wanted to treat her, give her a good experience for her first ever date. The online information had prepared him for prices, and it had been a good thing, too. Seeing the prices in person was a bit of a shock. If he had been another man, or even his old self, his heart might have stopped, seeing the monetary value of the meal he was about to order.

"Does anything look good to you, Babydoll?" He asked, before looking over at her.

She had hung her purse on the corner of the chair she was sitting at, and instead of looking at the menu, she was sitting very primly with her hands folded on the menu. That she had yet to pick up. She smiled at him, shaking her head. "I was going to let you order for me."

Warmth filled him. She was letting him provide for her. "Are you sure?" he needed to know that she was certain of this.

"Yes." She nodded. "I want you to order."

He reached out, taking her left hand, bringing it up to his lips, kissing the bare ring finger. "Thank you, Babydoll."

He kept her hand in his, as he returned his attention to the menu. "Is there anything in particular you have a craving for?"

"No. Just order what you think I should have." She squeezed his hand.

Steve grinned at her again, before mentally making note of what he wanted to order on the menu. Which was good, because the waiter came up.

"Hello! My name is Carson, and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you on something to drink? Or are you ready to order, as well." He glanced at Steve, but paused longer when he looked at Brooklyn.

Steve tightened his hand on hers, clearing his throat. "Red wine. The house blend is fine. And we are ready to order, aren't we, Babydoll?"

He kept his eyes on the waiter, lifting Brooklyn's hand, kissing the bare ring finger again.

"Yes, if you know what we want." Brooklyn confirmed, not even paying attention to the waiter.

That soothed the jealousy that was rearing its head in Steve's chest. "We will have the steak for three, rare to medium, four slices of bacon, the creamed spinach for two, the German potatoes for two, two orders of the Caesar salad, and the tomatoes and onions for two, please." Steve picked up his menu, as well as Brooklyn's and held them out to the waiter.

Carson, eyebrows raised, was jotting down on the pad, still writing down the order. "Will that be all, sir?"

"For now." Steve smiled. "Thank you."

Taking the menus, Carson nodded, "I'll have the wine and those salads out to you right away."

And he was gone.

Steve focused his attention on Brooklyn, stroking her hand. "How did you like the movie? You didn't say."
She smiled, cocking her head. "It was interesting. The dynamic of the culture clash was interesting."
He nodded. "I think that was interesting as well. And the story was solid, wasn't it?"

"Steve." She shook her head. "I think we both know that we didn't' watch a whole lot of that movie. I know he impressed the woman across the lane. She helped him get to Paris, where he became a celebrated chef. I know he came back, because he wanted to be with his family and the girl. That was all I really got from that movie. It was nice. But you can't expect me to give you a complete breakdown, considering how distracting you were."

He grinned. "Was I distracting?"

"You had your hand up my skirt, and your tongue down my throat, for the better part of the movie." She leaned forward. "I think I liked that part best."

"I did too." He leaned towards her. "It was worth the price of the ticket, to be able to do that, in public."

"We could have done it at home, for free. In fact, we wouldn't have had to stop, when the lights went on, at home." She pointed out.

"But then I wouldn't be able to enjoy you in that pretty dress." He smirked. "And I do enjoy you, in that dress. I might enjoy you more, later."

"I guess... I just don't understand the point of a date. If it is to get to know a potential partner, we are already doing that." She shrugged. "We can eat at home. We can watch movies at home. Why do we need to go out to do all of that?"
"Its a way to show how much I hold you in high esteem. If the woman was the one making all the meals, it would be a way to show her that she is worth the price of the date. It is also a way to celebrate things. We have a few things to celebrate, lately. So, maybe we can think of this date as that celebration." He pressed her hand to his lips. "Because I feel we have done so much together, lately, that needs to be celebrated."

"So it is about seduction?" Brooklyn frowned slightly. "The media make it about that, I guess. It's all so confusing, sometimes."
"I want to take you out, show you the city. Show you all the things you have never been exposed to, before. I want to see the look on your face when something catches your eye that fascinates you." He smiled. "I want to experience it all, through your eyes. And if it means I get to see you dressed up, and show you off a bit, then that's an added bonus. Although," He frowned now. "I don't know if I like sharing how beautiful you are with other men. That was not something that I had considered."
The waiter returned, with glasses and a bottle of wine, followed by another waiter, who had the tray. Setting the glasses down, he quickly poured them wine, before setting the bottle down at Steve's nod. Then he began sliding baskets of bread, plates of butter, and the salads off the tray and onto the table. As he leaned over the table, to slide the salad in front of Brooklyn, he gave her a wink, which irritated Steve to no end. Did the man not get the hint that she was firmly with him? The fact that they were holding hands, leaning towards each other should have been a clear message.

This was something that had been a bit of a running theme, Steve had been noticing. Men seemed to be drawn to Brooklyn. Steve could understand that, seeing as how he had been drawn to her. Maybe It was the air of innocence she still carried, despite spending most of the night under him, last night. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, like she was above it all. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was so goddamn beautiful, she should be gracing the covers of some of those magazines that were around now a days. Although, Steve had first hand knowledge that she could also grace some of the ones that used to be hidden behind the counters of the newsstands, the ones sold in brown paper.

Yes, her body was sinful, her voice alluring, and her face and eyes so beautiful he knew why men kept giving her looks and trying to steal her from him. But it was what they couldn't see, just by looking at her that made her the most attractive to Steve. Her mind, her wit, both sharp as a tack, drove him crazy with wanting to see how or what she was going to say or do next. Her soul, still so pure in ways that seemed impossible given her past, was something that even Steve was trying to capture.

The waiter, finished with his task, nodded to the both of them, and left.

Finally letting go of her hand, Steve picked up the napkin, giving it a quick shake, before laying it on one of his thighs, reaching for the wine glass.

"Steve?" Brooklyn followed suit with the napkin, but picked up her fork, spearing a bite of dressing covered romaine lettuce.

"Yes, Babydoll?" He went to take a sip of the wine, his eyes on her.

"Will we be trying anal sex, as well?" She slipped the bite into her mouth.

Sucking in air on a gasp, as well as wine, Steve felt his throat spasm, and he began to choke. Grabbing the napkin, he pressed it against his mouth as he coughed the wine out of his lungs and throat. Brooklyn, frozen with eyes wide, watched with concern as he coughed, over and over. Finally getting his breathing under control, he reached for a water glass, taking a deep drink, before clearing his throat, and setting the napkin down, before leveling a stern look at her.

She was blushing, her fingers toying with the fork she had laid down on the plate of salad.

"Babydoll." He intoned. He thought about what he wanted to say, and how he wanted to say it for a moment, before clearing his throat again. "Babydoll, we only just began to have sex. Real sex. And while I know you are eager to jump ahead, to a lot of things, that is one thing... That is one thing that we really, REALLY, have to take our time on."

"Oh." She frowned. "I guess that makes sense."

"Besides," He grinned at her, gingerly picking up the wine glass again. "There is so much more we get to do, in the meantime."

"Can we try out some of the things I've read about, in the books?" She asked, returning to eating her salad.

"We can indeed. That might take quite a while." He took a sip, a proper sip, of his wine, setting the glass down, and picking up his fork. "That seems like it might be a lot of fun."

They continued to chat about everything and nothing, it seemed, through the rest of the salad course. Once they had finished the rather well done salads, they were soon served the main course. The steaks came out already sliced into chunks, the cook looking close to what he had ordered. The sides were steaming and delicious looking. The bacon was thick and satisfying looking. There was also a signature steak sauce, served in a logo-ed gravy boat. Under Steve's watchful eyes, Carson slid two dinner plates down, before whisking the empty salad plates away, offering to serve them, which Steve declined, then disappearing.

"I see what you are doing." She murmured.

"I don't like the way he has been looking at you." Steve complained. "Its rude. You are clearly out with me, I am clearly your man, yet he keeps making eyes at you."

She smiled. "And I will be going home with you, not him. So there is no need to worry. He can look, but you and I both know there is no way he will ever be allowed to touch. Steve, I waited nearly sixty years to have sex. To be ready to do so. And I chose you. Of all the men in the world, and apparently outer space, I chose you. That should be all you ever need to know, in regards to where you stand."

He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her lips. "And where do I stand, Brooklyn?" He asked, against her lips.

"Head and shoulders above mere mortals, Captain." She grinned, nuzzling her lips against his. "Please, serve me dinner?"

"It would be my pleasure, Babydoll." He reached for the plates, setting both down in front of himself, before taking a moment to roll up his sleeves. "Now, a bit of everything, yes?"

"As you see fit, Steve. Give me what you think I need." She grinned, nodding.

He reached for the steak, gathering up a good sized portion, with the serving spoons. "I think you need a smacked bottom, with the way you keep teasing me."

"Teasing means I have no intention of following through. I believe the term is a sure bet. That's what I am. A sure bet." her smile widened. "There is no doubt about that."
Steve nodded, grinning as well. "That's good to hear."

Once he had steak on her plate, he scooped up the creamed spinach before putting it on the plate as well, before reaching for the German potatoes. Once that was on her plate, he added some tomato and onion, then two slices of bacon, before putting the plate in front of her. "They say this is some of the best steak in the city."

"High praise indeed, then." She picked up her fork and knife. "it certainly looks good."

"They dry age it, on site." He began serving himself, watching as she cut into the steak, before bringing a bite up to her mouth. "Months and months, they dry age it."

"I don't really know what dry aging is." She slid the steak into her mouth, chewing a few times, before she closed her eyes and gave a soft moan.
"Good?" He grinned, getting ready to cut into his own steak.

She nodded, bringing up a hand to hide her mouth. "So good."

As he put the steak into his mouth, and began to chew, he understood why Brooklyn had had the reaction she did. The steak was, to put it bluntly, fucking perfect. It was the best steak he had ever tasted. Definitely worth the price, he decided. Even more so, when he got to watch Brooklyn enjoy it.

They quickly devoured the food, each of them commenting several times how good it was.

Steve was quick to put more food on Brooklyn's plate, as soon as she had gotten close to cleaning it, eager to make sure she was well fed. Her weight was still an issue for him. While she was slender, and for most men that would have been more than pleasing, he was concerned with how quickly she slimmed down. If she missed more than one meal, or didn't eat until she was full, he had noticed how, even in a month, she would lose weight. She was already light, and he didn't see a need for her to be any lighter. If anything, he would have preferred a bit more weight on her. He would never tell her it, but sometimes, when they were holding each other, or while they were playing, he could feel her bones through her skin, and it wasn't something he was entirely comfortable with. Last night, while in the midst of their sexual play, he had felt those bones, and been worried that if he gripped her too tight, or in the wrong way, he might snap one of them. He would be the first to admit that he liked his women curvy and fleshy, a bit of cushion was healthy. He knew she wasn't trying to conform with the modern standard of beauty, were a woman had to look half starved to be considered attractive. Brooklyn's metabolism just was a bit hard for her to stay on top of.

It was one of the many reasons he didn't mind doing a fair amount of the cooking. If he was cooking, he could put extra into the meal, things like extra fat, extra carbs, extra protein. Things he knew her body needed to build itself up. If he was cooking, he could also make sure she was getting more than her fair share. She had an abhorrence of leaving food on her plate. In fact, he knew she would clean the plate, even if she felt she was full. When he had brought it up to Banner, in passing, the doctor had mentioned that she might have grown up in a situation that might be considered a food derth. It meant that she had been exposed to periods where food was an uncertainty, and that she had taught herself to eat whatever she was given, no matter the circumstances, in case there was a period where she might not be given enough another time. He knew that early on, Brooklyn had been teaching Juliana this practice. But since he had been around, she had lessened on that teaching, often letting the little girl eat what she wanted, and not forcing her to clean her plate if she was unable.

That didn't mean that they had adjusted the amounts given to Juliana, to where she might feel guilty for not eating everything she was given. In fact, they had more success now, than in the beginning. Steve often thought back to Juliana's birthday party, where the children had been given small plates of food, and encouraged to eat off the adult's plates. That sort of communal eating was a wonderful tactic, in his opinion. It made sure that the children ate as much as they wanted, without leaving anything behind. It also had the added benefit of allowing the children to eat in between their playing and running around, while also trying new foods.

After he scraped up the last of the wonderful steak sauce off his plate with his last bite of steak, he knew that Brooklyn was well and truly fed. He himself felt full, which was very nice, indeed.

They sat, finishing their wine, just holding hands, in the still that occupied a successful meal, when the waiter returned, to clean up the plates.

"Will you be interested in ordering dessert?" Carson asked, stacking the plates. "We have a wonderful selection."

"Steve, we do have dessert at home. We went to the bakery today, remember?" Brooklyn rubbed his hand.

He did remember, that they had stopped after leaving the studio, before going to go pick up Juliana from school. They had exited the taxi, and Brooklyn, with a look in her eyes, had suggested they stop in the bakery before going upstairs. Entering the bakery, the assaulting smell of yeast and sugar had made his mouth water, and he had found himself agreeing to Brooklyn's suggestion of ordering an assortment of Italian pastries. One of her favorites, the multi colored almond cakes, covered in chocolate, the three colors on display, were some of the first added to the box. From there they had chosen different pastries, cookies, and treats, some at the suggestion of the owner of the shop, Carmine. Carmine and Brooklyn had chatted about life and the happenings of the neighborhood, while the older man had filled up the box. He had even gone so far as to give them a discount, when it came to pay.

"Yeah, but..." He turned to Carson. "What do you have?"

The waiter went over the choices, still stacking the dishes, preparing to take them away, when Steve nodded.

"The cheesecake, please." He sat back, smiling.

"Just one serving?" Carson asked, lifting the plates.

"Just the one." Steve confirmed, turning his attention back to Brooklyn. "I know we have the things from the bakery, at home. But I heard good things from the internet about the cheesecake, here. I would like to try it."

He ignored the waiter leaving, reaching out to take Brooklyn's hand again. She smiled at him, giving his hand a squeeze. "You are being very open, tonight."

"I don't want to hide us. What we are. Not from anyone." He gave her a half grin. "I know why you do. And I respect that. But if I can be open about how I feel about you, how you make me feel? What we are to each other? Even if it's for a moment, a night, I will do it."

Again, so much went unsaid. Words that beat at him, sometimes. Words that he wanted to open his mouth and let spill out into the open, making her face them. That feeling that he was five steps ahead of her hit him again. It was unfair of him, he knew, that he was already picking out china patterns, while she was still coming to grips with her need for intimacy with him. He was already planning where he wanted to send their children to college, and she was still trying to figure out how to make room for him in the dresser.

It didn't help that so much felt unsettled in their relationship. Instead of settling everything, sex only seemed to make him even more worried. Now she knew what it felt like to lay under a man, to feel him move in her, to know what it felt like to come apart around him. Before, the novelty of it was there, the unknowing of it. Nothing was really there to keep her with him. Nothing was fully binding, yet. He could still lose her, if he wasn't careful. Until that ring was on her finger, until she had taken his last name, until she was fully his wife, he could still lose her.

"It's not that I don't want to be open, in regards to our relationship." She slowly shook her head. "But until I am fully satisfied that all of the... people connected to my past are no longer a threat, I don't want to put either us, or Juliana at risk. It's been less then a year, Steve. I can't... I worry that I may be letting down my guard too soon."

"When I have made sure all of them are gone, the first thing I will do is take out a full page ad, in all the papers, announcing that you are my woman." He promised. "I will go on any talk show they ask me to, just to explain how much you mean to me. I will take you the center of Times Square, and kiss you for hours, letting anyone and everyone watch."

"I believe you." Her eyes were slightly wide. "But I don't need the grand gestures, like in the movies. You can do the small things, and that will mean so much more to me. You already do it. Things like when you wait for me to come home, when I go out with Junior and his boys. Like how you hold me at night, when I have the nightmares. How you soothe me through the bad days. How you like to hold my hand, in public. How gentle you are with Juliana. How you waited for me to be ready, to have sex, when I am pretty sure any other man in the world would have either pushed me, or walked away already. You don't judge me, for all the things I have done in the past. All of those small things, they mean so much to me. Because that is proof, proof that I can actually look at, and say 'he respects me. He cares for me'. all of that means so much more to me, than any sort of great big grand gesture you could ever conceive of."

He swallowed, hard. Gripping her hand, he shook his head. "Any man, who you chose to have in your life, should give you that, as a bare minimum. He should be happy and proud to do all of that for you. Because you are worth all of that, and more. You deserve so much more. And I want to give all of that, and more to you. I want to hold you up to the world, to show them that you exist, and that by existing, you make the world a brighter place. All because you honored me, by choosing me."

"Well, it makes sense, that you would feel like that." She winked at him cheekily, breaking the seriousness of the conversation. "You belong to me."
"I do." He nodded. "Just as you belong to me. And when we get home, I will show you, over and over, until you are dripping, how much you belong to me."

She grinned. "I'll have to add to the marks on your back."

"Please do." He brought her hand up to kiss that bare ring finger, that kept taunting him with the knowledge that he still had a lot of work ahead of himself. "I love knowing that I can make you lose control like that, to where you don't care if you are making me bleed. How is your bottom feeling?"

"Scratchy." She snorted. "The tulle is especially scratchy on a bare bottom."

A clearing throat pulled their attention away from each other. Carson stood next to the table, face red, with a tray. "Your cheesecake, Sir."

The waiter slid the plate with the cheesecake in front of Steve, as well as the bowl of fresh whipped cream. Also pulled out a handful of gold coins, setting those on the table. "Will that be all, tonight?"

"Yes, thank you, Carson. Just the bill, when you get a chance." Steve replied, smiling at the man. He knew that he had heard Brooklyn. Possibly even more of the conversation before that. Let that be the end of the man's attraction to Brooklyn. She was Steve's Babydoll.

He picked up one of the two forks, ignoring the whipped cream for now, sliding the tines into the cheesecake, breaking off the point in a perfect bite. Holding it up to Brooklyn, he waited.

She smiled slightly, before leaning forward, opening her mouth, allowing him to slide the fork in. Wrapping her mouth around the bite, she tightened her mouth as he pulled the fork away. Her eyes closed as she chewed, sighing in pleasure.

"Better than the desserts we have at home?" He asked, his throat thick. She made similar facial expressions when she was sucking his cock. The throbbing he had been pushing back, ignoring for most of the night made itself known again. There was a real worry that he might not be able to resist long enough for him to get her back to the apartment where she was safe, before he gave in to the need to fuck her.

"It's not Carmine's lemon ricotta cake, but it's good, just as it is." She smirked at him, trying to be difficult.

He reached out, picking up the spoon in the whipped cream, giving it a sharp shake, letting the dollop of cream fall on the cheesecake, before replacing the spoon. Digging the fork into the cheesecake, he raised another bite to her. After she accepted it in her mouth, he asked, "And now?"

"Mm-hmm." She moaned, nodding her head, reaching to wipe off a smudge of whipped cream from her bottom lip. He snagged the hand, bringing the finger to his mouth, sucking it clean. Her slow inhalation was the reward. "Steve..."
He was pleased to see the flush climbing up her chest. "Don't worry, Babydoll. I'll take care of all your needs, soon. But first, let me finish feeding you."

Steve continued to keep feeding her the cheesecake, sneaking a bite, here and there, until the dessert was done. He even picked the gold foil off the coins, slipping the chocolate disks onto her tongue, knowing how she felt about chocolate. It had been one of the earliest things he had ever learned about her. Chocolate was one of Brooklyn's favorite things in this world. She had told him it was because of how many things could be done with it. Just when you thought you had seen it all, chocolate surprised you.

She had a preference for European chocolate over American chocolate. She claimed that American chocolate, specifically the American standard, Hershey, to be too sour or flavorless, compared to even the cheapest European chocolate. Basically, his Babydoll was a bit of a chocolate snob. She could spend a fair amount of time in the candy aisle at the grocery store, looking over the different chocolate flavors on offer, only to turn her nose up. But when they went to the imported section, if there was chocolate, she was quick to put it in the cart.

He did have to admit, that she had a point. To a degree. He had many a fond memory of having chocolate, in his mess kit, while fighting. It was a little bit of home, a flavor of security on the tongue. But when she put a piece of her dark European chocolate in his mouth, he would give over the field in that fight. The Europeans had managed to retain the flavor, while still having a pleasing sweetness.

That still didn't mean that he hadn't been making plans to take her for a tour of Hershey, Pennsylvania, when summer came. He was pretty sure Juliana would lose her mind, as well.

As soon as he had finished feeding her, the waiter came with the bill, cleaning the table. "I hope everything was to your satisfaction, tonight."

"I think it was. What do you think, Babydoll?" Steve asked Brooklyn.

"The food was very good. But I don't think I will be fully satisfied, until we get home." She responded, smirking slightly.

Steve blinked at her, before feeling a wide smile cross his face. "Of that, I can absolutely guarantee, Babydoll."

He reached back, to his jacket, pulling out his wallet. Pulling out the cash, more than enough to leave a healthy tip, after the bill was settled, he smiled at the waiter as he handed it over. "Thank you, for a wonderful meal."

Steve liked to remind himself, occasionally, that his Mother had raised him to have manners.


The drive back was slow. It had started to rain, and in typical New York fashion, everyone who was on the streets dived for a cab. They had run for the car, laughing as they dodged the raindrops and the forming puddles. Despite that, they still got a little wet on the run. The resulting clogging of vehicles cause the traffic to slow to a crawl. Steve decided he didn't care. They were safe in the car, he was secure in his knowledge on how to handle it, and Brooklyn was sitting sideways in her seat, smiling at him.

More than once she stretched out a hand, running it along his shoulder, or his arm, or even his thigh. Whenever she did, he would wait until the hand stilled, then grab it to bring it up to kiss the palm, the back, the wrist, the fingers. Anything he wanted to, when the urge struck him. The thigh touches were the most thrilling, if he was honest. Too often her fingers would dig into the muscle, before trailing into his inner thigh for the briefest moment. He was vastly tempted to take her hand and press it between his thighs, so she would be made aware of just how difficult she was making it for him to keep his attention on the car in front of him.

The rustling of her skirts, along with the click of her seat belt made him turn his head, for a moment to look at her, before the tail lights went out in the car in front of them, inching itself forward. Steve did the same, tapping the breaks when the lights went back on. Brooklyn lifted the arm rest between the seats, leaning over to place her hand on his neck.

"Steve?" She purred. She straight up purred. Like a goddamn cat.

Swallowing hard, he turned to look at her. "Babydoll?"

Licking her lips, she raised up on her knees before she inched closer, her hand running down his shoulder until she could slide it along his side, to his hip. "I don't want to wait until we get home."

He let out a shuddering breath, feeling her hand move from his hip to his belt. "Brooklyn, we will be home soon-"
"Don't want to wait." She cut him off, pulling at his belt, beginning to undo it. "I want to play, now."

"Babydoll, we are in traffic. Anyone could see." He protested, feeling the give of his belt as she succeeded in her efforts. "It's not safe."
"Steve, no one can see. Stark had this car tinted. We can see out, but no one can see in." She added her second hand, undoing the button of his slacks. He could feel himself start to leak. "Just drive the car. I'll handle the rest."

Just as he was about to protest again, the car in front of them moved. He followed suit, as she slid the zipper of his slacks down, reaching in to grasp his cock through his underwear.

"Did I tell you, while I didn't like seeing you in that outfit, earlier today, there was something about you in it that made me so... desperate, for you? I wanted to tarnish you. Rip you out of your patriotic getup, ruin that sterling reputation of yours. I wonder what the filming crew would have thought, if I had done that. Gone over to you, while you were straddling that damn chair, and stripped you naked." She was giving his cock short soft strokes, her lips pressing against his ear. "If the world knew what a dirty man you really are. They watch you walk around, putting you on that pedestal, while all along deep inside, you are one of the dirtiest men to walk the earth. If they only knew the real you.... the dark man deep inside... the one you try so hard to pretend wasn't there..."

Fingers gripping the steering wheel, Steve could feel his breath getting choppy, his thighs tensing and releasing with each of her strokes. She pulled away, sitting up, reaching behind herself. Steve tried to get his breath under control as he watched her pull her shoes off. Then she was ducking under his arm, her hands pulling at the opening of his slacks, making it wider.

"Brooklyn..." He grunted, keeping his eyes trained on the car in front of them.

"Steve..." She taunted, before she began to slide her hand into his underwear. His lower stomach flinched at the delicate touch. He groaned as she grasped his bare cock, stroking him right away, before easing his underwear out of the way, exposing him to the warm air of the car. "You better be really good at multitasking, Rogers. Cause I'm about to suck this cock, until you cum in my mouth, okay?"

A/N: I know I said Thursday, but a day early is better, right? Right? Next posting date I am aiming for is Saturday. There is a lot going on in this chapter, and i'm sorry. But if i didnt' cut it off where i did, i would have ended up with a 10k chapter, easily. Enjoy! Vote and comment!

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