Chapter 44

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Weeks passed. In that time, Steve had gone on one mission, while Brooklyn had been out at three times. He had grumbled about it, after the incident with Stelluto. She was quick to soothe and reassure him.

Juliana was doing well in school. The weekly reports back from the teacher were encouraging. She had also gone to spend the night at her friend Carrie's house. Brooklyn had even made her way to going to the PTA meeting during that time, coming back absolutely bewildered about the women who ran the meetings. They all appeared to be friends, and yet, she had claimed to meet agents who were more loyal.

Halloween was in two days, and Juliana had started to make noise about wanting to go trick or treating. All her friends at school were going, she informed them. It was only fair that she be allowed to go as well. After an adult discussion about it, later the same night Juliana brought it up, Steve and Brooklyn agreed there would be no harm in allowing her to go. Granted, as long as the two of them were there. So it was that the three of them found themselves at the local Target, again. Braving the masses of hyper children and ragged mothers, all whom were on the same mission that they were: purchasing a Halloween costume.
Juliana was stuck between deciding on a pretty princess or, much to Steve's frustration and Brooklyn's amusement, Iron Man. It was with gentle urging from both that she settled on the princess costume. But only if Brooklyn would dress up with her. Brooklyn, sighing, grabbed one of the first costumes she saw in her size, putting it in the basket, before they went off to pick out a candy bucket. Steve mused that he had never been trick or treating. It hadn't been popular when he was growing up, and when it had, it had not been in the form that it now took. He admitted to being excited to be a part of it.

The outing had almost been successful, until a little boy, maybe a few years older than Juliana, had pointed at Steve and declared that Captain America was there. This caused a mini-mob, mostly of excited children, to form around them. He caught the look in Brooklyn's eyes, before she brushed her hands against his jacket pocket, taking the car keys from him, and grabbing Juliana, leading her away from him, towards the registers. He was able to watch, helpless, as she paid for the purchases, put the bags in the cart, and made her way to the front of the store with her sister. By the time he was able to extract himself, she had already loaded everything into the trunk, buckled her sister into her booster seat in the back, and was sitting in the passenger seat, calmly. When Steve got into the car, the first thing he did was press a kiss to Brooklyn's temple, apologizing for everything.
She had waved it off, but he caught the shadows in her eyes that didn't go away until much later that night, when he chased them away with kisses and touches. By morning, the incident had been, for the most part, forgotten.

But now, with Halloween only days away, he was starting to grow concerned that something like that might happen again. Children, he had found, were either much more observant or much less circumspect, when it came to outing him when he was out in public. Adults either tended to brush over his appearance, or ignore it, especially when he was out with Brooklyn and Juliana. Since it was still widely assumed he was single, and living in the Tower, his presence around Carroll Gardens and it's environs was mostly left alone. It might also have helped that Marino's influence was felt, in that regard. Many of the shopkeepers and business owners would blink, seeing him shopping, but quickly look away, giving him his privacy. And it wasn't like he was Stark, using every opportunity to remind the world of his hero identity.

When he had expressed this worry to Brooklyn, she had nodded, but not said anything. He was concerned, now that she might try to break it to him, gently he hoped, that maybe it would be better if he stayed behind, while she took Juliana out by herself. This was an idea that he vehemently rejected. He didn't want to miss a moment of Juliana's new experiences. Halloween was going to be one of them, and he wanted to be there when she knocked on that first door, before sweetly asking for candy. He wanted to hold her hand, crossing the streets, while she skipped along dressed in her pretty costume. He wanted to help carry her home, if she got too worn out by her excitement and the activity. He wanted to reassure her if she got scared by some of the more terrifying decorations that people would no doubt have out.

Steve was still trying to figure out a way for him to go, that would not involve donning a full costume, himself, while sitting on the couch, watching the news, munching on the roasted pumpkin seeds Brooklyn had successfully made. If a few of them were a little overdone, he didn't mention it. The seeds had come from the pumpkins that she had brought home from a grocery shopping trip with Juliana, while he had been on a mission. He had come back to the apartment, to be greeted by the orange gourds sitting on the counter. She had explained that, in her research about the holiday, she had learned that it was customary to carve pumpkins and set them out on the doorsteps, with candles. While they didn't have a doorstep to set them out on, there was nothing stopping them from carving them, she explained. Three pumpkins. One for each of them.

He had smiled, hugging her tight, while looking at the pumpkins. That night they had laid paper over the table and carved the pumpkins together, each one laughing and making sounds as they reached into the gourds, pulling out the innards. Steve had carefully supervised Juliana's carving of her own pumpkin. The child safe kit that Brooklyn had picked up along with the pumpkins had proved to be rather useless, but using his own hand to guide hers, the little girl was able to carve out the face she wanted.

After carving them, she had gathered all the innards, before setting down at the table, where she carefully separated the seeds from the rest of the orange goop. When he had questioned her about it, she smiled, a smear of orange on her cheek, and informed him that she was going to try her hand at roasting the seeds. He had nodded, and cleaned up the rest of the mess, before chasing Juliana down for a bath. By the time that was done, Brooklyn was already slipping the seeds into the oven.

The end result was a tasty snack Steve wasn't sure he had ever had before, but would definitely be asking her to make again, next year.

She shifted, from where she was laying against him, on the couch, sighing, as she put the pamphlet she had been reading down.

"What's wrong, Babydoll?" He asked, wiping his hands on the paper towel he had brought into the living room with the seeds.

"I've been looking over the community college catalogue." She explained. "I think... I think I should look at getting my GED, first. Before I really start looking at classes."
Steve nodded, frowning. She had been pushing the idea that, if he wasn't comfortable with her going to work back at the club, despite the money she would be bringing in, that college was something she wanted to do. It wasn't that he was not supportive of her going, it was how much pressure he was worried she was putting on herself. She had been pouring over the various community college catalogs for a while. She could afford a four year college, she had told him, but she didn't see the need for that, when a community college education would be a good start, for now. Plus, the classes would be a bit more workable around their schedule. She had also heard that most teachers at the community campus's would be a little bit more accepting of a first time student.

"Is that what you want to do?" He asked, rubbing her arm.

She shrugged. "There are a lot of things I can fake. Formal education is not one of them, I'm afraid."

Sam had been telling him, that in the event that Brooklyn actually decided to go to college, that it might not be just as easy as that. There was a lot involved. It was a commitment, that Sam was worried might prove to be too much, emotionally, for Brooklyn.

"How long would those classes take you?" Steve tilted his head, reaching out to mute the news, which was discussing something the president had done that had the opposing party in arms. Politics irritated him to no end. All those people, and not one of them had a lick of sense between them.

"Three to four months, depending on the schedule I choose." She tilted her head back, to look at him. "Three to five days a week, two to four hours a day. Then I take a big test, to prove I learned everything I need, to get the degree."

He nodded. "Are you sure you will be able to handle that? It sounds like a lot."
She grinned. "I thrive under pressure. And we have access to child care, if needed. So you can continue to go to work. And like I said, I can custom my schedule around Juliana's. There is a schedule where I would be on campus from about an hour and a half after we would drop of Jules, to about an hour and a half before we pick her up. Three days a week. It does state that there will be personal study work to do, so I guess all three of us will be doing homework."
"How soon does the class start?" He shifted so that he could hold her better.

Brooklyn grinned. "Day after Halloween. I think I need to go in tomorrow, after we drop of Juliana, to see if I can still get in."

"Sounds like you have a plan." He approved. "Do you want me to go in with you?"

She paused, pursing her lips, before slowly shaking her head. "I need to do this, Steve."

He swallowed, nodding. "I understand. Can I at least wait in the parking lot?"
Sitting up, she turned so she could wrap her arms around him. "Of course, you ding dong. I'll need you there, so if everything goes well, we can go school shopping for me, after."

Despite all his worry, he grinned at her. "Are you going to want an Iron Man lunchbox, too?"

She giggled, dropping her head to his chest, before slapping it. "Nooo."

"Maybe a Sesame street backpack, with Elmo?" He reached down, tickling at her sides, having learned that if done just right, she was sensitive. "Am I gonna have to be strict with you? Withhold dessert if you don't get your homework done?"
"Steve!" She laughed, "You goof!"

"Well, seeing as I will be having two students in the household, I'm going to have to be very vigilant, indeed. No slipping when it comes to school work." He nodded, gravely, still tickling her. "Snacks then homework, as soon as everyone gets home."

She batted away his hands, climbing into his lap. "Do I have to wear the uniform, too?"

"Hmm." He pretended to think about it, running a hand up her back until he could tangle it in her hair, grasping her hip with his other hand. "I don't think I like the idea of you wearing that sort of thing around horny college boys."

"Oh?" She widened her eyes, pretending to be oh so innocent. "Do you think it would be distracting?"
"Very." He nodded, very serious. "A pretty girl like you, walking around a campus, dressed like that? I would be very surprised if any male within a hundred foot radius didn't take notice. Best to keep yourself all wrapped up, at least until you are home."

"And when I am home?" She asked, eyes sparkling.

"At home you can wear what ever you want." He informed her, pulling her closer, until her lips were brushing his. "I promise I will be very distracted."

She giggled as she kissed him.


The next morning, after they dropped Juliana off at school, Steve drove them to Brooklyn College. It was the closest to the apartment, Brooklyn explained, as she fiddled with her messenger bag. It was, while not exactly next door, at least within a safe walking distance for her to go there on the days when he might not be able to take her in, as well as a subway ride. As he parked the car, she looked at the buildings, the pretty campus, biting her lip.

"You ready?" He asked, reaching out to take her hand.

"As I'll ever be." She sighed, reaching for the seat belt. "This might be interesting."

"You have all the paperwork they might require. You have the tuition." He kissed the back of her hand, before letting her pull it away. "They have no reason to refuse you. It's an open admission campus."
She nodded, fiddling with the strap of her messenger bag. "I know."

"So, you are all ready for this." He rested his arm on the back of her car seat. "This is all up to you, now."

She grinned, looking at him. "Trying to give me a pep talk, Rogers?"

"Just a tiny one." He held up his hand, pinching his fingers close together. "Teeny, tiny pep talk."

Brooklyn rewarded him with a huge smile, before leaning over to kiss him. "You need to work on your delivery, Rogers."

He laughed. "I'll do that. I'll wait, right here, while you go attend to business."

"Wanna borrow my kindle?" She offered, already digging into her messenger bag, pulling out the item. "There are a lot of books on there. One of them might catch your attention."

"Anymore of those smutty books you've been reading?" He took the kindle from her. "Just in case I need ideas for later?"
She opened the car door, putting one foot out on the pavement. "I don't think you need any ideas. You've been doing just fine, on your own."

As she got out of the car he allowed pride to fill him. But still... "I just want to make sure I'm not being boring enough for you. I got to keep it interesting."

Bending down to look at him, one hand on the car door, she frowned. "I'm always interested, Steve. I have no complaints."

She shut the door, and he watched her walk around the car towards the building with the 'Administration sign on the front. She kept tugging at the strap of her messenger bag. She paused to cross the street, then went into the building, not looking back. Sighing, but proud of her, he picked up the kindle.

"Alright. Let's see where she's been getting her ideas." He turned the kindle on, and while it took a few minutes to figure out how to work it, he was soon reading a short book about a girl who wanted nothing more than to be naughty.


Several hours later, after receiving a text from her saying that it was taking longer than she had thought It would, she finally returned to the car, sliding into the passenger seat holding a white plastic bag with the school's logo on it, with a relieved sigh.

"Everything go okay?" Steve asked, setting the kindle down. One book had led to another, then another, then another. In reality, he hadn't really been paying attention to the passage of time. The books had been more than enough to keep his attention.

"Yup." She fastened her seat belt, before giving him a huge grin. "I am formally registered to start class on the first."

"May I ask what took so long, or is that going to come off as... demanding?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

Brooklyn shook her head. "Well, considering how close it was to the first day of class, there was a lot of things that they suggested I get done, now. I mean, I did register. They didn't even blink at my paperwork. All they cared was that my ID matched my papers. Although, several of them made comment of me sharing the name of the school. Then I went to the bursar's office, and paid my tuition. And then I went to the student services office, and got my student ID. Look!" She reached into her bag, pulling out her wallet, and sliding a card out for him to see.

The hard plastic was emblazoned with the school's logo, as well as it's name. On the right side, in bright colors, was a picture of a smiling Brooklyn. Other information, such as her name was included. Steve smiled, nodding, very proud, handing it back. "Well, look at you. A certified college student."

"Not college, not yet." She reminded. "Four months, and then we can discuss that. Anyway, after that I went to the college bookstore to pick up the books I need for my class. And then I came back."
"Sounds like you have had a full day, and its just now noon." He reached over, cupping her cheek. "I just want you to know how damn proud I am of you."

Brooklyn nuzzled his hand. "I'm proud of me, too. Oh. I got you something!"

"Oh?" He watched, letting a small smile stay on his face, as she bent over, digging into the shiny white bag at her feet. She sat up, holding a bundle of maroon fabric. "I had to guess at the size."

Steve took the fabric from her, unrolling it, and gave a crow of joy when he saw she had bought him a school shirt. 'Brooklyn College' was printed along the front in bold white letters. "Oh, wow! This is so great!"

Without even thinking about it, he laid the shirt over the steering wheel, before reaching behind himself to grab the shirt he was currently wearing, pulling it off.

"Steve!" She laughed, "We're in the car! Anyone could see!"

"Don't care." He informed her, as he tossed the shirt he had removed into the backseat. Adjusting the maroon shirt, he pulled it on, wiggling his body to make it easier in the front seat of the car. Pulling it down around his waist, he turned to show her, pointing to the words. "This is something I want the whole world to know. My girl is going to school at Brooklyn College."

She unbuckled the seat belt, reaching out to brush her fingers along the worlds scrawled across his chest. "You are seriously that proud of me?"
"Seriously that proud of you." He assured, reaching down to press his hand over hers, trapping it. "You are doing something so amazing. And soon, you'll understand that. Getting your GED? Preparing to go to college? That is something else, Babydoll."

"Well, you went to college, didn't you?" She asked, reaching up to cup his jaw.

"Art school." He clarified. "But that kinda went out the door when the War started."

She nodded. "Well, I had been hoping that one of us knew what I was getting into." She shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to wing it."

"You are going to do amazingly." He assured her, leaning over to kiss her. "I just know it."
Brooklyn nodded. "I guess we will see."
"Trust me." He pulled away, reaching for the key, starting the car. "Now, what do you want to do for lunch?"


He was making dinner, that night, while she was on the phone with Kitty. As he made sure the chicken was ready to go into the oven, he heard her say her goodbyes and hang up, sliding the phone onto the counter, before boosting herself up to sit on it, swinging her legs, watching him.

"How is it that you are so domesticated? I figured you big bad military types lived on MRE's or roadkill." She leaned over, sneaking a tomato from the salad. "At the very least I figured I would have to break you of a bunch of nasty habits."

He turned his head to give her a stern look. "I will have you know, I learned to cook from some of the best on the block that I grew up on. My mother, god bless her, knew that I most likely would never get married. So she wanted me to be prepared to take care of myself. Your grandmother also felt the same way. Between the two of them, I can knock out a fairly good dinner, as you have seen. I can also clean, make a bed, and -shockingly most of all- go grocery shopping, all by myself."
"Hmm." She hummed, before reaching out to snag carrot slice. "I've said it before. You are going to make someone a very nice house husband, someday. Too bad I wont let that happen."
"Because I belong to you." He grinned. "Well, there is one way to make sure I live up to my full potential, as a house husband."

"Oh, and what's that? Advertise your services? Rent you out by the hour?" She cocked her head, narrowing her eyes. "As much as that might be extremely profitable, I don't think I want anyone else to taste your roast chicken."

"You could just marry me yourself." He suggested, going over to wash his hands. "Then you wont have to worry about someone kidnapping me for my cooking or my house keeping skills."

She snorted lightly. "Marriage. Yeah, I doubt that is ever going to happen. Sorry, Rogers. You are going to have to live in perpetual sin with me."

"Hey." He came over, caging her body on the counter with his arms, leaning forward to kiss her gently. "I'm not pressuring you. I'm just reminding you that it is an option."
At least, not now, was he pressuring her. More and more, it came back to the fact that he was startling to realize that he wasn't going to feel fully settled with her, until he put a ring on her finger and she took his last name. Maybe then, maybe then he would stop feeling like there was a chance that he could lose her at any moment. No matter how often he took her, nor how much he pumped into her, there was still this unsettling feeling that their connection wasn't fully complete. He would be the first to acknowledge that it might be all in his head, but it wasn't going away.

The last few weeks had been more proof of that. When he had gotten the notification of the panic button being set off, ironically the first time she took it out with her, his heart had dropped in his chest. Fear had chased him out of the apartment, along the streets, following the GPS, praying to every saint he had been familiar with that he would not be too late. That the dot he had been following had not moved the entire time he had chased it, had been so concerning. He feared he might be too late, that he would find her body, or worse, just the panic button, with no way of knowing where she had been taken.

Instead, he found her being held in a building, surrounded by armed men, who apparently didn't give a shit who the hell he was. Storming in there with all the determination he had used during the war, he had knocked them out, realizing that if he killed anyone, even accidentally, his stance on her not killing would be shaky as hell. Throwing his shield through the window, following with his body, finding her on the floor, with an old man standing over her as if he had power, was enough to make him feel like ripping heads off. Instead, what he thought was a hostage situation, was turned into her standing up to the man who had held her. Stelluto, the head boss of the Italian families, had cowed beneath her.

Of course, finding out that they had handcuffed her, tied her to a chair, had not helped his anger. All he had wanted to do was prove to the men in that room that she was his, that they had no right to touch a hair on her head, that they were not worthy of even walking on the same ground that she did.

In the end, it was her touch, her voice that had pulled him back. He wasn't sure how she knew what tone to use to bring him down, how she knew what pressure of her fingers to apply to bring his attention back to her. But she had, and he had responded. Like a damned trained dog, he had responded.

And later that night, he had responded, again and again to her touch, her voice. He had given her everything she needed, in that moment, to make sure that she was safe and sound in his arms.

He kissed her, pulling back until he could lean down, resting his forehead on her chest, imagining he could feel her heartbeat against it. "I just want to be yours, in every sense of the word. Body, soul, heart, mind, blood, bone... I want to tie it all to you. In any physical way I can."

"What we have now, it's enough." She assured him, stroking his hair. "For now, it has to be enough. That you are willing to be mine, it's enough. Because your belonging to me, is deeper and vaster than any words that would be said before some imaginary god who lives in the sky. We don't need a piece of paper, to belong to each other."

"And right now, living in sin is much more fun." He smiled, before lifting his head. "I just want to give you fair warning, that's where I'm going with this. One day, I will have you in a dress, before a priest."

She shuddered, her face screwing up in distaste. "How conventional of you, Steve."

"I was raised to be conventional." He reminded her. "There's nothing wrong, with conventional."

"Steve." She put her fingers on his jaw. "We've only known each other a few months. It might be a little too soon to be considering conventional, right now. I still need to get my head back in order, first. So that I can be as well as I can, before I let you do that to yourself."

He sighed, before nodding. "I know. I know. But, in terms of things, we've known each other a lot longer than other people I knew, who got hitched."

"No hitching. I'm not a horse you are betting on." She tapped his jaw. "I'm the woman who might end up letting you down, in the end. No matter how hard I try."

The oven went off, letting him know it was time to put the chicken in the oven. Sighing again, he raised himself up, backing away from her, his jaw feeling naked and cold as her touch left him. Turning to the oven, he opened the door, the heat wave doing nothing to chase the cold away. Picking up the pan, he made sure the chicken was how he wanted it, before sliding the meal into the oven, shutting the door with his knee as he rose up, leaning over to set the timer.

"I think you aren't giving yourself enough credit." He decided to inform her. "I think you will come to find, that there is very little you could do, that would make me lose faith in you."
She sighed, leaning over to steal another vegetable from the salad. "What is that very little? Just so I know to avoid it?"
Steve reached into the cupboard, pulling out a bottle of wine. Grabbing the bottle opener from the drawer, he made quick work of the cork, thinking about her question. Pulling down two wine glasses, he poured her some of the wine, handing her the glass, before meeting her eyes. "Mass murder. That's a hard line. Without reason. I mean, if it's the only way to save a vast amount of people, then there is some wiggle room." He poured himself a glass, sipping the dry rose. Leaning against the counter across from her, he held the glass to his lips, before sighing and lowering it. "Cheating on me. Going to another man, for anything that I am willing and able to give you. That's a very, VERY hard line. I don't want another man to touch you, not now that I've made you mine."
"Why would I want another man to touch me?" She asked, laughing lightly. "I sometimes think you are even too much for me to handle. I don't know how I can even have the attention span to handle a second."

"Some of your books, deal with that sort of thing. Polyamory." He took a deep drink of the wine. "You have a lot of them on the kindle. I just want you to know, I will not, nor will I ever, be open to sharing you."
She frowned. "Why would I- Steve, I have a really bad time, sharing things that I consider mine. Why would you even think that I would want to share anything between us?"

"You've read some books on it." He set the wine glass down, coming over to press between her legs. "I don't want you to get any ideas."

"The only ideas I get, have you as a starring role." She reassured him, resting her forearms on his shoulders. "No one else. I've told you this, several times. I've waited so long, for you, and now that I have you, I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize that."

"Alright." he nodded. "Just so you are aware, if I ever find another man in our bed... I am not ashamed to say that I doubt he will be walking out of the apartment. We may have to call Momo and Marino in for clean up."

Brooklyn leaned her head up, kissing the bottom of his chin. "I have a feeling that if that happened, I would fuck you over his dead body."

"I might let you. After I blister your ass." He bent down, capturing her lips.


Steve was sitting with Juliana on the floor, as she explained a very complicated game that she had made up at school, involving her toys, when Brooklyn popped her head into the bedroom.

"I had an idea." She told him, before leaving.

Juliana blinked at Steve. "She's thinking again. Make her stop."

"She's not that bad." He leaned over rubbing her head. "I'll go find out what she is up to."

Juliana heaved a sigh. "No world dom'nation."

"Yup." He nodded. "I'll make sure to remind her of that."

Steve walked down the hall, to where Brooklyn was standing by the table, looking excited. "What's your idea?"

"I know how you can go trick or treating with us, without causing a stir." She pointed at the table, where his ball cap, sunglasses, and hoodie were resting. "We just need to get you a fake beard."

He blinked, looking at the objects, confused. "I don't understand?"

"I was talking to Kitty on the phone, and she suggested, given your propensity for wearing the hat and glasses, that you should go as the Uni-bomber." Brooklyn clasped her hands together under her chin. "What do you think?"

"Who's the Uni-bomber?" He asked, confused. It wasn't that he wanted to rain on her parade, it was just.. he was unfamiliar with who she was talking about.

"I didn't know either, until I looked him up online. He's this guy who sent bombs to places, killed some people. He lived in a cabin in the ass crack of nowhere. Sent a manifesto, all that jazz. He's in jail, right now. But in the sketch the FBI released to the public, that was what he was wearing. It'll work." She bounced on her toes. "What do you think?"

"You want me to dress up as... what? A domestic terrorist?" He blinked.

"Yes." She nodded. "Because no one would ever expect Steve Rogers to do that."

And she was right. No one would expect him to dress up as a domestic terrorist. But still...

"And you aren't worried that it would be a little... tasteless?" He folded his arms across his chest, looking down at the items. "And where would we get a fake beard, with Halloween tomorrow?"

"We can find one, that won't be an issue. But are you going to be okay with it? I mean, as for being tasteless if all the little kids are going to run around as movie serial killers, you can use a domestic terrorist to go trick or treating with Juliana." She stepped forward, putting her hands on his crossed forearms. "I won't tell anyone, ever. I promise. Not even Wilson."

He appreciated her discretion. Steve knew she was trying very hard to be as open as possible with Sam, which had led to some interesting conversations, when he had been up. The most memorable had been after Sam had kipped on the couch, while Brooklyn and he had engaged in bedroom activities of the adult kind, trying to be quiet. Sam had been trying to keep from joking around with him, about the subject, and had nearly succeeded, until Stark had made an erroneous comment about his current sexual activities. Sam had at least waited until they had been alone, before looking at him, square in the eye, and making an off color joke about how Brooklyn would no doubt disagree with Stark, on 'multiple' levels. He had even suggested that they call her to 'come' over to present her disagreement with Stark in person. Maybe even take part in a hands on performance that Stark would not be able to disagree with.

Steve had been very quick to nix that idea in the bud.

But now, looking down at her, he sighed. "Alright. It's a sound idea."

The smile that broke across her face was like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. "I knew you would agree to it! I already ordered the beard. We can pick it up tomorrow after we drop off Juliana at school."

Steve leaned down, looking her in the eye. "I'm serious, though. You told me you won't tell Sam, you better not."

Brooklyn shook her head, making a Tisking sound. "So concerned with your public image." She popped up on her toes giving him a quick kiss. "I'm going to call Kitty. She was going to help map out the best places to go trick or treating."

Steve sighed, as she skipped away, looking down at the stuff on the table. How did it get to this, again?


"Stop scratching at it." Brooklyn ordered, glaring at Steve.

"I can't help it." He complained. "Its itchy."

"Well, you're gonna ruin it, if you keep it up." She sniffed, pausing to pull at her tights. "And I don't want to hear about itchy. I think they sewed nettles into these tights."

He looked at her bright red legs, which were very obvious under the very short skirt of her costume. Somehow, when she had grabbed the costume, neither one thought to really take a look at it. It ended up being a lady bug costume, but apparently despite saying it was in her size, the skirt only seemed appropriate for Juliana. At least on the little girl, he wouldn't be worried that if she bent over her panties would be on display. Thank god she had been able to get a pair of tights, last minute, when they had gone to the costume shop to pick up the false beard he was currently sporting. Juliana was dancing between them, holding her little orange pumpkin candy bucket by the black handle, smiling up at the two of them. He would be the first to say that she was as pretty as the princess she was dressed up as.

Brooklyn had taken great care, in curling and styling her sister's hair, spraying the curls in place with as much hairspray as she could, before delicately putting make up on her. The effect, combined with the pretty pink dress, silver plastic tiara and jewelry, was very pretty indeed. As they walked along the residential areas of Brooklyn, they were passed by ghouls, ghosts, pirates, zombies, witches, and yes, more than a few Avengers. He was very impressed with how advanced costumes had come, over the years, even if he had never really paid attention, before now. Even if he wasn't happy with the length of Brooklyn's skirt, or the tightness of the top, he could at least appreciate the craftsmanship of the mass produced costume.

He was sure to make a note of showing her that appreciation, later that night.

They approached the first house, the front yard decorated with kid friendly decorations, the light above the door lit up, and waited as a group of children dashed down from the stoop, to the sidewalk. Brooklyn looked at him, then crouched down to look at her sister.
"Do you want me, or Steve to go up with you?" She asked, reaching out to adjust her sister's tiara.

Juliana bit her lip, before looking at Steve, then her older sister. "Can you do it? Please?"

"Of course, Jules." Brooklyn smiled, standing up, holding out her hand. "Together, then?"
"Yeah." She nodded her head, taking Brooklyn's hand. "Together."

He stood back, smiling, watching as they went up to the door, standing there a moment, before Juliana got up the courage to knock on the door. It opened to let an elderly woman, holding a bowl full of candy. The woman exclaimed over Juliana's costume, and with a little prompting from Brooklyn, the little girl said the traditional calling of Halloween.

The older woman laughed, holding the bowl out for Juliana to choose a piece from, and then turned to Brooklyn, encouraging her to take one, as well. He had to laugh, when Brooklyn eagerly took a piece as well, thanking the woman, nudging Juliana to do the same. They waved at the older woman, who waved back, before turning to jump off the stoop. Juliana ran ahead of Brooklyn, holding the piece of candy in her hand, right to Steve.

"Did you see?" She asked, jumping up, her arms raised. He bent down, picking her up and giving her a quick hug. "Did you see? I asked, and she gave me candy! She gave Lyn some too!"

"I did see!" He assured, putting her down, crouching as soon as she was stable. "You need to put it in your bucket, so you don't lose it."

She nodded, putting the candy in her pumpkin bucket. "Now what?"

"Now, we keep going to other houses." He informed her, standing up. "You ready, Sweetheart?"

"I'm ready." She nodded. "You can go with me to the next door."
"I would like that." He grinned at Brooklyn, so happy.

And so it went, for the rest of the night. Juliana would switch on and off, which adult would accompany her to the door. Steve had brought up maybe encouraging her to go alone, but Brooklyn refused to hear about it. He realized, then, that as much progress she had made, there were still fears that she had. Apparently, letting her little sister go up to stranger's doors to beg for candy was not going to happen, at least, not this year. Steve had hopes for next year.

One thing that did irritate him, slightly, was that not once, at all the doors that he had helped Juliana knock at, was he offered candy. Brooklyn often came back from the doors with candy in her hands. Once, at a door that had been handling out dollar bills to the children, she returned with a ten dollar bill. When he had complained about it, she shrugged and told him that next year he could wear the short skirt.

They had made their way around a few blocks, before returning to the car, strapping everybody in and going out towards the Marino's neighborhood, after an hour walking around residential Brooklyn. Kitty had informed Brooklyn that their neighborhood was good for the kids. Most people out there had a little bit more money, and could afford to spend a bit more on the candy. So while Juliana had been getting a lot of hard candies, and the miniature chocolates and treats, Kitty assured Brooklyn that in her neighborhood, Juliana would definitely score.

The first stop was, of course, the Marino's. Juliana didn't need any prompting, when they got out of the car, to run up to the front door, knocking as loud as she could.
Kitty was the one to open the door, dressed as a witch. Juliana didn't even let her get a word out before shouting, "Trick or treat!"

"Oh, and who is this pretty princess?" Kitty asked, bending down. "I didn't know I was going to have royalty visiting tonight!"

"It's me, Nonna!" Juliana giggled. "It's Juliana!"

Kitty gasped, as if shocked. "No! When did my little Bella turn into a princess?"

"It's a costume, Nonna!" Juliana shook her head. "Just like Lyn really isn't a ladybug. And Steve really isn't a bearded man."

Kitty looked over at them. "Oh, I see. Shall I call Nonno over to see, as well?"

"I heard my name." Marino appeared next to Kitty. "Is that our girl? Such a pretty dress!"

Steve and Brooklyn got up to the door by this point. Kitty spotted them and giggled.

"I see what you mean, Juliana."

Steve sighed, reaching up to scratch at the itchy false beard again, only to have Brooklyn reach out quickly to stop him.

Juliana nodded, gravely. "I know."

They chatted a bit more, Kitty reaching out several times to put candy in Juliana's empty bucket. Brooklyn had put a box in the trunk of the car, and when they had loaded up, to go on their way over, she had emptied out the bucket into the box, giving Juliana a fresh start. Kitty spotted Brooklyn's empty hands, and told her to wait, when they turned to leave. She disappeared into the house, only to return with a shopping bag.

"Kitty, I don't need it." Brooklyn protested.

"I'm betting that you are getting your fair share, as well, aren't you?" Kitty persisted, pressing the shopping bag into Brooklyn's hands. "You are going to need the room, in this neighborhood. Trust me."
Brooklyn rolled her eyes lightly, but Steve caught it. She accepted the bag, looking a little embarrassed, as she did so. Steve just reached out, stroking her shoulder lightly, before reaching down to take Juliana's hand.

"It was really nice to see the two of you again." He told the Marino's. "Are you sure it's okay for us to leave the car in the driveway? We don't want to be any trouble."
"Psh." Kitty waved her hand. "You guys are family. It's more than okay, isn't it Francis?"

Marino waved his hand as well. "It's no trouble. You guys come back, before you take off, okay? I have a special treat for the girls."

Steve nodded, giving the older man a grin. "We'll make sure to stop in."

They left, making their way down the street, the crowd now thick with children of various ages, as well as their guardians.
It didn't take long for them to realize why Kitty had said that Juliana would be scoring a lot of candy. Or why she had pressed the shopping bag into Brooklyn's hands.

The first house was handing out full sized candy bars. And when spotting Brooklyn, the homeowner had waved her forward, putting a bar in her bag before Brooklyn could protest. And it repeated. Over and over. Soon, Juliana's bucket was weighed down. Steve raised his eyebrows, but dumped her bucket into Brooklyn's bag. A new fresh start, with an empty bucket, put a spring in the little girl's step, who seemed to take it as a challenge to fill the bucket again.

It took longer than Steve would have thought, for Juliana to finally admit that she was done for the night. What really did her in, it was her feet. Despite having her comfortable shoes on, walking the blocks she had took a toll on the little girl. Steve ended up carrying her the last few blocks back to the Marino's. By then, most of the children still out were vastly older than Juliana. Children who were on the cusp of teenagers. Steve didn't really look forward to the day when he would look at Juliana and realize that she was growing up.

Kitty met them at the door again, this time ushering them inside, and towards the kitchen, where Marino was stirring something on the stove.

"All done for the night?" He asked over his shoulder, pushing up the sleeves of his gray cable-knit cardigan.
"Yeah." Brooklyn sighed, sitting down at the table in the nook. "I think we covered just about the entire neighborhood."

Steve slowly put Juliana down, who slid into a seat across from Brooklyn, before taking a seat himself next to his girlfriend. "Darn near close, that's for sure."

"Ah, I don't miss those days." Marino joked, using a ladle to pour whatever was in the pot into mugs, bringing them over to place in front of the girls. He returned to the stove, before coming back with one for Steve.

The warm spicy scent of crisp hot apple cider made his mouth water. Groaning a thank you to Marino, he picked up his mug, sipping at it gently, almost moaning at the taste and heat.

"No matter how dry the Halloween, by the end of the night, nothing beats a mug of cider." Marino grinned, taking the seat next to Juliana. "No, no, Mi Bella, you blow on the cider, then sip."
"Silly Nonno." Kitty called, as she entered the kitchen, taking of the witches hat. "You need to add an ice cube to the little's mug." She opened the freezer, reaching in and pulling out a cube, coming over to drop it into Juliana's mug. "Give it a minute, Bella. Then it should be cool enough to drink."

"Thank you." Steve met both of their eyes. "I appreciate all of this."

"Steven, when are you going to get it through that blonde head of yours? Huh?" Kitty waved a finger at him. "You are family. Family takes care of family."

He nodded, taking another sip of the hot cider. "Still, thank you."

Kitty huffed, shaking her head. Going over to the stove, she poured herself some of the cider as well. "Did you guys do good? Lots of candy?"

"Lots and lots, Nonna!" Juliana grinned, leaning down to sip the top of the hot cider, without picking up the mug. "Lyn got lots too!"
"I figured she would." Kitty had a smug grin on her face. "I'm guessing a lot of them assumed you were a teenager taking out your sister."
"That would explain that." Brooklyn shook her head. "But not why no one would give Steve any."

"well, that's obvious." Marino leaned back in his chair. "He was obviously your guardian."

Brooklyn looked at Steve, frowning. "Well, that's disturbing, in a certain view."

"Aw, Babydoll, you don't want your own personal guardian?" Steve grinned down at her, ignoring the 'ick' factor, as Stark would say.

She snorted, draining her cider. "No, thank you."

Marino burst out laughing, pointing at Steve. "Gonna have to try harder than that, to impress our girl."

Steve nodded, smiling down at Brooklyn. "I'm not afraid of a little hard work."

They stayed for another hour, until the whiny Juliana appeared. It happened occasionally, Steve noticed. When Juliana got to a point when she should be in bed, but wasn't. Then she would turn whiny, temperamental, and generally disagreeable.

Hoisting Juliana into his arms, while Brooklyn grabbed their candy bags, they made their goodbyes, accepting Kitty's invitation to come over for Sunday dinner that weekend.

The drive home was quiet, Juliana falling asleep not more than five minutes after they pulled away from the Marino's. There were still trick or treaters out and about, when he pulled the car into a parking spot near the bakery. There were also adults getting into the holiday spirit, as well. One of the more drunk ones cat called Brooklyn when she climbed out of the car, but she just flipped him off, before grabbing her sister out of the backseat. Steve hooked the keys out of her jacket pocket, before grabbing the box and bags out of the trunk, jogging ahead of her to open the door.

As soon as they reached the apartment, Brooklyn kicked off her shoes. "I think I'm just going to put her down, like this. She can wash her face in the morning. It won't harm anything. She's wiped, as it is. And we still have to get her to school in the morning."
Steve nodded, leaning down to kiss Juliana's forehead. "Good night, Sweetheart."

Brooklyn grinned at him, before turning to take her sister to bed.

Steve kicked off his own shoes, before walking over to deposit the bags and box onto the table, before going over to the door and making sure it was locked up tight for the night. He sighed, relieved, taking off the sweatshirt, the hat and glasses having been removed at the Marino's. He reached up, picking at the edge of the fake beard, attempting to remove it. But it was proving to be stubborn.

"Dammit." He sighed, planting his hands on his hips, glaring down at the ground.

"Having problems?" Brooklyn asked, padding into the living room. She had removed the red tights, but was still wearing the ladybug costume.

"What did we use to put this on?" He grumbled, looking at her bare legs and the short skirt.

"Liquid latex." she answered. "But there was a remover in the package. It's in the bathroom."
He followed her, sitting on the toilet lid, while she used the remover to gently pull the beard away from his skin. At one point, when she was standing between his legs, biting her lip as she was applying the remover, he slipped his hands up her thighs, cupping her buttocks under her skirt.

"Like the skirt?" she remarked, tugging on the fake beard.

He winked at her, sliding his fingers under the waistband of her underwear, tugging them down over her hips, her thighs, until they were down by her knees. "Did I tell you I wanted to appreciate you, in this outfit?"

Brooklyn frowned, concentrating on pulling the beard away from his bottom lip. "No. Is it your fantasy to fuck a ladybug?"
"No." He held still as the skin on his lip tugged with the beard, before being released. "But I would like to fuck you, dressed as one."

"What? Wobbly headband, and everything?" She looked down at him, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah." He went to lick his lips, suddenly disgusted by the taste of the remover on his lips. "Ew."

She grinned down at him, holding the beard between two fingers, while it was still attached to his cheek. "I wouldn't suggest licking your lips, until after you've had a chance to wash your face."

"So I have learned." He grimaced. "How much longer?"

"Not much." She assured him. He distracted him from the tugging on his skin, by reaching between her legs, brushing against her pussy. He slid his fingers into the slit, opening it, dipping his fingers in.

"Steve..." She warned. "unless you want me to just rip this off your face, I suggest you let me finish, before you start playing."

"I think I like the beard." He informed her. "At least, if I grew one out."

"I don't." She shook her head. "I like being able to see your cheeks. This type of thing also hides your mouth. I like seeing your smile. And I can't imagine it would be comfortable to kiss. But it might be interesting to feel on the inside of my thighs."

"Maybe later." He closed his eyes as there was a particular sharp tug. "Maybe I can grow one, later."

"Maybe." She took a deep breath. "Okay, last bit. Be strong, Rogers."

She tugged, and despite the sharp pain that accompanied it, he was happy to have the fake beard off.

"Much better." he sighed, feeling like a weight had been removed from his face.

"Wash up." She ordered him, patting his shoulders. "I wont be kissing you until you get that crap off your lips."

Narrowing his eyes at her order, he drove two fingers into her swiftly. "Careful, Babydoll. Or I'll put you over my knee again."

She laughed, throwing her head back. "Oh, Steve! Haven't you figured it out, by now? I thought you were supposed to be smart. But here you go, proving to me otherwise, yet again."

Brooklyn backed away from him, wiggling her legs until she was able to step out of her panties. Kicking them to the side of the bathroom, she turned on her heel, walking out of the bathroom, pausing at the door, to call back to him, "I like it when you put me over your knee. I like it when you give me a spanking. I like it when I'm your bad girl. So, Captain, I suggest you hurry up, or I just might be a good girl, and put myself to bed without you."

Just for good measure, she flipped the back of her skirt up, flashing her bare backside at him.

"Don't keep me waiting, Steve!"

A/N: So i forgot i have two shows this weekend... so i will try my best to get another chapter out on Saturday, before i have to get ready for the one show. Fingers crossed! Also, in full disclosure, the second half of this chapter was not edited by my girlfriend. She's been working weird hours this week, and was not available to edit. But it's okay, because she's awesome and i love her. Basically, any and all mistakes are my fault.  also, i am not ashamed to admit that Halloween is my favorite holiday. Vote and comment!

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